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Cethin ,

It's also weirdly similar to Trump's posture. Both horrible and I don't know how they stand like that. It looks both ugly and uncomfortable.

Cethin ,

While shitty, what does him helping them financially have to do with anything? He shouldn't be responsible for them. There are many people in the US in worse situations, and they don't get special treatment because, I guess, they aren't family with a famous murderer.

Cethin ,

OK, I think maybe you should take some time before you respond.

I never claimed to be a victim.


You might read the order of comments here and notice that people are attacking me...

What do we call someone who is the subject of an attack?

I think you've got to just give up arguing this. You made a mistake, which is fine if we own up to it and don't repeat it. In the future, don't dismiss protests because of perceived damage that you don't actually have any knowledge of. You aren't going to win the argument here, which shouldn't be your goal, but you can prevent yourself from making the same mistake in the future.

Cethin ,

Possibly. I'd imagine the vast majority of people don't see the followup that there wasn't damage, here, or the Mona Lisa, or the other events. The goal was outrage coverage for sure, and without causing damage so anyone who actually cares is fine with it. The media will just call it paint, and now that the potential for damage is clear they'll stop talking about it.

Spectrum Call Center in Charlotte, NC Reportedly Provided Fried Chicken and Watermelon to Employees for Juneteenth ( thencbeat.com )

“We want to acknowledge some feedback received regarding our Juneteenth celebration,” Pezzuto said in his letter obtained by The North Carolina Beat. “Although our intent was to celebrate this nationally recognized day, some of you voiced your concerns regarding the associated food choices.”...

Cethin ,

It'd also likely not be seen as derogatory if it weren't being served to them by their white corporate masters. I'm certain many black families enjoy these dishes to this day for juneteenth. However, some rich white people deciding to serve their workers that for a day celebrating the freeing of black Americans is a horrible look and there's no way anyone assumes anything but stereotypes used to make fun of black people for decades.

Cethin ,

The comment you're replying to make no mention in the quality of her music. It is purely commenting on the fan's obsessions. You can like an artistic without being a fanatic.

Cethin ,

I don't read it as saying they're wrong. I read it as saying it's unreliable. If someone has a cacaine addiction, I'm not going to trust them to hold on to some crack and not use it. If they can prove themselves reliable then they may be trusted.

I don't think I agree with this person's opinion, but it's not what you said it was.

Cethin ,

I love the "as many of us know, Rep Friske is always exercising his 2nd Amendment right," as if to somehow excuse an assault with a deadly weapon.

Cethin ,

It is not the most expensive for any intrinsic reason. It's not necessarily that complex to operate. It's expensive because bureaucracy that has been strapped to it to make switching to it harder, which was designed to keep dirty energy in demand longer. It is the safest power source we have available (including renewables). There's no reason it's so expensive except to attempt to kill it.

Cethin ,

Some of it, yeah. Obviously some is required. Not the amount that it has though.

Prosecutors say Alec Baldwin was ‘engaged in horseplay’ with gun before fatal shooting ( www.theguardian.com )

Fewer than three weeks before actor Alec Baldwin is due to go on trial in Santa Fe, New Mexico, prosecutors have said that he “engaged in horseplay with the revolver”, including firing a blank round at a crew member on the set of Rust before the tragic accident occurred....

Cethin ,

I'd argue otherwise. Their can be. It's not required, but it's the difference of using CGI or practical effects. John Wick didn't use real guns, but it's the perfect case for that. It's fast action with a lot going on, so you'll never notice that it's fake. I would argue more intimate shots it can make sense to use a real firearm.

They shouldn't be used where it's possible to avoid, and even when it can't be avoided aiming it at someone should be avoided. There should also be checks and double checks to ensure there isn't a live round, and the actor should also be trained to handle the weapon and check there isn't a live round before using it as well. There is no reason something like this should have been possible, but I don't agree there is no use for using a real firearm ever on set.

Cethin ,

I agree Baldwin and the armorer are at fault. There's no debate there. A non-functional firearm can't fire blanks though, as you seem to mention (despite starting by seemingly saying they shouldn't exist). It's sometimes useful to do that, and it should be handled with extreme care and only in the cases where it's actually useful.

Cethin ,

I totally agree with everything you said. This case was handled poorly. I was arguing it can be useful, but should be handled as if it's a firearm, not a toy, because it is. There should have been no chance (or as close to that as possible) of this happening, but it doesn't mean there is zero use cases.

Cethin ,

As a Virginian, I hadn't subscribed to a VPN until our legislators decided to pull this shit.

Cethin ,

I hope so, but also I feel like the experience itself is probably worth 10 grand.

Cethin , (edited )

The reason why you may be able to diagnose an ICE by sound is because they're complex. That's not a positive. An electric motor has just a few moving parts. If it goes bad you don't really need to work to figure it out and fix it.

The rest of the arguments can be made, but as you imply they're disingenuous. The sound one is just not a benefit at all.

