collapse_already ,

Here me out: Supreme Court justices, Seal Team 6, official act. You don't even have to pack the Court any more.

MiDaBa ,

Yeah but the immunity ruling could be overturned by a future Supreme Co.. Oh, I see now.

Doom ,

Bro Biden is almost 90. Order it, kill himself and go out as a goat.

mokus ,

Order it, step down, get pardoned by President Harris

crank0271 ,

The one remaining Supreme Court justice: Justice AOC

TokenBoomer ,
OccamsRazer ,

Insurrection is fine when your team does it

CableMonster ,

Its okay to advocate for violence when it benefits the people you like.

linearchaos , avatar

No choice. If only one side is violent, the other side will lose. It's a slippery slope, but play even or lose.

CableMonster ,

Since the side doing most the violence is on the left I would say that more violence is the opposite of what we want.

HerrBeter ,

That doesn't make sense, whether or not it's true it's also irrelevant

CableMonster ,

If you look at 2020 and 2021 was when the most violence was, and that was almost all from the left. I dont really know what part of that doesnt make sense.

HerrBeter ,

It's irrelevant to the topic of politic parties. One party is eroding US democracy för seemingly the sole purpose of fattening their owners, the fossil fuel industry, and the other party wants to pretend this isn't happening.

Neither party is left

CableMonster ,

Outside of violence, the left side is also the side trying to destroy the system that makes all of our lives better. And no, the right isnt the only one giving handouts to the large corporations.

HerrBeter ,


CableMonster ,

In short, the right may be cool with big oil, but the left is either more in bed with big corporations (democrats) or literally want to detroy it all (leftists).

JasonDJ ,

It's okay, I get my lefts and my rights confused when my head is up my ass, too.

CableMonster ,

Probably would be good to remove your head from your ass then...

collapse_already ,

Better than what will actually happen- fail to use powerful new tool for presidential oppression, watch the other side use it, surprise pikachu, hand wringing, impotent mewling, get sent to death camps for failing to salute your neighborhood God emperor proxy fast enough.

OccamsRazer ,

Lol death camps, you all need to settle down.

thesporkeffect ,

It's never fine, but at this point we're just arguing over which direction the national corpse collapses. Insurrection is more what happened before this point.

trashgirlfriend ,

The supreme court just ruled it's okay if the president does it, no?

OccamsRazer ,

This isn't really anything new since whenever executive orders became a thing. With executive orders, a president can start a war or force the entire population to stay home or wear masks in public. I think it's way too much power and needs to be scaled back big time. But here we are anyway.

ThatWeirdGuy1001 , avatar

It's funny you say how insurrection is fine when one side does it meanwhile January 6th was a literal coup attempt that has been downplayed by every politician involved.

All those present are given slaps on the wrist while the masterminds behind it remain in power with no repercussions whatsoever to the point the main leader of the coup was just given fucking immunity to commit domestic terrorism and act like a fuckin king.

So yeah it would be perfectly fine if Biden called for the assassination of not only Trump but every current sitting scotus member and whatever congressman he deems fit for execution.

OccamsRazer ,

January 6 is not even close to the same league as assassination of political rivals and overthrowing the Supreme Court, and if you think it is then you are either insane or are willfully blinded by partisanship.

ThatWeirdGuy1001 , avatar

No your right trying to overthrow the govt to create a fascist dictatorship is so much better.

OccamsRazer ,

I'm not sure exactly what they were trying to do on Jan 6, but the fact nobody had guns, there was no clear plan, and it didn't even come close to working, makes it significantly less of a problem than straight up murder of the opposition and the entire government. Actually not sure why I'm even having this conversation. You have to be either insane or trolling me.

todd_bonzalez ,

the fact nobody had guns

They did have guns.

there was no clear plan

Donald Trump called the election a fraud months before his loss, told his supporters to show up and force Pence to declare him president despite losing the election. His supporters showed up, erected a noose, demanded Pence be hanged, and came very close to killing him by Pence's own testimony.

it didn't even come close to working

Contrary to your beliefs that the thousands of right wing extremists that stormed the capitol were completely unarmed, plenty were heavily armed and came very close to being face to face with Democratic members of Congress. Things could have gone very differently that day if the insurrectionists had managed to go as far as they were willing to. We're lucky that our representatives were able to get to safety before the mob arrived.

OccamsRazer ,

Well I looked into it, and there were 4 confirmed people who brought guns. I'm certain there were others who were never discovered, but clearly violence was not a serious part of the plan to overthrow the government. I'm certain that some of the more extreme members were capable of violence and even murdering certain politicians, but that has always been true. It has also always been wrong and we should never act like it's ok no matter who is attempting it.

todd_bonzalez ,

clearly violence was not a serious part of the plan to overthrow the government.

This is the single most delusional string of words I've ever read.

You go from claiming that there was no coherent plan, to saying that the plan is "clear" enough that we can rule out violence as a part of it.

4 people fucking died in a coordinated attempt to storm the capitol where an armed mob assaulted and killed police officers, smashed through windows, pissed and shit in hallways and offices, and demanded that politicians be killed.

And you're saying that violence "clearly" wasn't part of the plan?

Is this some kind of bit where you pretend to be as stupid as possible, because I don't get it.

OccamsRazer ,

You going to overthrow the most powerful nation in the world with piss and four guns?

todd_bonzalez ,

Buddy, if all the politicians are in the same place at the same time, you only need one gun.

OccamsRazer ,

Well except there is a whole police force in the way, and they ALL have guns. The one person who possibly posed a danger to congress members was immediately shot dead when she tried to get close.

p5yk0t1km1r4ge , avatar

I think... Legally, when SCOTUS is involved. By law, it should have an even number of dems and Republicans at all tumes

lennybird , (edited ) avatar

For once, I just want Democrats to take a fucking bold brazen move. Seriously. This is why Democrats never control the narrative because they're always too gun-shy to do the right thing and stand by their own beliefs.

  • Ditch the 81-year-old clearly suffering cognitive decline; run what would be a viral media frenzy that is an open convention and an American Idol contest for the American people.

  • Or fuck it: AOC will be old enough to be President this year. Even if she can't get the nomination, she should start campaigning literally today until 2028, just like Trump does.

Edit: Sorry, going to move this to the top of the thread because it's too important:

Before going forward, let me be clear: I want to be convinced that we're not fucked. I really do. The past three days I've gone into detail about how I think we're fucked and looking for anyone to make a sound, data-driven argument that shows we are not. I've yet to be convinced by one, and bear in mind I voted for Biden once and would vote for a corpse if it meant preventing the convicted felon getting keys to the WH again.

There is ample evidence that a not insignificant amount of swing voters either saw past the old man voice to what he was actually saying and standing for, as well as recognized how badly Trump did, even though literally everyone only focuses on Biden, just like always.

Please show me these! Because these are all the surveys I've so far seen:

Post-Debate: "72 Percent Say Biden Unfit Mentally, Cognitively."

Post-Debate: "64% of Independents want Biden replaced on the ballot"; that's more than they want Trump replaced on the ballot by 1%, by the way.

Post-Debate: "Voters think Harris is more fit than Biden to run the country"

Post-Debate: "Swing state voters react to presidential debate, Biden’s weak performance"

Post-Debate Focus Group: "Undecided voter focus group leans toward Trump after debate"

Post-Debate Focus Group 2/Reuters: "'I am absolutely voting for Donald Trump': Undecided voters react to Biden's debate performance"

Post-Debate USAToday/Suffolk Poll: "Republican Donald Trump has edged ahead of Democrat Joe Biden, 41% to 38%, in the aftermath of the candidates' rancorous debate last week"

Nate Silver of 538's Model: "Biden’s win probability has dropped to 28 percent from 35 percent on debate night."

Post-Debate Poll: "Three-quarters of US voters say the Democratic Party would have a better shot at holding the presidency in 2024 with someone other than President Joe Biden at the top of the ticket"

Let's face reality:

To me I view it as a known loss versus a known risky chance. At this point, personally and given all the data I've thus far presented, I am that convinced that we will lose. Polling shows people deeply unsatisfied with the current candidate. I think critical swing-state voters would just be happy to vote for a fresh face that is younger. Like Mehdi Hasan said, "Americans like new shit."

So I don't know how how you can say with a straight face that Biden is more successful while simultaneously dodging the obvious fact that there is a significant decline in physical and cognitive performance. So let's recap:

We can downplay all we want, but this wasn't "one bad debate," for it wasn't even about the debat eitself but the revelation of Biden's senility piercing through echo-chambers. For the exact same reason Biden ASKED for this debate to reach important voters and show he's mentally fit (akin to the SOTU) and show Trump is not, it backfired 100% and there will not be another chance to reach 50 million voters at prime-tme. Trump has no obligation to take another debate; ending on that note is all that is needed.

  • Biden took this debate because he is currently losing and needed to break the stagnant, steadily-declining polls.
  • Biden's performance is worse than his 2020 run and in fact, worse than Hillary's losing run in 2016 by every single metric I can find.
  • There is a MASSIVE amount of risk that Biden's condition deteriorates more rapidly between now and November, and following the convention there is no more backing out.

If I was a Republican strategist, I'd be doing everything in my power to keep Biden in the race because I know he'd be the weakest opponent compared to a fresh, younger face. Nate Silver, Ezra Klein, even former Obama/Biden staffers from PSA clearly agree.

Now if you agree with this and you say, "okay I see your points, but how can anyone else do better?" then we'll move on to that.

figaro ,

While I understand what you mean, we also have to recognize that doing that would 100% give trump the election. Splitting the votes is not what we want to do.

lennybird , avatar

With all due respect if we're speaking in terms of certainty, I am 100% certain that Biden will give Trump the election—and I guarantee I have more evidence to support that statement than anyone does to the opposite conclusion. Staying this course is a disaster in slow-motion. The Titanic already hit the iceberg and now we're just sinking for 4 months straight. We either jump ship now, or we are going to lose, or we start gearing up for 2028 now.

