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Nightwingdragon , (edited )

It seems unlikely that she will take that chance though since she can cause more delay by staying where she it, but who knows, she doesn’t seem to be the sharpest crayon in the box so maybe she will do it.

She has two goals:

  1. To entertain all of the ridiculous motions to get the charges dismissed that Trump makes and deny them. This is for the purpose of cover so she can point to those rulings as a defense against accusations of bias, while also delaying the trial until after the election in the hopes that Trump wins and orders the DOJ to drop the charges.

  2. If and when the case does go to trial, then she'll entertain and grant a motion to dismiss once a jury is seated so double jeopardy attaches and Trump walks anyway. She's already openly all but said as much, as she is intentionally waiting until the start of the trial to rule on some defense motions.

Plus, then she’d probably be free to go on the right wing talk circuit and make piles of money while still supporting Trump.

The appellate courts removing her from the case won't mean she stops being a judge. Only impeachment and removal can do that, and there's zero chance that 2/3 of the senate is going to vote to remove her from the bench. Her seat is secure. She's basically trying to angle for a seat on the Supreme Court, knowing that two judges are likely going to be replaced during the next term and this is her best shot at getting one of them, while also knowing full well that her job is secure even if all of this blows up in her face. In her mind, she's basically gambling with house money.

Nightwingdragon ,

Let's be realistic. Take her politics and personality out of it, and she's a very attractive woman with a pretty damn impressive rack. I'd be willing to bet that 99% of guys would consider it a pretty damn good night if they woke up the next morning next to her and didn't know who she was.

Granted, she spoils it the minute she opens her mouth and reveals herself as a complete cuntrag. But she's still at least a very attractive cuntrag.

Nightwingdragon , (edited )

Polling earlier this month placed Boebert with a 35-point lead over five other candidates, though 40% of voters were undecided at the time, according to the Kaplan Strategies poll.

What the fuck? Her new district sees a carpetbagging moron who has successfully passed zero bills, came within a cunt hair of losing a safe R seat to a Democrat because she's an embarrassment to Colorado, then went on and became a national embarrassment after going to second base with her boyfriend at a Bettlejuice play, was basically run out of her own district, and collectively said "Yeah, we want more of that!"?

We really are in the stupidest timeline. I will never forgive Trump for a lot of things, but especially for opening the door and allowing people like her and MTG to rise to power.

Nightwingdragon ,

Adam Frisch has a good chance of winning, which means boebert has a shot at flipping two districts from red to blue.

What a glorious outcome this would be. After a short but pointless career, she's essentially run out of politics and goes down in history as the first person to cost their party not just one but two seats on her way out.

I would celebrate with a hearty chuckle.

Nightwingdragon ,

The bill says that “most male and female infertility” can be treated with medication, surgery, or simply by figuring out the optimal time for intercourse in a woman’s cycle.

This sentence alone should tell you all you need to know: This bill was written by a whole bunch of old, white people who have no clue what the hell they're talking about but want to push their religious views onto others.

Their whole argument is just basically a really long-winded way of rehashing the same nonsense they've been saying for years: "Use the rhythm method."

Nightwingdragon ,

His chances were essentially nil to begin with. The only reason he's even being discussed at all instead of being lumped in like the other no-hopers is because he has juuuuuust enough support to be able to make either Trump or Biden's math slightly more difficult.

US signals to Hezbollah it will back Israeli offensive, as frustration with Gaza ceasefire grows ( )

The US has indicated it is open to backing an Israeli offensive against Hezbollah in Lebanon, amid mounting frustration that the group continues to link a truce with Israel to an elusive broader ceasefire in Gaza....

Nightwingdragon ,

Nitpick: The US just does whatever the hell it wants. In this case, for whatever reason, those wants just happen to line up with Netanyahu.

Nightwingdragon ,

Funny thing people think Pornhub is the only porn site on the internet or something? That if they make Pornhub shut down that all the porn will magically disappear? Fucking LOL. Sure, there's a good idea guys. It's not like there aren't a billion other porn sites on the internet that couldn't give a shit less about US age verification laws.

