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givesomefucks ,

We're going to see both their numbers go nuts here in a couple weeks.

The dark money waits until it's too late to get tracked down before the election.

The sad truth is there's more ways around donation limits than there are around federal background checks for guns.

There's effectively zero limit if you put a little bit of planning into it.

Options for equalizing temperature between the basement and the rest of the house in summer?

I live in a pretty old house in the midwest, built 1929, bought in '21, single-story, ~1300ish sqft, and with a large, spacious basement. Every time summer comes around I've had issues with the basement getting MUCH colder than the rest of the house (like >10 degrees F difference), presumably due to poorly-insulated floors and...

givesomefucks ,

Yeah, the basement is going to be colder...

You can circulate the air if you want to balance it out, but the basement is going to get colder again.

If you're talking about saving energy:

At about 3pm circulate the air. That's a little before your AC is going to start experiencing it's highest workload.

At around 6pm or when ever, stop.

Try it for a couple of days with just a fan. If it's a noticeable difference and you like it, you can get a vent installed that pushes up from the basement, and another somewhere else that just goes straight to the basement. You can put the fan/blower on a timer. I'd recommend one of those "smart plug" things, they work as a timer and you can also controll locally from your phone.

But if you're circulating air 24/7, it's just making your AC cool even more air.

So you just want to use it to dump a bunch of cold air when you need it most, and then let it naturally cool down the rest of the nigh/day.

Whether or not this adds up to more than negligible benefits for energy use...

I have zero idea.

But it's essentially just an inefficient heat pump. The theory behind it is sound.

givesomefucks ,

He's not saying it should be run by then, but "in cooperation" with them.

That likely means Israel does whatever it wants, that's their definition of "compromise".

A long with that bit about "re-education" this isn't a good thing.

givesomefucks ,

How is a cop supposed to cop if they can't shoot people?

givesomefucks ,

The humor left the situation as soon as I heard what the cop was shooting at was a confirmed unarmed and handcuffed person locked in a police car.

That piece of shit is in all likelihood riding around in a cop car right this second.

givesomefucks ,

I mean, haven't we known for a long time women have better pain tolerance?

givesomefucks ,

Yeah, they're usually marked, but ocean temp changes a lot of shit and you can run across ones with zero signage.

I'd imagine Florida is especially bad because they refuse to believe in climate change and anything connected to it.

So I can see them defunding the organizations meant to keep this updated and people safe

givesomefucks ,

There is zero reliable ways to tell if there's a rip from the beach...

The danger is under the waves, if there isn't proper signage you won't know until it's probably too late. And everyone is different. The teens were able to swim to safety, the parents weren't.

If you recognize you're in a rip current, what you can try to do is swim parrell to the shore and then try to come in. It's dangerous because the rip can't be overcome by swimming directly in, you have to go around it.

But even if you know that, you might not remember, and it might not help.

The people that often die from this, are overconfident people like you who think it can't happen to them because they're smart.

givesomefucks ,

I'm not trying to pick a fight, and I know I'm probably coming off like a dick.

But it's not just for your benefit, you're downplaying a serious danger and victim blaming. This can happen to anyone at an unmarked beach, which is why government agencies monitoring this shit is important.

You can go do what you want. But don't make people feel like it's not a big deal.

Especially when the Gulf has weaker rips than every other coastline in North America, because it's a gulf.

It's like me saying no one has to worry about drowning because I only swim in kiddie pools. When the whole ocean is behind a rip it's entirely different. There are still rips, and people do die from them in the Gulf. But they're just not as strong as elsewhere. And part of the reason people die there, is they don't take them serious.

givesomefucks ,

If the US joins Israel, that pulls in Russia, Iran, Syria, Iraq, and since Russia and NK just did their deal. Likely NK as well.

AIPAC has bought off enough of both sides of the aisle, that our politicians will say we join.

This ain't the same WW3 shit we've been hearing about since the 50s. This shit can pop off at any moment.

Israel isn't acting rationally and Biden has repeatedly said he will support them under any possible circumstances. So what the fuck is going to happen?