Cethin ,

I agree public transport is the better option, but electric cars are a good option for the vast majority of people as long as we're going to need cars.

Cethin ,

"Electric cars are too expensive!"

"I'm only interested in the most expensive of electric cars!"

Cethin ,

How the hell would you break a charge port? If you managed that then no vehicle is safe.

Cethin ,

Oh, the charging station. Charging port I think would mean the port it plugs into on your car. Yeah, I guess that could be an issue, but it's not really something that needs to be considered by a consumer. The fact that you're much less likely to have mechanical issues I think more than makes up for the rare case of vandalism, which can happen to any piece of the infrastructure, for gas and electric.

Cethin ,

It's an extremely unlikely situation, and the same thing can happen with an ICE. An ICE is, in fact, much more likely to experience mechanical failure. For either the solution is the same: you have to get towed.

Luckily if it's just needing a charge there are other options than a fast charge station. You can go to an RV park and get a faster than a regular outlet charge, or go somewhere with a regular power outlet and ask if you can use it. Either of those could require spending the night, depending on how much you need, but it is very unlikely to be required and they are possible.

Cethin ,

Also, the CEO is adamant about keeping it that way.

Cethin ,

Hydrogen will be very useful as an energy storage solution that can be transported. I don't buy it for this. It makes a lot more sense to electrify rail. It already requires infrastructure, and the destination of rail needs electricity, so it should be part of the electrical infrastructure and trains can utilize that.

Where it makes sense I think is shipping. It's already on the coast, where you have access to water to produce hydrogen, and you can easily load it onto ships to sell to places with an electrical deficit. It also only makes sense when you have an energy surplus.

The issue with hydrogen is it has very poor energy density. Even when liquid, which requires extra energy to cool and maintain and it's still not energy dense. Ship size almost doesn't matter, making it a great option for transporting it. Rail cares about this less than a car, but more than a ship. I don't know if it overcomes that issue.

Cethin ,

I'm sure they're correct, but both candidates are going to be on some drugs, at minimum caffeine. I'm really not sure why that matters though. What does it change? The issue is their viewers will stop at "Biden may have been on drugs" and use that to ignore anything else that made them consider changing their beliefs.

Cethin ,

Israel does make some of their own weapons. (Have you ever heard of the Uzi or Desert Eagle?) Just not enough for their current goals. I've heard that proposed as a reason the US provides them so many weapons, to suppress the growth of their local weapons industry.

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  • Cethin ,

    Speaking as a white man, I don't see why you needed to repeat what they said back to them.

    Cethin ,

    OK, so your earlier comment was saying they're good for sending (selling) weapons to Ukraine. Then you say they can't be held responsible for the bad things. If they can't be responsible for the bad, then they also don't get credit for any good.

    Cethin ,

    Let me point a critical part that you seemed to have skipped:

    ... to avoid unnecessary computations...

    Using ML algorithms to add more computations that weren't necessary doesn't help. Using it to improve computations can, if it's more efficient than not using it. ML can be a useful and good thing, but the extreme vast majority of what it's currently being used for is trying to come up with more places to shove it where it doesn't reduce computations and instead increases it.

    Cethin ,

    You can absolutely raise cattle in an energy neutral (or potentially even energy positive) way. Cattle, in nature, consume grass. Most of the energy the cows get from the grass comes from solar energy. If they're being raised on land that is not being used for anything else and no equipment or anything else is used, the area gathers more energy than it costs.

    However, this is generally not how cattle is raised. In order to meet the large demands of our society other methods are used that cost more energy. That doesn't mean it can't be done, but it won't be done on a large scale.

    Cethin ,

    Yeah, honestly as long as we aren't willing to change things in a meaningful way, this is somewhat nice. It's like voter registration. It should be automatic (assuming it's required anyway). Sadly we are more likely to make draft registration automatic before voter registration.

    Cethin ,

    If you're looking for a new home, I've enjoyed Lemmy.zip. I think it's on the smaller side, but I prefer that to everyone being on a few instances.

    Cethin ,

    I'd agree it should be. However, there is no government grant for journalism, and journalists have to eat. Either it's free, and the journalists either don't do the work or make it a hobby project (which means less quality) or they have to get paid somehow.

    Cethin ,

    No true scotsman.

    Cethin ,

    Sure man, I'll quote it for you even: "You presumed that because a claim has been poorly argued, or a fallacy has been made, that the claim itself must be wrong."

    I was not saying what you said must be wrong because you committed a fallacy. I was saying your argument was a fallacy and held no relevance.

    Is claiming you're right by saying someone committed the fallacy fallacy the fallacy fallacy fallacy?

    Cethin ,

    I think the only big thing to note is I don't think Russia sends ships elsewhere all that frequently. Their navy is a bit of a joke. It's still not provocative, but it is different.

    I'm assuming the us showed the sub as a signal saying "we were right there with you. Did you even detect us? You don't stand a chance, so don't start anything."

    Cethin ,

    I don't agree with them but this:

    But they are still terrorists, right?

