Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics.

themeatbridge , in US appeals court says kids' climate lawsuit must be dismissed

Those who make non-violent revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable.

rbesfe ,


Burn_The_Right ,

Trump? Shouldn't you be in court right now?

stoneparchment , in Stonehenge covered in powder paint by Just Stop Oil protesters - BBC News avatar

Contrary to most of the opinions in this thread, I think this (and the van gogh incident) is a great and appropriate protest.

It causes a knee-jerk reaction to be mad that they are harming a precious piece of history and culture, which is a perfect juxtaposition to how the climate change harms our precious natural resources and will harm ourselves, and

It achieves this without actually causing permanent damage to the subject artifact, and

It is incendiary enough to remain in our public consciousness long enough for it to affect the discourse.

I only wish there was a more direct way to protest the people most responsible for the worst effects (oil executives, politicians, etc.), but the truth is that the "average middle-class Westerner" (most of the people who have access to enjoy these particular cultural relics) is globally "one of the worst offenders". While I firmly believe that individuals have less power to enact change than corporations and policymakers, this protest does achieve the goal of causing reflection within people who have the power to make changes.

GBU_28 ,

I'll disagree. I think these actions only entrench the decided.

As in: if you are of your opinion that damaging artifacts is appropriate, given the protest cause, then you're already "sold".

If you feel that these actions are inappropriate, then you have only gotten further away from these actors, and, potentially their message.

I mean that I'm not sure how many undecided or uninformed folks are impressed, convinced or engaged by these destructive protests.

Atomic ,

It gets the exact opposite effect. Yes they get attention alright. But the wrong attention.

People don't think "oh wow yeah stop oil!" They think "wow these stop oil guys are absolute idiots, I don't want to be associated with them"

paris ,

That's the point though. They've done other protest work "the proper way" and nobody knows about it because it doesn't get reported on. They want the message "just stop oil" to be in the news, so they do what gets them in the news.

If they go for the "right" attention, they're barely reported on by two local outlets. If they go for public outcry, they're global news in hours. Their goal isn't to get you to support their organization. It's to keep you talking about and thinking about and caring about climate change.

snekerpimp , in $500K Dune Built to Protect Coastal Homes Lasts Just 3 Days

I have no sympathy for anyone that builds close to water. It will ALWAYS win. I will never understand people who don’t take these things into account when buying a safe place to sleep.

Lath ,

They saw Netherlands and said "Fuck it, we can do it better!", then promptly failed.

IWantToFuckSpez ,

Dutch dunes also formed naturally over centuries before the Dutch decided to add man made ones.

pro_user ,

Exactly! Dutch dunes are mostly natural: beach sand is blown onto the land and started to pile up, eventually forming dunes. Even in the places where there are buildings facing the sea, they are at least 100(‘s) meters away from the coastline.

The man-made dikes are much more than just a pile of sand. To quote wikipedia:

Artificial levees require substantial engineering. Their surface must be protected from erosion, so they are planted with vegetation such as Bermuda grass in order to bind the earth together. On the land side of high levees, a low terrace of earth known as a banquette is usually added as another anti-erosion measure. On the river side, erosion from strong waves or currents presents an even greater threat to the integrity of the levee. The effects of erosion are countered by planting suitable vegetation or installing stones, boulders, weighted matting, or concrete revetments. Separate ditches or drainage tiles are constructed to ensure that the foundation does not become waterlogged.


MelodiousFunk , avatar

I absolutely love being near (or on, or in) bodies of water. But I figured out that I would never want to live near one before I hit my teens.

_haha_oh_wow_ , in Joe Biden just did the rarest thing in US politics: he stood up to the oil industry; The Biden administration suspended new permits for natural gas terminals. Can we see more of this kind of backbone? avatar

"...bUt wE hAvE tO mEeT LiTeRaL NaZiS hAlFwAy!"

-"moderates" probably

leave_it_blank , in In surprise vote, European climate protection plan shelved following farmer protests

The same farmers will protest in 10 years when their harvests will be destroyed constantly by heatwaves and draughts. "We had no idea..."

casmael ,

I fucking hate farmers, man

Maeve ,

They're feeding us and struggle, too.

sethw ,

They're exporting for profit, our own countries essentially colonized by these farmers exploiting our shared natural resources polluting the ground, water and air for their own gain at our expense.

Maeve ,

We didn't take the *lesson from the potato famine, so hey!

*His in cyberspace does "lesson"autocorrect to"train"?