All this will do is drive people away from the most popular porn sites that at least have something in place even if it isn't very good and drive them to any number of other sites where they'll pick up all sorts of malware on their devices and probably finding even more of the porn-of-questionable-legality that these bills were meant to stifle in the first place.

Fire hot, water wet, teenagers are gonna find porn. It's embedded in their DNA. Don't believe me? Ask any teenager in the 80s about going into the woods to find a stash of porn magazines. We weren't told this shit. It's just like we...knew. Basic instinct. We somehow just knew there was porn in the woods and on scrambled cable TV channels at like 4 in the morning. Porn is eternal. And as long as it's out there, teenagers are going to find it.

Nightwingdragon ,

And for each one of those, two that don't give a shit about age verification will pop up to take it's place. Pornhub could close today and it would be replaced with hubofporn and pornohubs dot com by lunchtime, hosted in some country like the Isle of Man or something.

Nightwingdragon ,

Trump, one of the shittiest human beings ever produced, could’ve been a okay to good president.

I have said before and I will say again: We all are very lucky that Trump is too stupid to be able to get out of his own way. Had Trump just said "Look, it's going to be OK. Like I always say, I only take on the best people, and the best people are going to guide us through the pandemic" and just listened to people who actually knew what the fuck they were talking about, he could have easily won the 2020 election in a landslide that would have been up there with the Regan/Mondale landslide in the 1980s, and Biden would have been a footnote at most.

But Trump had to let his ego take control, as it does literally every time, which means that he always must take the absolutely worst possible option available in any given situation, and he has mastered the art of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

WANNABE DICTATOR Trump Demands that All Business Execs Be FIRED If They're Not 100% Behind Trump ( )

On Tuesday morning Trump provided another example of his tyrannical tendencies. In a comment posted to his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, Trump issued a decree to the world that he imagines is attentive to his crackpot ravings. He demanded that......

Nightwingdragon ,

The entertainment industry aside (Looking at you, Rock), I refuse to take seriously anybody who refers to themselves in the third person.

Nightwingdragon ,

If I lived in Louisiana, I'd demand that this was posted right next to it. I'm not even a believer (I'm apatheist, FWIW). But The Satanic Temple just doesn't have the shock value that it used to. Use the real thing; go for maximum shock value.

Nightwingdragon ,

These are the best kind of responses. The ones where I have heard so many stupid things coming from religion that I can't tell whether or not you're serious.

Nightwingdragon ,

My wife and I watch a lot of the videos on youtube from these people. And the videos make me wonder if a lot of these people are true believers or if they're so desperate for youtube views that they're willing to get a permanent criminal record for the privilege. The same goes for the "first amendment auditors" or whatever those morons call themselves.

First, they all read from the exact same script. Every time. Once you watch one or two of them, they become so predictable that you could recite them verbatim. Heck, some of them literally grab notes and start reading from their notes. To me, this sounds less like an ideology and more like a bunch of morons saying "All I have to do is say this to a cop and I'll get 50,000 viewers on Youtube too?!?!? Sign me up!!!"

Second, they lose. Every time. But they still post their own videos. Why the hell would you spout SovCit nonsense, fail in spectacular fashion, and then post the video anyway? And then after that, why would you do it again and again? And why would you keep posting the videos, unless all you wanted was the attention?

Ever notice how these "sovereign citizens" only become "sovereign citizens" only after they have their licenses suspended, typically after multiple driving infractions, drug arrests, and DUIs? Funny how they "see the light" and use being a SovCit as justification to drive after they've burnt through all their legal options.

And then there's the fact that they literally advertise that they're breaking the law with those "Not for Hire" bumper stickers and the fake "TRVLR" or "PRIVATE" license plates. If the real goal is to just "travel" from point A to B undisturbed, why the hell are you essentially begging cops to pull you over by plastering this crap on your car?

And if they don't believe in US law, why do they pull over in the first place? If they think they're out of the reach of law enforcement, why are they pulling over for it? Why are they showing up to court cases if they feel the courts are invalid? Why are they using the (mostly fake) US Supreme Court cases they keep citing if they think the entire court system is invalid and doesn't apply to them anyway?

