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JasonDJ ,

Hillary lost because she coasted through the end of her run. Everybody thought Trump wouldn't stand a chance. We had more faith in people.

That and conservative psyops getting Bernie Bros to abstain from holding their nose and voting Hillary because they felt like they were being wronged.

Hey wait a sec that last part is happening again today...

Accused adulterer Trump who paid to keep Stormy Daniels affair secret professes ‘love’ for the Ten Commandments ( www.independent.co.uk )


JasonDJ ,

He's in the middle of a rosary. His priests advised him not to.

JasonDJ ,

The gays need to go Susan G. Komen on the rainbow flag. Trademark it and sue the hell out of anyone that doesn't "lease the rights to display the flag outside of a place of business".

JasonDJ ,

Only if you use the Self-Hashing Orthogonal Tracing Algorithm, naturally.

JasonDJ ,

You know what the world needs? Surge pricing on water.

--No one, ever.

JasonDJ ,

My wedding had a food minimum.

We come from big Italian families, in multiple meanings of the word. There was still so much food. Hors d'oeuvres, cheese board, crudites, bread tray, 3 courses, dessert...and then 11 o clock hits and the last food comes out. Pizza. So much fucking pizza.

I'd never seen so much food waste in one place. I really hated that there was a food minimum. The venue itself was cheap, and nice, but I'm certainly not getting married there again.

JasonDJ , (edited )

The fucked up thing is that it'll have to get legislated. Like there will be a bill that says you can't price gouge on water in a heat advisory.

And the more fucked up thing is that it'll be controversial.

And then you realize that this is why we can't have nice things. We can't all just play nice together on our own, no, as much as we all claim to hate daddy government, we need him to come down and remind us that shit like this is anti-human and start defining rules that really should have just been common decency in the first place.

Like how I feel when I tell my younger kid to stop throwing forks in the house. I shouldn't have to tell you that. I told you yesterday, and the day before. And I told you three times today to stop throwing things. And then I get forked in the arse.

JasonDJ ,

Nah, it's the Ten Duel Commandments. Because everyone loves Hamilton.


JasonDJ ,

Suburbs are intentionally designed to not be walkable.

To get to the neighbor behind my house, without cutting anybody's yard, I have to walk about a mile. We aren't far. His daughters play with my sons through our shared fence.

And that's a modest example. Plenty of cul de sacs that are "close" to the main street, as a crow flies but a lot further if you're an East Asian Chinchilla Monkey running as fast as you can.

JasonDJ ,

Yeah I rented a Mustang Mach-E and drove between Houston, Austin, Dallas, and back to Houston, without very much charger anxiety. And not being confined to a slow charger...except on the way back to the airport. The first charger I found was a slow charger and all the fast ones were occupied. But still had plenty of charge to find the next station and get it high enough to return

JasonDJ ,

I'm of the opinion they aren't all bad people, just easily mislead and taken advantage of. These people honestly think they are on the right side of history.

JasonDJ ,

Literally since day one.

Remember the origin of "Alternative Facts?". It was Kellyanne Conway on Meet the Press Sunday after Trumps inauguration. She was claiming that despite the rain, crowds were bigger than Obama's, even though photos and transit statistics say otherwise.

Really set the tone for the rest of the administration.

Oh well. Ignorance is strength.

JasonDJ ,

That cropping. Seriously I thought there was a hair on my phone.

JasonDJ ,

You're getting downvoted, but the guys wearing basketball shorts everywhere have tons of kids.

JasonDJ ,

This is what happens when you hire editors based on who has the reddest hat.

JasonDJ , (edited )

Y'all gift wrong.

Please don't ever spend more than $50 on me unless it's an experience-gift that we can share (myself and giver), like concert/theater tickets or admission to some event.

Same is true for my kids. They have tons of toys and we hate your taste in clothes. So we ask for experiences. We've got tickets and giftcards for so many local family attractions. They also all have a little collection going of classic literature with gilded pages...stuff like Jules Verne or Treasure Island. So even if they don't like to read, at least the look nice.

IDK where you are but gift cards have no fees in the US, except for reloadable prepaid credit cards. And a lot of attractions have timed-entry so you can't really gift a ticket, since you don't know when they can go.

