
MaJ1 , to weirdfolks group avatar

& G’day Squirrel Fans, hope I find you bright eyed & bushy tailed!

Thursday dawned guiltily, like a small child that just spilt water down their mums best silk dress! Not for us the bright sunshine of yesterweek !

Was immensely happy to see the return of one of the sweetest nuts I know yesterday, keep going my Kelda! 🤗🥰

Have a cracking day & remember : Don’t let ‘em Cash-ew ! 😊🫶🐿️🖖

skyfire747 , avatar

@MaJ1 @weirdfolks I am fine 🐿. Shopping day and I picked up the next issue of Titanic. 🚢

HeatherMJ , avatar

@MaJ1 @weirdfolks Morning sir, I hope today will be an improvement on yesterday. Have fun
I'm off to knit and natter

Image of Wilma Flintstone knitting

dansup , to random avatar

I looked into dark mode support for the new :pixelfed: app, and while it's doable, I'm going to focus on Push Notifications before Dark mode support.

I think most people would agree that Push Notifications are more pressing 😅

insha , avatar

@dansup yeah🤙

vvv , avatar

@dansup Though I'm using dark mode for its battery saving properties on an OLED screen I always liked the light mode. I wouldn't mind using it in the new app for quite some time.

Jgbird , to random avatar

One of my favorites. It took about a year before I could make sense of what the hummingbirds were doing. And I suppose it took them a year to be completely fearless when I was around. It finally happened. If there’s something you think you can do, you probably can.

Judeet88 , avatar

@Jgbird Having only successfully photographed a Red Kite (think dot in the sky) a chicken and a racing pigeon who landed on my garden fence despite efforts to creep about and snap others, I'm dripping envy and admiration here...

tagomago , avatar

@Jgbird What a beaut!

RolloTreadway , to random avatar

Internet engineer is on her way. Very anxious now. These things are always difficult for me.

samantha , avatar

@RolloTreadway I possibly said it before, but I can very very much relate to that.

I feel like there shouldn't be a reason for things like this to be a problem, yet it stresses me out a lot.

Take care 💜 .

RolloTreadway OP , avatar

@samantha I'm just really not good at having strangers in my home. Home is like a safe bubble, and strangers coming in bursts it.

vampiress , to random avatar

For me personally, a vital part of the Designing a Dungeon process is to sit in a park and design the dungeon.

anchorite , avatar

@vampiress iPad Quantu... wait no thats a samsung product now

vampiress OP , avatar


iPad Quantum
iPad Quantum of Solace
iPad of Solace
iPad Royale
iPad Time To Die
From iPad With Love

Miro_Collas , to palestine group avatar

Gideon Levy urges Israelis to self-reflect and acknowledge responsibility for the war in Gaza - YouTube

Good advice, but unlikely to happen. They mostly too indoctrinated - with notable exceptions.


bigomelette ,

@Miro_Collas @Lassielmr @palestine I think part of the problem with their international image now is that very proclivity for posting you're talking about, starting with them pressing high schoolers into hasbara posting. By the time they interact with us a lot of them have a hard time keeping the serial killer-esque thoughts such as "kill all the Irish for disrespecting us, here are vile fantasies of assault about the family of their leaders" even on their official accounts.
There's a lot of management of the psychopathic bravado going on. They really tried to downplay the damage of the Iran strike recently, and play up getting a few of their own missile-launching drones shot down.
Simply put, their army relies on unnaturally high morale. For some, it's the OSINT nerds convincing them the Iron Dome makes them immortal. For others, it's torture videos of random people they can tell themselves are hamas commandos. If this bravado starts to slip a lot of them have dual citizenship and they can run for the airports. Many of them have done that when things get hairy.

Miro_Collas OP , avatar

Logical, well thought out.

It will take a long time for society there to return to some semblance of rationality, I think pretty much what Gideon Levy says in

@Lassielmr @palestine

randahl , to random avatar

British girl discovers inflation at the ice cream stand, and I am with her all the way! 😄

Bloody hell! 🇬🇧☠️😡💣💥

randahl OP , avatar

@aurochs it is so strange for me to observe the rivalry, because as a Dane, I simply love all the different English accents. When I watch movies I especially enjoy how a Scottish accent or an Irish accent, or a New York accent will give character to a role.

csi miami GIF

aurochs , avatar

@randahl As far as it is healthy. Rivalry is normal. My parents hometown has rivalry with the accent of the neighboring town (which is indistinguishable). But at the end of the day, they all end up marrying people from the other town.

JulietEMcKenna , to random avatar

Genuine questions about Rishi Sunak's suit yesterday. Anyone got any idea of the likely cost? And will that soaking have ruined it or not?

stephenwhq , avatar

@ergative @JulietEMcKenna

His Press Office hate him
He would look awkward with an umbrella
They don't have a gazebo, like they didn't have a plan for a pandemic
The writer thought it would be funny and the editor nodded
Zeus was angry

CrypticMirror , avatar

@ergative @JulietEMcKenna

You'd have thought that in the UK, aka the rainiest place on Earth, that there would be a back up broadcast option in case an outside broadcast was unsuitable. Nobody looked out the window or at the forecast and said "boss, it is pissing down out there; lets just do this one at the desk, eh man?".

No back up, no assessment, no changing plans no matter how sensible.

Archer: Hooray for metaphors

RolloTreadway , to random avatar

Engineer was not here long at all. Seems it's the same problem I had early last year - a network problem creating instability, so my speed has been cut down further and further by Openreach to make it more stable.

