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MachineFab812 ,

The only hope I see in it is the idea that humans will survive, and even a few of them will still mean well/have morals, ethics, sincerity, conscience, or any self-awareness ... things that make the continuation of the species something resembling a good or even okay outcome, as opposed to an outright blight upon the universe.

The amount of suffering portrayed is of little consequence to this, as we have plenty of suffering historically and in the now. Very, very few of those suffering the worst seem to prefer not existing, outside of the affluent countries, and I don't accept value judgements on such things from any but the first-person perspective.

MachineFab812 ,

Condensation and she's shaking it, like a dog toy for a puppy.

MachineFab812 ,

The Maze was based on previous work by id Software and others. IIRC, it was kinda janky when held up against Doom or even Wolfenstien or Heritic/Hexen. Hell, Descent was out by then as well.

Pipes? Pipes was something else. None of those games I mentioned bothered to make something look round in any believable capacity. Pipes did that, seemingly with shading 🫨

MachineFab812 ,

I need to buy new filters for mine, and get back to wearing it. Been drilling, milling sawing, gluing, cementing and "welding"(HDPE) all sorts of crud lately. PVC, plywood, particle board, steel, aluminum.

I keep my space well ventillated, but just because it doesn't leave me coughing for days like say ... mowing the grass, doesn't mean its good for me.

MachineFab812 ,

I mean, I never cared if it was exactly located in any specific spot. Call me when they prove nothing like it could exist anywhere.

MachineFab812 ,

An effective offensive? Let's hope not, but they don't have to actually achieve their goals to seriously fuck things up for a generation or two.

The 9/11 hijackers were precision weapons next to most of these morons, but they are legion here, and the majority are self-funded. Nevermind that they also encompass the majority of cops and others entrusted with protecting our critical infrastructure.

MachineFab812 ,

I was rooting for this therapy, but not at the expense of exposing vulnerable people to all the hokum that Lykos was apparently trying to spike it with. FDA made the right call for now.

MachineFab812 , (edited )

They knowingly poisoned the world. Expected a better headline from medium, for some reason.

MachineFab812 ,

That's the for some reason in my comment. I know why we got that headline. I do not know why I expected better; Was medium ever any better than this?

MachineFab812 , (edited )

My take on "world" is the living, breathing parts of the planet that make it anything more than the third large rock orbitting a random star ... so, yeah, sure, let's go with: you got my meaning exactly.

MachineFab812 ,

Can, or WILL? The fact they will do it until called on it in court doesn't mean that they were ever legally allowed to. Fuck the Terms and Conditions.

MachineFab812 ,

Not only an airport, but elsewhere would likely not have been able to negotiate to same prices as a local. Sticker price is almost always the foreigner price, at least when it's matching or higher than the price one would pay back home.

I'm almost certain I've seen $5 "lightning" headphones here in the midwestern US.

MachineFab812 ,

Air conditioners are already heat-pumps. This change would moreso replace furnaces.

Why Aren't There More User Customization Options on Lemmy?

I've been pondering why there seems to be an abundance of options for instances to customize user experiences, while users themselves have limited control over their own preferences. Features like instance blocking and enabling/disabling downvotes can make it challenging to find an instance that aligns perfectly with your...

MachineFab812 ,

As usual when a comment like yours exists, the feature already exists. In this case, its available only to instance admins.

A better suggestion would be to setup one's own instance, but that's not dismissive enough, it seems.

[7/10 voters... want to see third-party/independent candidates in presidential debate this cycle] 71 percent in poll want RFK Jr., third parties in debate [Julia Mueller | 05/20/24 | The Hill] ( )

Seven in 10 voters in a new poll want to see third-party and independent candidates in presidential debates this cycle, as President Biden and former President Trump prepare to go head-to-head....

MachineFab812 ,

Deadnaming Corporations-In-General: chef's kiss

MachineFab812 ,

My issue with this is that a good chunk of the older tabs end up pointing to 404 errors. I wish it were possible to load the version that was cached when I first visitted a given page, like a local Wayback machine( I also wish that were more aggressive about pulling in pages ...).

Then there's Amazon letting vendors reuse product codes so some pages end up pointing to things I know I've never looked at before and would never try to save like so.

MachineFab812 OP ,

I mean, if its based on how that person identifies ... Otherwise, I could maybe see it, but still leaning more towards: why not just ask?

MachineFab812 ,

Choose your poison. This is the same reason sewage treatment plants and land-fills have these flares setup. The methane IS that much (exponentially)worse than the CO2 and other by-products of burning it, and not just for the smell and health effects. There are plants(leafy kind, not factories) and other ways for mitigating the CO2.

For methane, your best options are to burn it(full-stop) or leave it in the ground(maybe put it back... 🙄 ). The rest of the the sentence in the screenshot is just ... incoherent and self-contradictory at best.

