tyrannosaurusgirl , to random
@tyrannosaurusgirl@toot.foundation avatar

The old intro has gotten out of date. This one will soon, but in the meantime:

I'm a queer trans witch and activist from Uruguay and Sweden, play a bit of music and do photography when I can.

Under the @MelonTusk persona I run Toot Foundation.

If you post about these topics we might have something to talk about:

DemocracyMattersALot , to random
@DemocracyMattersALot@mstdn.social avatar

June 12, 2020 – The Trump administration eliminated health care protections for transgender patients. The rule was announced during Pride Month, on the anniversary of the 2016 massacre at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida.

GoblinHellion , to random
@GoblinHellion@mastodon.art avatar

Happy Pride! I'm gonna draw some Pride dinosaurs this year :>

Starting with Trans Rights T. Rex!

Trans Rights, BAYBEEEEEE!

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  • nathans , to random
    @nathans@infosec.exchange avatar

    Minnesota Bans Gay And Trans Panic Defense

    On Friday, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz signed into law HF5216, a judiciary, public safety, and corrections supplemental budget bill that includes a ban on the gay and trans panic defense. The law, which narrowly passed the Senate on a party-line 34-33 vote, prohibits individuals who commit violence against gay or trans people from using their surprise at the victim's identity as a justifiable reason for their actions. This defense has been used at least 351 times in homicide trials, according to researchers, and has often led to reduced sentences. Now, Minnesota becomes the 19th state to bar such defenses.

    The bill states that the use of force against a person in reaction to their sexual orientation or gender identity is prohibited. It also specifies that it is not a defense to any crime that the defendant acted "based on the discovery of, knowledge about, or disclosure of" a victim's LGBTQ+ status. Such defenses have been used previously to justify violence against transgender people who do not disclose their gender identity to an intimate partner, romantic partner, or even during mere flirtation.

    #USPol #USPolitics #Politics #News #Minnesota #LGBTQ #TransRights #TimWalz


    benroyce , to random
    @benroyce@mastodon.social avatar

    Online discourse: "You have to convince me to vote for Joe "

    Why? I don't like Joe Biden. The idea that anyone has to convince you to fall in love with Joe Biden is as absurd of a assertion as the cult and , that is about passion

    We don't view politics as a love affair. It's tactics. And more importantly, it's your to vote

    , , the , etc.: issues you care about, or should care about

    But ...

    SteveThompson , to random
    @SteveThompson@mastodon.social avatar
    18+ SleepyCatten , to random
    @SleepyCatten@cultofshiv.wtf avatar

    With everything going on in the world to restrict access to gender-affirming hormone therapy, it's even more important that folks know where they can find info on doing this as safely as possible :TransHeart:​ :NonBinaryHeart: :AgenderHeart: :BiGenderHeart:​ :DemiBoyHeart:​ :DemiGirlHeart:​ :GenderfluidHeart:​ :GenderqueerHeart:​ :2SpiritHeart:​ :IntersexHeart:​

    You'll find almost everything you need to get started at the below:

    r/estrogel contains info on more than just estradiol gels (i.e., testosterone/DHT; progesterone; gels and creams).

    #trans #transgender #enby #NonBinary #HRT #DIYHRT #OpenHRT #PubertyBlockers #agender #bigender #demiboy #demigirl #genderfluid #genderqueer #2Spirit #intersex #TransRights #TransRightsAreHumanRights #TransKidsDeserveToThrive #ProtectTransKids #queer #LGBT+ #LGBTQ+ #LGBTQIA+ #LGBTQIA2S+

    DemocracyMattersALot , to random
    @DemocracyMattersALot@mstdn.social avatar

    “[It was] an overnight epiphany. It’s uplifting when you can actually accept the way things are, and you’re not carrying that unfounded hate and unfounded disgust.” “It’s almost like a transgender person,” he says of his transformation. “There’s the dead me. And then there’s the new me.” — Smithville, Missouri father, Dusty Farr, on waking up to acceptance of his transgender daughter

    #TransRights #HumanRights #VoteBlue

    DemocracyMattersALot , to random
    @DemocracyMattersALot@mstdn.social avatar
    SnarkWasABoojum , to random
    @SnarkWasABoojum@tech.lgbt avatar

    "I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: Oh Lord, make my enemies ridiculous. And God granted it."

