Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics.

mozz Admin , (edited ) in Deaths mount and water rationed as India faces record heat | Reports of heat-related illnesses and deaths have surged across the country as daytime highs hover around 120°F and nights remain over 90°F
mozz avatar

It’s starting. We’re not even into summer yet. And next year will be worse, and the year after that will be worse than that, with no particular safety measure or merciful limit.

And even when it reaches a protein-denaturing threshold and people start dying for real, by the thousands or more, we'll still be burning gasoline, setting new records for "production."

sinkingship ,

If Im not mistaken, Delhi's hottest month isn't in peak summer but in May and June, so now. As the climate is largly influenced by the monsoon season.

Next year also doesn't necessarily need to be worse, now going from an el niño into a la niña makes that somewhat unlikely, although regional differences will probably make some places worse, compared to this year.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but people may be already dying by the thousands. Isn't it rather difficult for a doctor to point down the reason of death to heat?

If not next year, it will get worse rather quick, that's for sure. Much, much worse.

mozz Admin , in Are Net-Zero Homes a Realistic Option? A Look Inside A Zero-Carbon Home
mozz avatar

Hey I reduced my personal carbon footprint to 0

Oh wait everything's still fucked

Turns out it was mostly big industry the whole fucking time

The goal of personal virtue is merely not to be part of the problem. It’s not good enough for a bystander to say “I personally am not murdering this person” when someone is being stabbed to death before them (and those of us in the global north have countless ties to systems that are murdering the climate, so we are not exactly bystanders). The goal for those of us with any kind of resources of time, rights and a voice, must be being part of the solution, pushing for system change. To stop the murder.

-Rebecca Solnit

mozz Admin , in Could a Giant Parasol in Outer Space Help Solve the Climate Crisis? Time and money would be better spent on working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
mozz avatar

I think this is the new phase of the bad-faith propaganda. Promote weird, outlandishly expensive but vaguely-plausible-sounding solutions to get people away from talking about the things we can actually do (but which would lead to someone making less money and so, unacceptable.)

Johanno ,

No you don't understand. We just need to build a dyson sphere and we are ser in energy for ever.

This will be cheaper than anything we can do. For only 1$ per kW we can build it eeehm next year.


GreyEyedGhost ,

It's not a bad idea if we had the technology to mass-produce film in the quantity required, the ability to easily and consistently place them where needed, and could maintain the array. None of those are true right now. If they were, it would be viable.

mozz Admin ,
mozz avatar

Yeah. If we could do it, someone could run the numbers and find out that it's about ten to a hundred times cheaper to just build a bunch of non-coal power plants, or find and eliminate methane sources, or, hell, I don't know. I'm not an expert. But I definitely know that they're not talking about this because it's the easiest way.

UltraGiGaGigantic , in Death toll from heat at hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia passes 900

Nobody wants to chill anymore

eskimofry , in Schwarzenegger: ‘Climate change dialogue’ not going to work

For context.. he says we need to address the cause..

“We want to do the same thing here. I think this whole climate change dialogue is not going to work. I think this has been used for the last few decades,” he said, highlighted by Mediaite. “I think we should address it directly, what it is, which is pollution.”

“We want to terminate pollution. There’s the message we should get out there,” Schwarzenegger continued.

In the past, Schwarzenegger has dubbed climate change the “most important issue.” In office, he promoted clean air and energy policies.

3volver , in I’ve got a fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty baby, and I’ll write your name: Just Stop Oil paint private jets hours after Taylor Swift’s lands

Then they're going to just pay some people to clean it off, cost more money, consume more energy. Publicity stunt.

theacharnian , avatar

Yes, that's literally what activism is about.

Like when Ghandi went and made salt, that was the definition of a publicity stunt.

3volver ,

No, activism is about taking part in making a real change. If anyone really wanted to make a real change they'd have to give up their freedom. This doesn't change anything, carbon emissions will still increase.

smnwcj ,

Name an activism campaign that worked and you support.

Five , in The Delusion of “Advanced” Plastic Recycling avatar

Thank you, Lisa Song, for cutting through the bullshit.

themeatbridge , in The Earth’s changing – so why aren’t we?

Because humans are inherently selfish and prone to fallacious thinking.

phoenixz , in I’ve got a fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty baby, and I’ll write your name: Just Stop Oil paint private jets hours after Taylor Swift’s lands

Yeah, this I can get behind. Fuck those guys painting Stonehenge, but this? Yeah, go ahead.

Maggoty ,

The guys doing Stonehenge at least tried. They used a powder they thought would just come off in the rain.

nova_ad_vitum ,

Did it not come off?

Maggoty ,

The Stone Henge people are saying that the water, lichen, and powder would have reacted badly. I do not have the education to know if that's true or not.

modifier , in I’ve got a fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty baby, and I’ll write your name: Just Stop Oil paint private jets hours after Taylor Swift’s lands

They leveled up today.

WhiteShotgun , in I’ve got a fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty baby, and I’ll write your name: Just Stop Oil paint private jets hours after Taylor Swift’s lands

Go gurl

ICastFist , in ‘What if there just is no solution?’ How we are all in denial about the climate crisis avatar

"There's no solution" - says the motherfucking fucks responsible for FUCKING UP the shit and ensuring govts DON'T treat them like the criminals they are. "B-b-b-but think of my profits the economy!" - I love how profits for the next quarter are more important than long term survival for them.

Nobody is going after the big oil companies and ordering them to slow the fuck down. Nobody is telling the saudis to fuck off. Thanks to thinking of "the economy", we'll be on a very, VERY nasty future. But hey, that diamond studded yacht was worth it!

Wahots , in ‘What if there just is no solution?’ How we are all in denial about the climate crisis avatar

There are solutions, lol. It's easy stuff, such as buying an ebike for trips less than 25 miles away. Or better insulating your house. Or replacing a furnace with a heat pump when your furnace breaks. Buying in bulk instead of buying micro things wrapped in plastic. Buying used equipment and jewelry rather than buying new. Eating less meat, or at least less beef.

There's lots of small stuff that can have a dramatic impact on your carbon footprint. It also tends to save you shitloads of money, all green arguments aside. Up front costs might go up, but over time, you save a lot of money.

set_secret , in Climate change could make fungi more dangerous

The last of us

Aussiemandeus , in ‘What if there just is no solution?’ How we are all in denial about the climate crisis avatar

I read somewhere on lemmy that all the actions the government are taking are just to keep everyone calm.

We passed the tipping point. Where on our way to ruin there's no brakes on this train and the tracks fucked.

The government's are keeping a lid on it while the rich and powerful get their ducks in a row and bunker up.

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