JasonDJ ,

America isn't racist anymore. Not in the classical sense.

We are closer to caste, but we use race as a criteria...people of a "lesser race" are default placed into a lower caste, but not necessarily, since blood, marriage, or loyalty can get them kut of it.

JasonDJ , (edited )

It's not racism, it's racism+.

White caste is totally okay with accepting certain people from black caste, or Asian caste, or Latino caste.

It's not as black and white as it was a couple generations ago. Irish and Italians are white now. Far more accepting.

We still have deep psychological instincts to be more distrustful of others. But who is an "other", we've long since learned, is defined by upbringing, not a certain distinct quality. We learn who the others are by experiences, and the words and actions of those we respect (peers and elders).

We now push our identities into several different buckets...race is only one, gender and sexuality another, mental capabilities, music tastes, vehicle choice, job, whatever. We still segmentize and judge, just with extra steps.

JasonDJ , (edited )

Consider the difference between "would do" and "could do" to be the same as "will do" and "can do", respectively.

One implies action, the other implies capability.

There's also "should", which implies permission.

Consider, also, the progress of learning Python (programming language):

  1. Could I do this in Python?
  2. I would do this in Python.
  3. I shouldn't do this in Python.

Edit to add: Would, could, and should are usually considered future-tense. But add "have" and it's past-tense..."I would have done that"

JasonDJ ,

What a great take on "the lesser of two evils" we are forced into always choosing between. I love it.

JasonDJ ,






JasonDJ ,

It's not that revisionist. I definitely remember "have a beer with him" being said.

In retrospect it was probably a phrase coined by the media to lure the lowest common denominator to GW. But it worked and it stuck.

Lin Manuel made a reference to this in "The election of 1800" in Hamilton:

Talk less! (Burr!)
Smile more! (Burr!)
Don't let them know what you're against or what you're for! (Burr!)
Shake hands with him! (Burr!)
Charm her! (Burr!)
It's 1800; ladies, tell your husbands, vote for Burr! (Burr!)

I don't like Adams!
Well, he's gonna lose, that's just defeatist
And Jefferson?
In love with France!
Yeah, he's so elitist!
I like that Aaron Burr!
I can't believe we're here with him!
He seems approachable?
Like you could grab a beer with him

JasonDJ ,

I mean, it kinda is, especially in Florida of all places.

Had even half his voters, just in FL, gone to Gore in 2000, it wouldn't have even been a question who won. The world would be a wildly different place.

So yeah, thanks Nader voters.

And somehow we still have people preaching abstinence or a third party this year in their arrogant quest to make perfect the mortal enemy of good.

JasonDJ , (edited )

Independents don't have a chance regardless. Has nothing to do with their platform or how many people are voting...our voting system itself means voting for a third party will have the net effect of not supporting the primary party more closely aligned with your beliefs, which in turn is indirectly supporting the primary party least aligned with your belief. The same can be said of voter abstinence.

This is basic game theory stuff. Going for a third party in a major election because they are more directly aligned with you, individually, is ultimately letting perfect be the enemy of good. And personally, I think it's a bit arrogant to think any party holding no other federal office, and barely any state offices, will jettison directly to POTUS. It's almost like they know they exist solely to facilitate the spoiler effect.

Warning to Trump’s new pals on Wall Street ( www.politico.com )

Republican donors – including those who had said they’d never support Trump again after Jan. 6 — believe the current regulatory climate for businesses is also an existential danger. Kathy Wylde, president and CEO of the Partnership for New York City — a nonprofit organization representing the city’s top business...

JasonDJ ,

I honestly don't understand how this is supposed to appease the average Trump voter.

Like, I get being completely ignorant about politics and the world around you...but how the hell does the average American not look around at their income and expenses and realize that capitalism is fucking them in the ass at every conceivable opportunity.

Oh, cool, you got a cellphone and a quarter-acre a quarter mile as the crow flies from the mall (5 miles by foot or car though). How's your student loans doing? When's the last time you had a colonoscopy/mammogram, and why are you putting it off for so long? How's the weather? How are the caterpillars? Why haven't you had kids yet?

JasonDJ ,

He's not planning to commit crimes, he's planning to legally perform unlawful acts.