My first reaction to the headline was, "Hey, these assholes consider mitigation too expensive(where clean coal fails, according to their own bean-counters, nevermind the obvious realities against it), BUT THEY CAN BOTHER WITH THESE SHENANIGANS?"; However, burning/breaking down methane and other complex/harmful chemicals would be a first step in any in-place mitigation scheme.

The BEST first mitigation step is of course to just close these things down entire, so I'm done quibbling with the headline,


but it sucks that all sides are stuck with the same fear-mongering-and-throwing-out-hyperbole/half-truth-and-occassional-hopefully-unintentional-straight-up-lies when trying to convince the public that the fascists trying to move the overton window their way use.

MachineFab812 ,

There's conflicting information in the article between the reporter's own opinions within the same sentence ... but it seems more un-informed/biased than insincere. Its a painful topic for anyone looking at it through any lense short of sheer greed.

MachineFab812 ,

Title is misleading: they seem to be succeeding at it, not just "hitting on" women. Its alarming, not just sad and disgusting.

MachineFab812 ,

Here's hoping you're right.

MachineFab812 ,

Longest range cannons we had while they were in service, but yeah, rockets and such go further. Would have been interesting to see what partially self-guided and rocket-assisted shells in Battleship size could manage though.

MachineFab812 ,

Americans don't need to be cool about shit. We've been too cool about shit, until this dumb fuck is about ten inches shorter. Not like Balaji will be making productive use of either end if nothing is done.

MachineFab812 ,

Too few are cool "enough" with the methods when it comes to actually using them. That's why I'm saying "cool" is the wrong word. We don't need more chill. We need more people mad enough to act and not even begin to give a damn if anyone is cool with their actions.

Unfortunately, almost none of us reach that point short of direct harms to our persons or our (chosen, birth, whatever)families. Even for the dude who iced Shinzo, it was mostly a personal vendetta.

Caltech Researchers Find Evidence of a Real Ninth Planet ( )

Caltech researchers have found evidence of a giant planet tracing a bizarre, highly elongated orbit in the outer solar system. The object, which the researchers have nicknamed Planet Nine, has a mass about 10 times that of Earth and orbits about 20 times farther from the sun on average than does Neptune (which orbits the sun at...

MachineFab812 ,

This paper seems to be dated 18 April, 2024. Wouldn't surprise me if its some sort of re-print, but otherwise would explain why this topic popped up in the media over the last few days.

MachineFab812 , (edited )

Next election is pretty much a choice between outright war, cullings, purges, genocides and ... not that. Literally the only way DJT could ever come close to delivering on half his promises, or survive the aftermath, is by eliminating enough friend and foe alike that the remainder are either die-hards or distracted by pillaging the dead and basking in their own "good fortune".

Do I trust BidenBlinken to do any better? More like I trust him to at least pretend to give me enough plausible deniabity that I can maybe sleep at night, but mass starvations and refugees getting turned away from those safe/sustainable places that should welcome them are all but unavoidable, and already on-going, if he doesn't pull his head out of his ass(and Gaza is arguably experiencing everything I listed up-front). I would prefer a quick death vs starvation and disease, but I'm not about making that choice for others, nor allowing it to be made for me.

Edit: I keep forgetting that Blinken is actually the Secretary of State, not just a prejorative we use for Biden's refusal to see the obvious regarding genocide, student loans, and, until recently, climate change.

MachineFab812 , (edited )

i= √(-1) = imaginary number
(1^2) + (√(-1))^2 = 1 - 1 = 0 7

At least, I thought that was the idea in the OP.

Also, for your version, on a number line or Cartesian plane, the distance from -1 to 1 is 2, not 0

MachineFab812 ,

I liked your other reply better, but either way I still have more to learn. ie, I had no idea what the complex plane is.

Would you teach your kids how to pirate?

My gf and I have had discussions about teaching morals to kids. In that vein, I asked myself, would I teach piracy to my kids? Yes, it’s technically illegal and carries inherent risks. But so does teenage sex carry the risks of teenage pregnancy, and so we have an obligation to children to teach them how to practice safe sex....

MachineFab812 ,


We pay for subs to damn near every streaming service. I am constantly having to send them the passwords or even reset the passwords(to the same password), so they can login devices they've logged on a hundred times.

MachineFab812 ,

I use ... Plex ... as a gap-filler, but I don't become aware of the gaps(in what-I-thought-I-had-subbed-and-actually-had-paid-access-to-for-years versus what-is-actually-still-available) anywhere near as quickly as each of my children.

MachineFab812 , (edited )

3D effects achievable by setting your cutter at a few specific heights, and not changing height while following a 2D toolpath (generally with a mill, but you could make jigs/stencils and/or use a pantograph with a simple router). Give your owl domes for eyes and/or bevel the sides of the beak just deep enough to form a line down the middle.

An "extreme" example would be forming just the one side of your chipmunk bookend as it looks in the pic where we can also see your blue T-square, although without actual 3D toolpaths you wouldn't be able to achieve that level of detail(you could do it with a pantograph and your existing bookend though).

