@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar



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Riccosuave ,
@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar

Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in a while...

Riccosuave ,
@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar

Donald Trump was extensively mentored by Roy Cohn, who also happened to be the attorney and close personal confidant of John Gotti. If you can't see the importance of that connection then you are either being intentionally disingenuous or willfully ignorant.

Everything about Donald Trump's persona was molded by and lifted from Mafia culture. Yet you want to pussy ache about people taking issue with him running the country. Give me a fucking break.

Riccosuave ,
@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar

I literally couldn't give a frenchman's fuck.

Riccosuave , (edited )
@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar

The liberal celebrities you are referring to are mostly millionaires who beat the odds. The vast majority of billionaires, on the other hand, are conservatives with generational wealth who are attempting to continuously shape society for their exclusive benefit.

Riccosuave ,
@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar

Sounds like somebody needs to stop being a hypocrite and let his village stone him to death in public.

Riccosuave ,
@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar

Boy, that seems like the pot calling the kettle black....

Riccosuave ,
@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar

Or if there is going to be some surprise fentanyl.

Riccosuave ,
@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar

So prison might actually be worse, as it'll get his voters out and then if he wins there's no way he'll go to prison or have any other trials.

I said this a week ago, and got obliterated for it. I'm glad this concept seems to be resonating with other Lemmings now that some time has passed.

I completely agree with your other analysis as well. If the goal is for Trump to get what he deserves from the long dick of the law then the only way that happens is if he loses this election.

The last thing anybody who gives a fuck about the future of democracy in this country should want is to turn that cocksucker into a martyr five months out from the only personal referendum on his ideology that we are going to get.

Riccosuave ,
@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar

They were already fucking insane, but I get your point.

Riccosuave ,
@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar

"Faith is the excuse people give when they believe something without reason, and against all reason."

- Aron Ra

Riccosuave ,
@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar

By who exactly? We are moving toward permanent tri-polar authoritarianism: China, Russia, and the United States. Nobody is coming to save us with "sanctions". We already lost the war. It's fucking over. People just haven't come to terms with that reality yet.

Riccosuave ,
@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar

you think Russia today is top 3 global power? by what metric?

Yes, by individual military power, which is the only metric that actually matters when you get down to nut-cutting. Barring some massive geo-political or technological shift, it is going to stay a tri-polar world.

Riccosuave ,
@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar

Nice username 👏

Riccosuave ,
@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar

It seems that way, but I don't think that is how the Russians see it. It will certainly be interesting to see what transpires after Mad Vlad finally kicks off.

Riccosuave ,
@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar

Fighting a land war with urban and CQC elements is messy and complicated. See: Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq as examples. Ukraine is in no way representative of what would happen in a full on shooting war, conventional or otherwise, between larger military powers.

It's disturbingly stupid that you don't understand Russia could flatten the entire country of Ukraine if it wanted to. This entire conflict is about containment and bleeding their surplus conventional weaponry so they cannot launch another offensive conflict against NATO. That is only working because completely destroying the country is counter-productive to Russian interests.

Riccosuave OP ,
@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar

Good to know, but made my asshole pucker a little bit when I first read that because you know he is going to scream bloody murder about this being total proof of impropriety by the jury, which puts them in additional danger among other things...

Riccosuave ,
@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar

Not only can it happen, it is likely to happen, and nobody is coming to save us.

Riccosuave ,
@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar

Then why was Michael Cohen convicted? Was that a political persecution too, or are you just crying foul because somebody finally held your knuckle-dragging god king to account for once in his miserably pathetic fucking existence?

Riccosuave , (edited )
@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar

I'm only interested in prison in the Federal cases, and that will only happen if and when he loses the election. After that I want Jack Smith to go full gloves off on the classified documents case, force the 11th circuits hand to recuse Loose Cannon, and then sit his fucking ass in court where they are pushing for life in prison without the possibility of parole. Then he can sit in his special cell all by himself with his secret service detail while he slowly rots from the inside out.

Riccosuave , (edited )
@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar

Locking him up over this conviction will only serve to embolden him, and win him sympathy amongst low information voters. Getting a conviction for colluding to retain state secrets, and potentially selling them to foreign actors is a whole different ball game chief. None of the prosecutions that matter are getting done before the election. That is just the fucking facts. I want him getting fisted in the ass with no lube by the Justice Department, and throwing him in jail now guarantees that never happens. Use your brain.

Riccosuave ,
@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar

If they sentence him to prison now, he will never see the inside of a cell before the election. It only helps his cause. You are so god damn naive if you don't think that is the case. I'm looking for hard fucking time, no more pussyfooting, no more saber ratling. In order to do that he has to first lose the election, and then get bent over by the DOJ. That is the only way we have a chance of getting justice. If you don't believe that then that's on you, but you are 1000% fucking wrong.