The former is your typical burglar. The latter is literally Hitler.

JasonDJ ,

This. Kids love "dramatic" play...that is, imaginative play in a costumed role.

Plenty of kids with day-glow vests and hardhats, nobody is knocking them. Plenty of kids with cop costumes, or cowboy hats, or spacesuits, or fireman jackets.

I agree with you entirely...it's a bit "weird" on the surface, but this is really great play for kids. Kids are absolutely interested in what happens behind the scenes (or at least behind the counter) and building independence by making their own snacks and stuff.

Just as long as they aren't having kids working at factory chicken farms. Because that would likely scar them for life. Then again, maybe they should.

JasonDJ ,
JasonDJ ,

Hah, jokes on them, I don't do anything at the office, either.

In fact I dare say I do less, due to less efficient monitor placement and constant door-knockers. At least at home the only one knocking on my door is a 5yo asking for help in Mario.

Oh and the pointless meetings where I have to be present in person and actually look attentive, even though realistically there's no damn reason I even should've been invited.

JasonDJ ,

They expect an ogre to drain the swamp. Ain't gonna happen.

JasonDJ ,

How do you even date twenty people at once???

JasonDJ ,

Alex Jones is a hydra and Infowars is but one of his heads.

Infowars, itself, means nothing. Killing it will do no good.

He is the brand. And what's worse, his followers live for bad press.

JasonDJ ,

France and Spain: See you in an hour, England!

Portugal: I gotchu fam.

JasonDJ ,

I'm sure a lot of Trump's voters dad's and grandfather's shot Nazis too.

Say "La Vee".

JasonDJ ,

Push-pops are impossible to find these days. At least the ones we had as kids...with the stick in the middle.

I did manage to find them at one local chain supermarket (Wegmans), but they were store brand, not Flintstones.

JasonDJ ,

Isn't there some PM or something somewhere that famously rides a bike everywhere in a car-centric country?

The idea of Trump riding around on a bicycle amuses me. Like a circus bear.

JasonDJ ,

You can? Because I got lost somewhere in Rome.

JasonDJ ,

Saw Alanis Morisette on Austin City Limits recently. She's still got it. And the Jagged Little Pill musical was amazing. Definitely what some would consider very "woke", but Broadway doesn't usually attract the anti-woke crowd.

Remind me what Uncle Joey is doing now?

JasonDJ ,

They haven't even unlocked dual wield yet? Pathetic.

JasonDJ ,

Nah, let them keep an income of $80k/yr each. Make a reality show out of old money trying to live modestly as middle class. I'd subscribe to HBO Max for that.

Also make sure there's an accountant with some charisma to explain their bank account balance in every episode. Need to make sure they aren't getting other sources of income. Ideally, make the accountant a black woman. Not like a skinny pretty one like you'd find hosting the news...no, one with some meat and attitude. She'll be the host too.

JasonDJ ,

It's really no different than saying Clinton got impeached for a blowjob.

He wasn't, it was perjury. Though I'd say that election interference is a bit more severe than lying about a beej.

JasonDJ ,

As a convicted felon and resident of Florida, though...he shouldn't be allowed to vote. How could you rub for an office you can't vote for?

JasonDJ ,

I don't disagree, but thems the ropes.

Wouldn't it be fucking great if he tries to go and vote live on OAN or some shit, and some smug poll worker gets to tell him he can't vote because he's a convicted felon.

Oh man. That'd be better than winning the lottery.

JasonDJ ,

He's poisoning our water supply?

He's very sensitive to scrapes from metal objects and burned carbohydrates?

He's owned by a corporation and licensed out to several others?

TIL in the Carboniferous Period, no fungus existed to decompose trees. They just grew on top of each other up and up.

The weight of the trees was so great that the ones on the bottom got squished and became coal. That’s where coal is from. Bonus fact: the whole time this was happening, sharks were hunting in the oceans. Sharks are older than trees and fungus!

JasonDJ ,

We are (probably) the first to actually be (mostly) self-aware of it though. As in we could do something about it.

JasonDJ ,

It's a bully mentality. I don't want to make things better for anyone, I want to make things worse for them. Literal playground bully.

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