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beebarfbadger ,

What? Now you can't even turn the country into an absolutist dictatorship anymore? I thought this was AMERICA! Political correctness gone overboard!

beebarfbadger ,

At least you won't have that particular problem again until you read about somebody who sneezed someone else's intestines out of his body.

beebarfbadger ,

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say "money"?

beebarfbadger ,

Who would "they" be in that case? The people who'd like cheap energy do indeed need storage. The nuclear lobbies on the other hand need to cripple their competition, so they only need their own, already present facilities and whatever means they can get to sabotage upcoming competition and secure their primary position.

beebarfbadger ,

"The French"? The homogenous singular entity that all have one singular set of goals and no differences whatsoever? Or the Frrench people who'd like cheap energy or maybe the French electricity lobbyists? It's not that simple.

beebarfbadger ,

Oh no. Now I've angered the humans.

beebarfbadger ,

Earth's mammals seemed to be pretty upset that I suggested the existence of multiple groups with multiple priorities within the French.

beebarfbadger ,

I don't dare to. The entirety of life in the universe seems to be cross with me.

beebarfbadger ,

Mention the concept of a daily stand-up pledge of allegiance in schools in any other democracy and get laughed at.

beebarfbadger ,

Just sad that the picts were exterminated/assimilated by the 12th century throughout the british isles.

beebarfbadger ,

That's what Sven in the basement is for. I assume his name is Sven. Might ask him sometime.

beebarfbadger , (edited )

If you spend a dozen centuries doing your best to minimise your personal CO2 footprint, you can reduce the global output by half a millionth of a percent that the biggest culprits produce on a daily basis. Then you can watch the world race into the abyss with a clear conscience :D

beebarfbadger ,

100000 "users" then popped up and left the same glowing 5-star review > must be a great site.

beebarfbadger ,

That sounds like the millions of doctored amazon reviews and social media bot-boosted content should be dealt with by next week then.

beebarfbadger ,

Now, upon first glance, one might be tempted to conclude that this showcases an instance of hypocrisy - Trump demanding a clean rap sheet when it concerns others and being perfectly fine with getting power any which way himself, but upon closer inspection, it is obvious that this seamlessly fits into Trump's system of moral standards, that system being best described as "ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME [...] ME and also me".

beebarfbadger ,

Lots of bizarre choices. Like when they track Osha in the snow via the force and not via her foot prints…?

That particular choice is one I can absolutely understand: when you're used to feeling your environment so much that it's among your default senses, you might get used to having it always-on. Like when you track your quest goal on the minimap despite having footprints and visual clues visible in a game.

What irked me more was the contrived stand-off when she split off from the party that was heading straight to Torbin. Did she want to beat them there? Why did she feel like she had to get there faster than the rest of the group [other than for the external reason that they had to find some contrived way to create the forced misunderstanding - which was pretty pointless anyway since it was resolved 20 seconds later, and added nothing but half a minute of runtime]).

The writing is... serviceable. But it's at a level I've come to expect from animated series aimed at a younger audience. It seems rather flat and a lot of it is just standing across each other and spewing exposition at their opposite, sometimes info they all already know, obviously just for the sake of the viewer.

beebarfbadger ,

If you can prove that influencing the testimony was the intention behind it and if you can furthermore prove that he himself did it.

If he says the magic words "nope, the timing and the people benefiting from it were pure coincidences" and "I knew nothing, it was once again that one criminal underling whom I don't even know despite him having been my fixer for years", historically he gets away with it with very few exceptions.

beebarfbadger ,

Does that include the like 61 lost cases when he tried to steal the election all over?

beebarfbadger ,

Oh you mean the capitalist heroes who produce incredibly expensive and therefor valuable technology, create jobs, boost the economy and eliminate terrorists? What is a civilian but a corpse that doesn't yet know that it'll have been a terrorist for the purposes of statistics? Their own fault for being killable in the first place - they basically asked for it.

Shareholder value tops human life, tops the livable environment of future generations, we have an unofficial new god.

beebarfbadger ,

If even Trump was so afraid of the ocean that he couldn't send disaster relief to Puerto Rico, how would a slave ship be able to touch all that water, eh?

beebarfbadger ,

That looks like a terrible site for a submarine. There's not even any water. It'll just flop around for a bit and then die.

beebarfbadger ,

Sounds perfect. No better way to boost maternal mortality.

beebarfbadger ,

You can't do that! All the water's gonna run out!.

Recall drawing regulatory scrutiny in the UK — Microsoft's AI Copilot+ feature a 'privacy nightmare' ( )

Microsoft's new AI tools are drawing concern from the UK's Information Commissioner's Office (ICO), with the recently announced "Recall" feature of Copilot+ PCs being named a potential security risk. The ICO joins industry veterans and privacy campaigners in investigating the safety of Recall, a snapshot-collection feature...

beebarfbadger ,

Who needs keylogger malware on their device when you can have a screenlogger, eh?

beebarfbadger ,

How they thought they’d get this past the EU is beyond me.

Bribes. Immense amounts of lobbying/bribes.

beebarfbadger ,

The country that the Democrats and Republicans have built would be a-okay with letting them starve to death.

The trick is to just blame THEM for it. American Dream: if you can't make it, it's because you're lazy - it's the bully saying "stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself!".

beebarfbadger ,

This thread makes it sound like if you're not fully on board with a hyper-exploitative oligarchy, you're the radical one.

beebarfbadger ,

The money flow is a one-way street upwards and not being happy with that is blasphemy against the ruling caste.