I could go on and on, because literally nothing about SovCits or 1A "auditors" makes the first bit of sense. But you get the idea. Maybe it's just me, but I see the SovCit movement as little more than a whole bunch of low-IQ morons who figure "Hey, I've already got a criminal record, what do I have to lose at this point?" and are just doing this for the Youtube views and whatever extra cash that generates.

I'd love to hear the viewpoints of anyone who's had to actually deal with these people in real life. Are these people true believers, or are they just in it for the attention?

Nightwingdragon ,

I would hardly count these people as "believers in the constitution" or exposing "how police forces abuse the rights of the people."

These people are simply hiding behind their twisted interpretation of the first amendment to justify harassing people for youtube views.

Nightwingdragon ,

What would the second guy be doing?

Nightwingdragon OP , (edited )

The flip side of this debate is that by banning all medical debt from credit reports, patients will have no incentive to pay their medical bills and instead just skip them entirely, forcing hospitals to demand payment up front, raise prices even further, etc.

What do I say to that? Fuck 'em.

First, stop jacking up the prices of mundane items. Asprin shouldn't be costing me $20+ per pill just to cure a headache. That doctor that stopped in for 3 seconds to ask how I was doing shouldn't run me $2500.

Second, make sure bills are (a) accurate, and (b) easy to read. Don't just stick some medical jargon and some huge number as a line item and expect patients to just blindly pay it without question. At best, expect them to question it (which is how most of the inaccuracies are found), and at worst, they'll just ignore the bill entirely, especially if it's out of their financial reach. Giving the patient a clean, easy to understand, reasonable and most importantly accurate hospital bill would at least give hospitals some chance of getting some of the money.

Third, if they want to go after someone for the money, go after the god damned insurance companies. Tell them to cover what they said they were going to cover. Tell them to stop weaseling out of paying by using semantics and doublespeak to get away with not paying on a technicality. Tell them to stop with the sky-high deductibles. But you were never going to get any of the money by harassing and ruining the credit of a mother of two who was already struggling to make ends meet before whatever health issues brought her to the hospital in the first place. That $12,000 bill you sent her? Might as well have been for $12,000,000,000. You had the exact same chances of that person being able to pay off either one in the first place: 0.

And finally, stop sending multiple bills that are days, weeks, or even months apart. I don't care how "independent" your doctors are or whatever the case is. I should expect to get one hospital bill, not half a dozen spread out over months. How you accomplish this shouldn't be my problem. But if you're going to continue doing this, don't be surprised when those bills go unpaid or are lost in the shuffle because the patient thinks they already handled that and just proceed to ignore it. Patients shouldn't suffer because hospitals can't figure out how the hell to even bill their patients properly.

If hospitals want their money, let them get it from the insurance companies that we're paying thousands of dollars a month to in the first place, not the people who never wanted to be in a situation where they needed hospital care and would never have the resources to pay it back in the first place. Let the patients try to rebuild their lives, and go after the insurance companies that we're paying to handle this for us.

Nightwingdragon OP ,

This I agree with, but it's not the system we have. Right now, under our current and shitty system, hospitals have two options: They can go after the insurance companies or they can go after the patients. I say fuck 'em and make them go after the insurance companies if they want their money. Isn't that what we're supposed to be paying them for? And if hospitals don't like the fact that they have to deal with insurance companies if they want to get paid at all, then they can join the push for a single payer system in this country that ensures they get paid without having to harass and ruin the lives of the patients.

Nightwingdragon OP ,

When else is someone allowed to force you to agree to unknown terms at the consequence of your health?

You're not even "agreeing" to the unknown terms a lot of the time. Your "agreement" is just assumed. How the hell can you "agree" to anything if you're unconscious and being brought to the hospital in an ambulance after a car accident? Or when you're literally in the middle of a heart attack?

99.99% of people who are going to hospitals aren't exactly in any condition to shop around, make informed choices, or "agree" to anything at all, and most of the services they're being billed for were most likely for services rendered while the patient was still incapacitated or otherwise unable to agree to anything. And what if you disagree? You die? And if you don't like the prices your hospital is going to charge, what are you going to do if it's the only hospital in your area?

