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Carrolade ,

They don't have to come back on this shuttle, there are other ways to get them home. Assuming it's being resupplied at the normal level, they should be able to remain aboard the station for a few extra months without any trouble. That would be without any extra resupply as well.

Carrolade ,

Sure. Just make sure you figure out some sort of way to either guard against or punish

"oh noes, I feel threatened." bang

Because only a fool would think that won't be taken advantage of.

Carrolade ,

There's a principle in alcoholics support groups called "fake it til you make it".

Fake is a sort of meaningless word. You are the sum of your own choices, throughout your life. There is no such thing as some sort of "true" you that is inherent and unchangeable, all of your attitudes, emotions, likes/dislikes are like clothes you wear. They can be changed with a pattern of choices that fall under your overarching will.

It's not easy, though, not by a long shot. So, one technique is to fake it til you make it. Pretend at first, fake whatever trait you are trying to establish. You'll find over time your willpower turns that into the new "true you". You can change various aspects of yourself, it's all under your power.

It's a hell of a steep hill to climb alone though, so you might want some help along the way. Addiction support groups serve this purpose for people trying to get past their addictions. You might need some pharmaceutical assistance though, if you have a chronic problem, so a doctor might be a wise move.

Carrolade ,

So, the goal of treatment is not to simply reduce dysphoria. It's mainly to address their many times higher rate of suicide. The treatment that has been found to be most effective is medical transition.

It's not some cosmetic thing you can just go out and get. It requires doctors, and is very much considered a strong intervention only pursued when it is necessary, similar to having your stomach stapled for dealing with obesity. If you went to your doc and wanted a stomach stapling, there would be a lot you would have to go through first, to make sure such a drastic treatment was really necessary. Same with a transition.

The issue becomes then, how to treat these rare cases in our society after the medical intervention is done. Which bathroom, can they play sports, stuff like that.

Carrolade ,

I feel like his approach to fatherhood is similar to his approach for businesses--the more the merrier. There are only so many hours in a day though.

Carrolade ,

Yeah, especially with five of them. You're not escaping or fighting back. Any of them could have probably put him down with a single kick.

Race to unseat New York progressive ‘most expensive House primary ever’ ( )

The primary for New York’s 16th congressional district, which takes place on Tuesday, has drawn record-breaking spending, with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (Aipac) and a crypto-currency Super Pac behind the lion’s share of the funding....

Carrolade ,

Assuming someone is a genuine progressive, the single-issue voter accusation is very hard to make stick. Progressives have one of the clearest and broadest sets of platform goals of anyone. I wouldn't worry about it.

A genuine hamas supporter, as opposed to a peace supporter, they might be a single issue voter. But I think those are very much in the minority, and most progressives just want peace and equality for Palestine and do not support warfighting.

Carrolade ,

Personally I'm of the opinion that educating in traditional African history and culture is the single most effective strategy we have for combatting racism in the long term. In many ways it's still a great mystery to the average westerner, which gives room for old racist narratives to take root and strengthen. People just don't know much about African technological advances, African historical writing, etc.

Thanks for sharing.

South Korea blasts Russia-North Korea deal, says it will consider supplying arms to Ukraine ( )

South Korea’s presidential office on Thursday condemned an agreement reached by Russia and North Korea that vowed mutual defense assistance in the event of war and said it will reconsider its policy of limiting its support to Ukraine to non-lethal supplies....

Carrolade ,

Oh hell yes, it's about time.

Carrolade ,

It is illegal for S Korea to sell arms to anyone fighting in a war, a measure against war profiteering. That law will need to be changed in some way. That will not be easy, Korean culture is pretty conservative, very fond of the status quo. This is a strong incentive, however.

Carrolade ,

Here in the US we have one of the two main political factions regularly threatening terrorism, execution and even war.

When people are already arguing to take you out behind the chemical shed and shoot you, it's a little out of touch to think they give two shits about your future health in a changing climate. Or our planet, they probably think they can get to Mars with Elon or something, or god will rapture them, or whatever they think, I don't know.

You think people should care about future generations? They probably should, but we have parents that don't give two shits about their own kids, much less anyone else's.

Carrolade ,

I agree, I think they've been remarkably responsible about avoiding lasting damage. What upsets me is how they're fueling the far-right rage machine with more propaganda ammunition at a time when we are already fighting a fierce and undecided battle to live in a world that isn't run by exclusionary ideological nationalistic idiots.

It's like they cannot understand that some people don't want the world saved, and agree with Hitler when he wrote about the tears of war being the bread of future generations. A sentiment that basically says suffering=good. So, more suffering=better. Will climate change cause suffering? Well, guess what then.