Riccosuave , (edited )
@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar

It does not help him among the Republicans who are passively accepting Trump, or anyone else.

See, you say that, but that is a historically illiterate perspective. The guy feeds on the medias negativity bias towards him. It literally makes him stronger because the entire Republican media apparatus is now designed to spin any criticism or bad news about him into another attack vector for them to further erode democracy. Their messaging is so overwhelming that this firehose of falsehoods strategy has become unquestionably effective. It no longer matters what the facts are, it's only about the vibes.

So let me tell you how this is going to go: Trump is going to win because he is the ultimate martyr of white victimhood. The poor white working class will burn this country to the fucking ground before they allow anyone else to be doing perceptually better than them en masse. These people truly believe that the only thing better than helping someone up is standing on their fucking head and watching them drown. So, he is going to win because the American experiment has failed. You can take that to the bank because you know deep down I am exactly right.

Riccosuave ,
@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar

Are you totally fine with the moral consequences of enforced veganism on the entire human population? I'm asking this because you must also understand that there are going to be seriously detrimental and inescapable outcomes associated with that as well. Life only comes from death. You can fundamentally dislike the arrangement, but as far as we are aware that is a necessary input-output relationship. Choosing which deaths you are okay with is simply trading one Faustian bargain for another.

Riccosuave ,
@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar

First, I just want to say that this isn't personal to me. I am concerned with the overarching ramifications of dismantling the current industrial meat, animal, and agricultural industries without first having sufficiently scalable solutions to replace them. This will kill a lot of people, and they will die in horrible ways. If you want to stop the suffering of animals you better know how to do so in a way that won't cause additional suffering to humanity, otherwise you are never going to reach the critical mass necessary to make the change. I'm also more than willing to admit that the greed and corruption in the governmental and economic systems of the world would need to be changed as well. Good luck with that, I fully support it.

Saying "life only comes from death" is a cowardly reductionism.

No, it is an objectively verifiable fact that is backed up by even the most basic level of scientific literacy. You are confusing the higher order ethical dilemmas of sentient consciousness with the fundamental realities of nature. You can dislike it, and I understand that. I don't like it either, but I am also not naive enough to simply ignore reality because it makes me feel bad. You are using the same kind of blind dogmatism in your response that you are accusing me of using even though I did no such thing.

sustaining human life does not require the wanton suffering of animals.

That is entirely dependant upon your interpretation of "wanton". There is currently no other way for us to sustain life on this planet with the same degree of convenience that is afforded to us by the industrialization of the food system. Can it be made better? Sure, and I am 1000% in favor of that. But suggesting that we are going to be able to eliminate the need for animals in the supply chain anytime soon is a complete fantasy. Even if we could, there will be other health considerations that come from that which need to be researched, and well understood before we bank our survival on them. That will take many decades at best.

Don't be a coward like I used to be by pretending that animals and plants are the same.

I literally never said that. You're projecting here, which is whatever honestly. I get people make this argument. I'm just not one of them.

The fact of the matter is that humans have not been a collaborative member of any ecosystem for tens of thousands of years.

I'm not sure it has been quite that long, but I agree with your general premise. Overall humanity is a destructive force if you consider the preservation of nature in its pre-industrial form to be optimal. I can appreciate that argument. I'm not entirely convinced that human life is more valuable than any other life. I'm also not entirely convinced that the proliferation of life more generally has any objectively quantifiable value. That is a philosophical argument that is beyond the scope of this conversation. Again, I'm only interested in logistically feasible goals that can be realistically implemented.

Humans are omnivores and the simple reality is that as an omnivore with options at your disposal you have a choice about whether the process of sustaining your life involves wanton suffering at a massive scale or not.

Not really. What I do personally is entirely inconsequential. Systems matter. People don't. I don't enjoy killing things. I don't "derive pleasure" from the suffering of others in the way you are accusing me of. However, I am willing to accept the ethical realities of eating animal protein, and I understand that I would not be alive today if my ancestors had not done the same for billions of years. So no, I don't enjoy it, but unlike you I do accept it. I am perfectly willing to facilitate moving the system in a more humane direction in whatever small ways I can make an impact, but I'm also not stressing about livestock having to die in order to feed people either. On some level it just is what it is.

Riccosuave ,
@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar


Riccosuave ,
@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar

I was using that as an extreme hypothetical. You can call that disingenuous if you like. I just don't see how you can remove "animal suffering" from the equation without enforcing that measure. Otherwise all you are doing is drawing a subjective line around what suffering is acceptable and what isn't. I'm personally fine with trying to make that determination in the least arbitrary way possible with the best technology possible so we can progress society forward, but let's not act like there still won't be people who see that cost as unacceptable.