    • Voltaire

    #Trans #TransRights #Hydra #Badass

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    houstonpublicmedia Bot , to random
    @houstonpublicmedia@mastodon.social avatar

    Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton sued the Biden administration Monday for expanding federal sex discrimination protections under Title IX to include LGBTQ+ students.


    #LGBTQ #News #Politics #Texas #KenPaxton #SexBasedDiscrimination #TitleIX #TransRights

    alice , (edited ) to random
    @alice@lgbtqia.space avatar

    ⚠️ It's a trap ⚠️ (please boost for reach)

    I was just informed that the Guardian (UK) is prepping to do a story on DIY HRT and is looking to interview trans folk, particularly teens.

    The story will almost certainly be weaponized by conservatives to argue for removing access to the necessary materials.

    Just like with the police, anything you say can and will be used against you by mainstream media.

    Be safe out there fam :heart_trans: :Blobhaj_Hug:

    Update #2: God dammit Guardian US, I retract my kudos to you. This is why we can't have nice things.


    Update #1: I wanted to share this article that was brought to my attention. The US Guardian wrote a piece that really gets to the heart of why I'm sounding a warning, while also helping to frame that this isn't directed at the .com Guardian—they seem to have a healthy viewpoint on how trans people should be treated.


    CrypticMirror ,
    @CrypticMirror@mstdn.social avatar

    @alice Don't talk to the cops, don't talk to reporters. Especially not the Grauniad, at least the Daily Heil or the Scum are upfront about their bigotry.

    #TransLifesMatter #TransRights #TransRightsAreHumanRights #LGBTQ #LGBT #HRT #UKPolitics

    nathans , to random
    @nathans@infosec.exchange avatar

    The trans panic is just a revamp of the gay panic.

    #Meme #LGBTQ #LGBTQRights #TransRights #GayRights #Pride #Transphobia #Homophobia

    Jennifer , to random
    @Jennifer@bookstodon.com avatar

    I don't understand what is wrong with JK Rowling. Just imagine what would happen if she used her enormous platform to promote good in the world instead of picking on trans people. #TransRights #JKRowling

    Greenseer , to random
    @Greenseer@toot.wales avatar

    I get the feeling #RishiSunak is as obsessively deranged in his transphobia as #jkrowling . It's just that he hasn't spent the last decade in a meaningless existence, fermenting his hatred, talking to himself, alone in his castle, till his bigotry overflowed. That lies ahead for him

    RobHadley ,
    @RobHadley@mastodon.online avatar


    We made her. We can unmake her.

    Join my friends and I in our initiative.

    I bought her books and read them to my children, and I am trans, i have copies of her books on my bookshelf. These are now being put on Facebook marketplace for sale, with the procedes going to trans fundraising for Nex Benedict, Brianna Ghey and other trans supportive appeals.

    Please do the same and share this post. Thanks.

    #jkrowling #jkrowlingterf #transrights #TransRightsUK

    scrappedbadnik , to random
    @scrappedbadnik@cooltrans.men avatar


    I'm Nate, a 28yo 🇧🇷 transgender man, very autistic and going also through a lot of stuff, but I believe sonic the hedgehog will heal me fr
    oh, yeah, I post a lot of my daily thoughts, I might look like a silly little lad however I'm into front-end webdev, and yeah, I love the silly computers a lot :neocat_cool: I'm still looking for a job btw :neocat_cry:

    the tags below are just related to things I'll mostly follow here :neocat_flop: so...


    taedryn , to random
    @taedryn@dice.camp avatar

    I can't find now who posted this link, but I just read through this: good stuff. Definitely worth a read, particularly if you're not already well-versed in trans rights and want to be:


    The poster recommended sending it to your centrist/left friends, and I agree. In particular the call out of TARLs is something I hadn't seen before.

    #trans #transRights

    angiebaby , to random
    @angiebaby@mas.to avatar
    SteveThompson , to random
    @SteveThompson@mastodon.social avatar

    "NY Times Pummeled for Ignoring NC GOP Nominee’s Hitler and Holocaust Remarks"


    "While The Times notes Robinson 'told a congregation that "there’s no reason anybody anywhere in America should be telling any child about transgenderism, homosexuality, any of that filth,”' it ignored the vast majority of his hate-filled anti-LGBTQ comments and his remarks regarding Hitler and the Holocaust."