Carrolade ,

They can't. It would immediately run afoul of 1st amendment court challenges on top of appearing partisan, making them look bad on top of probably getting struck down.

We can't escape the 1st amendment protecting the right to lie, outside of a handful of exceptions. The current SC is unlikely to side with us to acknowledge another exception in the current climate, with conservatives outnumbering us 6-3.

This one cannot be tackled by the government, we have to beat it grassroots and private sector. There are no other realistic options that I've heard floated anywhere.

Carrolade ,

wtf is going on in this dudes head that he thinks we should try to match combined Russian and Chinese nuclear arsenals without increasing defense spending...? Nukes got cheap or something? Does he want nukes to get cheap?

These people can't think past simple number totals. Number of nukes. Number of ships. Number of soldiers. He's never heard of quality vs quantity or technological superiority? Superiority in tactics, strategy, morale, any of that? Just sheer mass?

I mean, yeah, we can probably save some money with improved procurement practices, but not that much. A nuclear powered aircraft carrier is still basically a floating city, the things ain't cheap.

Carrolade ,

While I also would like to see bolder action in support of Ukraine, I don't think they would have been sufficient to enable that offensive to succeed. Unless a whole lot were given. Personally I don't think that attack into heavily fortified, deep defenses backed by available post-mobilization Russian reserves was ever worth it, though I understand why they wanted to try.

Ultimately though, I don't think the war will be ended by gaining/losing ground anyway, it'll be ended by political and/or economic exhaustion of one of the sides. Towards this end, the planes will help.

Carrolade ,

It's a little sad how far they have to go just to distract from the basic fact that a person can choose to deliver something however they want. A quiet person can yell or a loud person can whisper, it's really not that hard.

They're really desperate not to lose their Sleepy Joe attack point though. I suppose the real sad part is how some people will fall for it.

Carrolade ,

Little bit of A, little bit of B. We shouldn't think that just because we are fighting for peace and equality that we cannot be infiltrated and manipulated to someone else's advantage. They're not mutually exclusive possibilities.

If there would be a clear benefit for doing so, and it can be done in a cost effective manner, then it is reasonable to think it might be happening. When you consider the strong motive provided by being involved in an active war with hundreds of thousands of casualties and many billions being spent, it's just not something we can afford to ignore.

Carrolade ,

The Green Berets are the army's spec ops that focus on training foreign fighters, specially chosen for things like foreign language proficiency. They're not Rangers or general light infantry. Ideally they're not really supposed to get into direct combat, as they're rather time consuming and difficult to replace.

I would bet a whole bunch of money that we actually do have Green Berets present in Ukraine as well, though the only people that would know that for sure would be the US govt, the Ukrainians and probably Russian intelligence.

If the 101st Airborne gets deployed to Taiwan, then I'd be worried.

Carrolade ,

If they didn't want them, they could just ask them to leave. If the leader disagreed, the people could vote for a different leader.

US aircraft carrier counters false Houthi claims with 'Taco Tuesdays' as deployment stretches on - AP ( )

“I think it’s been about two or three times in the past six months we’ve allegedly been sunk, which we have not been,” Hill told The Associated Press during a recent visit to the carrier. “It is almost comical at this point. They’re attempting to maybe inspire themselves through misinformation, but it doesn’t work...

Carrolade ,

Shush. You are sunk and you know it. Now stop talking and no tacos.

Carrolade ,

If there was going to be a fillibuster, then they would have requested a vote count. You don't avoid a vote count to prevent fillibuster, if you intend to fillibuster, then you ask for a vote count.

That said, I mostly agree with you this time otherwise. The dems do not want to take a stand on this issue because they are trying not to alienate the moderate pro-Israeli faction. It'd be cool though, if you could stop conveniently forgetting that the dems are not a hard progressive party that always wants to do progressive things but is being held back by its leadership. It's just not factual. There is a reason Bernie is not registered as a dem.

Carrolade ,

Courageous citizens performing the necessary duty of watching for new drone types and capabilities, and tracking usage patterns. They surveil the surveillance system. Heroes one and all.

For Ukrainians in Canada, new conscription rules increase pressure to fight ( )

Ukraine has recently dropped the conscription age from 27 to 25, increased fines for draft dodgers to half the average monthly wage and ordered embassies to stop renewing passports for Ukrainian men living abroad. All of this is part of an effort to get them to return home — and bolster the military's ranks as the war enters...

Carrolade ,

There's this thing called the "tooth to tail ratio". For every combat soldier serving on the front, there are several behind the lines in support and logistical roles. Somebody has to guard the bases, train the troops, drive the trucks, maintain/repair the vehicles, cook the food, organize the munitions, crunch the data, provide cyber capabilities, etc etc. Very many jobs that need doing.