Race to unseat New York progressive ‘most expensive House primary ever’ ( )

The primary for New York’s 16th congressional district, which takes place on Tuesday, has drawn record-breaking spending, with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (Aipac) and a crypto-currency Super Pac behind the lion’s share of the funding....

givesomefucks ,

AIPAC aren't on anyone's side except Israel.

And they're not gonna hesitate to destroy American democracy if it gets "moderates" like Biden, Schumer, or Jeffries in office that are going to not only turn a blind eye, but defend their genocide.

They don't care if Dems lose and a Republican wins in the general. Because they bought off the republicans too.

And the DNC probably doesn't care that much either. Its easier for them to unseat a Republican than a progressive.

Progressives have been trying to play ball for decades, but these "moderates" never show any of that unity the constantly demand from us.

People want to keep calling being against genocide "single issue voters" which is just the same projection shit republicans do.

givesomefucks ,

Every language initially embraced words for black and white, symbolizing darkness and light, followed by red, associated with blood and wine. Subsequently, yellow and green entered linguistic lexicons, with blue consistently lagging behind as the last hue universally recognized.

givesomefucks ,

I hate how people act like biased judges are a new problem in our system.

It's been a problem for the entirety of America, but we keep never fixing it.

We need actual progress to fix the system

givesomefucks ,

Exactly what I was going to say, and a perfect example of one of the giant holes in our system

trump could have put all of his kids on the SC if he wanted too.

There's literally nothing stopping republicans from getting that ridiculous with it except decorum, and that doesn't mean shit these days

Israel Has “Systematically Violated” Laws Regarding Civilian Harm, UN Finds ( )

Israeli forces have demonstrated a pattern of systematically targeting densely populated civilian areas across hundreds of attacks in Gaza that likely violate international wartime laws, the office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) found in a report released Wednesday....

givesomefucks ,

Meanwhile, the very use of 2,000, 1,000 and 250 pound bombs in these densely populated areas could amount to wartime violations.

What Biden keeps "selling" Israel in exchange for our tax money we gave them...

Especially with how he went around congress, I don't understand how people keep saying he's innocent.

He's breaking US and international law and us ignoring it because he has a D by his name is taking us down the same path that led republicans to trump.

You've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything.

givesomefucks ,

The dream of every far right survivalist is what happened to Burt...

Like, their ideal endgame is providing weapons and aid to people and being a hero for it.

It's just socialism except you wait for a life threatening emergency and every to tell you that you were right before you help anyone.

Get rid of that need for well, being needed, and you just got a regular ole socialist.

givesomefucks ,

There's every indication that we'll see another huge mystery donation soon like Biden got last cycle.

Impetus has been quiet so far. But campaign finance experts have noticed stirrings. Earlier this month, after four years of operation, Impetus launched a website. Entering the campaign late, as it did in 2020, has advantages. If Impetus cranks up its fundraising later this summer, the dark money watch dogs will have nothing to chase until public filings are disclosed — after the election is over. Impetus did not respond to a request for comment.

I.posted that article the other day, but it was so up voted I doubt anyone read it first.

Most speculate the money originated with a single, super-wealthy Biden supporter. But it could also have come from a privately held company or a shell corporation, an increasingly common tactic used by well-heeled donors seeking to add layers of anonymity to their political largesse. It remains a $64 million mystery — and while legal, it's one that critics say underscores what's wrong with today's campaign finance system.

"Without information about who is funding groups spending to influence elections, voters won't know who is trying to color their views, won't be aware of any potential conflicts of interest that a funder has or what stake they may have in the outcome of the election," said Anna Massoglia, editorial and investigations manager at OpenSecrets, a non-partisan watchdog organization that tracks the influence of money on politics.

Money isn't Biden's concern, votes are. Well, at least that should be.

givesomefucks ,

It doesn't make sense to start at Reagan.

Reagan happened because conservatives realized people don't like conservatives.

So they invented Faux News (memo in Nixon's presidential library) so that voters would never hold Republicans accountable again, and then started running charismatic figureheads to eventually take the fall years after leaving office.

Blaming Reagan (who is undoubtedly a piece of shit) is letting the real problem off the hook.

