PixysJourney , to weirdfolks group
@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

:bear_love: Ello sweet and lovely Friendos 💜 and 🌶 friends :neuro:

This will be my last (very) early bed time for several weeks to come. And while I know it's a necessity to get myself into a more "normal" daytime routine, I do struggle with it...

I will definitely miss my nighttime hours. I'll still have a few, but less than I'm used to now. It may sound strange, but those nightly gym visits, the nightly SniffBook walkies... They helped my MH so much! I felt very relaxed, even though I am heading towards a stressful time. Every afternoon, as I was preparing for bed, I already was looking forward to the next SniffBook walk with my sweet gall...

I'll have to go to bed later, to be awake during the "normal" daily hours during the moving period. And I've adapted before, like with vacations and such, but I just know I'll miss it while I can't have it like I'm used to...

I will try to get back towards a more nightly routine after the move is over. After the stress of getting everything done in time has passed... And to be honest.... I can't wait!


I will admit, I'm a night owl and I love it... For many reasons... And after I've blogged about this a while ago, I learned that some more AuDHD/Autistic/ADHD folks feel the same about the calm of night... 🦉

So last time going to bed early as I do now. I will still go to bed earlier than most, but to me, it will feel late...

Fankoos 🫶🏻 for coming to my Pixy talk!

🧚🏼‍♀️ 🍀 💜 🐾


nickythehero , to random
@nickythehero@mastodon.social avatar

The Reason why we don’t use the puzzle piece a the official logo for Autism Acceptance it’s because The Puzzle Piece makes us feel like Something is missing or something is wrong with us. Now The reason why we use the rainbow or gold infinity symbol instead for autism acceptance its because we are embracing who we are as people as well as expanding with other neurodivergent people. So Reject the Puzzle Piece and Embrace the Infinity symbol! #actuallyautistic #autismacceptance #neurodivergent

MAJ1 , to ActuallyAutistic group
@MAJ1@beige.party avatar

Good evening Squirrel Fans.

Oooooh all these LOVELY characters!

I can do some stonkers of quotes now😊

Tonight’s quote describes my original copies of ‘The Colour of Magic’ & Hitch-hikers Guide to the Galaxy.

“It looked like the sort of book described in library catalogues as "slightly foxed", although it would be more honest to admit that it looked as though it had been badgered, wolved and possibly beared as well.”
--(Terry Pratchett, The Light Fantastic)

Thank you to everyone who has tracked me down to the Beige & shared TLs again, you are all truly lovely Peeps.
Hopefully other friends will follow suite over the next few days.

Where ever you are in your day I hope you’re enjoying it! 😊🫶🐿️🖖

@weirdfolks @actuallyautistic
#WeirdFolks #SquirrelsOfMastodon #TheMammutMoves #NeuroSpicy #ActuallyAutistic #GNUTerryPratchett

Todays diary entry is here: https://beige.party/@Tim_McTuffty/112650355705269274

PixysJourney , to weirdfolks group
@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

:bear_love: Ello sweet and lovely Friendos 💜 and 🌶 friends :neuro:

We're out for the splash 💦 walkies again. Arwen gets more sniffs in and an occasional water splashing may happen... 🐾

My mind is still quite busy. It is like it's wilder than usual, even though they did slightly up my meds last week... Maybe I need to get adjusted to the new dosage?

While my mind is going fast, I do find that I can take some more moments to relax. As the move is coming closer, and more things are being crossed off the list, I can sometimes feel a wee bit at ease...

Until the anxiety kicks in again with all the worries that it's been stalking me with. As is moving to a new town wasn't hectic enough, let's throw in a dosage of to make it even more interesting/challenging.

But I've made it through all that life has thrown at me up till now... I admit, I didn't handle it all too well at times, but hey, I made it and I didn't give up!


So, let's do this! 💪🏼 Day by day, until we made it to August... On July 31st I have to hand in the keys of the apartment and I'll close the door one last time... From that moment, it's hopefully time for me to find a new routine, take things a little easier and continue making my new house a home. (in case you missed it, 😉 I'm getting the keys July 1st at 12:30).


Fankoos 🫶🏻 for your kindness and support! Your replies, boosts and likea really help to keep me more sane (as far as that's possible haha).

🧚🏼‍♀️ 🍀 💜 🐾


PixysJourney , to weirdfolks group
@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

:bear_love: Ello sweet and lovely Friendos 💜 and 🌶 friends :neuro:

As my brain is all over the place again... I started wondering about emojis. I know, right?!