Mind you, a pantograph is effectively giving you fully 3D toolpaths, but your output will be either much larger or much smaller than the source object(smaller requires a smaller router bit, and larger requires more time and a more rigid setup).

The free Delta game emulator for iPhones is live on Apple’s App Store ( )

Caveat: It isn't available in the app store in the EU, and is instead only available via the developer's marketplace, AltStore¹. As far as I can tell, this genuinely isn't because of greed, but because of a little detail in Apple's EU rules (possibly wrong):...

MachineFab812 ,

Need an "emulator"(sandbox really) for old IOS apps. All the best games I ever played on IOS, games I paid for, were retired from the app store and replaced with substandard, ad/subscription based knockoffs, years ago.

Now I think about it, I've got a lot of android apps I keep sideloading to new devices that won't work if I try to actually use them, but at least I have convenient ways to preserve those.

MachineFab812 ,

outdated bullshit** bingo

MachineFab812 ,

"Stuck" ... yeah I'm stuck, with a bunch of calls, texts and e-mails basically begging me to cash in my equity. I LIKE my house and I make my payments on-time - leave me the hell alone!!

MachineFab812 ,

That face when I sympathize with the writer and their target less ... than anyone else. Just ... there are better hobbies. Don't feed the trolls!!

MachineFab812 ,

Its implied in the fact that anyone feels the need to write like in the OP. Are they the troll or the trolled? Friend, that conversation left the station several rants ago.

Wait. I mean yes. They are the troll or the trolled. Likely trolled themselves at some point in the same thread, because it all blends together when you're trying to reply to insincere and garbled bullshit.

MachineFab812 ,

All you're telling me is that reddit has turned into another 4chan over the last 9 months. Glad I left.

MachineFab812 ,

The AI figured out a way around the garbage it was fed by idiots, and told on them for feeding it garbage. That's the opposite of dumb.

MachineFab812 ,

It works because the AI finds and exploits the flaws in the prompt, as it has been trained to do.

MachineFab812 ,

It works because the AI finds and exploits the flaws in the prompt, as it has been trained to do. A conversational AI that couldn't do so wouldn't meet the definition of such.

Anthropomorphizing? Put it this way: The writers of that prompt apparently believed it would work to conceal the instructions in it. That shows them to be idiots without getting into anything else about them. The AI doesn't know or believe any of that, and it doesn't have to, but it doesn't have to be anthropomorphic or "intelligent" to be "smarter" than people who consume their own mental excrement like so.

Blanket Time/Blanket Training(look it up), sadly, apparently works on some humans. AI seems to be already doing better than that. "Dumb" isn't the word to be using for it, least of all in comparison to the damaged morons trying to manipulate it in the manner shown in the OP.

MachineFab812 OP ,

You assume I'm not contributing ... based on what? I addressed participation in this thread first as that's the most convenient for me to substantiate. I've bought many of the clients, before trying them and finding I preferred the webUI, but I went into this more in my conversation here with @MentalEdge ... Regardless, I've stuck to the topic, except for where called out for "hostility", "entitlement", or "not contributing". You went there first, and seem to have benefitted from the fact that my reply ended up on the wrong one of your (dismissive and condescending from the start)comments.

I don't need your patience. This is not your post. Should have left you blocked, but blocking you obscured @RobotToaster 's far more valid, one word, contribution to the topic at hand.

MachineFab812 OP , (edited )

Thing is, I know enough to come in here and ask "why not UUIDs?", but instead I asked, yes, not far from the way you said it, but "why is it this way? Am I the crazy one here?" (the implication of "I think this is crazy and no one else does", as sanity is generally defined by society or group concensus)

Funny story, I'm not crazy in this respect, this time, and the fix is already in the lower-level codebase even though the webUI hasn't yet implimented it, or so I'm told, something that was more-or-less apparent from seeing it working basically the same across multiple clients.

It's a little hard to contribute code from inside a moving(LOUDLY) steel box miles away from civilization, and I would have done some more research were I in a place to do so(contribute code, I mean, you know, best practices and all), but the idea that I would use this handle on github for non-machining related code is laughable, although you are correct on the specific criteria that I have contributed no code there whatsoever. I am well aware that I am more valuable here(not there, for now) as a shit-stirrer with a wallet, and see no reason to come at others with bUt dO YoU CoDe!?

MachineFab812 OP , (edited )

An entirely acceptable answer to both my original question and my suggestion, although I had already attempted to address that. Every instance generating their own, seemingly non-random*, numbers for every post and comment was a big reason my mind skipped to "insanity" for my title - can we say "does not, SHOULD not, scale" any louder? Thanks again.



Looking at the comment links in the OP cross-referenced with entries on, and have similar user numbers, both an order of magnitude larger(as large? anyways...) than ... the reason's comment numbers has got so high, about one-half instead of one-tenth as the user numbers might suggest, probably boils down to those users being subscribed to a large number of communities, but still not so many as the users of the other two servers. Run that up against the fact that there are fewer communities than users, anywhere, et viola!

That concludes this episode of my conjectural bullshit. Thanks for watching.

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