Soulg ,

I completely disagree. While the debate felt disastrous, there is ample evidence that a not insignificant amount of swing voters either saw past the old man voice to what he was actually saying and standing for, as well as recognized how badly Trump did, even though literally everyone only focuses on Biden, just like always.

The worst possible thing we can do right now is just jump ship this close to an election. Biden has one bad debate, and is fine the day after(another thing people conveniently love to ignore) and we're just supposed to restart. What if the new candidate does poorly at the second debate? We just pick another person again?

Biden beat Trump last time. Trump has only grown weaker and lost support, while Biden has been extremely successful. Everyone is upset about the debate performance, but it will not be even close to as impactful as people are convincing themselves it will be.

lennybird , (edited ) avatar

Before going forward, let me be clear: I want to be convinced that we're not fucked. I really do. The past three days I've gone into detail about how I think we're fucked and looking for anyone to make a sound, data-driven argument that shows we are not. I've yet to be convinced by one, and bear in mind I voted for Biden once and would vote for a corpse if it meant preventing the convicted felon getting keys to the WH again.

There is ample evidence that a not insignificant amount of swing voters either saw past the old man voice to what he was actually saying and standing for, as well as recognized how badly Trump did, even though literally everyone only focuses on Biden, just like always.

Please show me these! Because these are all the surveys I've so far seen:

Post-Debate: "72 Percent Say Biden Unfit Mentally, Cognitively."

Post-Debate: "64% of Independents want Biden replaced on the ballot"; that's more than they want Trump replaced on the ballot by 1%, by the way.

Post-Debate: "Voters think Harris is more fit than Biden to run the country"

Post-Debate: "Swing state voters react to presidential debate, Biden’s weak performance"

Post-Debate Focus Group: "Undecided voter focus group leans toward Trump after debate"

Post-Debate Focus Group 2/Reuters: "'I am absolutely voting for Donald Trump': Undecided voters react to Biden's debate performance"

Post-Debate USAToday/Suffolk Poll: "Republican Donald Trump has edged ahead of Democrat Joe Biden, 41% to 38%, in the aftermath of the candidates' rancorous debate last week"

Nate Silver of 538's Model: "Biden’s win probability has dropped to 28 percent from 35 percent on debate night."

Let's face reality:

To me I view it as a known loss versus a known risky chance. At this point, personally and given all the data I've thus far presented, I am that convinced that we will lose. Polling shows people deeply unsatisfied with the current candidate. I think critical swing-state voters would just be happy to vote for a fresh face that is younger. Like Mehdi Hasan said, "Americans like new shit."

So I don't know how how you can say with a straight face that Biden is more successful while simultaneously dodging the obvious fact that there is a significant decline in physical and cognitive performance. So let's recap:

We can downplay all we want, but this wasn't "one bad debate," for it wasn't even about the debat eitself but the revelation of Biden's senility piercing through echo-chambers. For the exact same reason Biden ASKED for this debate to reach important voters and show he's mentally fit (akin to the SOTU) and show Trump is not, it backfired 100% and there will not be another chance to reach 50 million voters at prime-tme. Trump has no obligation to take another debate; ending on that note is all that is needed.

  • Biden took this debate because he is currently losing and needed to break the stagnant, steadily-declining polls.
  • Biden's performance is worse than his 2020 run and in fact, worse than Hillary's losing run in 2016 by every single metric I can find.
  • There is a MASSIVE amount of risk that Biden's condition deteriorates more rapidly between now and November, and following the convention there is no more backing out.

If I was a Republican strategist, I'd be doing everything in my power to keep Biden in the race because I know he'd be the weakest opponent compared to a fresh, younger face. Nate Silver, Ezra Klein, even former Obama/Biden staffers from PSA clearly agree.

Now if you agree with this and you say, "okay I see your points, but how can anyone else do better?" then we'll move on to that.

TokenBoomer ,

TBF, It’s difficult to copy-paste MSNBC talking points about why Biden should stay in the race.

chakan2 , avatar

Trump has only grown weaker and lost support,

You understand that is so far removed from reality it might as well be a Fox headline.

chakan2 , avatar

We are 100% giving Trump the election now on our present course. Biden is Hillary with worse numbers.

A_Random_Idiot , avatar

Cause democrats are not a unified faction.

Democrats are basically 15 different political parties shoved under the same umbrella.

Linkerbaan , avatar

15 factions = mostly AIPAC recipients.

That lobby group primarily funded by Republicans.

AutistoMephisto , avatar

Yes, beset by a mountain of conflicting interests and decades of infighting and ideological purity testing. Most Democrats are terrified of taking stances on wedge issues because any stance they take could break up a coalition that has all the durability of a Faberge egg. Republicans either don't have this problem, or they don't have it as bad. Despite having as many if not more factions than the Left, they all value loyalty and in-group cohesion, which allows them to come together every 4 years to form a unified voting bloc.

Dinsmore ,

You're not wrong, but so are Republicans. That's the nature of a 2-party system and why it basically doesn't work.

A_Random_Idiot , avatar

Yes and no.

Fear and Hatred run the Republican Party, and unites them.

You have idiot outliers like the Log Cabin republicans who, for whatever fucked up reason (its money. its always money) chose to align themselves, and you'll have the occasional group break away briefly from the groupthink.

But when it comes to the polls, they are a pretty unified bloc.

Linkerbaan , avatar

They are not gun shy. This is all theater. Every time you hear a massive lie or act you are supposed to believe that it is just incompetence.

When Biden wanted those weapons to israel to commit Genocide all these principles went out of the window.

lennybird , avatar

I'll be honest, Linkerbaan — and you may know this from our previous discussions — I can even see the high-stakes situation with Israel and not like it but understand why in the grand scheme of politics (AIPAC, Jewish American voters, and the risk of withholding arms and then a false-flag terrorist attack occurs on Israeli soil, only to cause an immediate end of Biden's campaign and an installation of someone FAR more pro-genocide).... But nevertheless, your point raises something I think we can both agree on: Ditching Biden also helps, as Mehdi Hasan has pointed out, ditch the baggage of Israeli genocide complicity.

Linkerbaan , avatar

I don't believe witholding offensive weapons would risk anything.

I agree with you about AIPAC. But playing their corrupt games does not excuse anything. If Biden wanted he could ban AIPAC.

It's like people are admitting that israel controls America and are just fine with it. I'll never understand it.

Progressives don't differ between Biden or Trump. Genocide is Genocide. Biden is getting all the flak simply because he's in power right now and he's the one who can stop the Genocide. It would be very convenient if Trump was in power for Democrats right now. Everyone would rally against Trump for doing what Biden is doing now.

The moment Biden stops the Genocide is when I'll stop dunking on him every 5 seconds. I've stated that... Eight months ago... Sad reality.

bassad ,

Keep in mind that kremlin still runs massive campaigns to make you think Biden will loose and is unable to run the country.

But he is not alone, this is not a monarchy, there is a full team behind him to make great things for the country.

lennybird , avatar

Of course the Kremlin, and Israel as well as other state actors are; but the obvious question then becomes — what is the Biden campaign actually doing to offset that effect? They are losing the battle and time is running out.

JasonDJ ,

This is all easily remedied. Biden just needs to put out a bounty on Trump's head. Totally legal move.

lennybird , avatar

Yep, totally official move of the president covered by immunity, if I'm reading the Court right!

Wiz ,

It's what Trump's lawyers specifically argued for. It's not a hypothetical or exaggeration at all.

p5yk0t1km1r4ge , avatar

Hell, just pull the trigger himself next debate. 100% legal and WOW did I just say that? Wow

bolexforsoup ,

Nate Silver of 538’s Model

Small clarification, Nate is no longer part of 538. He got laid off by ABC out of nowhere a year or two ago. He does his own thing, 538 has a different person at the helm for the model (Morris).

lennybird , avatar

Thanks for that clarification. I was trying to reconcile the differences between the models and couldn't even find info in the Wikipedia article.

bolexforsoup ,

No worries happy to help

Psycoder , (edited )

She wont be able to do anything. The reason supreme court decided to move forward with this decision is because they are 100% confident that Trump will win presidency and republicans will control both the house and the Senate. After seeing Biden in the last debate, I believe they are right.

VirtualOdour ,

Maybe instead of using your energy to attack Biden you use it to support your local democrat in their senate run

Unless you actually just want Trump

eran_morad ,

Or — just maybe — the guy is able to judge reality for what it is. We’re getting trump unless there’s some black swan. I’m voting Brandon, but he’s a fucking disaster right now and the swing state polls are grim as fuck. Best case scenario he fucks off to the next life and we get a new nominee.

Before you accuse me of wanting trump, check my fucking comment history.

Psycoder ,


I'm going to vote for Biden. I will vote for a used condom before I vote for Trump. But it is my opinion that we already lost the election. We must point fingers and hold the responsible parties accountable, otherwise we will make the same mistake again and again and again...

Psycoder , (edited )

Ohhhh fuck this shit...

Biden has dementia! I have seen it with my two eyes. My father was diagnosed with dementia 3-4 years ago and my father is Albert Einstein compared to Biden right now. DNC and establishment Dems have been lying to us! All in order to push a corporate backed establishment president down our throats. We could have younger and more able presidential candidate if DNC acted accordingly 2 years ago. I'm too fucking pissed off to bite your "calling DNC on their bullshit will turn you to a trump supporter" line!

I am aggressively attacking DNC and all of their astroturfing on Reddit and here because I am 100% confident that we lost the election already.

enleeten ,

Trump has been doing the same nonsensical babble thing at rallys.

He also accidentally farted while responding at the debate, literal hot micing.

Linkerbaan , avatar

Holy cope

TankovayaDiviziya ,

The Supreme Court must be impartial regardless of legislative and executive political mudslinging of the time. That's the whole point of different branches of government.

If SCOTUS made the decision after seeing Trump and Biden debate, or knowing Republicans will control both houses, then they aren't doing their job as they should. There's a reason why juries are encouraged not to watch TV or media that would cloud their decision, and the same should apply to judges.