Hopefully she can get it sorted now. This is the third time since I moved here that there's been a fault on the line, I'm not impressed (that's Openreach's issue, of course, nothing to do with my provider).

scribblans , avatar

@RolloTreadway Glad that's on the way to being sorted (again). Amazing the effort they have put in to NOT sending a human out, but they sort it out in minutes when they give in and send one.

RolloTreadway OP , avatar

@scribblans Next time it happens, I shall tell them 'this has happened twice already, can you check it's not happening again before you start doing anything else?'

bperruche , to random avatar

Syn znajomego studiuje we Włoszech. Ostatnio mają tam więcej problemów z pociągami niż normalnie (tam jak w Bolandzie, nie tylko z tym).

Chłopak się ostatnio przez pociągi o godzinę spóźnił na egzamin, ale wysłał do osoby monitorującej egzamin email z informacją o opóźnieniu. No i co? Poczekali za nim, bardzo wyrozumiali i kazali po prostu siadać, nie spieszyć się i pisać.

To już któryś raz jak taka sytuacja ma miejsce. Ludzcy, pozytywnie.

kuba , avatar

@bperruche bolzga would never

bperruche OP , avatar


Niektórzy znajomi, którzy pracowali z Polakami, mają o nas zadanie, ze strachu stosujemy zasady i reguły. W Polsce byłby pewnie strach, ze jakby poczekali, to by to poszło w świat i wykładowca miałby przejebane, bo na pewno studentowi pytania wynieśli, czy coś... Mentalność Berlińska ? ;-)

ergative , to random avatar

Just ordered a new laptop, and I'm comforting myself regarding the price by saying that it is a dual boot (yes, one is !), with two hard drives and two 16GB RAM modules, so each RAM thingy has twice the capacity of my dearly departed.

Hence, it is twice the price of my old laptop, because it is really two separate computers in one chassis.

Of course, the key question is, will it last twice as long? Because my old one croaked at 4.5 years, which is not cool.

ergative OP , avatar

@haui The new one is from NovaCustom, and the old one was a Lenovo Yoga C930.

(please do not now tell me horror stories about NovaCustom.)

haui , avatar

@ergative a quick search revealed that they seem to be for low tech, highly security concious customers. I would be the wrong person to buy from them but it might be just right for you.

The reason for your old laptop biting the dust likely has to do with your low tech approach though. You‘ll always pay more if you dont grasp the concepts behind the tech.

I wish you tons of luck and hope novacustom is the right partner for you.

futurebird , to random avatar

There is going to be a "Stationary Festival" out in Brooklyn August 7 to 9. It looks like it could be a lot of fun!

I think I'll go.

bewo001 ,

@futurebird Buying and using stationary are separate hobbies.
Just like buying fabric and sewing..

8petros , to random avatar

Dostałem dziś rano takie coś na [=genai_2024&params[notification_surface]=facebook_qp_jewel&source=facebook_]FB](

Oczywiście zamierzam zaprotestować, a do tego służy ten formularz:

Pamiętacie te łańcuszki? HA HA.

Ale na serio: @icd, @panoptykon - co należy wpisać i na jakie przepisy / precedensy się powołać, żeby mieć szansę na skuteczne zastrzeżenie moich treści (zwłaszcza oryginalnych)?

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  • kuba , avatar

    @8petros @icd @panoptykon

    Ja bym napisał "I don't have to explain to you why I want to exercise my rights. Just respect my objection."

    panoptykon , avatar

    @kuba @8petros @icd Hmm, to chyba nie takie proste. Zakładając, że wykorzystana przez Metę w tym przypadku podstawa prawna przetwarzania danych (uzasadniony interes administratora) jest prawidłowa, to masz prawo sprzeciwu, ale ten sprzeciw trzeba jakoś uzasadnić.

    Ale nie wiemy, czy podstawa prawna jest prawidłowa, a jeśli jest - to jak skutecznie obronić tezę, że w tym przypadku przeważa ochrona praw człowieka.

    scribblans , to random avatar

    Good morning. It's a dull start again, but supposedly not as wet as yesterday turned out to be... so a better day for standing outside to give a speech than yesterday was, or in my case, doing some more garden tidying.

    RolloTreadway , avatar

    @scribblans You can give a speech to your plants.

    superbij , to random Dutch avatar

    Als de buren 's avonds laat uit het raam kijken zullen ze zich vast afvragen waarom ik met een lampje door de tuin loop te scharrelen, maar zolang ik binnen een minuutje of 20 nog een stuk of 100 naaktslakken uit de tuin kan plukken, hou ik het nog maar even vol.

    En ja, ik ben wel zo aardig om ze in een plantsoen hier verderop te yeeten. Ze hoeven niet per se dood, ze moeten alleen van mijn planten afblijven.

    superbij OP , avatar

    @h3artbl33d Ik heb hosta's, die worden het ergst aangevreten, maar ze zitten ook in de lavendel, op de muren van het huis, in de canna's, jonge, sappige plantjes en ik plukte er van de week een stuk of 30 uit de curryplant.
    De meeste van mijn buren hebben tegeltuinen dus ze komen hier de boel kaalvreten, denk ik.

    h3artbl33d , avatar


    Je hebt een prachtige tuin; als de buren tegeltuinen hebben kan ik de slakken geen ongelijk geven met het emigreren naar jouw tuin - zou ik ook doen :flan_XD:

    Ik begin het tuinieren langzaam aan een beetje te leren, heb er pas een sinds twee jaar. Bevalt wel heerlijk, ook de afwisseling vanwege het beeldschermwerk wat ik doe :flan_hacker:

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