If you were to enter literally any other "agreement" in this country when there are no competing hospitals in your area to shop around for, the terms of the agreement are unknown until weeks or months after services are rendered, and you are in no way capable of giving informed consent at the time the agreement is made, it would be thrown out of court for being made under duress and for being too one-sided.

Nightwingdragon OP ,

Just because it’s not on a report doesn’t mean providers have no recourse when it comes to seeking compensation.

No, but most of the time it's simply not worth it for hospitals to fight. Either they'd spend more time and money on lawyers, arbitration, etc. than they'd be able to collect if they win, or the patient is poor and all but judgement-proof.

If they so choose they can take anyone to court and obtain a legal judgement. The frequent calls and letters from collectors are no picnic either.

If I recall reading the updated proposal from the CFPB correctly, it's supposed to be putting a stop to the debt collectors too. The only recourse left, if I'm reading everything correctly, would be for the hospitals to sue patients directly, and that would probably only be for bills high enough to make seeking legal action worth it and if they feel the patient has the resources to pay. The latter is the most important part -- whether the bill is for $100 or eleventy billion dollars won't matter if the patient is, for example, and elderly woman on disability with no possible way to repay anything.

Nightwingdragon ,

“You got Donald Trump in Detroit talking to 8,000 people at a Black church,” she told Bartiromo.

Oh, come on Kellyanne. It was right there. He didn't talk to 8,000 people. He talked to over 9,000!

I mean, if you're going to make up complete bullshit like that, have some fun with it at least.

Nightwingdragon ,

I think you underestimate the damage Congress can cause if they want to.

But they really can't though. The GOP can pass whatever they want in the house. It would be DOA in the senate and would never make it past Biden's desk.

And yes, there's the what-if if Trump wins the election, but they'd still have to gain control of the WH and both chambers of Congress for that to happen. And if the GOP sweeps in November, we have much bigger problems to worry about.

There's really no reason why these colleges should be folding to pressure from the GOP.

Nightwingdragon ,

Trump said he did not want Biden removed from the Democratic ticket even though he polls better than other contenders.

"Well, you know, interestingly, they've done polling, and I do better against almost everybody," he opined. "And so they don't — they don't want to take him off. It depends."

"Maybe I'm better off losing the debate," Trump added. "I'll make sure he stays. I'll lose the debate on purpose. Maybe I'll do something like that."

How the hell does this make any sense? Barring Biden dropping dead or something, there is zero chance he is going to be removed as the nominee. Trump's performance, or even Biden's himself, at any debate isn't going to change that. The fact that this is a Trump/Biden race has been pretty much etched in stone for months.

But this is Trump and this is how he operates. It's how he handles his own weaknesses: Rather than admit he has faults, he just preemptively says "If I fail at <thing>, its because the whole system is rigged!". Why? That way, when he inevitably fails at the thing (which almost always happens), he's got a built in excuse that his base will eat right up.

Nightwingdragon ,

I agree. And for everything that Trump has done for our oceans, the entire coastline of Las Vegas should be named after Trump in his honor.

Nightwingdragon ,

They’re full gram joints. I don’t think Little Timmy needs more than two puffs from one. Puff puf

That all depends on how your body processes THC. For some people I know, two puffs is plenty. For others (Me, for example), two puffs ain't gonna do shit.

Nightwingdragon ,

Floridians outraged by shameful anti-worker heat law. Here’s how it happened

  1. The GOP, under Mitch McConnell, abandoned all policy issues in favor of just being literally against anything the Democrats are in favor of, under any and all circumstances.

  2. The GOP ramped up the already simmering culture war against immigrants to ridiculous extremes during the Trump administration and conditioned their base that open racism is now acceptable.

  3. The GOP realized that these same immigrants are the ones that do the majority of the fruit picking, landscaping, carpentry, etc., often outside in the scorching heat for 12+ hours per day.