People forget the bloody whole point of checks and balance!

EchoCT ,

Cool story. Now figure out how to stop them other than 'vote'. Cause we know that's just kicking the can down the road.

Knock_Knock_Lemmy_In ,

Is non violent insurrection on the table?

HasturInYellow ,

I'd be okay with a violent one. Drag the justices out and tar and feather them. They want to make this country great again? Fine. Let's show them what made it great: vigilante justice against tyranny.

EchoCT ,

Every non violent success story has someone behind the non violent one ready to burn shit down that makes the non violent one the easier choice.

Knock_Knock_Lemmy_In ,


djsoren19 ,

They're only appointed for life.

Vespair ,

The Supreme Court must be impartial regardless of legislative and executive political mudslinging of the time.

Yeah sure, except that they clearly aren't. So the question is what do we do now?

Psycoder ,

The Supreme Court must be impartial regardless of legislative and executive political mudslinging of the time.

then they aren’t doing their job as they should.

There were times in my life when I was pretty much a functioning alcoholic. If you think that the supreme court has even a shred of decency left, then I want to drink what you are drinking. I don't think I ever got that drunk it my life.

ZombiFrancis ,

They didn't forget: they explictly and knowingly realized they could abuse the checks and balances and there would be no consequences. And they have so far been right.

KneeTitts , avatar

After seeing Biden in the last debate, I believe they are right

Yes lets judge a mans entire career based on one off night.

Psycoder ,

It breaks my heart to say this but my father was diagnosed with dementia few years ago and he has been battling dementia ever since then. Before we insisted on taking him to the doctor, we could see a lot of signs that made us think "can it be that?". My father is Albert Einstein compared to Biden at the debate.

If you think "Biden just had a bad night" or "He just had a cold" then I regret to inform you that is copium and you are coping. There is no fucking way in hell that was just one bad night or cold. There is no fucking way in hell his cabinet or DNC has not been aware of these issues for at least couple years.

ZILtoid1991 ,

Even if he manages to bounce back from time to time, it's only going to be downhill from there.

Psycoder ,

As my father's doctor explained us, there is no cure for this. He will continuously get worse no matter what. What we are trying to do with all these drugs is to slow down his progress, so his natural end of life happens before his quality of life totally disappears.

Fuck man, this is such hard thing to bear and type out.

TokenBoomer ,

It’s not just one off night

  • From 10am to 4pm, Biden is dependably engaged — and many of his public events in front of cameras are held within those hours.
JovialMicrobial ,

Maybe the Supreme Court knows something we dont.... for example some folks on the electoral college having been promised bribes... I mean "gratuities" for voting Trump in no matter what the popular vote is.
I'm not saying that's definitely happened, but at this rate the corruption in our government has gone so far it wouldn't surprise me in the least. Especially with the absolute crock of shit that's been pouring out of the Supreme Courts rulings and how it's conveniently setting them up for this, or something similar.

UnpopularCrow ,

No need to. Biden can have the 6 corrupt justices killed. He has the immunity and he can pick new justices. If members of the senate refuse to put the new justices on the bench, have them killed too. No rules anymore.

Akuden ,

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  • Nightwingdragon ,

    Who says he can't? The Supreme Court just said that he's immune from "official acts" without even defining what that would mean. Who determines what is and isn't an official act? The President? The Supreme Court? Right now, as this ruling is worded, all bets are off. There's nothing stopping a sitting President from just arbitrarily declaring someone as a threat to national security and having them picked off by ST6 as an "official act to prevent a terrorist attack against the United States", then just having the details classified.

    Having something criminal declared as an "official act" is piss-easy, especially when you're in charge of the branch making the decision and you have one of the other branches in your back pocket, possibly both.

    Akuden ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • Buffalox ,

    If it were, Trump would have been behind bars years ago.

    Sonicdemon86 ,

    The laws about that were just thrown out the window with this ruling. Everything is an official act as long as he was president when he stated it to he done. Ordering fries from McDonald's is now an official act as well.

    Akuden , (edited )

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • Lightor ,

    You just showed us you didn't lol

    UnpopularCrow ,

    Don’t bother with this “user”. Look at their comment history. The person showed up today to defend this obvious act against democracy. My guess is a Russian/Chinese misinformation promoter.

    Akuden ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • Lightor ,

    You're trying to play it off like a joke, but that should really trigger some introspection.

    TrickDacy ,

    Probably is a total coincidence that you're saying this here.

    GladiusB , avatar

    Good. Fuck off then.

    djsoren19 ,

    You can organize a coup to overthrow the government and claim it's an official act, there's absolutely nothing stopping a president from claiming assassinations are an official act now. Hell, the commander in chief already organizes assassinations on foreign targets.

    The Democrats might not abuse this, but the Republicans will, and they have given themselves carte blanche to start killing political dissidents.

    TokenBoomer ,

    Is this fascism yet, or are we waiting for the trains to run on time?

    pivot_root ,

    I think we all know that one of those two things will never happen in the land of the free and home of the mass-produced automobile.

    TokenBoomer ,

    Trainspotters are going to storm the capital when Biden loses.

    Yearly1845 ,

    There's some hyperbole in these threads for sure, but not a lot. The president can't handwave away the bill of rights, because nothing in the constitution gives them that power.

    However, the president does have the authority as commander in chief of authorizing lethal force against individuals. If Biden authorized Seal Team 6 to execute Trump, that is in fact an official act that he has the authority to perform. Sure maybe it is technically not legal, but that doesn't matter since the president has complete immunity from criminal law. The house could still draft articles of impeachment but the senate would be unable to remove the president because the president is immune to criminal proceedings.

    And if Trump wants to create an organization to round up and execute all the gays (and the Jews, of course), he has the power to do that; and with today's ruling, he will never face consequences for doing so.

    Irreparable damage has been done to American democracy today.

    Akuden , (edited )

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  • tiefling ,

    At this point you need to present your evidence that they can't because SCROTUS literally said they can

    Akuden ,

    At this point you've outed yourself as a partisan hack that is stuck in binary thinking.

    Hackworth ,

    At this point, you're a towel.

    WhatYouNeed ,

    But as an official act, the president can strip someone of citizenship.

    Akuden ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • jordanlund Mod , avatar

    Removed, civility, ableist slur.

    Test_Tickles ,

    So you are saying he just has to wait until he leaves American soil? You're right, that's so inconvenient.

    Akuden ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • Test_Tickles ,

    So the US has never killed someone outside of the US?

    Yearly1845 , (edited )

    The supreme court Supreme Court Justices disagree with you, but OK I'll bite.

    Why can't a president kill an american citizen on american soil? Because it's illegal? Do you understand that that that no longer applies to the president?

    bashbeerbash ,

    The Christian Caliphate was birthed today, and Trump will be supreme Ayatollah

    Buffalox ,

    If they are traitors and terrorists, he may have to send them to Guantanamo.

    Akuden ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • Buffalox ,

    That was yesterday.

    cabron_offsets ,

    Have you been living under a rock?

    noride ,

    But he can commit official acts that happen to be criminal. Semantics are fun!

    Akuden ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • noride ,

    Your logic doesn't even follow. Why would the president need immunity for a non-criminal act? Think about it for like 2 seconds dude.

    Riccosuave , avatar

    The president can't commit criminal acts and claim it was an official capacity, lol.

    What the fuck do you mean "lol". That is PRECISELY what this ruling does. It removes criminal liability for anything that is done as an official act, which is entirely fucking subjective, and up to the interpretation of a corrupt, coopted judiciary. Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit.

    Akuden , (edited )

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  • JackiesFridge , avatar

    And who decides how to interpret law and levy consequence? And whose pocket are they in?

    Riccosuave , avatar

    The stupidity of this statement truly strains belief given the actual verbiage in this ruling. May you suffer the full weight and consequences of that stupidity.

    aStonedSanta ,

    Wow. You are a fucking idiot lol. Ooof. I feel bad for you.

    Akuden ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • aStonedSanta ,

    It was an official act to use a drone on his political opponents.

    bamboo ,

    A person of power cannot commit a crime and claim it was in official capacity, because the act itself is against the law and cannot be committed without consequence.

    This whole ruling is because of a person in power (Trump) who committed a crime (fake electors plot to overturn the 2020 election) and is claiming it as an official capacity of the office. That's the whole point of the case which was appealed to the Supreme Court.

    So what consequence will Trump face for his crimes now based on this ruling?

    blazera , avatar

    Trumps own legal team has described political assassinations as qualifying as an official act as president

    Akuden ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • blazera , avatar

    It is! in the dissenting opinion in which Sotomayor explicitly describes this ruling as granting immunity for political assassinations

    Rakonat ,

    Supreme court literally just said he could by saying Jan 6 was fine for President to incite

    Malek061 ,

    Al-Aulaqi v. Obama made kill lists for Americans legal.

    Theprogressivist , avatar

    Guess you missed Trump's entire presidency.

    EatATaco ,

    While i agree with you, it's a huge grey area. Like Biden could have trump assassinated and then claim that his constitutional duties require him to protect the cotus from enemies both foreign and domestic.

    Official act or not?

    Akuden ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • EatATaco ,

    Please cite where in the ruling it says charges would be brought against him.

    Mirshe ,

    In fact, it would have to be the DoJ or Congress that did so - Biden could order the DoJ to stop, and arguably could have anyone in Congress killed or jailed without trial by stating that they presented a clear danger to democracy by trying to impeach him.

    PM_Your_Nudes_Please ,

    Shoutout to Voyager for implementing Apollo’s new account marker. It makes spotting trolls really easy.

    Akuden ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • potpotato ,

    “Congress may not criminalize the president’s conduct in carrying out the responsibilities of the executive branch under the Constitution” makes pretty much anything fair fucking game.

    Akuden ,

    “The president enjoys no immunity for his unofficial acts, and not everything the President does is official. The President is not above the law,”

    I don't understand how you can confuse this sentence. People act like the president can commit any crime they want. That is categorically false. Crimes committed in the name in the highest office of the land are not o in an official capacity.