These soldiers are in a much safer role, but are still doing important work that needs to be done, and serving honorably. A volunteer with specific skills and/or personality is more likely to wind up in one of these safer jobs, as this makes the whole military function more smoothly when people are well-suited to their assigned roles.

Serving does not have to be very dangerous though. It does not need to be extremely frightening. Will always be at least a little dangerous, but so is getting in your car.

Carrolade ,

Yes, states in and of themselves are not morality-driven entities, nor are they inherently consistent. They're survival-driven and advantage-driven. This is how democracy is intended to function, because you can threaten the top leaders with being removed from office every few years, providing a strong incentive for good behavior that is in-line with their most fundamental goal of survival.

No other system provides the same degree of incentive to the top leadership, who can police the citizens into fearful docility with overwhelming force if no mechanism for their regular removal is provided.

Carrolade ,

There were a few steps in between. Miasma theory said bad air/smells caused disease, which tried to explain infections spreading person to person. You might wear a satchel of basically potpourri to protect from plague if you believed this one.

Another was the "body humors", where disease was thought to be caused by imbalances of four basic fluid types in the body. If you believed this one, you might try to treat someone by draining a whole bunch of their blood. Y'know, while they're already sick.

Carrolade ,

We've needed to recalibrate for awhile. We sometimes forget what percentage of the population we actually are, and how many people prefer ... more old fashioned and dangerous ways of looking at things, come what may.

There'll be a comeback though. Unlike the conservatives, progressives are inherently proficient at adapting and learning from setbacks. Change is our mantra, after all.

What do you all check instead of the news?

I've realized that I check the news several times a day but not because I'm curious about what's happening on the grand scheme of things, but because my brain wants to check something that keeps changing with new, evolving information. It fills a slightly different niche than social media, and I don't watch sports so I don't...

Carrolade ,

Going for a walk can sometimes scratch that itch. Instead of checking the news of a national or global scale, which you can't ultimately do a lot about anyway, you're checking "the news" of your immediate environment with your own eyeballs. It usually doesn't change a lot, but what else is new?

Carrolade ,

He's how I caught up with the big, popular stories after dropping comic books years ago. His audio performance is simply superb, don't even need the visuals.

RIP Ben. In memory:

Carrolade ,

While I agree with your overall sentiment that Israeli actions outweigh HAMAS actions, this betrays a massive underestimation of global atrocities in the modern era. There have been a lot, most of which are not covered in a typical history class. Several go well into the millions.

Carrolade ,

I don't really see the point of singling out children. Murder is murder. Is killing a mother better than killing a child?

Carrolade ,

I dunno, to me that's a little arbitrary. Killing someone outside of self defense is just murder. So in your view is a school shooter worse than a mall shooter? Would you say murdering a handicapped stranger in a wheelchair who cannot defend themselves is worse than killing a healthy young adult stranger?

To me it's all just killing innocent people, their age or health is irrelevant. The law makes no difference as far as I'm aware, it's all murder. I don't see any point in differentiating murders based on the traits of the victims.

Carrolade ,

This seems a bit made up. Again, the law makes no difference.

Regarding this moral scale, I disagree. I think the vast majority of the world sees it as binary. Murder bad. Self defense okay. Either/or, no sliding scale present. Do you have any sort of evidence?

which is why - as I pointed out earlier - in murder statistics and deaths in wars, children form a far smaller proportion of the deaths in comparison to the total of children, than people of other ages for in proportion to the total of people of those ages.

This is not sound. There are many reasons children could die in wars less, with evacuation from conflict zones being a big one. Similarly with crime, where things like gang violence will never target them due to them not being gang members.

In practice child murder is pretty well correlated with the highest levels of sociopathy and psychopathy, so a military which practices high levels of child murder has higher levels of psychopaths and sociopaths in their midst

This is not sound. You point out leadership in the very next line, and leadership absolutely makes a big difference. One correlation is not enough to draw such a conclusion when there are other factors.

I'm academically inclined, personally, so I pay great attention to details and do not think with my feelings. So these details are important to me.

Carrolade ,

Okay, so do murderers of children get worse sentences then, on average? With supporting data, preferably.

Murder and manslaughter are differentiated via intent, same with things like first or second degree murder. Afaik, the traits of the victims are not taken into account, that I've ever heard anyway.

Carrolade ,

Three results for ctrl+f child.

First somewhat supports your claim.

First Degree Murder 25 years to life

Assault Causing the Death of A Child Under 8 Years of Age (Penal Code 273ab(a)) 25 years to life

The second specifies it has to be someone under your care.

the victim was a vulnerable person under the care of the offender (a child under 18, elderly person, or disabled adult)

The third has the same sentence for both.