    That's a loaded question.

    Terrorism: the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

    The first part that needs to be dealt with is "unlawful." Who's laws? The issue is states get to arbitrarily define terrorism. If a state does terrorism, they get to say it's something else.

    Second: "violence and intimidation... in the pursuit of political aims." OK, so all militaries do this part. That's the point of a military. If this part is wrong then all states are wrong.

    OK, so essentially the issue is defining "terrorism" as a bad thing. It isn't necessarily. It's using the means of the state against a state. That is all. It can be bad, but so can the actions of a state. It can also be good. If only states are allowed to use violence then they will use violence to suppress voices they disagree with, and there's nothing that can be done about it.

    We've got to stop using the term terrorism. It's a term of the media. It isn't useful in a real discussion. It is a term used to drive hatred and fear even if the ones using it are the ones on the receiving end of most of the violence. The media will never use the word to refer to state actions that they agree with. Stop using their language.

    Cethin ,

    To be specific, this is Dwarf Fortress. The game procedurally generates most of its content. Rusted metal is one of the potential options for divine metals, which is really good not bad like it sounds.

    Cethin ,

    Sadly, no one knows the plot of Caprica because we're the only two people in the world who watched it. It's impressive how well BSG was received and is remembered and most people don't even know Caprica exists.

    Cethin ,

    Nazis were not left ever. That's a myth. They use the trappings of leftism, but never did anything leftist. They also attacked the real socialists. They were authoritarian-right.

    Cethin ,

    The French have always been pretty strong. I don't know what history you read, but they've pretty consistently had one of the strongest militaries in the world. Sure, they surrendered quickly on WWII, but the people kept fighting even then when their government was occupied. They were one of the first nations to aid the United States also and have always been pretty active.

    Is this all good? Idk. Besides resisting the Nazis after the occupation, I would very much argue much of this is bad (or at best self-serving). It's nation-state shit. It's never out of marality. They're strong though.

    Cethin ,

    The theory does not need to explain why. It needs to explain how, and prove that it's happening. We know how traits change over time to form new species, and we know that this does in fact happen. There's always more to learn about specifics, but it's almost certainly not changing that evolution is happening, and the mechanisms for that are pretty well understood.

    Cethin ,

    Because Libertarians don't care about people's rights (in the modern US usage at least). For example, without government legalization of slavery would be the default since nothing is stopping it. Libertarianism would say if you can afford to buy a person, and they ended up in slavery because they weren't good enough or whatever, then it's fair that you should be able to purchase them.

    Libertarianism is the philosophy of Ayn Rand. They're the people who want to remove government so they can fuck children and exploit people. They don't want liberty. They want authority, but by rich people not voters.

    What you are talking about is Anarchism. Government shouldn't be telling people how to live their lives but should provide protections and assistance to allow them to live the best they can.

    Cethin ,

    What you want to look at is anarchists. They want government protections for people from exploitation and harm, and freedom for the individual. Libertarians want freedom for the rich and powerful to exploit people however they can/want and for governments to protect them doing this.

    Basically boiled down and (over)simplified, Anarchism = freedom for the people, and Libertarianism = freedom for those with the means to hold it.

    Cethin ,

    I don't agree with the assessment on slavery because in that system nobody would have the authority to sell another person in the first place. Although I suppose you could sell yourself and have indentured servitude.

    The issue is that, without protections, do people really get a choice. If all land is owned by the owner class and you need food, water, and shelter for you and your family to survive, and there is authority ensuring you can't make use of things you don't own, what choice do you have? You can die or you can work for the owners.

    It's really not that different to today (what many will call wage slavery), except without protections they'll force you to sign a contract ensuring you can't work anywhere else without their permission. Without competition, they can force you to do whatever they want. You will "willingly" sign away your right to bodily autonomy because they won't give you necessities unless you do.

    Edit and I guess I'm going to get all "no true scottsman" over here and say a libertarian that doesn't believe in liberty and freedom isn't a libertarian at all. But thanks for explaining it a bit.

    They believe in certain liberties and freedoms. You can't believe in all of them because some are exclusive. Do you have the liberty to own slaves or does someone else have the liberty to never be owned? Do you have the liberty to rape a minor or do they have liberty to not have them happen to them?

    The name sounds great. However, liberty for some comes at the cost of liberty for others. If someone has the liberty to have authority of others, they're depriving those others of their own liberty.

    Cethin ,

    Honestly, him facing it very well could win votes I expect. It shows that he isn't using the powers of the presidency to interfere with this, which is something Trump accuses him of, and also we all know Trump would do. It makes Biden the candidate of allowing the law to apply to people near the president and Trump the candidate who will use the office to protect himself and his "friends." He's already used it to pardon many who do his bidding.

    Cethin ,

    No. Just when someone says something against Israel, Zionism, or in favor of Palestine it isn't anti-semetic.

    Cethin ,

    The topic of your strawman? Yeah, sure... that seems reasonable.

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