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Liz ,

I can't name the last time I watched a YouTube video with 100M views. If it's that popular it's probably not something I'm interested in.

Liz ,

Ugh I HATE it when my glass gets souped.

Liz ,

Brother I can tell you with all my heart I enjoy the crap out of my job. If I were independently wealthy would I spend less time at work? Sure, but only because it would allow me the ability to work on other projects at the same time. And no, I'm not some crazy workaholic that stays late and works weekends, in fact I make a point not to work overtime. That doesn't change the fact that I genuinely want to work.

Liz ,

When it comes to assessments of job satisfaction, about half of U.S. workers who are not self-employed (51%) report being extremely or very satisfied with their job overall; 37% say they are somewhat satisfied, while 12% are not too or not at all satisfied with their job.

You have to understand that most humans want their lives to have a purpose, and their job is one of the things that can provide that sense of purpose. If it's a halfway decent job you'll have a group of similar people all working together towards a common goal. It's a miniature community, even if it's not the one you'd turn to for emotional support.

Liz ,

I nEvEr AsKeD fOr AdViCe

Keeps replying to people to express their disinterest in the offered free time activities.

Honestly OP is clearly depressed and angsty and is taking it out on us.

Liz ,

Read their replies in this thread, it's 100% "I didn't ask for suggestions and I don't like your suggestions anyway."

Liz ,

If you're in an area where pedestrians may be crossing the road, traffic should be slow enough to use permeable brick pavers, which increase road noise, help with rainwater drainage, and add a little green to the road if find right.

Liz ,

Life is too short to have to fucking drive everywhere.

Liz ,

I dunno, maybe take their conservative advice and violently overthrow your government?

Real talk, you'll have a hell of a time arguing for the upgrades, but even so, I only suggest switching to bricks when the road needs to be resurfaced anyway. The road works well enough as-is, this is just an improvement.

Liz ,

For sure, I used to drive stick when I drove, but I also argued for town planning that would make driving optional. Personal choices to deal with the reality you're given, public policy activism for the reality you want.

Liz ,

When you've inevitably barricaded yourself in city hall, just remember: we never met, this conversation didn't happen. Revan? Never heard of 'em.

Liz ,

The issue is that meteorites don't have hardly any aluminum, which is the metal of concern here. We're already seeing significant increases in the upper atmospheric concentration, and it's projected to get a lot worse.

Liz ,

I say again. The defense budget nor any other current spending is preventing us from having free healthcare. Medicare for All would be significantly cheaper than our current healthcare costs. We're already paying for both defense and healthcare. Switching to M4A would save us money and improve our healthcare experience while completely ignoring the defense budget. We can easily do both. The insurance companies, big pharma, and hospital executives are the ones preventing M4A, not Raytheon.

Liz ,

Yeah, if humans use it long enough, any language becomes bastardized. Every generation comes up with new slang with only minor regard for the rules. Some of that slang becomes permanent.

Liz ,

In my opinion, a bumpstock does actually fit the definition of a machine gun, because the user-action to fire multiple shots in a row is one continuous action. Your finger becomes a part of the mechanical function of the gun and the trigger is pressed by pushing the handguard forward.

Liz ,

And if you attach a string to an M1 carbine just right it also becomes a machine gun. Constructive intent and the ability to enforce the law matter. We're never going to be able to ban strings or belt loops, and neither are produced or owned with the intent of building a machine gun, but a bump stock is clearly a purpose built device intended to turn a rifle into a machine gun and it's comparatively easy to enforce prohibition on such a specialized part.

Liz ,

There's quite a lot of people out there who don't actually have principles, they just have things they like and a team to root for.

Liz ,

I lived in a Republican suburb. While I hate car dependent design, that's what we had. One particular intersection would be backed up for miles during rush hour. What did the city do? Ignore the problem until it became a "traffic emergency" so they could use federal funds to expand the intersection. To assholes the emergency designation is just another tool to get ahead in life.

Liz , (edited )

You'll have to be more specific about what blowing up the train maps to in real life before I can tell you whether or not doing so would also kill a shit ton of people.

But to keep it in metaphor, there are also innocent people riding the train and blowing it up would kill them, too.

Liz ,

If we're interpreting their "third option" as a voting strategy and not convincing Biden to step in and stop the genocide, we can at least implement Approval Voting so that they can vote for all the "no genocide" candidates without having to worry that doing so could somehow backfire. Then, if they want or need to, they can cast a strategic vote to differentiate between different magnitudes of genocide.