I've always loved using them. And I stil do!

I thought about the reason and... Maybe I "found" one?

I've always struggled with words and emotions. Saying the right things. Understanding the emotions in written texts. But with the use of the right emojis, I feel like the context is more clear to me, I find it easier to express myself with certain kind of little images. The emojis.

When I make a silly joke, I can add 😂 or 🤭.
When I'm glad about something, I often use ☺️.
When I'm sad, there's 😔, 😢 and 😭.
Some emojis express other feelings, so I often add those too.

I feel like I use the emojis to "make sure" the reader can understand my emotions of my written words better.
If that makes sense 🤔...

And with the beige instance having many cool extra emojis, it's just a little happy place. 😊

I know emojis can be annoying or be seen as childish. But hey, I like them, they help me express myself better.

So yeah, I just wanted to share that... 😉

🧚🏼‍♀️ 🍀 💜 🐾


PixysJourney , to weirdfolks group
@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

:bear_love: Ello sweet and lovely Friendos 💜 and 🌶 friends :neuro:

It's just 11 more days till I get the keys! Two more sleeps and we're in the single digits!!
23 sleeps and then it's time to move all our stuffs...
It feels like just a short while ago that I shared I had been offered a small new house... To think that this happened in December! It really doesn't feel like that much time had passed!

So yeah... I'm still struggling with my emotions. I feel excited, but also scared and anxious. I feel motivated to get the job done and to do it right! 💪🏼 But I fear I may not be up to the task...

It's definitely a roller-coaster of emotions and it gets me all wired up. My brain feels all over the place. And my toots will reflect that... Sorry in advance (again 😉) if I may seem a bit weirder than usual.


Thanks ever so much for your support 💜 I really appreciate it! And eeeek 😲 just 11 more sleeps...

🧚🏼‍♀️ 🍀 💜 🐾


MAJ1 , to random
@MAJ1@beige.party avatar

New Instance , new (ish)
Ex mainframe (IBM) Storage Manager / Installations bod.
Now part time hermit with ,
Massive & fan.
Interested in but rubbish at all of them.
Believe in
Lean to the left & am definitely
Will drive you insane if you let me !🤣

Humaning is hard , so am Squirrel.

PixysJourney , to random
@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

:bear_love: Ello sweet and lovely Friendos 💜 and 🌶 friends :neuro:

When I joined this server, I made an Toot. As I've recently made some new Friendos here, I wanted to write a new intro Toot!

I'm Cynni Pixy, nicknames obviously, and I'm a 44 year old female. Though I don't mind the she/her pronouns, I also accept the they/them ones.
I have a chocolate brown Labrador, who will turn 11 on July 15th. She's the love of my life and has really been my life saver in desperate times in the past.

I'm / & . I struggle with chronic depression, and an binge eating disorder (so fighting the obesity is a daily thing) and I have some physical issues as well
The biggest ones are (who took the spoons and why do my muscles hurt that badly?), hypermobility (I didn't know it could bend that far 🤔) and I have a (second) new right hip. The one I got at birth wasn't in the best condition.

While my AuDHD presses me to keep active and busy and to do better, my fibro just needs more rest... Finding a balance that works is a daily chore!

I'll be getting the keys to our new small home on July 1st. It's exciting but also anxiety inducing, too many changes all at once! So I'm Tooting loads about that... 😊

I either Toot my fingers off, or I'll just lurk. I struggle with commenting on other people's toots, it's easier to reply to replies to my own toots. If that makes sense.
I'm trying to engage more. I try to boost when I can, but no Alt text means no boost...

Thank you for coming to my Pixy talk!


Let's join the joyride everybody! 🚗

🧚🏼‍♀️ 🍀 💜 🐾

Edit: fixed a small typo...

thereaders , to mutualaid group
@thereaders@disabled.social avatar

(1/)Juneteenth? That’s a great excuse to help me out! I paid my phone bill before my loan payment come out. I MEANT to take the money out again and use it for my phone. It’s a lot, about $160 so anything is welcome. anything more is needed for food 🙏🏾🥹


@mutualaid @mutual_aid

GoldenRetrieverBF , to random
@GoldenRetrieverBF@void.lgbt avatar

former face picking stimmers, how did you stop?? i'm losing my mind and my face looks horrible

ashleyspencer , to random
@ashleyspencer@autistics.life avatar

I feel this is true for all the people here on the fediverse in our autistic and ND communities. :RedHearts:

JustPassingThrough , to random
@JustPassingThrough@neurodifferent.me avatar

Didn't expect one of my closest friends to tell me he thinks the late-diagnosing of autism thing is pure crap. How do I bounce back from this invalidation? Do I even need to defend myself here? How would you react? I haven't responded yet. Funny how you'd think someone would be understanding but they aren't.

jamie , to random
@jamie@zomglol.wtf avatar

People are often like "You should just ask for an accommodation. They have to do it! It's the law!". I really wish it worked that way.

