Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics.

powerofm , in I’ve got a fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty baby, and I’ll write your name: Just Stop Oil paint private jets hours after Taylor Swift’s lands

I think this sends a much stronger message than stone henge

kokesh , avatar

Those idiots destroying paintings and monoliths belong behind bars. That won't convince anyone with even half a brain to think. Just destroys something and makes everyone angry.

Marin_Rider ,

yep. I can get behind this one

Barbarian , avatar

destroying paintings and monoliths

But... they didn't do either of those things. They threw soup at glass, and for the Stonehenge thing they used washable powder paint. They were publicity stunts with no damage done.

RvTV95XBeo ,

Yeah but it's a lot harder to paint climate activists as the bad guys when you say things like "they souped our glass and powdered our rocks", so better to just lie, right?

Liz ,

Ugh I HATE it when my glass gets souped.

tristan ,

Going after a painting that's behind glass is VERY different to going after the stone henge that has no protective layer, and most importantly of all, has nothing to do with the target of their cause

saying it destroyed the stone henge is a major exaggeration, saying it did no damage is also just as wrong. The English heritage society emphasised that it was only no VISIBLE damage left, however they also said it did cause damage.

It's just like how you can't touch walls in caves because any change in the oils and stuff in our skins can cause long term damage even though there's no immediate visible damage

Krono ,

How do you think those rocks will fare when the average temperature rises a few degrees?

Do you think the big stones will avoid damage while humans are fighting wars over water?

Are those precious rocks going to be ok when countries near the equator become uninhabitable, and the UK has to violently defend its borders from millions of climate refugees?

Do you think it can still be considered a cultural heritage site after all the humans are dead?

tristan ,

I never once said I disagree with their message, but doesn't mean I need to agree with their methods

If their message is that oil is bad and that government should be doing more, they should be targeting oil companies, lobbyists, government officials, companies that have excess waste and chemical use (coke im looking at you)... Not heritage listed stuff that's mostly maintained by volunteers

YarHarSuperstar , avatar

They do that too.

tristan ,

If their message was anti whaling and they cut down trees as well as sabotaged boats, would you be "well they attack boats too so that's fine"?

Krono ,

If you actually agreed with their message, then I don't think you would take the time to whinge about the safety of the precious rocks.

tristan ,

No, because I don't agree with their methods... Just like any extremist group might have a good message but doesn't mean I agree with them bombing oil pipelines or kidnapping people

Attacking rocks does nothing to progress their cause... Attacking things in the environment doesn't even line up with their cause of wanting to protect the environment

As long as they stick to actually attacking the companies and groups that actually are the cause of the problems, I would support their methods and as a result, them as a group

federalreverse ,

While I haven't heard a reasoning from any of these groups why they perform provocative acts in galleries and on historical sites, I think there are reasons:

  1. A lot of art galleries, opera houses, and other institutions of high culture are supported by the super-rich. As such many of these institutions are outlets of fossil-fuel money.

  2. High culture is essentially a distraction for those with education and intellect. So going to places of high culture means you tend to reach (and, granted, annoy) the kinds of people who have enough free mental bandwidth to understand and enough clout to actually influence decisions.

nilloc ,

It’s going to be too cold to visit once the Gulf Stream stalls from reduced ocean salinity, and Britain’s climate is more like northern Canada or Alaska.

comfortablydumb ,

But they'!

tristan ,

So are caves, yet humans can very easily cause damage to them accidentally, let alone deliberately

LustyArgonianMana , avatar

Goddammit they're MINERALS, Marie!

someacnt_ ,

Ah, I can feel that lemmy is going mainstream.

Alteon ,

ThOsE iDiOtS!1!

Says the moron while not even taking 3 seconds to understand what they did and why they did it. Lol

Look how angry everyone gets about art and architecture whilst not even remotely having the same reaction about climate change and what it's doing to our planet.

troglodytis ,

I think that's kinda the commenters point. Morons almost have a chance of connecting a few dots when it's private jets. Half a step removed, and nope, morons won't even attempt understanding

Alteon ,

I think the point is to ragebait people into reading about it.

An educational campaign doesn't work.

People get angry when the protests disrupt their day.

Peaceful protests happen literally everyday in the US in nearly every city and hear nothing about them.

The only way it gets visibility is it has to be disruptive, and the only way to get them to read/learn about it is to hook them in. And if Faux News has taught anyone anything, it's that ragebaiting is fucking effective.