I don't remember Reagan, but I remember GW, and it was the same thing. When we're finally rid of trump, the next will be even worse, and still taking orders from the same conservative machine that was feeding Reagan his talking points.

So hate Reagan all you want, but don't forget to hate the other people who were actually the ones in control. Because that machine is still running, it's the one behind project 2025, not trump's dumbass.

givesomefucks ,

They're not the only one

The heritage family just influences republicans, "the family" gets both parties, even Jimmy Carter.

And both groups want the same thing.

givesomefucks ,

Ignorance is bliss, but it doesn't solve shit.

Just mentioning that The Family isnt solely focused on republicans got me a down vote almost immediately.

Before we can fix this, we have to get people to acknowledge the problem. Otherwise we never truly win, just lose less sometimes

givesomefucks ,

For now everyone still gets one vote.

It's too late to get anything going for 2024, maybe even 2028.

But at some point we really need someone outside the two parties while we still have one vote each. We can't just keep blindly voting our "team" no matter what, especially when our "team" doesn't represent us.

It's going to suck, and it's going to be turbulent. But if we don't do it, we'll keep sliding right till there's no more elections. I don't think progressives are going to be able to take over the Dem party, I think there's going to have to be an actual party split for a real solution.

I just hope people start planning more than one election ahead before it's too late.

We're fighting people that plan decades ahead. We'll never win unless we do the same.

givesomefucks ,

It's psychology.

The most common reason people keep giving for voting Biden is "not trump". And lots of people don't like trump, but will never vote for any Dem.

If there's literally any other options, it's easier for someone to pick one rather than leave it blank or write in a name.

2020 was insanely close and decided by a handful of states.

It's a weird situation where for most people their state is decided before the first vote is cast, where other states it could come down to 4 digit votes.

So things that seem like they'd have no effect, can actually be huge.

Like, RFK can cost Biden 10% in Cali, and it doesn't matter at all. But if he costs 0.1% in Michigan it could change the election.

We need to switch to popular vote for president, but it'll probably never happen. Until then random stupid shit like rfk can decide elections

givesomefucks ,

RFK makes the race much closer, if he's going down in flames, that's good for Biden.

You can’t just say he’ll cost Biden 0.1% in Michigan without also considering how much he would affect trump

I didn't, I said it doesn't take much in one of the handful of states where votes matter. Because someone was saying they didn't understand how RFK could effect the race.

Everything is hypothetical until the election. But if there's only Biden and trump on people's ballots, it's likely to help Biden more than trump. This isn't just some idea I came up with.

Unless this is one of those things where you're gonna say polls aren't real, if that's the case this isn't gonna be productive

givesomefucks ,

Like I said it's all hypothetical until the election.

My whole point was something that's negligible on a national level, can still change the election in the few states that will decide the election.

But Trump voters are trump voters because they want trump. Biden voters are Biden voters... Because they don't want trump.

The less options on a ballot the more "not trump" translates to "Biden"

givesomefucks ,

This is why "most relief ever" isn't enough.

This problem is new and growing exponentially. We can't just always be reactive, we need to be proactive especially in situations with our of control interest.

givesomefucks ,

It's one of those things where Republicans put people like Betsy Davros in charge, then moderates want us to clap for bread crumbs

Like, a big chunk of loan forgiveness so far, is people that qualified for PSLF, but couldn't get it because the loan servicers were in charge of it, and intentionally incompetent.

So now the feds are paying the inflated balances with interest.

We need to talk about principals forgiven, not amounts after 20 years of interest.

Sure, what we're doing now is better than nothing, that doesn't mean it's enough though.

givesomefucks ,

Because what she said could be taken as her supporting the racists...

And well adjusted adults apologize after saying something the wrong way...

Seriously, I don't understand why you're so upset. Did you read the article and not understand what was happening?

Did you never learn to apologize for miscommunication?

Do you always just double down and if anyone ever apologizes you think they "lost"?

I am downright intrigued for why you think apologizing is a bad move here....

givesomefucks ,

"This team is truly exceptional. Just imagine if there were only white German players," the German lawmaker reportedly said in the now-deleted post on platform X, formerly Twitter.