  4. Big businesses, capitalizing on the new-found racism streak in the Republican party which is further amped up in Florida already, lobbied lawmakers to block any and all laws regarding heat management in the state so they could save a few bucks.

  5. Republicans in the state, seeing an opportunity to both make a fuckton of money in bribes "campaign contributions", stick it to brown people at the same time, and make the newly emboldened racist voters in their state happy and therefore more likely to re-elect them, gleefully jumped at the chance to oblige.

That's how it happened. Anything else is a lie.

Nightwingdragon ,

If I'm being held in contempt by the likes of Mike Johnson, Gym Jordan, Beetlejuice, and Marjie The Gross-Looking, then I know I'm doing something right.

Seriously. I'd be holding an award ceremony for myself. Maybe as a fundraiser to be donated to their opponents.

I'm no fan of Merrick Garland for all of the obvious reasons, but while I wholeheartedly disagree with the way he's handled multiple things, none of them rise to the standards where impeachment or contempt of congress is warranted.

Nightwingdragon ,

Lol their worst accusations are over tens of millions of dollars?

Tens of millions of dollars they can't even prove exists. And they literally tried for 3 years. Hearing after hearing, tens of thousands of documents, and they came up with nothing.

But the sad thing is, they've successfully conditioned about 30-40% of the voting base to just believe whatever they said without question and dismiss anything that contradicts their statement as "fake news" from the "deep state".

Nightwingdragon ,

This looks like a screenshot of a very badly animated AI.

Nightwingdragon ,

Isn't that the day after Trump's sentencing? Should make for a very spicy hearing.

Nightwingdragon ,

That, and stop making the Supremes political appointees. The Australian parliament takes a shortlist of suitable candidates from a judicial review board. Our High Court is law-qualified and peer reviewed. The Government usually takes the first name off the recommended list. No particular political party has an advantage.

The only difference between this and the US system is that this is done by the US Senate and not a judicial review board. And it can't change without a constitutional amendment as it's the Constitution that makes the Supreme Court lifetime political appointees. But even if that were to happen, the only thing is that the power struggle around appointing judges would just shift from the US senate to whatever review board you set up to accomplish the exact same thing.

With that said, at least in the US, making Supreme Court appointees term-limited would likely just make the situation worse, not better. At least until the current supermajority, the Supreme Court at least had some public trust and appearance of impropriety. If you think it's bad now, Term-limiting the judges would just make them take the masks off even more and openly make whatever partisan decisions they need to make to get re-elected/re-appointed.

Nightwingdragon ,

In other news, threats of violence continue to be used because they're effective, film at 11.

Remember, guys. When you're criticizing companies like Target for this, remember that it's not the CEOs that have to deal with the fallout on a day-to-day basis. They're safe in their offices. It's the teenage cashiers and stock boys that have to bear the brunt of the threats. It's the rank-and-file employees, who have no say in the matter one way or the other and have no authority to do anything about it. They're the ones who have to deal with the crazy bastards who come in and start physically tearing things down. The ones who come in screaming and causing a scene. The employees who can't even do anything about the asshole, especially if he's uncooperative and refuses to leave. Sure, they could call the cops, who might show up 20 minutes later.

Yes, these companies should be supporting the LGBT community. But if doing so is literally going to put their rank-and-file employees at risk from violent bigots, I can at least understand why they're gun-shy. There's no possible way to stop a bigot from walking into any store and creating havoc to get their point across, and there are far more bigots out there who have already said they're willing to resort to violence than most people thought.

Look at it this way: You have a choice to make. You've got social media on one side telling you to take choice A because it's the right choice to make, and some nutjob(s) in your face, physically threatening you with violence until you take choice B. Which one are you going to choose?

"Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face." And everybody has an answer until they're the ones being threatened.

Nightwingdragon , (edited )

f you capitulate to the unreasonable demands of a violent minority, then you are encouraging more of that behavior. throwing a certain class of people under the bus in the name of money/fear is wrong on pretty much every level and i think your justification for it is cowardly.