TheDarksteel94 ,

If they even exist in 10 years. With the way the EU has shafted farmers for the last few years, a lot of them will probably go out of business by then.

Maeve ,

They plan to force them onto a USA business model. CAFOS, pharmas, grain...

racemaniac ,

Meh, i've talked to organic farmers here in Europe (and real organic farmers, not bigscale "we're technically organic), and even they were against the current proposals. the plan appeared to be very naive, and would just end up making farming (even the most ecological variants) extremely uncertain and always at direct odds with nature preservation, and as some others have already said, we would just end up in more food being imported from parts of the world where farming standards are way lower, where there is more worker exploitation, etc... that can't possibly be the goal of an environmental plan either.

There of course is a big conflict between farming & nature preservation, but then adding that to the pile of bullshit farmers already have to endure (a lot of regulation, big supermarkets dictating the price at which they 'may' sell, even outside the proposal that was cancelled here, a lot of constantly changing environmental regulations, expensive farmland because they're competing against wealthy people who want to put some horses there, ...)

And if the end goal is to have nearly no farming left in Europe, then that should be clearly communicated, and not just adding random things to the pile of stuff farmers have to deal & contend with.

Pistcow , in We could be heading into the hottest summer of our lives

so far

Kalkaline , in This is how big one tonne of CO2 is avatar

At what sort of pressure?

silence7 OP Mod ,

1 atmosphere, so sea level pressure, per Diána Ürge-Vorsatz

Chainweasel ,

I feel like a ton of C02 at air pressure should be bigger.
I know it's correct, but it looks like the amount of exhaust produced by a car idling for a few minutes, at a visceral level you just expect a literal tonne of gas to take up more volume.

gladflag ,

I assume CO2 is only a portion of the exhaust. Not sure if that’s what you were meaning already?

Edit: No idea of the quality of this source, but:

So what's coming out of a car exhaust is 13 per cent CO2, 13 per cent water (26 per cent sub-total) and 73 per cent nitrogen gas. The air that you're breathing right now is 78 per cent nitrogen gas, 21 per cent oxygen, and one percent everything else.

Windex007 ,

At what temperature?

Johanno ,


silence7 OP Mod ,

Whatever it was about on Jan 27, 2024 in Vienna in the evening during the Science Ball. Probably about 10°C

xkbx ,

But at what pressure?

ASeriesOfPoorChoices ,

~1 atm/bar.

MxM111 ,

1 atm.

n3m37h , in Fury after Exxon chief says public to blame for climate failures

Can we just hang this moron by his testicles?

Chainweasel ,

They would eventually go numb from lack of blood flow. We need to find a more long-term solution. Maybe something to do with electricity?

Ensign_Crab ,

Helicopter him to Prince William Sound and tell him we'll come back for him once he's finished licking up what remains of his company's greatest accomplishment?

thefartographer ,

How about drinking 5 ounces of crude every 6 hours?

desmosthenes , avatar

love the depth to this reply

kozy138 ,

Drown him in oil?

NotAtWork ,

what a ball head.

wildcherry , in Exxon-Mobil CEO flips from "it's too soon to act on climate" to "it's too late" as a means of discouraging decarbonization

If its too late then it's time for retaliation against those who put us in this mess in the first place.

This guy belongs in jail.

ArmokGoB ,

The guy belongs drawn and quartered

ICastFist , avatar

Nah, I think he'll have lots of fun in a 2x2 jail cell with unhealthy doses of CO2 and CO for the rest of his life.

ArmokGoB ,

Until he gets Epstein'd to a private island

Ultraviolet ,
assembly , in Florida is about to erase climate change from most of its laws | Grist

What could go wrong it’s not like Florida is at any risk for damage from rising seas right!?!?? Right!?!?!?

SparrowRanjitScaur ,

Rising seas aside, Florida has already been hit by some major hurricanes in recent years and hurricanes are predicted to just get worse with climate change.

fluxion ,

They'll just blame it on wokeness

Mog_fanatic ,

I told you people to not say gay and look what happened!!!

umbrella , (edited ) avatar

nah, the fundies are gonna have a field day with this one.

Coasting0942 , in I’ve got a fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty baby, and I’ll write your name: Just Stop Oil paint private jets hours after Taylor Swift’s lands

Big oil gonna subpoena every upvoter

Do your part to make them waste money

BigMacHole , in Miami Is Entering a State of Unreality | No amount of adaptation to climate change can fix Miami’s water problems.