After removing the post, Göring-Eckhardt apologized, saying: "I was upset that 21% of Germans would prefer to see more 'whites' in the national team."

"I am proud of this team, and I hope that we can convince the remaining 21%," she added. "I'm sorry about the way I worded it."

She said something that could be taken the opposite of what she meant, so she deleted it and apologized...

I have zero idea why people in this thread are upset about that.

Too many people these days think if you apologize it means the other person "wins" I guess. They're not interested in talking about stuff, just having slap fights. So someone acting like an adult just breaks their brains. They can't imagine someone handling it like a reasonable person.

givesomefucks ,

So is Quokka your other account, and you've just been talking to yourself?

Did you think I replied to you?

Did you think I was talking about you?

Are you just replying to every comment in this thread?

I really don't understand what you or that other account are doing, if you're the same person it starts making a little more sense. But I really don't think any of this is going to be productive.

Just trying to understand what's going on here and why people are upset someone apologized for phrasing something poorly.

givesomefucks ,

Yeah, the situation makes sense.

It's just the comments don't seem to have anything to do with the situation.

givesomefucks ,

The players on the team are there because they're the best available.

If you changed that based on race, then it's racist.

She meant that if the team picked the best white people, the team wouldn't be as good.

Just like if the team picked no white people, it wouldn't be the best.

I legitimately don't get why people think it's racist that she pointed out the team won while being mixed race, and might not have won if they tried to have a racially homogeneous team over just the best available players.

Like, can you explain your logic for saying her pointing out making race more important than skill would lead to a worse team is somehow racist?

I genuinely want to understand how you got to that conclusion, and no one else wants to explain how they did either.

givesomefucks ,

Oh ok.

So you think she said this in a vacuum, because you didn't hear what the racists had been saying?

That would make sense. With zero context, it's hard to understand.

She could’ve said

Yes, she's aware it didn't come across well...

That's why she deleted it and clarified....

Like, you know she's a native German speaking, and sometimes when someone is speaking a second language things come across not as clear?

givesomefucks ,

I mean, ones talking about banging people...

And one is a mitary member of a country that's been committing an open genocide talking about how much death they're responsible for...

givesomefucks Mod ,

There's a thing called illegal immigration, or people who immigrated illegally.

But Illegal immigrants aren't a thing.

And it looks like OP didn't just copy the headline or article:


Majority of Hispanics Now Favor Mass Deportation


A recent poll found that a majority of Hispanic people favor the mass deportation of undocumented immigrants living in the U.S. illegally.

The CBS News/YouGov poll found that a majority of registered voters overall (62 percent) would favor the government starting "a new national program to deport all undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S. illegally." Thirty-eight percent said they would oppose it.

So OP, can you edit your title to remove the racially loaded language?

givesomefucks Mod ,


givesomefucks Mod ,

My current understanding is that the latter language is dehumanising by describing the person to be illegal in their existence. Usually we would say that someone has done something illegal, not that they themselves are illegal.


In general you want to describe people by adjectives and not label them as nouns ouns.

Sometimes it's different because the group wants to be called a noun (Christians) but that was well after they became the majority in Europe and was still used to shit minorities.

givesomefucks Mod ,

You can post an article about this, but I don't see the point in just linking to a chatbots social media page.

givesomefucks ,

Is it because they're not really smart and they try to learn things from youtube rather than reading?

givesomefucks ,

You want to learn how to get a garbage disposal unstuck?

Watch a YouTube video.

You want to learn to learn about psychological concepts in 25 minutes by watching a video?

Cool, it won't ever work but I respect your wishes.

But no smart person would believe just watching a quick video is actually learning anything more advanced then: there's a place for an Allen key under the disposal

givesomefucks ,

Hold still and I'll go make a YouTube video for you.

I don't know why I thought you were going to get anything out of the written word.

Just wait right there and I'll scream some buzzwords into a microphone for you, and tell you that you're smarter than everyone. Because you may be able to remember some of those buzzwords, but not what they actually mean.

Disruption! Synergy! The Singularity!