    The U.S. Constitution includes several provisions that limit the powers of the president and prevent the president from committing crimes without consequences:

    Article I, Section 2 and Section 3: These sections provide the House of Representatives the power to impeach the president and the Senate the power to try and convict the president. Impeachment is a process by which the president can be removed from office for committing "Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."
    Article II, Section 4: This section specifically states that the president, vice president, and all civil officers of the United States can be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.

    Article II, Section 1, Clause 8: The president must take an oath of office to "faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." This oath implies a legal and ethical obligation to adhere to the law and Constitution.

    Checks and Balances: The Constitution establishes a system of checks and balances, whereby the legislative and judicial branches can limit the actions of the executive branch. Congress can pass laws, override presidential vetoes, and control the budget, while the judiciary can review the constitutionality of presidential actions through judicial review.

    Together, these provisions and principles ensure that the president is subject to the rule of law and can be held accountable for criminal actions.

    potpotato ,

    Nothing you wrote ensures anything.

    Trump was impeached twice with no consequence.

    “Official acts” is arbitrary.

    Akuden ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • BaroqueInMind ,

    The problem here is that Trump stole and likely sold classified documents. This ruling now allows him to sell secrets that can cause grave danger to the country without consequence.

    beebarfbadger ,

    So in other words, Trump can do whatever he wants as long as his cronies vote that it's okay.

    ramenshaman ,

    This is the way.

    TunaCowboy ,

    Strategically speaking liberal politicians are backed into a corner and only have two real options:

    1. Seize control preemptively, promoting conservative conspiracy to prophecy, and likely inciting CW2.

    2. Hand over full control come January and hope they continue to maintain some privilege under a new regime.

    They're already in check, but more concerned with soliciting large donations and collecting hot stick tips.

    TokenBoomer ,

    We want them to do option 1, but know they are going to choose option 2.

    njm1314 , (edited )

    When confronted with fascist Threats liberals always blink. They'll wade through masses of bodies to destroy what they perceive to be a leftist threat, but they don't stand up to fascists.

    TokenBoomer ,

    All democracies turn into dictatorships - but not by coup. The people give their democracy to a dictator, whether it's Julius Caesar or Napoleon or Adolf Hitler. Ultimately, the general population goes along with the idea.

    George Lucas

    oo1 ,

    Didn't Caesar literally march his army into Rome? 'crossing the rubicon' - and then there was a thing called the roman civil war

    FanciestPants ,

    Yeah. There was also the title, literally "dictator", that was bestowed on individuals in times of crisis (or perceived crisis), and in some cases the power of the dictator was returned to the republic when the crisis was addressed (see Cincinnatus). Rome had an established process for giving power to the dictator.

    HerrBeter ,

    Alea iacta est

    Devdogg ,

    I don't like sand.

    George Lucas

    Adalast ,

    Liberal politicians do not need to be the ones to make sure #1 happens. The second amendment literally exists so the citizens have the capacity to do that ourselves.

    InternetUser2012 ,

    200 years ago though, now you'll get shit stomped by the military. The 2a thing is honestly a joke.

    Kecessa ,

    But the president has the power to tell the army "Don't do shit" in complete impunity.

    InternetUser2012 ,

    He does, but why would the president tell the army to do nothing when the people are rising up against said president? Nobody is that stupid, any rise up against the government will end with the military curb stomping it in about 15 minutes.

    MonkRome ,

    Domestic wars are never pretty, no matter how powerful the military. Most people in the military don't serve to shoot their own country. Countries don't want to damage their own infrastructure or enflame their own people. Oligarchs won't support a war that damages their bottom line. People vastly over simply how easy it would be to stop an armed resistance.

    imPastaSyndrome ,

    Did you see the police step on people during the blm 2020 marches? They have no problem being fascists

    MonkRome , (edited )

    Most of those where cops only larping as military. Military operations are a completely different thing. No country wants to fight their own people. Your own logistics, intelligence, supply chains, and financing all rely, in part, on the very people you are fighting... You can't trust or count on the chain of command at any point, at any point your keys to power can turn on you and you're dead. Leaders with half a brain know you usually don't have a long life attacking your own people.

    Kecessa ,

    We're talking about people rising against the Republican side of the government

    Adalast ,

    It wasn't a joke from me. Democracy dies when the good man does nothing. I am a good man and I will fight for this democracy, as fucked up as it is. The right believes the left to be weak pacifists because we choose compromise, tolerance, and acceptance over bigotry, hate, and subjugation. They will need to learn the hard way that we choose that because we know that mutually beneficial social contracts make living better and provide a safe, prosperous world. They obviously do not want to be party to these social contracts with me, so I will not allow them any of the safety or benefits.

    Saledovil ,

    Eh, Iraq and Afghanistan went rather poorly for the United States.

    InternetUser2012 ,

    What does that have to do with the second amendment?

    Saledovil ,

    Second amendment grants the right to bear arms, arms were used by the insurgents in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    InternetUser2012 ,

    What does Iraq and Afghanistan have to do with America and taking arms up against our government? You really think a bunch of hillbillies with guns are going to do shit against our military?

    Saledovil ,

    I'm pretty sure the Taliban could also be described as a "hillbillies with guns" when they started out. And you know what, they won.

    InternetUser2012 ,

    Lol. Are you really comparing their government and military to ours, here in the USA? You sound delusional, you a tRump voter or just a troll?

    Saledovil ,

    In your comment, who is they?

    LustyArgonianMana , avatar

    I want to move away so bad

    MNByChoice ,

    Go. Start some research, and head out. Many countries you can just enter. Call it a vacation for the first year and see if you like it.

    UltraGiGaGigantic ,

    Oh boy I can't wait to get to another capitalist country!

    Saledovil ,

    Option 2 is suicide. I guess that's it for American Democracy. Of course, option 3 being that the Democrats win every election until the Republican party collapses. At which point the Democratic party will likely split, with one part becoming a moderate party, and the other half absorbing the remains of the Republican party.

    troglodytis ,

    Or .... Ya know.... Get the votes

    sik0fewl ,

    The quickest way to save the country would be for Biden to kill the 6 justices that ruled in favour of immunity (and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't even mind since they're the ones that made it legal), install 6 liberal judges and the new court can overturn every ruling the corrupt court made. Which means Biden would probably end up in prison, but hey, it's a small price to pay for democracy.

    TokenBoomer ,

    Why would he end up in prison? It would not have been a crime when he committed it. That’s what immunity means.

    DragonTypeWyvern ,

    Yep. They made an official ruling, Biden acts on it appropriately, new Justices get appointed in a month (or else), new Court orders a review of every case the six fascists ruled on.

    Oh, what do you know, first out the door, no, extrajudicial murder powers aren't supported by the Constitution!


    TokenBoomer ,

    Biden should use the Emergency Alert text system to let every American know what this ruling means, and what’s at stake.

    Or, at least break into broadcast programming with an address to inform everyone.

    YerbaYerba ,

    Just write it up in an executive order. Official as it gets

    UltraGiGaGigantic ,

    Fuck your dumb ass IRL @everyone, its my phone not yours.

    sik0fewl ,

    I guess it depends on whether the court sees it as an official act or not?

    Corkyskog ,

    I mean he would certainly make a mark as one of the most interesting president's yet by doing so...

    Grandwolf319 ,

    How? Wouldn’t what he did be legal when he did it?

    ZK686 ,

    "Hey everyone, things are NOT going our way in the Supreme Court, and we need to change everything about our judicial, political, and constitutional system!" - Sincerely, Democrats.

    Beaver , avatar

    We need to hold the supreme court accountable.

    deadbeef79000 ,

    It's ok, the the president can now just have them assassinated as a defence of the constitution.

    Akuden ,

    Blatant misinformation and a fundamental lack of understanding of the ruling. Nothing changed. President cannot commit a crime and say it was in official capacity. Obviously.

    Jonnynny ,

    "Official capacity" has not been defined yet so we don't know what the limits are. We will have to wait and see.

    deadbeef79000 ,

    I can't believe how many (I don't know, shills?) there are about this.

    I'm not American, I'm sitting out side, looking in, and watching the USA become a fascist dictatorship, and I'm terrified.

    Every other democracy's right wing looks up to the USA for inspiration for their own fascist agenda.

    If this all goes sideways from Americans, we're following shortly afterwards.

    ZILtoid1991 ,

    And you have all the reasons to be terrified, the US in case of a Trump victory will either:

    a) Go isolationist, dissolve the NATO, then let the power vacuum to be filled by Russia and China (one is better than the other), all while a big ultranationalist movement will claim to fix the issues.

    b) Make whatever insanity Trump's christofascist call "morals" into the global standards for human rights, heavily censor the internet, etc.

    A second Trump victory will have dire consequences for the rest of the world.

    Schadrach ,

    If the President can communicate with the DoJ or VP, even about doing something illegal or as part of some illegal scheme and be immune to prosecution because being in contact with the VP and DoJ are part of his duties, why would talking to the CIA to ask them to "retire" SCOTUS justices not be an official act that's immune to prosecution?

    ZILtoid1991 ,

    Does that immunity ruling also apply to the VP? If yes, then Kamala Harris can do a few things, all she needs is a fully loaded handgun.

    Schadrach ,

    Shooting political rivals probably isn't an official act, but presumably he could ask, she could shoot and he could pardon and I think it would be untouchable?

    Colonel_Panic_ , avatar

    Just like "nothing changed" when Roe was overturned? Got it.

    fine_sandy_bottom ,

    That's not what the dissenting judge said.

    ParetoOptimalDev ,

    We should definitely trust the 1 day old Lemmy account over the dissenting judges.

    Akuden ,

    The dissent said the president can now assassinate someone. The president enjoys no such authority, and therefore, the dissent must be discarded as not a serious opinion.

    fine_sandy_bottom ,

    You're delusional.