VirtualOdour ,

anyone that thinks people will say 'oh these guys are doing something I feel is stupid, I better learn what they have to say' has never met a single human in their life.

troglodytis ,

Yet that's pretty much exactly what I did.

LustyArgonianMana , avatar

That's funny, you realize not everyone will jump to the conclusion it was 'stupid' right away? Most will say, "they did what? Why?" Aka curiosity. We learn more. We understand. Then we decide if it's stupid or not.

JackbyDev ,

Not gonna lie, this was my thought process for some time. But protests aren't meant to be comfortable.

grue ,

Those idiots destroying paintings and monoliths belong behind bars.

If only you were so vitriolic about the fossil fuel execs destroying the entire planet.

SoleInvictus ,

But think of the art!!!


mindlesscrollyparrot ,

Destroyed? Let's talk about that.

As you know, Stonehenge has been standing in the rain for 3,000 years.

Following the industrial revolution, fossil fuel emissions made that acid rain. It attacked every cultural artifact standing outdoors for decades.

I think that the people who did that belong behind bars.

Madison420 ,

Hear me out, painting private planes don't effect 98% of humanity not everyone has an interest in the arts.

LustyArgonianMana , avatar

Have you ever seen the pictures of the ocean after the gulf oil spill? They never did fix that - they just sprayed chemicals that sunk the oil to the bottom of the gulf, creating a dead zone (with help from agricultural chemical runoff from the Mississippi River). And the people there never did get treated for all their medical issues, even though most of their food comes out of that ocean. That's also why we need Medicare for all btw - so we can make sure the EPA, CDC, and other government organizations are actually doing their job and people are actually taken care of when something goes wrong.

AI_toothbrush ,

Almost as if when you target the problem it sends a better message than doing some random shit.

hesusingthespiritbomb ,

So close together? Probably not. Look at the comments. everyone is just talking about Stonehenge.

The_Terrible_Humbaba ,

The fact that most comments here seem to be talking about stone henge says otherwise. If not for what happened to stone henge recently, people might not have paid this much attention to this.

Sabata11792 , in $500K Dune Built to Protect Coastal Homes Lasts Just 3 Days avatar

Ron Guilmette, whose tennis court was destroyed in previous storms along the beach, added that he now doesn’t know how much his property is worth or if he will stay in the area. He calls the situation on Salisbury Beach “catastrophic.” “I don’t know what the solution is,”

Oh no, not your tennis court. What a shame. What a darn tragic loss for our nobility. Oh why can't the climate adjust to save your beachfront home. How could the earth be so inconsiderate for our rich land owners.

Obi , avatar

Won't somebody think of the property values??!??

qdJzXuisAndVQb2 ,

Incredible how quickly one's sympathy can evaporate, isn't it?

Patches , (edited )

Just one sentence.

Ron Guilmette, whose tennis court was destroyed in previous storms along the beach, added that he now doesn’t know how much his property is worth or if he will stay in the area.

Not home - property implying one of many, and be owns his own private beach tennis court... But I mean I guess it could've been two words:

Ron, Billionaire

brlemworld ,

They literally have children songs about not building houses too close to the beach

trebuchet ,

I'm blanking on this. What's the song?

effrythinginmoderation ,

Wise Man Built His House Upon the Rock
Song by VeggieTales

Religious children's song

digdug ,

Wow, I had no idea VeggieTales covered that song! I didn't think it was even very well known outside Mormonism.

nilloc ,

To be fair a lot of these homes have been there for 50-100 years (some way older). Salisbury (and parts of Hampton just north) is relatively poor compared to much of the New England sea coast, but those look like pretty expensive homes. Just a road or 2 over is a lot lower income. lots of fishermen lived there traditionally. That part of the Atlantic coast was settled and built before the idea of public land was really well defined unlike parts of California and the west coast.

FartsWithAnAccent , in Exxon-Mobil CEO flips from "it's too soon to act on climate" to "it's too late" as a means of discouraging decarbonization avatar

Well, if it's too late and you fuckers have doomed us all, I guess we better haul out the guillotine, you absolute piece of shit.

psmgx ,

The time for guillotines started years ago and is long overdue

bashbeerbash ,

it's a tragedy that desperate people would rather go after a school or church than after these fuckers.

Nastybutler ,

That's what I don't get. If I'm determined to off myself, why not take someone with me that would make the world a better place to be without? I definitely have a name at the top of my list, but since I'm not suicidal, it just remains a fantasy.