Any time you want, you can be a Target cashier. Fight the unreasonable demands of the violent minority over culture war issues that don't even affect you, all for minimum wage! The list of benefits includes:

  • Having absolutely no say in what your company sells or displays.
  • Having absolutely no say in company policy
  • Having to answer for the above to every MAGA redneck who shows up, because you're the first guy in a red shirt that the asshole happened to spot.
  • In rare cases, being threatened or physically assaulted by said MAGA redneck when your answers aren't to their liking
  • Having to clean up the messes they create when they "take matters into their own hands" and start destroying displays.
  • And as an extra added bonus, you too can be fired for standing up to the customer, defending yourself, or just in case the company needs a low-end fall guy to take the blame if things go south!

Sign up today! I'm sure there are plenty of culture war issues that you can defend while making about as much money as a Walmart greeter!

just to reiterate: you are a coward, and you should feel bad about it. i have no respect for people with so little principles. you disgust me on a level that is beyond words. i do not care to have any more of a conversation, i just want you to know that you’re a baby bitch.

Easy to say when you're not the one who has to actually deal with the consequences of someone else's decisions.

Nightwingdragon ,

Many of my loved ones were already in danger from those hateful bigots, who are now emboldened and looking for new targets thanks to spineless corporate appeasement.

So your solution is to put someone else's loved ones in danger from those hateful bigots?

Nightwingdragon ,

they would rather shift the conflict onto people who don’t have ample resources to defend themselves.

This is exactly what you're advocating, though: Shifting the conflict onto a bunch of rank-and-file employees who (a) mostly have no skin in the game, (b) are typically teenagers making minimum wage, (c) likely have no interest in getting in the middle of a culture war, (d) can't do anything to defend themselves without risking their job (or risking further violence from the bigot), and (e) are bound by company policy.

If you think rank and file department store employees should be the ones to "protect the workers and continue to stand for queer acceptance", feel free to fill out an application at your local Target.

Your local Target cashier didn't start this culture war against the LGBT community. And it's unfair for people like you to demand that they stand in the front lines and fight a culture war that they didn't start and want nothing to do with.

Nightwingdragon ,

There is exactly one path to solving this problem, and it's going to take a lot of luck.

  • Vote Blue no matter who, even if you have to hold your nose while doing it. Yes, there are numerous problems with Biden, but there are exactly zero situations where Trump would be a better option. It sucks having to choose between the lesser of two evils, but better to choose the lesser evil than have the greater evil forced upon you.

  • Hope that both Thomas and Alito either retire (hahahahahahah, never gonna happen, I know) or die during Biden's term, giving the SC a 5-4 liberal majority.

  • Push through a Supreme Court challenge against some of these draconian anti-abortion laws and have women's reproductive rights restored to at least what we had with Roe v. Wade, if not more.

  • Enshrine abortion rights into law. A constitutional amendment would be best, but there's zero chance of that happening, but laws should be put into place ensuring that what happened two years ago doesn't happen again.

Nightwingdragon ,

people blindly believe we have to live constrained to what these two parties are bought to sell us indefinitely

Because like it or not, we do. At least for the time being. There are no viable third parties. I know it sucks to hear, but it's the reality of the world we live in. Don't get me wrong. You're free to vote third party for whatever reasons you see fit, or no reason at all. But if you do, just don't complain when you're watching the inauguration of President Trump on January 20th.

Nightwingdragon ,

Normal people: Handcuffed, taken out of the courtroom, and immediately thrown in prison upon sentencing.

The rich: Granted extra time to get their affairs in order, wait until after all appeals have been exhausted, then negotiate for a time they report to prison. Because we can't be inconveniencing the wealthy now, can we......

Fuck the entire system.

Nightwingdragon ,

Honestly, if this case falls apart, it's all on her.

Her relationship with Wade really should be her own business and irrelevant to the case. But when you're talking about what would be far and away the most important case in her career and in this country's history, you don't do anything that would even hint at the possibility of impropriety or conflict of interest. Especially against this defendant. Shoot at the king, you best not miss and all of that.

If Trump skates on this case, it's 100% on her. At this point in her career, she should have known better than to do anything that would give a whiff of impropriety once the spotlight was on her.

