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buddascrayon ,

Not only that but the ACA rating system for plans is completely useless because the insurance companies invent brand new plans every single year so none of them ever have any kind of rating.

buddascrayon ,

Yes exactly!! We should stop giving billionaires massive tax breaks on their yachts and private jets give them to ordinary citizens for higher education.

buddascrayon ,

Google: people weren't using it.

The People: you cancel literally everything you create, so why should we bother?

buddascrayon ,

I'm thinking more likely accidents are going to occur when people try to avoid road hazards or go around corners and they don't remember to turn on their turn signal and the car just goes straight and barrels into something...or someone.

buddascrayon ,

All adult sex work should be legal across the board. Anyone, of legal age, should be allowed to not only sell their services but they should be able to pay taxes and be allowed to unionize and collect benefits from any organization they work for (brothels).

A lot of the people in this world who are messed up in the head just need to get laid, and those doing to dirty work should be celebrated and rewarded for their efforts. I genuinely think this would make the world a better place.

buddascrayon ,

The problem in the countries that generally allow prostitution is that, though it has been legalized, it is still horribly stigmatized. Which creates that gap where forced prostitution can flourish. If a "business" is using illegal immigrants as forced labor, who can they turn to for help? That's a double dose of stigma right there. But even a native person who's being coerced would likely get little in the way of help since "upstanding" society looks down on their chosen profession.

Our collective worldly society needs to stop looking down their nose at sex workers as some kind of deviancy.

But then, seeing how religious extremists seem to be gaining power all over, I doubt we'll see any positive change on any of these things.

buddascrayon ,

You're reading comprehension is lacking. The people I am referring to having a stigma against prostitution are not the pimps or the girls who are performing. It's the law and the society of people who think prostitution is a lowly profession for degenerates.

buddascrayon ,

You should read the article before commenting.

‘Will I ever retire?’: millennials wonder what’s on the other side of middle age ( www.theguardian.com )

Claire*, 42, was always told: “Follow your dreams and the money will follow.” So that’s what she did. At 24, she opened a retail store with a friend in downtown Ottawa, Canada. She’d managed to save enough from a part-time government job during university to start the business without taking out a loan....

buddascrayon ,

Meanwhile your grandparents were golfing at 65 and are living comfortably on their reverse mortgages up to 95 years old.

buddascrayon ,

This is what I would like to know as well.

buddascrayon ,

If it is then it's not working well enough.

buddascrayon ,

The CDC said that masks would not be very effective at preventing you from getting the disease if you don't already have it. They are however extremely effective at preventing you from spreading it if you are already infected.

THAT is the difference.

Yes, masks (not just N95 masks either) were indeed in short supply when the pandemic hit and the morons were buying them up like hot cakes in an effort to be "protected" from getting the virus. Except even if you are wearing a mask the virus can get in your eyes or get on your skin and get wiped on you nose, mouth, and eyes and you can get it. The only way to prevent the spread is for those who are infected to stop spreading the disease and masks are extremely effective at that.

Fauci and the CDC didn't lie, they were trying to stop idiots from hoarding masks that were in desperate need in hospitals and immediate care facilities. They just underestimate how unfathomably dumb you all are.

buddascrayon ,

Our fuckery with other countries is well documented. Right now we're talking about the things that our government tells us. Quite frankly, if one wanted to make a decent argument about our government lying to us they should point to Snowden. He is a much better example than the covid conspiracy theory garbage that OP has spewed forth.

buddascrayon ,

Early on in the COVID pandemic, the CDC told the public that masks weren't important for stopping the spread, when they knew this to be false.

This is why. It's not true. This is not what they said. At all. They said what I outlined above.

What you said here is what has been distorted by conservative media in the smear campaign against Fauci. A man we owe a great debt too and yet he continues to get threats and hate because of the absolute distortion of what he was saying and doing during the pandemic. All in an effort to shift the blame for how bad things got away from the great orange dipshit who bungled every aspect of our response to the disease when it hit the world.

buddascrayon , (edited )

Wondering if a mask would protect you from COVID-19? CDC does not currently recommend the general American public use a facemask to protect against novel coronavirus. Only healthcare professionals caring for COVID-19 patients, people who are sick with COVID-19, or in some cases people caring for patients who are sick with COVID-19 need precautions like a facemask to help limit their risk of spreading COVID-19.