Manslaughter Maximum of 40 years in prison (eligible for parole after 25 years if the defendant was under 18)

Manslaughter of a child under 10 10 to 40 years in prison without parole (eligible for parole after 25 years if the defendant was under 18)

Then there are 47 other states that seem to make no distinction, supporting my opinion that traits of the victim do not really matter.

I'll check the other read later, it sounds like a deeper look.

Carrolade ,

Ah, I missed that minimum, thank you. Perhaps murder is murder was a bit exaggerated, but my primary point that the traits of the victims don't really matter, and shouldn't really matter, still stands.

I think what's happening, incidentally, is a cultural thing. You are part of a particular culture, and so you and ideas you spend a lot of time around have a certain view. I don't think it is as broad as you think, though, where the "vast majority" agrees with you.

Being interested in a technical understanding, I'm intentionally ignoring any cultural influences I was raised with (like, "women and children first!", stuff like that), because I am worried they are ultimately inaccurate, and may introduce bias into how I am thinking about it. This is why Occam's Razor does not matter to me, it is a guideline and nothing more. I want to be technically, precisely correct, as much as I can manage. A guideline is no good for that.

That said, I am curious if the more detailed paper changes my understanding any. The law is an interesting subject for me.

Carrolade ,

Taking it back to Gaza, a genocide is a genocide. It's an attempt at eradication of a whole group of people. Of course it's heinous, and it's difficult for me to think of any other way to ethnically cleanse the Gaza Strip, which clearly is the goal as said by their own nationalists, without killing the people there. If there are kids there, they will be involved.

This is inherently heinous, by virtue of its scale and overarching goal. The fact that it necessitates killing children is simply obvious to me, and in no way changes how I see the whole thing. It's like pointing out a candle when the whole house is already on fire.

I suppose a core difference is I'm not really trying to convince anyone of anything regarding Gaza though. Lemmy is overwhelmingly against the genocide, which I think is good and correct. I'm more interested in personally understanding various things, and correcting misinformation when I run into it, particularly with regards to history or science. Which is why I originally jumped in to talk about the prevalence of genocides in the modern era.

Back to child murder, you're still applying an inherent value, this time on the good of the society, where children have more years ahead of them. This is still a cultural influence, a purely objective position would not apply additional value to anything like human health or happiness. Nobody has to care about the future, and I'd say recent times illustrate that a great many people even desire a future of human extinction. All these apocalypse-cheering types you run into online, the hardcore religious rapture folks, groups like that. I do not agree with these positions, but I cannot understand them unless I am capable of being coldly objective about these things.

Carrolade ,

Yeah, it's basically all mountains up there. It's like a Switzerland.

Don’t Forget to Like, Subscribe and Vote: Biden’s Rocky Influencer Courtship ( )

Influencers have been given exclusive tours of the White House and campaign headquarters and been invited to briefings with policy advisers. They’ve been wined and dined at lavish parties in New York and at State of the Union watch parties in the White House. And they’ve been promised extraordinary access to party officials...

Carrolade ,

Access to party officials is great, but make sure they have access to policy experts as well, who can get down into the nitty gritty details of national strategy and detailed policy considerations with them, even if it takes hours or days to get through all the material. Transparency is very important, even on very complex issues.

Carrolade ,

Any actual evidence of this? Usually when we make this claim we have some evidence.

Carrolade ,

An opposition party wanting to inspect your petition signatures is not dirty. That's just basic transparency.

Carrolade ,

Yeah, not seeing any results saying she's received Russian financing. Got anything else?

Carrolade ,

Scrolled the headlines. Not one backs your claim. One last time, you got any actual evidence, or just "google it"?

Carrolade ,

Not one of those articles claims she got Russian financing. So, I guess you're just making this up.

Carrolade ,

Don't need to, articles about Russian financing will say they are about Russian financing.

Are you talking about botfarms perhaps?

Carrolade ,

You can say whichever you want, this is the internet where people say shit all the time.

Just preferably bring evidence better than "person A is helping person B". In a complicated world that usually just means person A benefits somehow.

An asset or a plant is a stronger claim though, it implies control. While that's really fun when you're young and looking through all the conspiracy theories, it doesn't stand up well to adult level scrutiny, where details matter.

Carrolade , (edited )

Yes, I am sure he is. Or at least was until he stopped the bomb shipments over Rafah. That does not imply espionage though, just a US President supporting a military ally in a genocide. For the 500th time in our history.

edit: I'll remind you how we treated our own Native Americans, incidentally, in our own dark past. Many of the few remaining, still to this day, live in crippling poverty. World is a complicated place.

Carrolade ,

That I can agree with. The GOP is also very pro-Israel unfortunately. And they love feeling superior to brown people to boot.

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