This article is ILLEGAL in the FREEDOM STATE of Florida because it has the words Climate Change!

danc4498 ,

Oof, can you imagine being so FREE that all things that trigger conservatives are ILLEGAL? Read the constitution, it’s in there!

riodoro1 , in Dutch police have detained activist Greta Thunberg at a climate demonstration in The Hague

I sure hope the dutch police are gonna provide us all with food when the famine comes.

OnlyTakesLs ,

This doesnt make sense. Climate activists are against farming, ranching, fishing, and feeding people in general.

Unless I completely misread then ignore me.

Barbarian , (edited ) avatar

Ranching and fishing, yes. But considering that worldwide more than 70% of agriculture is used to support ranching, it definitely seems that ranching is reducing the amount of food worldwide, not increasing it.

Edit: Also should mention, generally when climate activists talk about drastically cutting down or outright ending ranching, that's for the developed world, where healthy alternatives exist. Nobody sane is talking about going and taking the dairy cows off of Indian villagers who depend on it for survival.

Also, we have destroyed the global aquaculture with overfishing.

Gormadt , avatar

Cows in general are so ludacrisly environmentally impactful it's crazy

Zorsith , avatar

And beef frankly isn't even that great IMO. Lamb tastes better to me, plus sheepsmilk cheese is DELICIOUS

Marin_Rider ,

ever since I tasted oat milk ill never go back to animal milk at all. I tried for years to like soy or almond but never really could get into it, now all that's sorted

Zorsith , avatar

Lactose intolerance gives me little other choice (doesn't always stop me when it comes to cheese tho) 😅 oat milk is delicious but doesn't always work for cooking purposes, almonds are atrocious as far as sustainability goes.

Gormadt , avatar

And goat (and goat's milk) is also amazing IMO

But I may be biased as my family had goats when I was a kid

Zorsith , avatar

Never really had the opportunity to try goat (outside of cheese). Not as common to find in my area, I think I've only seen it on a menu in a Mexican restaurant

mars296 ,

The person you are responding to is not arguing in good faith. I was going to say don't feed the troll but maybe it's better to refute the BS so unsuspecting people don't read them thinking they are correct.

Barbarian , avatar

Absolutely. I think it's better to refute than to ignore (within reason) for people reading through the thread. Not for the benefit of the troll.

mapiki ,

"a protest against Dutch subsidies and tax breaks to companies linked to fossil fuel industries"

We can do all the activities you mention with a much lower impact. And fighting climate change allows many farmers in developing countries to actually survive. (Think of the problems with cocoa harvests failing or with Mongolian herders losing herds three years in a row instead of once a decade.)

null , avatar

Username checks out

catsarebadpeople ,

You are not a serious person

someguy3 , in A cargo ship’s ‘WindWing’ sails saved it up to 12 tons of fuel per day

saved an average of 3.3 tons of fuel each day. And in optimal weather conditions... reduced fuel consumption by over 12 tons a day. According to Cargill’s math, that’s an average of 14 percent less greenhouse gas emissions from the ship. On its best days, Pyxis Ocean could cut that down by 37 percent.

Mighty , in Will Shoppers Ever Care About the Destruction of the Planet? Tactics to convince people to buy less aren’t working. A quirky new documentary by Patagonia takes a different approach. avatar

Surely it's the shoppers fault. Can't be the fault of a system that rewards companies doing the most evil shit possible

mojo_raisin ,

False dichotomy, it's all of our fault. We are all perpetuators of the system, some small, some large. Just like with cocaine, placing all the blame on the producers and ignoring the massive demand and the reasons for it isn't how drug problems are solved.

For things to change, we all need to change, if your effect is small because you're just a person, the needed change is small, like buying less and making better choices. If you're a large perpetuator like a company, the needed change is large, up to and including stopping or radically altering operations because they are fundamentally unsustainable (e.g. Exxon).

In a capitalist world, if there's a demand it will be supplied consequences be damned.

Mighty , avatar

You're right, of course. But people want to be convenient. And that's not necessarily a bad thing. If the most convenient path is one that funds "unseen" human misery and climate catastrophe, that's still gonna be the path a lot of people are gonna take. Especially if it results in the lowest costs. With the majority of people earning little money, the effect is gonna be predictable.

"Demand" is a very sketchy concept. People are gonna want what they can easily get.
So the best solution is to penalize the negative production chains and reward the positives.

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