PariaSansPortefeuille , to palestine group French avatar

"Israeli settlers are routinely attacking aid trucks on their way into #Gaza. One #Israel|i #HumanRights lawyer has made it her mission to stand in their way."

In this episode: Sapir Sluzker Amran
#Palestine #WarOnGaza #oPt @palestine

MikeDunnAuthor , to random avatar

San Francisco’s giant Pink Triangle is installed atop Twin Peaks prior to each Pride weekend since 1996. The triangle is nearly 200 feet across and visible for up to 20 miles. The Pink Triangle, used by the Nazis to identify LGBTQ prisoners in the concentration camps, has since been embraced by the LGBTQ community as a symbol of pride. But we shouldn't forget its tragic origins. The Third Reich demonstrated how easily a government could turn its people against each other, how facilely it could criminalize, imprison, torture and murder people based on their identities, a trend we’re seeing played out in many parts of the U.S. and other parts of the world, with rises in hate crimes, violence and murder. LGBTQ people in many parts of the world continue to live in fear for their safety. As long as bigotry and hatred persist anywhere, we are all at risk. As long as anyone is not free, none of us is truly free.

Have fun at Pride events. But please also keep an eye out for danger, for yourselves, and for those around you. Fascists, transphobes, homophobes and other assholes may be looking for targets.

faab64 , to random Persian

Mahmoudanjad was 17 years old and was executed along with 9 other Baha'i women in Abdullah Mesgar barracks.

Her father "Yadullah Mahmoodnejad" who was hanged a few months before his daughter's execution in March 1361 for the crime of "apostasy".
In a note left by Mona Mahmoudnejad about the oppression of the Baha'is, she wrote: "Why are my co-religionists kidnapped from their homes in my country?" Are they taken to mosques at night and in pajamas and are whipped? As we have seen recently in our own city (Shiraz), their houses are looted and set on fire; Hundreds of people leave their homes in fear. Why? Because of the blessing of freedom that Islam has brought?"
Mona was the youngest member of this group execution. On that day, 9 young and middle-aged women were sent to the gallows. Roya Eshraghi (23 years old), Simin Saberi (24 years old), Akhtar Thabit (25 years old), Shirin Dalvand (27 years old), Mahshid Niromand (28 years old), Zarin Moghimi Abianeh (29 years old), Nusrat Ghofrani (56 years old), Tahereh Arjamand and Ezzat Eshraghi.

• The bodies of Mona and other victims were not handed over to the family.

(Auto translated from Farsi)

محمودنژاد ۱۷ سال داشت و به همراه ۹ زن بهایی دیگر در پادگان عبدالله مسگر اعدام شد.

•پدر او «یدالله محمود نژاد» را نیز که چندماه قبل از اعدام دخترش، در اسفند ۱۳۶۱ به جرم «ارتداد» به دار آویخته شده بود.
در یادداشتی که از مونا محمودنژاد به یادگار مانده از ظلمی که بر بهائیان میرود نوشته: « چرا در کشور من هم‌کیشانم از خانه‌هایشان ربوده می‌شوند؟ شبانه و با لباس خواب به مساجد برده می‌شوند و شلاق می‌خورند؟ همانگونه که اخیرا در شهر خودمان (شیراز) دیده‌ایم، خانه‌هایشان غارت و آتش زده می‌شوند؛ صدها نفر با ترس خانه‌هایشان را ترک می‌کنند. چرا؟ به‌دلیل نعمت آزادی‌ای که اسلام آورده است؟»
مونا جوان‌ترین عضو این اعدام گروهی بود. در آن روز ۹ زن جوان و میانسال به بالای دار فرستاده شدند. رویا اشراقی (۲۳ ساله)، سیمین صابری (۲۴ ساله)، اختر ثابت (۲۵ ساله)، شیرین دالوند۲۷ ساله، مهشید نیرومند (۲۸ ساله)، زرین مقیمی‌ابیانه ۲۹ ساله، نصرت غفرانی (۵۶ ساله)، طاهره ارجمند و عزت اشراقی .