    Akuden ,

    Funny, that's what I think about all the people clutching their pearls crying democracy is dead because of this ruling.

    fine_sandy_bottom ,

    I think that's a classic symptom of delusion TBH... everyone else is nuts and you're the only person who sees things how they really are.

    Akuden ,

    Lemmy isn't representative of the US. If you consumed any media outside your bubble you'd see that.

    fine_sandy_bottom ,

    One of us sure is stuck in a bubble.

    Akuden ,

    Is that because I don't vote the way you want me to?

    fine_sandy_bottom ,

    No, it's because your various claims are delusional, borne of a lack of perspective and self awareness.

    ParetoOptimalDev ,

    Your claim is this ruling changed nothing?

    fukurthumz420 ,

    with ropes

    p5yk0t1km1r4ge , avatar

    Somebody needs to fucking do more than say "hey this should happen! "

    demizerone ,

    The only Democrat worth their salt.

    cecinestpasunbot ,

    Hey don’t leave out Rashida Tlaib and Cori Bush! IMO they have better politics than even AOC but they just don’t have as much name recognition.

    rez_doggie ,

    I love her so much.

    rottingleaf ,

    Her views on economics (MMT) are like RFK junior's views on vaccines, but they are both infinitely better than the two cripples competing.

    (Just my two cents from Moscow.)

    JeeBaiChow ,

    'Primaries and midterms don't matter'. Lol.

    Get out and vote, people.

    Imgonnatrythis ,

    People have been saying that for years. Why not make voting something we don't need to get out to do though? I think it's ridiculous and frankly anti-democratic to only count votes from people that travel to a polling station in the 21st century.

    Corkyskog ,

    A lot of states have mail in voting

    dirtbiker509 ,

    Voting gives us no control with the current party system. We need ranked choice voting, end campaigns and advertising. Only 1 website will have the candidates and their platforms, tax funded only, anyone who wants to run can run and ranked choice voting will make the actual most popular acceptable candidate win.

    JeeBaiChow ,

    Yes, but until we have rcv, we make do with the system we have, flaws and all. Unless you're suggesting we don't vote at all because we are unhappy with the system...?

    John_McMurray ,

    the democrats literally cancelled their effective primary and selected Biden. Remember Tulsi Gabbard? They won't let her run cause she'd fucking win, same as Sanders. It's a one party state, and it's not subtle

    Bernie_Sandals , avatar

    That's simply not true, Tulsi Gabbard had the opportunity to submit her name to the primary election after getting enough signatures just like Dean Phillips and Marriane Williamson did.

    She didn't even do that, the most basic step of trying to become president, I wouldn't blame the DNC for her not bothering with the basics.

    John_McMurray ,

    Fucking ostrich.

    Bernie_Sandals , avatar

    During a Fox & Friends interview on March 6, 2024, Gabbard was directly asked about serving as Trump's vice-president. She responded, "I would be honored to serve our country in that way and be in a position to help President Trump..." In March 2024, Gabbard was cited by Trump as one of his potential choices for his vice presidential running mate.

    Seems like you're the one who isn't paying attention

    Not only did she not even apply for the Democratic Nomination, she seems more inclined to being Trump's VP than a possible democratic nominee.

    John_McMurray ,

    You think this changes anything or invalidates what I said?

    todd_bonzalez ,

    I'm a little confused. Isn't their ruling just a deferral back to lower courts?

    They didn't grant him absolute immunity, they just reaffirmed the incredibly broad language in Article II Section 3 of the Constitution.

    They're not giving him immunity for everything he did as president, they just aren't interested in being the authority that decides what is or isn't an "official act". They are letting lower courts decide that.

    If there's something I'm missing here, I would love to know, but it feels like people are misunderstanding this decision en masse.

    aodhsishaj ,

    It allows for immunity to any "official acts" by the president while they are in office and does not define what an "unofficial" act would be. So if an action is challenged from the lower courts it'll end up at the supreme court where they will deem it official or unofficial.

    Which brings the onus of dethroning a king president up to the Congress to impeach them. Which has never happened. However, we have impeached a supreme court justice in the past.

    todd_bonzalez ,

    This, to my understanding, is how things already worked. We've just never had to draw the line before because we haven't ever had to charge a former president with a crime. My understanding is that the SCOTUS refused to draw the line, not that they granted the office of president absolute immunity.

    _ffiresticks_ ,

    They did rule that you can't question a president about his motivations or reasons for any particular act when determining whether it was official or not. Only whether the act itself qualifies as official or not, regardless of the reason behind it.

    kava ,

    I think the Dems are trying to spin this as another item in the "war for Democracy" when really it's just the SC re-affirming the constitution. It's also very conveniently timed to detract attention from the growing calls for Biden to step down after his less than ideal debate performance.

    When an item gets put onto the political agenda list, it becomes polarized and if you are on Party A or Party B you immediately support or reject it based on affiliation with little thought.

    mctoasterson ,

    Can we also acknowledge how horrible reporting is on major cases and rulings? I've seen barely any coverage of Loper Bright and what the headlines say about it is largely inaccurate.

    TokenBoomer ,

    conveniently timed

    They’ve had the case since December’23. Don’t spread conspiracy thinking.

    kava ,

    This is standard campaigning strategy. If the news cycle is bad for your candidate, try to refocus the narrative. Now people aren't talking about Biden's age but the SC decision.

    They're making a bigger deal about it than it actually is in order to better their chances for campaign.

    I don't see the conspiracy in this, it's standard stuff.

    TokenBoomer ,

    So, the Biden administration had the majority conservative Supreme Court rule that Presidents are immune from prosecution. Obviously, Biden is hiding his power level. /s

    kava ,

    You're not understanding me. I'm not claiming he orchestrated this decision. I'm saying his campaign is using this decision as an opportunity to deflect attention away from the concerns around his age that erupted after the debate.

    Never let a good crisis go to waste and all that. Am I speaking Greek?

    TokenBoomer ,

    I suppose he’s also using Hurricane Beryl as a distraction too.

    kava ,

    It's PR 101. I'm not making a controversial statement. Biden would be stupid not to. He has competent campaign officials.

    TokenBoomer ,

    This Supreme Court decision effectively ended democratic America, and Biden won’t get any younger.

    kava ,

    You're not making sense

    TokenBoomer ,

    They're making a bigger deal about it than it actually is

    If, however, the court’s decision frees future presidents to act in corrupt, even criminal ways, then the “rule for the ages” articulated in this opinion will have a major impact upon the separation of powers among the three branches of government, potentially giving far more power to the president than has been the case throughout American history. That will have huge implications for the functioning of the presidency and the stability, if not existence, of American democracy. source

    It’s a big deal. Of course Biden would rather talk about the case, it undermines the entire democracy. His age will continue to be a focus of the election, Republicans will not let it go.

    kava ,

    I've read a couple of the majority opinions and dissenter opinions

    The president already had presumptive immunity for official acts. This basically just reinforces the precedent and sets up a framework for determining official vs unofficial.

    Nothing about this ruling fundamentally changes Trump's position except that he has the option of claiming he was "acting officially" for example during Jan 6th. Then it will go up to USSC and they will determine the specifics case by case

    Why does it not matter as much as it seems? Because a president already had presumptive immunity for official acts before.

    Yes, it's important. But it's not the end to democracy. It essentially creates a check against the executive branch by the judicial branch. And honestly, I'm OK with that considering how powerful the executive branch is.

    Biden's campaigners don't care about any of that. It's their job to get people to vote. They don't care about the truth. I get it, I would do the same thing in their position.

    Everybody talking about replacing you because of your terrible debate performance? Blast the "End to democracy" tagine as loud as you can so that news cycle changes.

    It worked like a charm, I think it was a good strategic move

    TokenBoomer ,

    So what am I afraid of? I'm afraid of, first of all, that people don't recognize what a big deal this is. This isn't an adjustment in the law. This is a change in our entire constitutional system. It says that there is one of the three branches of government that cannot be checked by the other two.

    And I don't think that people necessarily understand what that means. And all you have to do is look to any authoritarian country. Look, for example, right now in Hungary, where Viktor Orban is busily taking control of other countries' companies that are within his country, because he can do that now. He's not checked by the courts.

    Look at Vladimir Putin's Russia, for example, where he can simply throw his people into the maw of a meat grinder in that war because they can't say no. We have just — our Supreme Court has just done the same thing. source Heather Cox Richardson

    hydrospanner ,

    You're getting downvoted because Lemmy, but that's more or less how I read the ruling as well. They ruled very specifically in a way that let them punt on all the other questions these trials have created.

    I'd hoped for better, but not realistically.

    werefreeatlast ,

    That's like letting your oldest kid do whatever he wants, and after punching your other two little kids and eating their candy you let him figure out if he should be punished and you let him punish himself.

    ParetoOptimalDev ,

    How do you square your take with the dissenting judges that say it effectively makes the president king?

    todd_bonzalez ,

    I guess I just don't understand Sotomayor's response. She says that Trump got the immunity he asked for, but that's not true. He was asking for everything he did as president to be considered an "official act", and they deferred to the lower courts.

    It doesn't appear that anything actually changed. I am assuming I am wrong on that, but none of the articles I have read so far have answered that question. There are just a lot of assertions that he was granted absolute immunity, which doesn't match the language of the court's opinion.

    I would have preferred that they draw a line on specific acts not being considered "official acts", especially as we draw the line between Trump's presidency and his 2020 reelection campaign. I'm just not seeing a lot of honest discourse as to what this decision actually means from a legal perspective.

    preludeofme ,

    What it does set up though is an official legal stand to say that the supreme Court gets to decide what's "official". Meaning they can decide that all Trump's actions are official and all of Biden's (or whatever dem president) are not

    todd_bonzalez ,

    This was already the arrangement. That's why Trump was even at the Supreme Court. He was asking for them to decide that everything he did as president was an "official act". They gave the right to decide that back to the lower courts, where it could theoretically come back to them with a more specific set of actions that they need to decide upon.