Nightwingdragon ,

This wasn't a couple of teenage lovebirds who didn't know any better. These are two career lawyers who were playing shell games with money to hide an affair while bringing charges against one of the most powerful people in the country, with unlimited resources, and a decades-long track record of finding ways to exploit even the most irrelevant weakness he can find to get his way. This was poor judgement at best.

Nightwingdragon ,

There is a suggestion of corruption. She might be funneling public money to her boyfriend but that should not really undermine the case against Trump.

Go back and watch their testimony at the hearing. Saying there is a "suggestion of corruption" is like saying "Trump may have told a fib or two in his time". They were playing all sorts of shell games with the money and doing everything they could to cover it up, which means they knew their behavior was improper at best. Every case they worked on together was tainted by their actions because their relationship and the actions they were taking at the very least give the appearance of impropriety, even if they didn't specifically do anything improper regarding the Trump case. And the appearance of impropriety is typically the standard for recusal.

She shouldn't have gotten involved with Wade in the first place while handling such an important case. But beyond that, as soon as the scandal broke, they should have at least tried to salvage the case by recusing themselves and handing the case off to someone else. And now, the fact that they didn't had the effect of giving Trump exactly what he wants, as the case is now going to be delayed at the very least (some estimates say the delay could take the case to as far as 2026) or outright dismissed if either the appelate court or Supreme court rules that she should have been removed.

And for the record, Trump case aside, I'm of the school of thought that she should be fired and/or disbarred just based on the relationship she had with Wade. And I think if she weren't caught up in such a high profile case, she would have been.

Nightwingdragon ,

Your article is written by someone who has a vested interest in the price of silver. Your 20 "proofs" are a list of opinions from the author, often with one sentence being broken out into multiple "reasons" in order to make the list look even longer. I think I'll pass on the idea of him being an impartial, reliable and/or accurate source of information, thank you.


  1. Joe Biden still pounds the table “that the economy has never been stronger”
  1. Indeed, there are decades when nothing happens and then hours when decades happen.

These aren't "proof" of anything.

Nightwingdragon ,

In this day and age, any posts not clearly labelled as sarcastic should not be treated as such. There are plenty of people out there who, as you said, would believe it without question and spread it like gospel. Unfortunately, there are enough of them where you can't give them the benefit of the doubt any more. There absolutely are people who would read and disseminate it and turn it into the next big conspiracy theory that somehow Joe Biden would be held responsible for because of his relationship with Genghis Kahn. Or something.

Judge Cannon expands hearing on Trump’s request to declare special counsel’s appointment invalid | CNN Politics ( )

"The issue, now before Cannon in the Southern District of Florida federal court, is likely to remain in the political debate at least until Cannon holds a hearing on the legal power of the special counsel to prosecute a defendant, on June 21."

Nightwingdragon ,

Literally the only unusual thing about this case is that the defendant, a private citizen who currently gets free government security protection for the rest of his life, used to be a president. That’s it.

That, and he got to appoint his own judge. And he's got 3 members of the Supreme Court to back him up. And he's got all sorts of national security secrets, but is still walking around free. And he's got virtually unlimited resources, but isn't considered a flight risk.

Nightwingdragon ,

Remember that she has several motions that she has yet to rule on, along with some that she has stated that she will not rule on until after the trial starts. Which means her plan is:

  • Delay the trial by any means necessary that aren't appealable until after the election.
  • If Trump wins, he orders the DOJ to back off of his cases, so she doesn't have to do anything. Trump walks.
  • If Trump loses, she can start the trial, seat the jury, then rule on those motions and dismiss the case with double jeopardy attached. Trump walks.

This is all part of the plan.

Nightwingdragon ,

These people can’t be drinking their own snake oil.

Never underestimate MAGA's insatiable thirst for snake oil. Come on, the GOP in the House were still pushing horse paste as a viable treatment for COVID mere days ago in the Fauci hearing. People are drinking raw milk that may be contaminated with H5N1 bird flu just to "own teh libz". These people absolutely can and will drink their own snake oil, then ask for seconds.

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