•جسد مونا و دیگر کشته‌شدگان به خانواده تحویل داده نشد.

prolrage , to palestine group avatar

Palestinian Red Crescent:

Humanitarian suffering is worsening due to the continued closure of the crossing.

The occupation targets civilians in the Gaza Strip even during Eid al-Adha.

We are witnessing a deterioration in the healthcare system due to the Rafah crossing closure and a shortage of medical supplies.

The Rafah crossing closure prevents the evacuation of the wounded for treatment outside the Gaza Strip.

We have recorded over a million cases of infectious diseases, especially hepatitis.

We have concerns about the spread of cholera due to contaminated water.

Solid waste is piling up between the tents of displaced persons in the Gaza Strip, creating a catastrophic environmental situation.

We warn that things may get out of control amid the collapse of the healthcare system and the spread of diseases.

Residents of the Gaza Strip are suffering from food insecurity due to the starvation policy.

davidonformosa , to random avatar
aimilove_nur , to random avatar

Three-year-old Amjad from Jabalia, Gaza, weighs only 5 kg due to severe malnutrition caused by the ongoing blockade and violence.


DoomsdaysCW , to random avatar

Connecting to

“Colonialism has never ended. has never ended. has never ended. The power elite just find more and more inventive ways to the majority.”

by Alnoor ladha
August, 2021

"When we think of colonialism, slavery, and feudalism, we perhaps envisage these subjects as elements of our history: abhorrent, destructive, and with lasting repercussions - but essentially something in our past which we must recognise, address and account. What we perhaps don’t think of is the food on our plates, the clothes we’re wearing, or even the phone in our hands.

"In our global economy, however, hide a magnitude of abuses and , including , slave labour, resource depletion, toxic , illegal , corporate threats, the murder of … amongst many other social and atrocities.

"But what does this have to do with colonialism? When it comes to consumption and the material objects which occupy our daily lives, people are increasingly talking about the hidden cost, or the true cost of things. We often see that it is communities and peoples in the so-called who are bearing that true cost. It is not by coincidence that economic globalisation, the inevitable consequence of capitalism, leads to more destruction in nations which have historically been colonised, marginalised, and labelled as ‘developing’ countries. This is because the ostensible ‘success’ of both capitalism and colonialism hinges upon exploitation."

Read more:

DemocracyMattersALot , to random avatar

Trump will rip away access to reproductive health care if given the chance and contraception is still on the ballot this election.

DemocracyMattersALot , to random avatar

June 12, 2020 – The Trump administration eliminated health care protections for transgender patients. The rule was announced during Pride Month, on the anniversary of the 2016 massacre at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida.

SteveThompson , to random avatar

Pretty sure if you weren't hellbent on discriminating against and denying LGBTQ their basic human rights they wouldn't feel the need for a flag to pronounce their plight.

"Martha-Ann Alito Condemns Pride Flags, the Left, and the Media"

"In a new, secret recording, the Supreme Court justice’s wife bemoans having to 'look across the lagoon at the Pride flag'”

FediThing , to random avatar

Reminder for Pride month that Meta's platforms including are allowing the spread of hateful transphobic content:


Allowing Threads to federate is allowing hatred to spread.

DemocracyMattersALot , to random avatar

A 2nd Trump term would be the most invasive and regressive administration in US History.

Conservatives tied to Trump want to limit insurance coverage for abortions

18+ MikeDunnAuthor , to random avatar

Today in Labor History June 6, 1982: Israel invaded Lebanon, remaining until June 6, 1985. The war was led by Ariel Sharon, who later became prime minister, despite the Kahan Commission later finding him culpable for the Sabra and Shatila massacre, which killed up to 3,500 Palestinian refugees and Lebanese Shiites. By the end of the war, Israel had lost over 650 soldiers. However, up to 2,400 PLO militants and 1,200 Syria soldiers were killed. And as many as 20,000 civilians were killed during the war.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #zionism #israel #palestine #lebanon #invasion #occupation #massacre #SabraAndShatila #refugees #humanrights #PLO

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  • fdroidorg , to random avatar

    At its core, the #FreeSoftware movement is all about establishing basic user rights to use, study, share and improve software for any purpose. This is a fundamental core value of #FDroid.