    Of course, the idea that the SCOTUS is corrupted to the point that they would protect Republicans and sabotage Democrats is a worth discussing, but that seems like a wholly different issue that we allowed the highest court in the country to be corrupted by overt partisanship.

    It doesn't seem so much that the claim is that the SCOTUS gave Trump immunity, but that nobody trusts the court system to draw that line to begin with.

    Jyek ,

    The American justice system works on the idea of precedence. Cases have ruling decisions and the interpretation of the law that comes from those decisions becomes law. It wasn't clear before the ruling because there was no precedent. Now the precedent that has been set that going forward, the supreme Court (currently politically motivated to the right) will have final say over whether or not a sitting or former president may be tried and prosecuted for decisions they made or actions they took in office. What would have been the correct thing to do with the least political implication (the supreme Court is meant to be free from political biases) would have been to define what actions are illegal according to the law. But they didn't want to define actions as legal or illegal, they want the ability to justify them making case by case judgements which give them the opportunity to push their aforementioned bias.

    frezik ,

    I think your confusion is warranted, because it's not clear how SCOTUS' decision is different from what the Constitution comes right out and says. On the surface, it does seem to just reaffirm what we already know, and maybe the liberal justices are just whinging.

    The trick is that they did it in a way that causes a lot more work in the courts. In turn, that means Trump's trials get delayed further.

    Nobody sane is going to argue that getting a hostile crowd to surround and storm the capitol while an important procedural vote is taking place is an official act of a President. But now it has to be ruled on, specifically, and that's one more thing to add to the pile before the obvious verdict can be reached.

    Trump's lawyers have already filed an argument in the hush money case that certain points of evidence should be removed because they were official acts. If so, that would potentially result in a mistrial, and so the only Trump criminal case that went forward would have to be redone.

    todd_bonzalez ,

    What worries me is that if is the case that the liberal justices are just whinging, then we're in even deeper shit, because that would suggest that the liberal justices are making decisions directly in the context of restraining the threat of a future Trump presidency, and that means every single member of the SCOTUS has abandoned being an impartial constitutional judge...

    skulblaka , avatar

    I would have preferred that they draw a line on specific acts not being considered "official acts", especially as we draw the line between Trump's presidency and his 2020 reelection campaign. I'm just not seeing a lot of honest discourse as to what this decision actually means from a legal perspective.

    Well, that's exactly the problem that has everyone up in arms here. They have made this ruling but conveniently failed to rule on what constitutes an "official" act. Therefore whenever a major ruling has to be done about this, they can decide at that time whether an act was official or not based on what flavor of president they're ruling for or against, and until then the lower courts can take the heat off the SCOTUS directly by just ruling that everything Trump has ever done is legal because he was president once.

    It's a very transparently partisan ruling, setting the stage for further partisan ruling in the future by being extremely vague about what their ruling actually is. This ruling boils down to "the president is allowed to do anything he wants when we say so, and is subject to rule of law only when we say so, and whether we say so will be determined after the acts in question." In this way the conservative-packed supreme court can easily enable a conservative president or trap a liberal one.

    Buelldozer , avatar

    They’re not giving him immunity for everything he did as president, they just aren’t interested in being the authority that decides what is or isn’t an “official act”. They are letting lower courts decide that.

    That's pretty much what they did but that's not how it's being presented by the media so you've got 30,000,000 people all riled up and ready to riot. I would have preferred if SCOTUS found a way to definitively settle this without the Remands but I understand why they did it.

    The lower court will take about an hour to decide that this stuff was "unofficial" and write the legal narrative supporting that. Hell I'd be shocked if it wasn't already done. This isn't even close to over.

    givesomefucks OP ,

    The statement:

    The Supreme Court has become consumed by a corruption crisis beyond its control.

    Today’s ruling represents an assault on American democracy. It is up to Congress to defend our nation from this authoritarian capture.

    I intend on filing articles of impeachment upon our return.

    This is what leadership is, what voters want, and what wins elections.

    Doesn't matter if it works, it's trying and highlighting that issues can be fixed. We might not succeed the first time, but we'll keep fucking trying till we do.

    Put the votes on record and show voters where people stand.

    just_another_person , (edited )

    And yet, she'll never win a presidential election because she's too polarizing. There's literally no other way to win here if somebody else steps in. Sad that people try to do good in their job as a public representative for their people, and just fucking can't.

    Edit to say: don't just take my word for it. Ask Bernie Sanders. Did he win the presidency at some point? I just must have..,..

    givesomefucks OP ,

    And yet, she’ll never win a presidential election because she’s too polarizing

    Imagine saying that after Obama flipped a bunch of red states and brought in a shit ton of down ballot races.

    AOC is polarizing, but not as much as Obama and it's easier the second time around.

    Hell, no body even really mentioned Biden being Catholic in 1988. You should have seen the shit they said about JFK. And similar time-frames passed between.

    And strictly police wise, the country is a lot more open to progressive policy than in 08, and again, everyone said Obama was too "polarizing" right up till election results.

    just_another_person ,

    There be the facts, friend. It's just how it works right now. Any time you figure out a better system you can get implemented, I'm all ears.

    givesomefucks OP ,

    There be the facts, friend. It’s just how it works right now


    Literally what's how what works?

    Any time you figure out a better system you can get implemented, I’m all ears.

    Fair and open primaries, mate.

    I've been saying it since NH had their delegates stolen.

    Well, this cycle, almost a decade now in total. This ain't exactly a new problem, and it's not like no one can think of a solution.

    It's just not easy beating corporate money in primaries until enough Dem voters demand the party sets higher standards. And most people only pay atteyonce every 4 years, then they're too exhausted to care about politics.

    just_another_person ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the moderator]

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  • trevor ,

    imagine fleeing an argument you're wrong on this way 🤡

    Resonosity ,

    Damn, I didn't know it was that easy to lose an argument. Bravo

    octopus_ink ,

    I will vote for her so hard given the chance. Unfortunately, I'm still just one vote. I want to agree with you, but I'm not sure I can. I'd sure love to see her give it a real run, with a DNC that supporter her and didn't drag her to the center or actively undercut her primary chances.

    theneverfox , avatar

    It's because Obama was polarizing, but he sold himself as progressive convincingly

    He literally ran on the promise of change - unfortunately his actions were firmly neo liberal, and he prioritized compromise over meaningful reform

    If Obama was a neo liberal in progressive clothing, Clinton was a diehard neo liberal from top to bottom.

    Unfortunately, the lesson learned was "people don't like Hillary" rather than "people want a real progressive"

    prole ,

    I don't understand your point... Obama won two presidential elections in a row. It would seem as though that "selling himself as a progressive convincingly worked out pretty well for him id say.

    So you're saying that the people want a progressive candidate, but the Dems would, at most, give us the option of someone who sells themselves as progressive but is an actual neo-liberal?

    Oh, maybe I do get it after all. I was going to say that Gore was pretty progressive and did technically win, but that was 25 years agola

    Diplomjodler3 ,

    She's not polarising. The oligarchy controlled media that constantly paint her as some kind of radical are polarising.

    just_another_person ,

    She's vilified on Fox News as a Boogeyman literally every night of the week. WTF are you even talking about?

    givesomefucks OP ,

    Have you seen what they say about Joe Biden?

    They'd call trump Joseph Stalin if there was a D by his name.

    It literally doesn't matter how progressive a candidate we run, because they'll say the same shit about anyone.

    Moderates try to defend and talk about how conservative they really are. Alienating their voters. AOC would fucking own that shit and explain how it helps everyone.

    What we're doing isn't working. And Biden himself keeps saying he's powerless as president, so why not fucking try what worked for literal decades and there was no rational reason we ever stopped?

    just_another_person ,

    You will just be downvoted from here on out because of who you are. Get right with something.

    blazera , avatar


    Resonosity ,

    You're not even trying at this point. Definitely lending yourself to be a troll more than a concerned citizen. Shame

    BeMoreCareful ,

    I don't think many fox viewers are voting for any Democrat.

    hannesh93 , avatar

    Because they are afraid of her

    TopRamenBinLaden ,

    Obama was that bogeyman from 2008 to 2016. Considering that he won two elections during that time, I don't think Fox News is really relevant to AOC.

    Burn_The_Right ,

    So? They aren't going to vote for a Dem anyway.

    Ensign_Crab ,

    But it's a great excuse for shutting out progressives!

    Snowclone ,

    I really don't think that's true. People said the same with Obama, and he really never faced that in voters, the GOP was viciously attacking him and it never stuck. There is a stage big enough, that the most vicious attackers do get lost in the crowd.

    Eldritch , avatar

    Yup, never stuck. They won all the mid terms during his administration handily. Maintaining super majorities in Congress the whole time. Nope, they were never ever shellacked (Obamas phrasing) in the midterms over "obamacare". No matter how you phrased it obamacare or ACA the publics approval was always the same they adored it right?

    Ensign_Crab ,

    And yet, she’ll never win a presidential election because she’s too polarizing.

    She'll never make it through the primaries because she's a progressive.

    Buffalox ,

    because she’s too polarizing.

    She shares a lot of views with Bernie Sanders, and Berni would almost surely have defeated Trump where Hillary failed.
    As I see it, she is not nearly as polarizing as Trump. The only ones strongly against her, are probably extreme Christians and Nazis.

    just_another_person ,

    Not the point. She's a Boogeyman for right-wing media.

    Buffalox ,

    That doesn't really make her polarizing, that's just the right wing media treating her unfairly, as they do with every progressive Democrat, except a bit more, because she is popular.

    just_another_person ,

    No, it makes her polarizing because the viewers of certain media thinks she's a fucking liberal who will literally sweep your house, take you gums, sell them, and give the profit to "illegals'.

    This was a literal interpretation about her from ImfoWars. It's a fucking thing. She won't win.

    Buffalox , (edited )

    People who follow infowars are already radicalized, and will say any moderate is polarizing. They want a Fuhrer, they want to exterminate LGBT and colored people. Their opinion is irrelevant, because there is no talking sense to those people. Just see how the MAGA people threw a fit, because their house leader "compromised" after 8 months of negotiating, and getting everything they asked for!!!
    They are beyond reach, and they are the ones polarizing, not rational sensible people like AOC, that actually tries to make life better for most people.