> Among all respondents who requested an accommodation, nearly 1 in 4 [23%] said they lost their job or were demoted after asking.


arcadetoken , to random
@arcadetoken@autistics.life avatar

While I'm on the subject I insist that is a critical resource for Autistic folks struggling to understand idioms that have nothing to do with their subject and I love it

dramypsyd , to ActuallyAutistic group
@dramypsyd@ohai.social avatar

Dating while autistic problems 🤣


thereaders , to mutualaid group
@thereaders@disabled.social avatar

Morning🫡 I'm trying to raise about $80 to buy enough groceries to last me until the next disability check day Any donations are appreciated. Boosting is needed as well. Thank you so much💞


@mutualaid @mutual_aid

MaddyWaves , to random German
@MaddyWaves@mstdn.games avatar

Hi mstdn.games! 👋

I'm Maddy (she/her), German , enthusiast and .

My interests include , , (fictional and non-fictional ), , , and . As for writing, I do everything from to to .

If you'd like to find out more about what kind of content I'm doing and get an impression of my writing, feel free to check out the links on my profile page!

ashleyspencer , to random
@ashleyspencer@autistics.life avatar

Now that I'm spending more time on Mastodon, I'm realizing I don't follow enough people. Many of them are inactive accounts.

My feed is running dry rather quickly.

Who are some good people in the autistic and neurodivergent spaces to follow?

hmm_cook , to random
@hmm_cook@universeodon.com avatar

Any Autistic web designers looking for some freelance work? I know an Autistic who is looking for help. Let me know and I can put you in touch.

#Autisticshelpingautistics #actuallyautistic

drandrewv2 , to random
@drandrewv2@freeradical.zone avatar

Oh holy fuck THIS IS ME 👀

It’s exhausting: the process of realisation that you’re and unpicking 40yrs of fudges and workarounds so entrenched that you forget you’re going against your own nature, but it’s been costing you in energy, identity and self-esteem the whole time.

And I know the office tea-round seems like a fucking PATHETIC thing to lose sleep over, but imagine what it does to your confidence to feel incompetent about something so trivial. 😳


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  • animelphabet , to random
    @animelphabet@sunny.garden avatar
    theautisticcoach , to ActuallyAutistic group
    @theautisticcoach@neurodifferent.me avatar

    What effect has bullying had on my comrades?

    You’re not alone.


    farah , to ActuallyAutistic group
    @farah@beige.party avatar

    I’ve been reading about “stimming in autism”, which up until now was very confusing to me mostly because that’s the one point kept being repeated in the community being a must for an autistic individual. And I can’t relate to that at all.

    Then I came across something that describes the purpose of ‘stimming’ is to deal with extra energy. Then it kinda hit me, I’ve never had the need to stim because I’m a low energy person in general.

    I get overwhelmed with activities when they involve raising heart rates (yes, THAT too). I like quiet things, dead of night etc. Once at a time in my life, I was pretty sure I could hear flow of electricity.

    So my question to the #ActuallyAutistic community: do you think stimming is a must for autistic people? Do you relate to it? Anyone know of any low energy stimming that gets overlooked?

    Thanks! Much love!! 💕 #Autism #Neurodivergent #stimming @actuallyautistic

    rebekka_m , to bookstodon group
    @rebekka_m@fnordon.de avatar

    In parallel I do read A Tall History of Sugar [2019] by Curdella Forbes that takes place in rural and starts in the late 1950ies. Seems very promising, being already on page 47! @bookstodon

    rebekka_m OP ,
    @rebekka_m@fnordon.de avatar

    @bookstodon Very strange reading a book with two main characters that both are so heavily coded as , but I don't think this was done on purpose...

    iseriksonartist , to random
    @iseriksonartist@mastodon.art avatar

    I got my diagnosis today! I am indeed autistic and have ADHD (therefore AuDHD). I was waiting for these result for a half a year and I'm happy that it got confirmed. Now I can start to make bigger steps to the better future for myself. ❤️
    #ActuallyAutistic #Autistic #AuDHD #ADHD

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