    While we think our work is very important, it's no substitute for vigilantly demanding basic #HumanRights. That's why we want to support the #lgbtqiaPlus community by participating in #PrideMonth. Stay strong. Stay proud. :heart_pride:

    plink , to palestine group avatar
    kashifshah , avatar

    @plink @palestine @israel

    Please do include in that list.

    Nonilex , to random avatar

    Conservative attacks on #BirthControl could threaten #access
    #FarRight #conservatives are sowing #disinformation that falsely characterizes IUDs, #emergency #contraception, even #BirthControlPills as “#abortifacients” — something used to cause #abortions.
    #Republicans in ≥17 states have blocked largely Democratic-led attempts to pass #laws assuring the right to birth control since 2022.

    #ReproductiveRights #BodilyAutonomy #FamilyPlanning #health #privacy #law

    Nonilex OP , avatar

    The divide illustrates growing tensions over the political cost of the “” movement to endow an [potentially nonviable] w/ , which has animated the debate around . societies define PREGNANCY [not a person] as starting once an embryo has implanted in the wall of the uterus. But say they believe life begins when eggs are fertilized — before pregnancy — & are conflating w/ .

    kashifshah , to random avatar

    "Despite recent improvements, content moderation technologies still fail to understand context, thereby posing risks to users’ free speech, access to information and equality. Consequently, it is concluded, these technologies should not be the sole basis for reaching decisions that directly affect user expression."

    Human Rights Law Review, Volume 20, Issue 4, December 2020

    MikeDunnAuthor , (edited ) to random avatar

    Today in Labor History June 4, 1939: The U.S. blocked the MS St. Louis from landing in Florida. The ship carried 963 Jewish refugees who were fleeing the Nazis. Canada also refused. As a result, the ship was forced back to Europe. Over 200 of its passengers ultimately died in Nazi concentration camps. The ordeal is also known as the Voyage of the Damned. This event has been depicted in numerous books, including Julian Barnes’s novel, A History of the World in 10 ½ Chapters (1989); Bodie and Brock Thoene's novel Munich Signature (1991); and Leonardo Padura's novel Herejes (2013). Cordell Hull, who was Secretary of State at the time, and who led the fight to turn the refugees away, won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1944. It was one of the worst Nobel prizes ever awarded (along with Henry Kissinger (1973), who facilitated bloody dictatorships in Chile and Argentina, genocides in Bangladesh and East Timor, and carpet bombing of Cambodia. Or Elihu Root (1912), the U.S. Secretary of War who oversaw the brutal repression of the Filipino independence movement. And let’s not forget Shimon Peres, Yitzak Rabin and Yasser Arafat (1994), who jointly won the Nobel Peace Prize despite their histories of human rights abuses. Or Aung San Suu Kyi (1991). Or Mikhail Gorbachev (1990), who sent tanks into the Baltic republics less than a year after winning his “peace” prize, killing numerous civilians. Or Barack Obama (2009), who began assassinating civilians with his drones and arresting more immigrants than his predecessor, George W. Bush, not long after winning his Nobel. Or Woodrow Wilson (1919), an outright racist and apologist for slavery, who sent troops to occupy Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic, and to “intervene” in Cuba, Honduras and Panama, and who oversaw the Palmer raids that led to over 10,000 arrests and over 500 deportations of union leaders, peace activists, socialists and anarchists. Or Menachem Begin (1978), who four years after receiving his “peace” prize launched the bloody invasion of Lebanon, and who refused to fire Ariel Sharon, even after the Kahan Commission found Sharon culpable for the Sabra and Shatila massacre.

    When the slaughter finally stops in Gaza, perhaps they’ll give Biden a Nobel Peace Prize “for bringing peace” to Palestine. They might even include Netanyahu, for “going against the right wing of his government” and signing onto the peace plan.

    jiujensu , to bookstodon group avatar

    I've only read a few Palestinian prisoners stories and I have to stop each time. I'm usually one who can sit and read for hours. It's devastating but necessary reading - we MUST get these stories to as many eyes as possible.