    #GOP #NYT #MarkRobinson #NC #homophobe #LGBTQ #Hitler #Holocaust #transrights

    atheistengineer , to random
    @atheistengineer@mastodon.social avatar

    All the talk about native Americans respecting trans youth as "dual spirited," stands in conflict with the fact that some of the most vile, hateful, bigoted, anti-trans bullshit I've ever heard was from a woman of native descent.

    AnarchoNinaAnalyzes , to random
    @AnarchoNinaAnalyzes@treehouse.systems avatar

    Back in late August of last year, I wrote a short piece on my website that analyzed an article by Evan Urquhart over on Assigned Media, and used that analysis to help discuss the larger reality that the New York Times has been actively selling the justification for an anti-trans pogrom in America, for quite some time. I'll put a link to that piece in the replies below this post, but the plain truth is that despite protestations from critics of my piece insisting I was being alarmist and uncharitable, it seems that the elected fascists actually trying to codify an anti-trans pogrom into the law, certainly noticed the NYT's efforts in this regard; and clearly they agree:


    The tl;dr here is that while the Times and its defenders pretend they're simply trying to present "both sides" of trans issues (as if my existence, is an issue you get to "have a side" about) when they publish hatemongers like Pamela Paul and insist they're "just asking questions" and "protecting the children," the GOP/ADF/think tank bigots trying to ban trans medical care, and even trans identities, are now citing these articles in their anti-trans bills and legal arguments. Furthermore, careful analysis of the articles the Times have published clearly indicates that the paper as a whole, seems ideologically aligned against trans care; a fact greatly appreciated by bigoted fascist pressure groups like the Alliance Defending Freedom, aka the same people who helped strip abortion rights from American women by helping to overturn Roe v Wade last year.

    As this article also notes, both the efforts of the Times, and the efforts of bigoted Republican-aligned political pressure groups, are largely based on disinformation, fearmongering, and debunked arguments from other bigots; creating a sort of feedback loop of hatred and bigotry that is now starting to drive Republican policy - all officially stamped with the legitimacy provided by those arguments appearing in America's paper of record. Quite frankly, I don't think it should have taken a legalist hate-group like the ADF and folks who support conversion therapy citing Pamela Paul's articles for people to see that this was bigoted bullshit and an active campaign to demonize trans people and trans care (particularly for young people.) Trans writers, medical observers, and anyone with a modicum of sense has been telling you so for a good long while; but when the nazis are lovingly citing your "research" in hate bills, the mask has clearly come fully off and no amount of blubbering "both sides" excuses from the Times can hide that anymore.

    The New York Times is selling an anti-trans pogrom in progress; just like I, and many others told you, months, if not years ago.

    #TransRights #Transphobia #nytimes #GOP #ADF

    ampersine , to random
    @ampersine@mastodon.online avatar
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  • ampersine OP ,
    @ampersine@mastodon.online avatar

    #Republicans in #Missouri want to imprison teachers on felony charges for using students' preferred pronouns:

    "A new bill introduced in the Missouri legislature would put teachers on the sex offense registry if they 'contribute to social transition' of a trans youth" -- an offense defined to include providing "support or information" for trans students, including "pronouns."


    #VoteOutEveryRepublican #LGBTQ #TransRights #trans #teachers

    julie , to random

    Remember how my previous employer denied my WFH request so that I could flee the state of Ohio to take care of my trans kid while still working for a company I loved?

    I just heard they did it to someone else today.

    When you insist people come in to an office a few days a week because you want a "hybrid culture" not a "remote culture" and then tell them to just fuck off when all they want to do is get their kid somewhere safe that makes you an absolutely shitty person.

    I'm done hiding who it was.

    The company is #OverDrive, based in Cleveland. They make ebook lending software for your local library called #Libby. They say they care about their LGBTQIA+ employees and families but that is clearly a lie.

    Ohio lawmakers are turning my home state into absolute garbage and companies like this one are playing along.

    Tell your local library to #DropLibby

    [Edit, since this is doing numbers: The reason my request was denied a little over a year ago, despite me explaining in detail why, was because they "want a hybrid culture, not a remote culture." (a quote from a senior leader to my face)

    In both 2020 and 2021 while the whole company was working remotely I won two annual employee excellence awards for my work on their Security team, while the company had record growth.

    Meanwhile, one of my teammates moved out of state to be closer to family and continued to work remotely.]

    #Trans #TransRights #Ebooks #Libraries #Bookstodon

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