Account suspended

Browsing Reddit at work like I've literally done every work day for the last six years, suddenly Reddit won't let me vote. Says my account has been suspended, but all I have to do is reset my password, using the email address I have on file. I don't have one. Can't get the email to reset the password, can't add an email now. I...

beebarfbadger ,

Hey, it looks like you're not giving us all your personal data. That's a mighty fine account ya got there. Be a shame if something were to ... happen to it. About that personal data now...

beebarfbadger ,

Oh they are very fact-based. It is, indeed, physically possible to mix all the mentioned colours with each other.

beebarfbadger ,

Yes, turns out that insulting your customers when they complain because you took away all the good stuff in order to incentivise spending money via your very bad alternatives will piss off even the last few masochistic users still remaining on reddit, so you have to eat some crow and try to somehow monetize the last thing you took away instead.

beebarfbadger ,

(It’s worth noting that although there were understandable concerns about the Contributor Program leading to karma farming or other spam and fraud issues, we haven’t seen an increase in this behavior since the rollout six months ago.)


beebarfbadger ,

I resent this notion: when the tax evaders pumped money into trump with the humble request of practically no longer paying taxes, Trump was there for them in an instant. When the arms industry was about to ask for an even more ludicrous cut of the national budget, he diverted even more their way before they could even finish the sentence. When the companies cutting up the carcass of the environment for money at the cost of a livable planet asked for the removal of any sort of environmental protection laws, Trump was there for them. When the monopolist student loan providers, private hospital operators, or private prison complex slavers were asking for unfettered access to all their victims' money, Trump gave them the go in a heartbeat, so I will not stand for anyone saying that Trump doesn't care about Americans. They just have to be the couple super-rich lobbies bribing him and his cronies.

Otherwise, tough luck.

beebarfbadger ,

Retarded? You obviously don't understand that it is working perfectly and exactly as intended. Only, it is not a system to maintain the health of the average citizen, it is instead a system to siphon as much wealth from the regular people as possible towards the few corporate entities who managed to buy themselves the monopoly to exploit the poorer castes and drain any poor fuck who needs medical assistance dry for all they're worth.

The average American is prey, but there are enough reserves of these human resources to simply not care that it's either bankruptcy or death in the average case of a medical emergency.

beebarfbadger ,

Player: "Are you sure that you are a real leprechaun?"

Chad Jibbity: "What, are you implying that I am merely a magically animated automaton stringing words together according to a complicated set of rules? Certainly not, I am a very real riddle leprechaun!"

takes a hearty bite out of a juicy tennis sock

Player: ಠ_ಠ

beebarfbadger ,

That headline sounds like it only significantly affects the US. Are those fires school shooters?

There's apparently a Reddit activity streak achievement system now. ( )

I just noticed this when I saw a strange "Achievement Unlocked" notification pop up on Reddit. What do you think of this? It seems like a retention tactic to me, like what Amino had with its streak leaderboards, and GameFAQs currently has with streak achievements for logging on ten days in a row and also for all days of a month.

beebarfbadger ,

They have all their bots creating first-class content. They don't even need mods anymore. They don't need humans anymore. They are basically a self-sufficient bot word factory and AI breeding ground. Like, if I ever felt the urge to rate babes with my masterful babe-rating skills or use my excellent human-judging skills to discern whether the repost-bot is the asshole in that regurgitated story, I'd go there in a heartbeat.

beebarfbadger ,

Games, social media sites, online shops, they are all working on building the psychologically optimised perfect maze for their prey.

beebarfbadger ,

This map is about Indiana Jone and his travels.

Got permanent ban in r/LGBT and when i asked why I got a 3 day ban for promoting hate. ( )

This was my conment on a post saying that pregnant people should always be used instead of pregnant women. My comment was under someone saying vitamins for pregnant women should say vitamins for pregnant people. I have a trans son and many trans friends. My comment was not promoting hate! Fucking reddit mods

beebarfbadger ,

A little bit of friendly advice a very wise person gave once:

Truthfully I think getting triggered by a stupid label on a pill bottle is kind of unnecessary. Just rip it off or write over it. Not a big deal. 100% of the people buying them are people so they put people on the label or something…big deal. Its just a vitamin for pregnant people! Its the same thing no matter what color the bottle or what gendered nonsense is written on it. Smh.

It must suck going around choosing to be triggered by something like that. It shouldn’t be that difficult to just be secure in your own indentity and stop letting the way the world works get under your skin. So maybe instead of finding even more cumbersome paraphrases like "pregnant individuals" just to be contrarian when "people" is just as accurate and shorter, be secure in your identity. Don't let the way the world works get under your skin.

beebarfbadger ,

It's fine though, we already have the solution. Basically. I mean, I've marked it in my calendar, so we're basically halfway there already. Now get off my back about all the CO2 pollution we get rich off.

beebarfbadger ,

Okay, but what if you push it down with both your hands? Lava couldn't get out then. Checkmate.

beebarfbadger ,

That's how they got Pompeii.

beebarfbadger ,

One session after that, they find out that the continental cartel has had decades to entrench their position on the market and can and will field all the manpower that dozens of diamond-producing national branches can field in order to regain control of one lost national mining branch.
Two sessions later, the alchemist is the one who knocks.

beebarfbadger ,

I won't stop you :)

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