    @palestine @israel

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  • faab64 , to palestine group

    After 10 days of detention by Israeli occupation forces, the traces of #torture on the body of Palestinian #prisoner Amir Shuja'iyeh from #Ramallah are evident.

    #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #HumanRights
    @palestine @israel

    brentpruitt , to random avatar

    pinkwash season is upon us again! happy pride!

    🌈 🦄🏳️‍⚧️ 🐋🏳️‍🌈

    🔥 burn it down 🔥

    edri , to random avatar

    1/3 New "solution" from the @eu2024be on #ChatControl fails #HumanRights on all counts!

    We're looking at:
    🔸Forced consent
    🔸Mass scanning of private messages
    🔸Undermining encryption
    🔸Punishing privacy-enhancing services & rewarding those that violate people’s privacy

    Read more:

    faab64 , to random

    #Iran: The #assassination attempt against Afshin Ghasemi, an active human rights lawyer in #Tehran

    Sina Yousefi, a lawyer, announced the assassination attempt of a lawyer by publishing pictures on social media and wrote:

    Afshin Ghasemi, who is a prominent human rights lawyer and a member of the Central Bar Association, was attacked today at around five in the evening by armed and unknown people.

    He had previously been threatened by unknown agents related to the case party for taking charge of a case in which there were accusations of #rape against women.

    It is said that the assailants were three people armed with firearms and cold weapons, who rode in a "Persia" car (without license plate) in an almost busy area and assaulted this lawyer.

    At the same time as the international day of lawyers at risk (2024) is dedicated to Iranian lawyers, the government of Iran does not take any security and legal measures to prevent the murder and assassination of lawyers, but puts their lives under threat with propaganda measures against lawyers.
    #woman life of freedom
    #HumanRights #Terrorism #IRI
    سوقصد به جان افشین قاسمی، وکیل دادگستری

    سینا یوسفی، وکیل دادگستری با انتشار تصاویری در شبکه اجتماعی از سوءقصد به جان یک وکیل خبر داد و نوشت:

    افشین قاسمی وکیل دادگستری و عضو کانون وکلای مرکز امروز در حدود ساعت پنج عصر مورد سوقصد افراد مسلح و ناشناس قرار گرفت.

    ایشان قبلاً بخاطر بر عهده گرفتن پرونده‌ای که در آن اتهامات #تجاوز به زنان وجود داشت، مورد تهدید از سوی عوامل ناشناس و مرتبط با طرف پرونده قرار گرفته بود.

    گفته می‌شود ضاربین سه نفر فرد مسلح به سلاح گرم و سرد بودند که سوار بر خودروی پرشیا (بدون پلاک) در یک منطقه تقریبا پر رفت و آمد اقدام به ضرب و جرح این وکیل دادگستری نموده‌اند.

    همزمان با اختصاص روز جهانی وکلای در معرض خطر (۲۰۲۴) به وکلای ایران، حکومت ایران هیچ اقدام تامینی و قانونی در راستای جلوگیری از قتل و سوقصد به وکلا انجام نمی‌دهد بلکه با اقدامات تبلیغی علیه وکلا، جان آنها را در معرض تهدید قرار می‌دهد.

    PariaSansPortefeuille , to palestine group French avatar

    "Horrific reports continue to emerge of Israel’s and abuse of imprisoned by . In this episode of 'This Is ,' host shares the horrific experiences of former and the abuse they survived."

    blackfinalboi , to random avatar

    what the fuck do we do. theyve destroyed communication in gaza. they keep bombing. we don't even know how bad it is. if it was that bad when the world was watching. Jesus.

    blackfinalboi OP , avatar

    Free Sal!
    Action Toolkit to Release
    Sal Khan from ICE!

    Updated and Urgent
    Last update: 6/5/24 (sign the petition if youre in the US)

    Muhammad Salman Khan (he/they pronouns), known by their community as Sal, was unjustly detained by ICE in early May. Sal is an openly queer journalist and political refugee from Pakistan who is seeking asylum in the U.S. for their human rights activism. We are calling on our community to help us demand Sal’s release from Plymouth County Correctional Facility, and an end to all detainments by ICE!

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