Liz ,

Well the strategy is to work your way up from the local level because:

  1. It's easier for people to make change at the local level, Fargo and St. Louis have already done it.

  2. Politicians tend to work their way up the ladder, and will be more open to using the system at higher levels if they already proved they can win under that system.

You have to remember that any real social change takes years, even decades of organized to realize. We didn't go from Jim Crowe to the civil rights act in a fortnight, it took big organizations applying decades of pressure in multiple different ways.

If you want to be a part of the solution, join an organization dedicated to improving things. It doesn't have to be the one I linked, but Election Science is the one working on approval voting. Local elections are such that one highly motivated person can build and run the organization to flip their local election laws, it could be you, but it won't happen overnight.

Liz ,

As someone else pointed out, those in power are unlikely to change the voting system to reduce their own power. However, you really start at the local level with referendums, and work your way up. First, it's easier to force change at the local level and second, politicians working their way up will be less hostile to changing to approval if they've already shown they can win under that system.

Liz ,

Yeah, if you made a habit of doing that we'd end to with more deaths and a lower quality of life overall.

Liz ,

Most of them, sure. But killing them with any kind of regularity would have a number of knock-on effects that would severely decrease many people's quality of life.

If your friend has a brain tumor, you don't point a gun to their head and shoot it out. You find brain surgeons and have them remove it under controlled conditions. Supposing you can't find a brain surgeon, it would still be better to learn brain surgery yourself and do a careful and thorough job than it would be to just shoot your friend in the head and hope for the best.

Liz ,

Fucking good on them. That war was bullshit.

Liz ,

There out of the top five ingredients are different kinds of sugar. I love how companies try to hide how much sugar is in their prices foods.

Liz ,

A properly deployed taser is basically a guaranteed concussion. I'm glad this guy was too close to get a good shot off.

Liz ,

Introduced congressional resolutions are not known for their objectivism. I'm not saying the opposite is true, only that what something is has very little to do with what individual political figures want it to be. I mean, Indiana tried to legislate the value of π to be exactly 3.

Liz ,

I remember watching a video where some people pulled a landmine out of a river and the cops were so annoyed to have to deal with it. Apparently this wasn't the first explosive that's come up out of that river and the cops basically blamed the people for pulling out another one.

Liz ,

It's not subtle enough with its critique. Either that or it's not ridiculous enough. It's sitting in the middle zone that just doesn't work well.

Liz ,

Frozen was 3 hours worth of movie jammed into 1 and a half hours. So much stuff happens that either didn't need to happen or needed a lot more setup and motivation. I can understand why little kids liked it, I still have no idea why all the young women liked it too.

Liz ,

When's the next movie come out? Barbie is so last year.

Liz ,

Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'm your little señ-or-i-ta.

Liz ,

As a lefty, part of me wishes we learned into the well regulated militia part and viewed firearms as a part of community defense. But, also as a lefty, there's much more important things we could do to improve community resiliency before we finally get to firearms training.

Liz ,

Imagine being his teleprompter controller and having to wiggle the text up and down in a vain attempt to get his attention back.

Liz ,

If Democrats could lay off guns they'd win a hell of a lot more, too.

Liz ,

Intentional change happens through years of dedicated work and organization. Very few people accidentally improve themselves overnight. Even fewer wake up to discover they've improved society.

Liz ,

Unless we start turning things around from the bottom up, America is going to leave its own people out to dry.

Liz ,

Seeing as how the cops can cause collateral damage and be completely unaccountable, yeah, no. You ain't getting shit.

(We should totally end qualified immunity though.)

Liz ,

A gimp is any of the following:

  1. A cripple
  2. A particular kind of BDSM role
  3. Twisted silk, worsted, or cotton with cord or wire running through it, used chiefly as upholstery trimming.
  4. (in lacemaking) coarser thread which forms the outline of the design in some techniques.
  5. fishing line made of silk bound with wire.

The last three I got from the internet.

Liz ,

It's kinda a slur in the US in the sense that people claim it's a slur, but I've never heard anyone actually use it that way.

Liz ,

Or "just" move closer to work. I wanted to move to within 500 meters of the front gate of my old job, but roommate considerations moved the ideal location out of biking distance. Problem is that housing is artificially limited, so it's harder to find the ideal home location.

Liz ,

That's a very small part of it. Most of it is that we're destroying our surrounding ecosystem with multiple different pressures.

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