CDC always recommends everyday preventive actions, like staying home when you are sick and washing hands with soap and water, to help prevent the spread of respiratory illness.

This literally says exactly what I just did. Wearing a mask will not protect you from getting covid or any other disease but it can protect other people from catching it from you by stopping you from spreading it.

P.S. and yes, at the time healthcare professionals needed the masks desperately so that they could administer to patients without the fear of spreading the disease all over the place if they caught it because COVID has such a long incubation period that overlaps significantly with its shedding phase.

buddascrayon ,

But I mainly blame the design of the Florida ballots for Gore's loss.

There's also that minor matter of Republicans actively sabotaging the recounts by standing outside the counting office and chanting.


buddascrayon ,

I love how they gave Jon Stewart his show back and he's been using it to burn every single thing he can, including them.

buddascrayon ,

Says someone who's never tried to get flour out of a plastic bag before...

buddascrayon ,


There has been nothing normal about our elective process since the summer of 2015. And it's only getting more fucked up across the board.

Lemmy.ml tankie censorship problem

I feel like we need to talk about Lemmy's massive tankie censorship problem. A lot of popular lemmy communities are hosted on lemmy.ml. It's been well known for a while that the admins/mods of that instance have, let's say, rather extremist and onesided political views. In short, they're what's colloquially referred to as...

buddascrayon ,

a tankie like me

I'm not sure you understand exactly what a tankie is. I mean, do you really think it's all right to sacrifice (I.E. straight up murder) people to the ideals of communism and socialism?

Being ultra liberal is fine IMO, even having the attitude that we might have to have use violence to overthrow of our government in order to get liberal ideals to be a part of our system is somewhat okay. But to think that our government, should it become communist, should be allowed to kill people in order to maintain a socialist or communist society is just straight up wrong and as far as I know that's what a tankie is, someone who thinks that Tiananmen Square and Stalin's reign of terror was just a necessary evil in order to strengthen the communist societal norm.

buddascrayon ,

Well, I stand corrected. You are, indeed, a tankie.

In that case, get fucked. Governments murdering its citizens, or anyone for that matter, for any reason whatsoever is not okay.

buddascrayon ,

I think notorious waffler Lindsey Graham has proved conclusively that showing them their own hypocrisy is absolutely and completely pointless. They don't care. They want theirs in power and they don't give a shit how they get them there or what they've done before they got there. That's why they can scream about non-existent child molesters and pedophiles on the left while voting for right wingers who've been actually found to be such.

buddascrayon ,

Here's hoping those ass fucks in Texas get to see their fair share this bullshit. While they sit around climate denying they can fucking roast.

buddascrayon ,

Yes but you see the billionaires who own everything want the AI to make all the art and writing so they don't have to pay you and so they can keep all the money they (not you) make off of art and writing.

buddascrayon , (edited )

They may not be alive but prions scare the ever living fuck out of me.

buddascrayon ,

To think this is a problem with just Amazon is silly. This is every American corporation. The executives of every major corporation in this country treat themselves very very well on company dimes while their workers all languish in starvation wages. The only way to fight this is to raise the minimum wage to something that is livable for the average worker. The government needs to force these companies to behave. They will never and I mean abso-fucking-lutely never choose to treat their workers with respect and dignity by paying them a decent living wage.

And the politicians that are in all of their pockets will never ever go against their corporate masters. The only way to make them listen is to get every single American to acknowledge that this is something that is needed and then push their politicians to do it or threaten their jobs by voting for someone else. This goes for both Democrats and Republicans, not quite equally but there's definitely a few Democrats that need to be replaced.

buddascrayon ,

Me: looks at the meme, then looks at you comment


buddascrayon ,

One thing that I will say on this is that I find the idea that a company can patent life is beyond repugnant. These corporations aren't designing these things from the ground up. They are doing the exact same thing farmers have done for thousands of years which is mixing breeds together to get the result they want. Only real difference now is that they can take a snapshot of the DNA and go to the patent office and say "Mine!".

buddascrayon ,

If this were all true we wouldn't have Medicaid, Medicare, or social security. There wouldn't be welfare, literally at all and Unions wouldn't exist. Not to mention that slavery would never have been abolished.

