@maggiejk@zeroes.ca cover
@maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar



Animal lover, anti-fascist, beach goer.Marijuana is Medicine. #BLM, #M4A, #ANTIFA #Childfree by choice. #ZEROcovid #MECFS #atheist #4B

Rooting for the Orcas
Down for some Degrowth

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Nonilex , to random
@Nonilex@masto.ai avatar

Democratic members of the #House select subcommittee on the coronavirus pandemic defended Dr. Anthony #Fauci ahead of Monday's hearing about the #US#COVID19 #pandemic response, policies & transparency.

The representatives blasted #Republicans’ claims of Fauci’s involvement in starting [for real they had to say this] or covering up the pandemic as a “dangerous” & “cartoonish” narrative.

#PublicHealth #HouseRepublicans #ConspiracyTheory #extremism

maggiejk ,
@maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar

@Nonilex so I’m confused, they’re mad that he created a bio weapon that he claimed was dangerous when it wasn’t?

futurebird , (edited ) to random
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

You get to sentence Trump for falsifying documents in an attempt to hide his affair during a presidential election. Which is sentence is fair?

Normally first offenders do not serve any time for this crime. But those same first offenders normally plead out, and this may be why their sentences are light.

maggiejk ,
@maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar

@paulc @futurebird I had to do community service as a teenager because my mom preferred to call the police instead of actually parent. Eventually they stopped coming for those, but at one point I actually got legal trouble and I had to do community service.

They put me in a daycare. I was a 16-year-old kid with absolutely no childcare skills and no desire to learn childcare skills.

But I came home crying to my mom that one of the other workers had a full mouth of cold sores and the babies kept touching her mouth and touching everything else and I wasn’t going back.

She called them and found something else for me, I don’t even remember what I just remember being so happy I didn’t have to go back to the daycare. And I remember being weirded out that they would put “convicted criminals” in a daycare to do community service. I believe my crime was simple assault, so technically violent. (I pushed my mom’s hand out of the way when she tried to grab the phone from me & I was charged with assault.)

PallasRiot , to random
@PallasRiot@kolektiva.social avatar

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  • maggiejk ,
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar

    @PallasRiot but see when the red king does it the resistors resist. When the blue king does it they join in on the abuses.

    So if the red king wins at least the people who pretended to care about other people will go back to resisting the abuses instead of helping the abuser.

    See why those of us being CURRENTLY VICTIMIZED AND GENOCIDED won’t vote for more of this?

    I’m not going to quietly fall by the wayside for Biden’s economy. Absolutely not.

    flexghost , to random
    @flexghost@mastodon.social avatar
    maggiejk ,
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar

    @flexghost hahahahahaha NH libertarians might because they are extra unhinged up here (Free Staters) but I don’t believe that most libertarians like his brand of fascism.

    futurebird , to random
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    I have a soft spot for Libertarians even though I shouldn't and they don't deserve it. When I was a kid I had a weird neighbor who was always giving me Libertarian books... I wish I still had some of them they were WILD. He was a thorn in the side of the local, school board as well insisting that if they had an event at the school that involved politics Libertarians had to be included.

    And in defense of the guy, he was about as likable and earnest as a Libertarian could be.


    maggiejk ,
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar

    @futurebird It’s foreign policy when he pretends covid is over for his economy? It’s foreign policy when disabled people are getting infected and killed simply seeking medical care?

    Nah I deserve to live. I won’t vote against my own survival like a red hat with diabetes voting to dismantle the ACA. I laughed at those people for years for voting for their own death. I’m not going to become one of them now.

    Jgbird , to random
    @Jgbird@mas.to avatar

    Haven’t been out with the camera in more than two weeks. Not sure how I feel about it yet.

    maggiejk ,
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar

    @Jgbird what is this bird? This is a beautiful photograph! It looks like one of those magic sequin pillows, where if you move your hand across it one way it’s a different color than if you do it the other way.

    figstick , to israel group
    @figstick@mas.to avatar
    maggiejk ,
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @figstick @histodons @academicchatter @academiccommunity @academicsunite @israel @palestine they probably copied all the phones of all the students they arrested as well.

    My brother was arrested almost 10 years ago now and the Salem New Hampshire police applied for a search warrant for his phone, but they didn’t wait for it they went through it first. They did obtain the search warrant, but he filed a lawsuit because they went through the phone first. He was a financial advisor And he was concerned that they were able to get into his Fidelity stuff and see communications with clients.

    They ended up paying him $30,000. They were really mad about it he thought they were gang stalking him after.

    #ACAB #SueTheBastards

    MikeDunnAuthor , to random
    @MikeDunnAuthor@kolektiva.social avatar
    maggiejk ,
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar
    futurebird , to random
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    Someone said it's important say this publicly in the US: so I will. (And I think each of us should, online and to friends)

    This November I will vote for Biden.