I hope this post doesn't get me added to any lists myself. I'm talking in hypotheticals here.

Steve ,

If this was reddit, it may have. But this isnt reddit.

FinishingDutch , avatar

That’s a really poor suggestion.

The guillotine was invented as a fast, efficient, humane method of execution. It was meant to take the human factor out of it for a clean, repeatable result.

The device you want is called a wood chipper.

Daft_ish ,

The question is, where do we point the wood chipper?

leftzero ,

The device you want is called a wood chipper.

A particularly slow and unsharpened one, though.

Feet first.

And doused in pure capsaicin.

And after having had a branch of that tree that makes you want to kill yourself rectally inserted.

FartsWithAnAccent , avatar

That's not very carbon neutral...

rbos , avatar

Could hand-crank it.

FartsWithAnAccent , avatar

Well that just sounds like too much work.

Living_Dead ,

Solar powered?

Krauerking ,

I don't know I like the idea of a union gig job of cranking the handle on the wood chipper and going on mandatory lunch break halfway through one of these CEOs

FinishingDutch , avatar

They do in fact make electric wood chippers!

Holzkohlen ,

I feel like the guillotine is meant as a symbol. I am also not gonna cannibalize these fucks, but I will tell you to eat them still.

Carrolade , in Dutch police have detained activist Greta Thunberg at a climate demonstration in The Hague

Have to admit, Extinction Rebellion is a pretty good name for an activist group.

Bonehead ,

...or a punk band.

Gormadt , avatar

And a damn cool sounding band name

conditional_soup , in Dutch police have detained activist Greta Thunberg at a climate demonstration in The Hague

ITT: bots, trolls, and plain old fools angrier with this woman for demanding that we stop climate change than with the mega corps trying to cause long-term devastation for short-term gain.

toaster , avatar
NewNewAccount ,

Billion or even trillion, more like.

buddascrayon ,

There's like 1 guy. I mean, I know there are masses of angry chuds out there who hate her(and also not-so-secretly lust after her, which is beyond sick) but in this thread there's just the one.

P.S. the other is a troll who is using sarcasm wrong.

TheBat , avatar

Check /r/europe threads about her.

feedum_sneedson ,

She's an adult, isn't she? Why would it be "beyond sick" to find her attractive?

catsarebadpeople ,


feedum_sneedson ,

Believe me, I do not find her attractive. But that's besides the point isn't it?

eran_morad , in Gen Z are desperate to be eco-friendly but LinkedIn says they’re so underskilled they actually pose a ‘risk’ to climate progress

“LinkedIn says”

fuck off.

MachineFab812 , in Gen Z are desperate to be eco-friendly but LinkedIn says they’re so underskilled they actually pose a ‘risk’ to climate progress

Sure, blame the kids. Not like that's exactly what previous generations have done or anything. All I see here is more blame-shifting and passing the buck.

lnxtx , avatar

Happy cake day!

newnton ,

I mean it explicitly says it’s not Gen Z’s fault they don’t have the requisite training. They want to learn more than the rest of the population, there just aren’t good opportunities to learn the relatively niche skills.

I totally agree the article should have been written way better, and I question why it focuses on just gen z when a lack of sustainable talent seems like a multigenerational problem, but improving training being most critical for gen Z as they will be taking over more and more of the workforce in the oncoming years (critically during the window of opportunity to reverse more of the effects of climate change) makes sense to me

Doof ,

Maybe it was written by a Gen Z

ID411 ,

Show me how you fell for rage bait and didn’t read the article

drosophila ,

If anything didn't they avoid falling for the rage bait because they didn't increase the view count of the article?

MachineFab812 ,

Not reading anything that sources opinions/data from LinkedIn. My personal grindset prioritizes my mental hygeine vs absolute garbage.

0110010001100010 , in A cargo ship’s ‘WindWing’ sails saved it up to 12 tons of fuel per day avatar

Hundreds of years of innovation in water travel, and we come back to a sail. Granted, a metal one, but still a fucking sail.

NegativeInf ,

What's old is new again. Time is a flat circle. But really, technology has a good habit of compounding gains. One new idea applied to a hundred old ones really gets innovation running hot.

protist ,

The scale of a sail needed to propel a giant cargo ship is really quite a bit different from what you might imagine on an old frigate, aka a "pirate ship." Making a sail that large out of traditional materials is not feasible, and would require a ton of people to operate it. One of these monstrosities is staffed by probably less than 20 people, and labor is expensive, so this sort of computer operated sail can be both feasible and cost effective, whereas old school type sails were not

Ephera ,

Hard to beat the efficiency of just having energy delivered to you for free...