There is a moral core that has run through this country since it's inception that is currently being suppressed by the ultra wealthy in their race to gain more wealth and power through the use of social media platforms and most major media outlets. But there's only so much their suppression can do before that moral core comes knocking at their doors and demands a reckoning.

buddascrayon ,

Yes, we have two absolutely shitty choices for president. So why not focus on your senate and congressional choices. Or even look at your gubernatorial elections and local senators and aldermen. A lot of those determine how the parties get to interact with the federal choices. You want better choices? Get involved.

buddascrayon ,

Not to be "that guy" but you forgot to include Obama. As well as every US president since Washington.

buddascrayon ,

That was the selling point before we got into mass production of disposable plastic everything.

buddascrayon ,

It's those little things that scare me the most. Insects make up a large amount of the bottom tier of the food chain and are a necessary part of the reproductive cycle of a lot of plants. This is a much clearer indicator of how deep in the shit we are with climate change.

buddascrayon ,

What isn’t said enough is that rural whites are being told to blame all the wrong people for their very real problems. As we argue in the book, Hollywood liberals didn’t destroy the family farm, college professors didn’t move manufacturing jobs overseas, immigrants didn’t pour opioids into rural communities, and critical race theory didn’t close hundreds of rural hospitals. When Republican politicians and the conservative media tell rural whites to aim their anger at those targets, it’s so they won’t ask why the people they keep electing haven’t done anything to improve life in their communities.

This right here is so on the nose it's not even funny. Republican political strategy in rural America is 100% distraction politics. Using every nonsense "moral" issue they can come up with to distract from the fact that they are completely incapable of governing anything effectively for the benefit of the people.

buddascrayon ,

There's like 1 guy. I mean, I know there are masses of angry chuds out there who hate her(and also not-so-secretly lust after her, which is beyond sick) but in this thread there's just the one.

P.S. the other is a troll who is using sarcasm wrong.

buddascrayon ,

Seriously, it's like reporting on a headline from the Weekly World News. So fucking stupid clickbaity nonsense.

The House GOP just gave Biden’s campaign a huge gift: Roughly 80 percent of House Republicans just lined up behind a plan to cut Social Security and ban all abortions ( www.vox.com )

Donald Trump would be on track to win a historic landslide in November — if so many US voters didn’t find him personally repugnant....

buddascrayon ,

What blows my mind is how many people these poles seem to say think that Donald Trump's economic policies are so great. The fact is that he, in four short years, undid nearly all of the economic growth that Obama built on for eight full years. And that was before he mishandled the pandemic so unfathomably badly that our country is still recovering from it four years later.

It is just mind boggling that there are people, that aren't a part of his moronic base, who see him as anything but a buffoon.

Edit: formatting and clarification.

buddascrayon ,

Yeah well Biden doesn't really need to appeal to liberals and progressives when it comes to Trump. However making his idiotic base doubt him by calling me poor little bitch will definitely weaken Trump's position.

buddascrayon ,

They still need the pigs to cultivate the cells to make the sausage.

buddascrayon ,

Where did you read this? Could you link a source please?

buddascrayon ,

This needs to be the top comment. This is such an obvious ploy by a right wing extremist.

buddascrayon ,

How is this news? Reddit has been doing this for literally years.

buddascrayon ,

Corporate propaganda is a powerful thing. And one fairly subtle aspect of it is having television programs that normalize the 2 parent working household.

buddascrayon ,

Back then there was this thing called the marginal tax rate which taxed the extremely wealthy 90%.

Current proposals for a marginal tax rate on anyone making over 10 million dollars is 70% and the billionaires of this country are using their wealth to convince the stupidest of the lower classes that such a thing will hurt them and not just the billionaires.

buddascrayon ,

Which is the way the GOP likes it. Dumb people don't question their authoritarian rule.

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