Now hold still for 7 minutes of ads!

givesomefucks ,

You can learn things from video just as you can a lecture.


You think people walk into lectures completely unprepared, listen for 25 minute, and walk out and they magically have learned stuff?

Maybe you're just still in highschool, or never took a serious class in college.

How it works is:

  1. Do the reading.

  2. Attend the lecture while taking notes.

  3. Review the notes

  4. Then later, after doing this with different topics, reviewing the same information again.

Books aren’t special. And they can be very wrong too.

There's a lot bigger barrier of entry, compared to uploading a video to fucking YouTube.

You know what's crazier? There's still a shit ton more reasons, but I already know that even if you have managed to read this far, you can't remember the 1-4 steps without looking back up.

Reading let's you do that, quickly scan the text for what you want and referring to it.

givesomefucks ,

I mean, Roger Penrose is literally the most qualified, and his theory is quantum related, but not like how OPs video probably thinks it means.

We don't know how consciousness works, and we don't know how anesthesia works.

But anesthesia fucks with this quantum interaction in our brain and we lose consciousness. The numbers for when it happens doesn't line up neatly.

But there's likely something there to it

givesomefucks ,

How could you not expect this?

It's like when he told us he "learned this lesson" with republicans over and over again.

Him, the people he's chosen for his admin, the people he chose for his campaign, and the people he put in charge of the DNC are constantly saying they're fucking baffled and shocked when fascists keep acting like fascists.

Maybe they're not the ones we should have calling the shots when we're actively fighting off fascists?

Kamala Harris: Hamas Committed Horrific Acts of Sexual Violence on Oct. 7. We Will Not Be Silent ( )

U.S. Vice President's remarks come amid allegations from Israel's critics that claims of sexual and gender-based violence were either fabricated or exaggerated in order to provide justification for its military response in Gaza...

givesomefucks ,

Not like it's some easily ignorable thing like an 8 month genocide....


Fuck these fascist assholes. This is what happens when we settle for a president that's more loyal to a foreign country than America.

givesomefucks ,

All your ideas are gibberish, but this?

I feel like I’m living in Idiocracy

Like, you know (lol, you don't) that for about 1 in 1200 people, it's always been Idiocracy?

That is (always has been, always will be) the distribution for people to be 3 standard deviations of the mean.

For them, roughly 84% of the world population is at least two standard deviations below them. Adjust the numbers so they're the average, and those 84% would fit the requirements for an intellectual disability. And the rest of those 16% are still a lot less intelligent than you, just not below that threshold.

You know why the smartest don't run shit?

Because going through existential crisis before puberty tends to make someone a nihilist. You can't even imagine what it's like to be a literal child and being smarter than everyone you meet. Because while there are people smarter than you, smart people tend to not like people, because most people are annoyingly dumb.

They're not the ones you run into out in public.

A tiny slice of that 0.1% finds something to be passionate about and focuses on that, but most never get out of the rut of "none of this shit matters, literally none of it".

Because on a long enough timeline in the grand scheme of things, literally nothing that will or could ever happen on our tiny little planet will ever matter.

The few who would actually want to rule over everyone, would be terrible fucking leaders. Especially once it gets a generation in. Because it would be its already easy for someone that smart to think normal people aren't really the same. Formalize that into a system of government?

Can you really not see where that would lead?

Your idea is just so mind-blowing dumb, that I kind of went in a rant, and I know it's not going to do.

But this is just the most ignorant idea I've ever heard.

Like, why not just fucking prioritize public education instead of this fucking shit show you dreamt up?

For fucks sake, your own plan says you shouldn't get a say in anything, yet here you are, proposing plans.

Something that is obviously even worse than what we have now. For like soooooooo many reasons I just can't list them all.

givesomefucks ,


We could just tax the fucking wealthy and not commit human rights abuses while not meeting the needs of citizens anyways?

givesomefucks ,

what does your comment have to do with the article at all?

That if my tax dollars went to aid nstead of bombs to commit war crimes, there'd be less dead in Sudan

I thought it was pretty obvious.

givesomefucks ,

Do you think bombs grow on trees?

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