    If not only wanting to do things for the rich, the white and Christians, makes you polarizing, then a polarizing candidate is the only reasonable option.

    dogsnest , avatar

    Show me on this doll where AOC touched you.

    ultranaut ,

    Literally, anyone who threatens the interests served by right-wing media is going to see themselves transformed into a bogeyman by right-wing media. That's how it works. That AOC is "polarizing" according to them is because of the threat she poses to them. If you're letting right-wing media define the boundaries of who is an acceptable candidate, you will never defeat them.

    timewarp , avatar

    That is why she'd be so successful. She'd give them strokes. She'd get constant media coverage. They would give her so much publicity the news would always be about her. She's good looking and talks well. She'd look badass in the White House.

    Burn_The_Right ,

    Which means nothing. Absolutely nothing.

    Eldritch , avatar

    Republicans boosted Sanders, not because they liked him. But because they knew it would, and did divide their opposition for the next decade or more. Had Sanders gotten the nomination. They'd have smeared him worse than Clinton.

    Rookwood ,

    That's the thing about Bernie. He's hard to smear. Unlike, "my husband cheated on me while serving as President" Hillary. You're delusional.

    Eldritch , avatar

    The fact that they didn't take the time to really try to smear him doesn't mean he's hard to smear. There were a lot of accusations that could have gotten a lot of play Propaganda wise. Like him and his wife honeymooning in Russia. That got bare minimal play during the campaign because it was much more handy to keep the Democrats divided. In fact I think it was probably Democrats that pointed that out. But since they don't directly control the messaging machine. And the people who do did not want that message out it didn't get out.

    Just to point this out to you since you seem to not understand. Smears don't have to be true. Often they aren't. All you need to smear someone successfully is a consistent message driven into them.

    frezik ,

    How come Trump gets to be as polarizing as he wants, but nobody to the left of McConnell can?

    barsquid ,

    Repubs have spent decades feeding propaganda to their fear-addicted voting base. And they're still squawking away with Fox and Sinclair. I'd love to see her run but I'm not certain it would be successful.

    buddascrayon ,

    Because entrenched Democrats are under a ridiculous belief that everyone who isn't voting for them is conservative. So if you spout "extreme" leftist ideals, you're too scary to the people they are courting, which is conservative voters who aren't Trumplicans.

    Ghostalmedia , avatar

    IMHO, the only reason she’s “polarizing” is because the right has chosen to run a smear campaign on her. People like her are a threat to them. She’s young, smart, and charming. She’s like Obama once was, only she’s even younger than he was. She’s still a year too young to run.

    ChickenLadyLovesLife ,

    the right has chosen to run a smear campaign on her

    And they run smear campaigns on EVERYONE with a D in front of their name, regardless of how far to the left they actually are. Democrats are playing a losing game by worrying about how the Republican media are going to portray them.

    Ghostalmedia , avatar

    Just saying that she has extra appeal and potential, so that why she gets extra attention by the right wing media.

    Burn_The_Right ,

    Their screaming means nothing anymore. Conservative media will panic-attack absolutely anyone who runs against the GOP with the exact same extreme deception and conspiracy theories.

    Psycoder ,

    You must be quite young. Everything you are saying about AOC was said, word for word, for Obama. Obama still won.

    Xerxos ,

    Bernie would have won (according to polls) if the DNC hadn't sabotaged him at every turn. Too polarizing? No, just too left for the Democrats.

    Coach ,

    AOC is earning my vote.

    givesomefucks OP ,

    Imagine having a candidate that got more popular after speaking in public...

    We literally haven't even passed that low of a bar in over a decade. I don't understand what's happened to people.

    People as a whole are more politically aware than I've ever seen, but we're just wasting it.

    blackbelt352 ,

    We have to undo decades of policy enacted the much longer politically aware and active owner class. They've had a head start on us, so it's going to take tome to dismantle the political machinery they've created while minimizing harm done to the rest of us.

    givesomefucks OP ,

    We actually don't.

    A single progressive president means they get to name the DNC chair and a bunch of voting positions.

    It's literally that easy to take over the party.

    Obama just didn't do it because he didn't need the party after they turned on him for opposing Hillary.

    If he'd have rebuilt it, we'd have a functional progressive party planning decades ahead already. And trump would still just be that guy from the Mac Miller song. The SC would be a progressive majority. The situation and Gaza wouldn't have turned into an open genocide, COVID would have been handled appropriately.

    It's not some insurmountable task, but it gets harder and harder every cycle.

    By all rights we should have had protests in the streets calling for Biden and the DNC leadership to step down for stealing NH's delagets. But not enough people had crossed their personal lines by then.

    If we'd have had the fight then, we'd have had a full primary almost to figure shit out.

    But we didn't.

    Until we finally do, shit won't change.

    stringere ,

    We should have been in streets for Gore.

    givesomefucks OP ,

    We should have learned that confidence is the one thing you can't fake. A candidate can be confident for illogical reasons, but that's still more convincing than being right but not being confident. It creates this weird effect where once people get too smart, they become less decisive and people perceive that as less confident.

    The stereotypical nerd.

    Gore probably would have been a top 10 president. But he couldn't sell himself to voters just a little more. And if memory recalls, he technically didn't even have to concede. Like, if he had waited I believe the recounts were actively happening. He didn't even let it run down to the final vote.

    But I think its important to note not a single Dem Senator challenged it either which would have been even better than Gore challenging it

    Bernie would have most likely, but he wasn't in yet. Biden could have done it, but he didn't, same with most of the current Dem leadership.

    So Gore should have planted his feet, and voters should have gotten behind, probably would have. But the party didn't have Gore's back either. And Gore wasn't confident enough to try it without the party.

    It's crazy how shit comes so close and has such widespread consequences. Just one Dem senator back then dragging it out till a final count would have done it.

    Schadrach ,

    Gore probably would have been a top 10 president. But he couldn’t sell himself to voters just a little more. And if memory recalls, he technically didn’t even have to concede. Like, if he had waited I believe the recounts were actively happening. He didn’t even let it run down to the final vote.

    He pushed right up to the deadline. Like, Bush v Gore was decided literally hours before the state deadline to certify the vote.

    blackbelt352 ,

    We've had this sort of situation before, FDR was radically progressive on a lot of policy decisions, he made great strides ad pulling us out of the Great Depression, leading us through world war 2, dramatically reduced the wealth disparity and was so popular with the voting public he was elected 4 times. Then the politically connected wanted to make sure that kind of presidency never happened again, so they paid to get the political machinery altered to suit their needs, term limits were introduced, influential think tanks were created to push favorable public policy and install favorable political assets, launched propaganda campaigns to sway public perception and consolidated economic power.

    I agree that a single properly progressive president can do a lot to make things better, and a president who actually wields power can make some very important structural changes within the political party but it doesn't disassemble the political machinery that led us to our current situation in the first place. It doesn't disassemble the vast propaganda networks and think tanks, it doesn't stop the flow of dark money into politician pockets. All these positive changes can be undone if the next guy that comes in is a shitbag.

    UltraGiGaGigantic ,

    Do you think the ownership class was upset when AOC voted to stop the rail union from striking?

    Psycoder ,

    During the Hillary vs Bernie times, I was talking with a Bernie supporter in a bar. He told me that the establishment Dems/DNC would promote Hitler himself before they promote an anti-establishment candidate.

    Back then I thought he was a case of mentally sick person making it to the bar and having too much drink. As time passes I agree with him more and more.

    Psycoder ,

    During the Hillary vs Bernie times, I was talking with a Bernie supporter in a bar. He told me that the establishment Dems/DNC would promote Hitler himself before they promote an anti-establishment candidate.

    Back then I thought he was a case of mentally sick person making it to the bar and having too much drink. As time passes I agree with him more and more.

    Asafum ,

    We have a party entirely dedicated to the ownership class with literally 0 internal conflict, and we have a party almost entirely dedicated to the ownership class with some internal conflict (the squad.)

    What we don't have is a party that gives one solitary fuck about the labor class and actively fights those that get too close to real power. The squad is a useful token to point to and say "see we aren't all corpo fascists! We allowed them to exist!" (Because there's only like 5 of them so they have no power whatsoever)

    Schadrach ,

    Imagine having a candidate that got more popular after speaking in public…

    We literally haven’t even passed that low of a bar in over a decade. I don’t understand what’s happened to people.

    I'd be happy if we just had an administration where no one in the DOJ, State Department or Cabinet quits in disgust. The last time that happened was what, Bush Sr.?

    prole ,

    Obama was less than a decade ago

    Kalkaline , avatar

    Literally has had one minor mis-step with the railroad union strike, telling them to go back to work, and they still got the deal they wanted in the end. She hasn't just earned my vote for POTUS should she choose to run, but she's got my full support. Heck, I might start throwing campaign contributions her way if she makes a POTUS try.

    FuglyDuck , avatar

    So, not codifying RvW as promised, not protecting voter rights, not protecting civil liberties...

    .... those aren't missteps?

    and they still got the deal they wanted in the end

    Is it in the fucking contract? no? Then they got jack shit.

    Kalkaline , avatar

    Who is your pick for POTUS? Wave your magic wand.

    FuglyDuck , avatar

    I’m not the one waiving a magic wand thinking Biden is a perfect candidate.

    You are.

    As I’ve said elsewhere, baring Biden himself stepping down it’s suicide for any one to oppose him. So no I’m not going to enter that fucking argument with someone who can’t even see what’s clearly before them.

    Especially considering I’m guessing you give credit for the American recovery act to Biden even as you’d scramble to insist Biden doesn’t have the power to pass law.

    Kalkaline , avatar

    Answer the question, bot. You can't because all you want to do is shit on the Democrats. Go commit some war crimes.

    FuglyDuck , avatar

    firstly, I'm not a bot.