NotMyOldRedditName ,

Those damned sails stealing the earth's winds for free.

Global warming you know why it's happening? Because the sails are all stopping the global winds! No winds to blow the heat away and it all warms up! BAN SAILS TODAY to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

ColeSloth ,

There's a reason they quit, though. It's slow and doesn't let you go in every direction. The midline area of earth has winds that move mostly towards west, while the north and south portions blow mostly east.

For those curious, these sails save 12 tons per day. The average cargo ship uses around 200,000 tons per day, so around 6% better fuel economy.

Lorgres ,

Thanks for putting it into relation to daily use.
200,000 is not realistic though. Just had a google and found this source citing up to 400 metric Tons/day

12 is 0.6% of 200,000 btw

ThrowawayPermanente ,


Tja ,

This is the correct calculation (although the 200k figure is wrong)

zaphod ,

The 12 tons are a best case and they represent 37% of this ship's fuel consumption, that would be ~32.5 tons a day, on average it saved 3.3 tons, ~10%.

Paragone ,

Which makes the break-even point for such wingsails, which cost one hell of alot more than a few tonnes of fuel did .. rather far-away/long-term, doesn't it?

There was also a system using huge parachute-kite things, on carbon-nanotube-ropes, fired up into the sky with rocket-assist, and the things could apparently pull the ship, quite effectively...

.. the service-subscription the ship was supposed to pay-for gave them the optimal route for fuel-savings vs time-to-get-there..

here, it was sorta like this, but the kite-sail looked different, and I'm pretty-sure they were saying something about nanotube cable for the kite, and it wasn't just a concept, it was actually-working...

I seem to remember that at the beginning of covid, some shipping companies just shortened the bulbs on their hulls, to optimize for a slower cruising-speed, and saved money that way..

again, where's the break-even on it

Hacksaw , in $500K Dune Built to Protect Coastal Homes Lasts Just 3 Days

I love this story. From people banding together and building a sand barrier on the beach to stop the ocean. To the idea that they MUST know sandbags exist but they never considered why people don't just skip the bags and dump sand, to not one person mentioning climate change or sea level increase even though that's clearly the problem, to the one guy saying "it's mother nature you just have to accept it". 5 stars, would deny climate change and fix the problem with sand piles again.

db0 OP , avatar

You just know they went for sand piles because they didn't want to ruin their beachfront with more stable constructions.

Lemonparty ,

The best part is that their previous sand dune was removed by storms and high tides in 2022, so their solution was to build another sand dune, which took a year, and was immediately removed by storms and high tides.

You can't make this shit up.

deus ,

When I first came here, this was all beach. Everyone said I was daft to build a house on a beach, but I built in all the same, just to show them. It sank into the ocean. So I built a second one. That sank into the ocean. So I built a third. That burned down, fell over, then sank into the ocean. But the fourth one stayed up. And that's what you're going to get, Lad, the strongest house in all of the coast.

Mokopa ,
SuperSynthia , in Fury after Exxon chief says public to blame for climate failures

Friendly reminder that Exxon themselves independently discovered their own business contributes to climate change waaaayy before it became the political trap it is now. He is arguing in bad faith and knows it too. Hold his feet to the fire

thefartographer ,

I don't like feet, they creep me out. But I'll gladly eat some drumstick or thigh.

SuperSynthia ,

Pickled Exxon feet ….gross lol

_haha_oh_wow_ , avatar

Everything about Exxon is gross.

Cethin ,

Sometimes we all have to do things we don't like for the greater good. Now eat your portion of feet and get over it.

RamblingPanda ,

I'm fine with his feet being near the fire as long as the rest of him is engulfed in flames.

SpaceCowboy , avatar

The infuriating thing is the oil industry was (and still is) well positioned to do something about it. To build offshore wind farms you need people experienced with building structures offshore. Which the oil industry has. To transport hydrogen over land you need people who can build pipelines. Which the oil industry has. To transport Hydrogen overseas you need some chemical engineers to figure out how to get it into a forma they can easily transport (Ammonia maybe?). Which the oil industry has. Geothermal? Well you need people that are experienced in drilling into the ground... which yeah...