Riccosuave ,
@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar

Imagine if there was a life form stronger or smarter than humans, what would you want to say to it? “Life only comes from death so eat me or abuse me”. We can and should do better.

As far as we know the propagation of life requires the consumption of other life as inputs, or in other words every single living thing on this planet must consume material from other organic life to subsist.

Therefore, in your hypothetical I would expect that any life form that required the domestication and industrial consumption of sentient life-forms or their byproducts as a matter of survival to absolutely do so regardless of the ethical implications. If it was a matter of survival, we would become an input. Absolutely zero question about it.

Riccosuave ,
@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar

Regarding your first paragraph: I was operating based on a very loose hypothetical question that you posed. So, I think you're unintentionally strawmanning me here a little bit...

As far as the second paragraph is concerned I see your point. However, I specifically said life had to consume other organic material to survive, but not necessarily kill in the process. At some level of the food chain it does ultimately become a necessity though, and I do not see that as an ethical dilemma per se.

Riccosuave ,
@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar

I’m not a typical conservative though. FTFY

You should make peace with that, and accept that the real values that represent the end game of conservative politics have finally shown themselves. There is no going back.

Riccosuave ,
@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar

Correct, which is further dragging the Overton window to the right. Everything conservatism touches is tainted, and ultimately destroyed. It is a self-defeating philosophy.

Riccosuave ,
@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar

Because that will be a massive escalation that will certainly draw significant retaliation from Russia that could spill over into a full fledged conflict with NATO.

'Confused' Judge Cannon needed concept explained 'slowly' to her in court by lawyers: NYT ( www.rawstory.com )

As part of an analysis of how U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida Judge Aileen Cannon, reports from her courtroom show a judge who is both "prickly" and" insecure" and often has trouble understanding what lawyers from both sides try to explain to her....

Riccosuave ,
@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar


^ Aileen Cannon

Riccosuave ,
@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar

I usually go with:



Riccosuave ,
@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar

Gives a whole new meaning to ring burn 🔥 😅

Riccosuave , (edited )
@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar

Good on them. Maybe the Krauts can rescue us from the neckbeard fascists in this country if Trump wins in November.

Riccosuave ,
@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar

In that case we're probably fucked like a tired sheep.

Riccosuave , (edited )
@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar

He knew this shit wouldn’t be popular with his base

Did he though? I think it is much more likely that he is either:

  • (Most Likely Scenario): Living in the past, is completely out of touch with the modern liberal voter base, and is under the illusion that some segment of the older moderates in the base still actively give a fuck about supporting Israel.

  • (Less Likely Scenario): Trying to strategically thread the needle because he knows that attacking Israel will cause them to further undermine American democracy, and lead to them playing double agent while they assist Russia in installing Donald Trump as president.

In either scenario I believe he thought he was preserving his election chances. What these fucking morons in the entrenched neo-liberal political class fail to realize is that the overwhelming majority of the electorate does not want the US involved in funding any more offensive conflicts, and that there are actually repercussions for the moral disgust people feel over their tax dollars being used to murder innocent people. At some point the "vote for me or get fucked in the ass" proposition fails to be effective anymore, and people just bend over.

Riccosuave ,
@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar

Republicans don't give a single fuck about the Constitution, civil rights, or giving medical care to anyone that isn't part of the oligarchy.

Riccosuave ,
@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar

Conceptually I agree with you. In practice I'm going to continue being despondent, angry, and depressed.

Chuck Todd: The campaign shakeup Biden needed ( www.nbcnews.com )

And here’s one more technicality about scheduling an early debate: If the debate is a complete debacle for one of them, each party technically has time and a process to change nominees. After all, this first debate will take place before either candidate is the official nominee of their party....

Riccosuave ,
@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar

There is a 0% chance this happens unless Biden drops dead.

Riccosuave ,
@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar

This isn't entirely true. Many states who have legalized Cannabis have expunged convictions off of people's records automatically, or have created a process where an individual can request it.

Riccosuave ,
@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar

I see. That isn't how I interpreted their comment, but I do agree with that assessment. Even if Cannabis was federally legalized I'm not sure that the federal government could force states to retroactively overturn convictions, but I am just making an assumption as that is beyond the scope of my legal knowledge.

Despite polls, Biden aides insist Gaza campus protests will not hurt reelection bid ( www.reuters.com )

WASHINGTON, May 18 (Reuters) - Several top White House aides say they are confident protests across U.S. college campuses against Israel's offensive in Gaza will not translate into significantly fewer votes for Joe Biden in November's election, despite polls showing many Democrats are deeply unhappy about the president's policy...

Riccosuave ,
@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar

Sorry, no sock puppets here. Just a regular old pain in the ass.

Riccosuave ,
@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar

Apparently you've never heard of Thurgood Marshall. Now there was a great man, unlike Clarence "Uncle" Thomas...

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