    Secondly, what I really want is to stop the slow slid into Fascism. Biden is, in my opinion, demonstrably incapable or unwilling of doing that. You're welcome to share your opinions, and we can have a discussion about it. Though, also in my opinion, you don't like hearing alternative viewpoints, considering the name calling and accusations.

    Third, I already have. the argument goes no where. Before the primary it was "Save it for the primary," during the primary it was "Don't undermine the incumbent, you idiot", in now its "name your candidate". in 2019 it was "learn to compromise". I'm not interestedin the argument because you- or people like you- are unwilling to listen. Biden is problematic. but you're not going to be able to shore up his election campaign by digging your head in the sand.

    Other "missteps"? Gaza and Immigration feature prominently, too.

    jordanlund Mod , avatar

    Removed, civility.

    Kalkaline , avatar


    Burn_The_Right ,

    not codifying RvW as promised, not protecting voter rights, not protecting civil liberties...

    Conservatives (including Manchin and Sinema) stopped all of that. I hate the Dem party and despise neoliberals (AKA the other conservatives), but conservatives are fully to blame for those specific issues.

    FuglyDuck , avatar

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • Jakeroxs ,

    They said AOC not Biden lmao

    prole ,

    This thread is about AOC. You forgot which Democratic party figure you were supposed to be railing on in this thread.

    I hope you understand that it will be reflected on your next performance review.

    FuglyDuck , avatar

    for the record, I think I must have replied to the wrong thing in my notifications. deleted my comment. (however, I do stand by my criticism of Biden. AoC on the other hand would be freaking phenomenal.)

    (by the way. not a fucking bot. might want to hone that paranoia of yours.)

    UltraGiGaGigantic ,

    Manchin and Sinema

    But... vote blue no matter who!

    Schadrach ,

    You don't get a choice where you get a progressive instead of Manchin. You get Manchin or a far right Republican. I voted for Manchin, for the same reason I voted for Clinton and Biden - they might suck, but holy shit is the alternative WORSE.

    prole ,

    Do you understand how Congress functions? Do you think they're fucking dukes and duchesses or some shit?

    FuglyDuck , avatar

    You apparently don't understand the difference between being a dictator and actually getting off your ass to stir up support for something.

    stop acting like biden is powerless because one body of congress is in republican hands. biden is not powerless. If Biden is so powerless to get shit done in congress, how is it he claims credit for the American Recovery Act and the other big ones early term? that's right. He did some lifting for it. (he was, however, far from the only person, and a lot of people did a lot of heavy lifting to get that done.)

    JasonDJ , (edited )

    Have you seen the Republican Congress?

    Trying to get anything through them is like preschoolers playing Red Rover against the New England Patriots.

    I'm not saying they don't try. It's important to try, as long as they immediately call out the opposition at any and every opportunity. And loud. But if it comes from a D, fat chance actually getting it passed.

    foggy ,

    I want AOC with vice president Bernie.

    That man may be in his final years of politics, and perhaps too old to be at the helm, but dammit, he deserves it.

    BubbleMonkey , avatar

    I saw him speak the other day and he was totally with it. Like that super old person who lives to be 120 and is sharp as fuck right until their body gives up, but until then they are firy and physically fit.

    Eldritch , avatar

    If we're having elections in 28 and she isn't a candidate. Something is wrong.

    TokenBoomer ,

    AOC will not survive after Trump wins.

    "Haven't you heard it's a battle of words?"
    The poster bearer cried
    "Listen, son," said the man with the gun
    "There's room for you inside"

    Akasazh , avatar

    Cool story bro

    TokenBoomer ,

    Hypothetical, yes. Fiction, not anymore.

    jordanlund Mod , avatar

    That's the thing though, with the Republicans in charge there will NEVER be a vote on this. They won't allow it.

    givesomefucks OP ,

    Yeah. But it's provocative, it gets the people going.

    That translates to more voters and more small donors.

    Two things that are kind of important 4 months before a general election.

    blazeknave ,

    Is it terrible I always think of Kanye too when I hear it?

    JasonDJ ,

    George Bush doesn't care about black people.

    assassin_aragorn ,

    People will call this sort of thing performative since the legislation will be dead in the water, but you're spot on. An important part of politics is virtue signaling. You're telling your supporters what you stand for and that you're at least trying.

    Whether it's progressive or moderates doing so, it's an important political tool, and sometimes the only tool at their disposal. Showing people you're willing to fight, even if you know you're going to lose, is a big deal.

    FenrirIII , avatar

    The minority party has seized control by eroding the foundation of democracy. The sad part is that most people don't even realize how fucked we are.

    John_McMurray ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the moderator]

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  • catsarebadpeople ,

    Yikes dude...

    Empricorn ,

    I'm sorry women won't touch you.

    irreticent , avatar

    I'm not. He deserves the isolation.

    _number8_ ,









    Microplasticbrain ,

    Cuz hes a milquetoast coward. He shoulda packed the court day one.

    Pretzilla ,

    *unpacked, by expanding it to 15. But yes.

    Microplasticbrain ,

    Why stop at 15? I want 50 more progressive justices

    experbia , avatar

    is biden better than trump? yes. am I voting biden? yes, there's no other real option. is he a feckless snivelling coward that only cares about people if they offer him a chance for power? yes. does he actually intend to do anything to improve our country and stave off a christofascist totalitarian takeover? hell no he doesn't lmao

    he won't do a good god damn thing if the corporations who have their fists up his ass don't force him to, and they don't give a shit about any of this because when it all turns red come inauguration day, regulations and protections will be stripped away and they'll have no restriction on how they can abuse us and our planet for their own gain.

    he has this new power, and just like with the power he holds now, he won't do anything with it that will actually move the needle and improve quality of life for anyone unless it serves his interest. the next guy will use it though. bend over, y'all.

    gnutard ,

    Jesus dude at that point just vote for someone else 💀

    experbia , avatar

    if you're not American, I would understand that to be a reasonable suggestion. not how it works here, though.

    under our system of voting, third party votes are less than worthless. I would rather that not be the case, but here we are.

    If you're American or if you're not simply ignorant of that fact, I assume you're salivating at the idea of getting a reluctant biden voter to vote third party to help secure your authoritarian party win.

    gnutard ,

    Authoritarian party win? Do you even know who I was going to vote for? I guess any third party means authoritarian to you? No, and its not just Biden voters, its people who vote for Trump as well. We all need to pick a different canadite now. I'd personally vote for Chase Oliver.

    You may think that's how the system works, but at it's root, you can pick other choices, not just one or the other. The more you say that, the more real it becomes, and the more hopeless you make everyone else feel. You have a very nuanced view of how everything works and what type of person I am.

    Snowclone ,

    The system is set up to only have two options. It's intentional. Also the VP used to be the party that lost. That's how much it matters to vote after the parties pick a nominee.

    gnutard ,

    The founding fathers said a two party system would be the downfall of this country, so no, its not intentional.

    prole ,

    Big tough guy on the internet, but let's see how you feel when Trump's brown shirts are knocking on doors to check if you're harboring any trans people...

    I wish I was joking, but be prepared because this shit can happen fast. Then maybe you'll think back on this election and wonder what could have happened if all you stupid motherfuckers would just shut the fuck up and vote for Biden.

    "Wahhh we had four years to choose a better candidate and we did FUCKING NOTHING. Now we're looking literal fascism in the face and we're suddenly all concerned about who our presidential candidates are." You know we have a whole process for this, right? It doesn't start 5 months before the election.

    It's so fucking juvenile. We get it, you're not going to vote. Stop spreading your cancer.

    experbia , avatar

    We get it, you're not going to vote

    not at all what I said. you have terrible reading comprehension. I specifically said I'm voting Biden.

    Snowclone ,

    I mean... in his place I'd probably make them think I was going to do it to see if it would change their mind.

    abracaDavid ,

    It's because the sad fact of the matter is that both of our political parties are working together to fuck us.

    I don't know how else to interpret this.

    Cethin ,

    I think it's much more obvious that one party cares about decorum no matter what is going on.

    NauticalNoodle ,

    tomato tomato

    abracaDavid ,

    Oh thank god for decorum.

    Glad to hear that one party is playing by imagined rules and that the other party is playing by what is actually written.

    Good thing that we're getting fucked either way.

    I don't think that many people have realized this yet, but we are all fucked no matter who is in office.

    It's very evident that nothing is getting better no matter who from our two choices is in charge.

    I'm actually losing weight (that I don't need to lose) because the cost of living is too high. I've had to start working more, and it's barely helping.

    Thank the good lord that the DNC is following decorum though. So glad that they're being polite while we are being absolutely fucked.

    Cethin ,

    I wasn't implying it was a good thing, just the explanation of why they don't get more done.

    That said, they have improved a few things. It just isn't as much as we need. Insulin, for example, is in a much better place, and that should be expanding to cover more drugs. Thr democrats are significantly better than the Republicans. They are not both the same. They just aren't as good as we deserve.

    abracaDavid ,

    I'm sorry to vent at you. It wasn't really meant to be directed at you. I'm just very frustrated.

    My girlfriend is a diabetic, and insulin is indeed more affordable. It still costs her about $120 a month for something that costs pennies to produce.

    My real point though, is that it doesn't matter who is in power. Things are getting dramatically worse every year no matter who is in the White House.

    The Supreme Court is obviously completely fucked. They literally made it legal for them to be bribed. And they are not elected by citizens, and also have a lifetime appointment.

    There is nothing that we as citizens can legally do to curb their power. We are quite literally at their mercy, and they are not being merciful.

    And I haven't even touched on our actual real long-term problems.

    Wrench ,

    The president cannot impeach them unilaterally, and is explicitly out of his power.

    He could, however, potentially send them to a blacksite as a prisoner or conveniently kill them as part of that arrest. They could claim collusion with domestic terror groups, espionage, corruption, etc, as very plausible justification for arrest, and that would probably qualify as official duties, at least how this SCOTUS would classify the same actions if executed by a republican president.

    John_McMurray ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the moderator]

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