But you'd need to have a lot of money to invest into these projects... oh wait they have that too, don't they?

The only problem was these projects would take time to start turning a profit and they only care about quarterly profits for just long enough to get their golden parachutes.

So basically the oil industry has what's needed to solve the problem... they just don't wanna.

SuperSynthia ,

This is the primary reason governments worldwide need to introduce a carbon tax. There are legitimate uses for petrochemicals and plastics, but to save the planet carbon capture and diverse energy production are needed yesterday

SlopppyEngineer ,

they just don’t wanna.

The fossil fuel companies tried it and found out renewables don't have the same return on investment that they're accustomed to, so they stopped with renewable projects.

So yes, all about money.

BigMikeInAustin , in Disneyland faces pressure to electrify its stinky 'Autopia' ride, and quick

But the ride was sponsored by Chevron from 1998-2012, and that company is pretty dedicated to poisoning small children anyway, so it was apt.

Thankfully, in 2012, Disney attracted a new sponsor, Honda, and in 2016, Honda upgraded the engines to small four-stroke engines, reducing noise and pollution significantly. However, the cars still create exhaust, which is still poisonous to the children riding behind these polluting engines. It’s also poisonous to employees, to the point where Disney pays hazard pay to employees who are assigned to staff the ride.

RootBeerGuy , avatar

Holy fucking smokes, Batman. Was the mouse the evil one all along?

BigMikeInAustin ,

Well, much more likely after Walt Disney died.

Spacehooks ,

Oh man it was worst??? Was the worst faux car experience I ever had.

ChaoticNeutralCzech , (edited )

Those are probably the same engines used in small AC generators and manual lawnmowers. Yes, the four-stroke ones are better but have you ever used a lawnmower? It is loud and stinky.

ThePyroPython , in I’ve got a fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty baby, and I’ll write your name: Just Stop Oil paint private jets hours after Taylor Swift’s lands

And that's the kind of protest that people get behind.

cyborganism , in Red states strike deals to show controversial conservative videos in schools | Educational material from PragerU is now offered to public schools in six states

Funny how they're the first ones to accuse others of child grooming.

It's just constant projection with them, isn't it?

danc4498 ,

I’ve never known the Republican Party to not be a bunch of hypocrites. At least they’re consistent.

BeatTakeshi , avatar

Every accusation is a confession

danc4498 ,

I was just thinking about how Trump co-opted the term “Fake News”. The term gained traction in reference to the Republican backed “fake news“ about Hillary Clinton during the 2016 election.

puppy ,
rockSlayer ,

If we keep heading this way, the US is going to fucking balkanize.

logos ,
PersnickityPenguin ,

Isn't it already?

Ghyste ,

Every accusation is an admission.

qprimed , in Planet is headed for at least 2.5C of heating with disastrous results for humanity, poll of hundreds of scientists finds | Planet is headed for at least 2.5C of heating with disastrous results

“I expect a semi-dystopian future with substantial pain and suffering for the people of the global south,” said a South African scientist, who chose not to be named. “The world’s response to date is reprehensible – we live in an age of fools.”

jesus christ :-(

krashmo ,

I don't mean to downplay the situation at all but doesn't that description pretty much match the world as it exists today? If anything I would expect their predictions to be more dire than that. The global south seems to have more than it's fair share of pain and suffering already.

Dkarma ,

Oh sweet summer child...just wait. It hasn't even begun to get bad.

krashmo ,

Oh I know. I'm just saying I don't think this particular quote really communicates that fact. It could just as easily be describing any point in the last 200 years as a future impacted by climate change.

vaquedoso ,

In Córdoba Argentina weather has been getting crazy these last few years. We've been constantly getting 40°C+ temperatures in summer, an even in winter we've hit the 40°C mark (in the middle of July, mind you). Last year we only had like two days in the whole year where we managed to get minus 0°C temperatures

kboy101222 ,

That's 104° F for anyone wondering

Stanley_Pain ,

The rest of the world understood 😆

ModsAreCopsACAB , avatar

American units 🤢

Onii-Chan , avatar

Almost 9 fucking months of summer here in Perth, with about 3 of those months being 30C and clear every single day. Forests and bushland are dying as a result, and water is scarce. I've never seen anything like it.

Fedizen , in Why states are suddenly making it a crime to sell lab-grown meat

a corporate lobby is behind a new panic? How unusual...

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