    I would regard not voting for Biden, particularly in: PA, OH, MI, WI, IN, IL,VA, GA, FL, AZ, ME, NC, NH, etc. as a huge error. I'd be disappointed to find out anyone I knew didn't vote. It's one of a long list of things we need to do. We can't skip it.

    And still? We deserve better choices, and in the future we shall have them.

    maggiejk ,
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar

    @futurebird @mfennvt I haven’t felt safe in my local area in years because Biden told everyone it was OK to catch and spread Covid, so they are. And for some reason they can’t figure out how to arrest Nazis when they invade the city, but they can arrest college kids at Dartmouth. Even the journalists working for the school paper.

    And yes, obviously Trump would be worse. I would never go vote for him. But the thing is if he wins at least half the people will fight against the fascism and genocides.

    Right now most of the Biden voters are pretending Covid is over and the largest marginalized group in America, the medically vulnerable, can’t even safely go get groceries or go to the doctor. At least people tried NOT to kill us off during the last administration.

    TonyStark , to random
    @TonyStark@progressivecafe.social avatar

    I’ve said this before but apparently it hasn’t sunk in but if you say “Biden has lost my vote”, don’t expect anyone to listen to you or be surprised he’s not out gunning for it. The election is 6 months out. If there’s no way you’re voting for him, nobody fucking cares what you want.

    You can enjoy likely a 7-2 or 8-1 conservative SCOTUS that will be grinding down our rights for the next generation or three. Enjoy that.

    maggiejk ,
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar

    @Sunspot @Pineywoozle @k3ym0 @PamelaBarroway @TonyStark no some of us are part of the largest marginalized group in America (disabled people) and we’re not voting for a president who has been telling us that we don’t matter and we should hurry up and go die for his economy. My survival instinct literally will not allow me to vote for someone who is trying to kill me off for brunch and shopping. sorry, not sorry.

    otownKim , to random
    @otownKim@toot.community avatar

    Once again...if I have ANYONE blaming President Biden for Netanayu's actions, we are done!!!! I am so sick and tired of that Russian propaganda repetition!! Go read the History of Gaza and the actions of Hamas, IDC , Iran, and Houthis before trying to make me believe President Biden approves genocide!!!!!

    maggiejk ,
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar

    @otownKim It’s not just Gaza. Disabled and medically vulnerable people are the largest marginalized group in America and your hero is killing us us off for shopping and brunch

    maggiejk , to random
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar

    “A federal appeals court ruled on Monday that state health insurance plans must provide coverage for gender-affirming care in North Carolina and West Virginia. Trans advocates say it's a huge victory, especially since bills restricting the rights of transgender people have been on the rise in state legislatures.”


    flexghost , to random
    @flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

    Wait. You’re telling me a bigoted antivaxxer who only goes on right wing media and is supported by thought leaders like Joe Rogan and Rob Schneider isn’t taking Dem votes away?

    Ya don’t say…

    maggiejk ,
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar

    @zalasur @flexghost He is here to take votes from Chump. Biden voters won’t vote for an antivaxxer.

    maggiejk , to random
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar

    Maybe everybody knows this but me, because this article is almost a month old.
    Last coal-burning power plant in New England to close in win for environmentalists
    The 460-megawatt Merrimack Station in Bow, New Hampshire, has long been a thorn in the side of environmental groups


    (Edited to add a missing word)

    makkhorn , to random
    @makkhorn@c.im avatar
    maggiejk ,
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar
    xankarn , to histodons group
    @xankarn@mastodon.online avatar


    Cultural history class this week includes the bicycle boom of the 1890s.

    Newspapers from this period are filled with the complaints of men who say bicycles ruined their marriages, since wives only care to ride and no longer tend to their "duties."

    The Rev. Thomas Gregory saw the bike as a threat to his parishioners' intellect and health.

    "It annihilates the reading habit. The libraries are deserted. It is a menace to domestic virtues. It breaks up and destroys the home."


    maggiejk ,
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar

    @xankarn @histodons yes I recently learned that they used to say women had “bicycle face” which was like resting bitch face.

    Men didn’t get accused of having bicycle face, only women, as a way to shame women away from using bicycles

    randahl , to random
    @randahl@mastodon.social avatar

    Video proof: An adviser to US presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. admits the goal is not to get RFK elected. Instead, the goal is to bleed votes from Joe Biden and get Trump elected.

    Wow. What money can buy in America — it really has no limits.


    maggiejk ,
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar

    @randahl this is funny because Trumpers are more likely to vote for him than the blue crew. He’s anti-vax FFS

    lowqualityfacts , to random
    @lowqualityfacts@mstdn.social avatar

    In 2017 for April Fool's Day I convinced my girlfriend Trump was going to get rid of birds. She loves birds. She was not amused.

    maggiejk ,
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar

    @lowqualityfacts she believed you that Trump knew what a mammal was? That sweet Summer child!

    MikeDunnAuthor , to random
    @MikeDunnAuthor@kolektiva.social avatar
    maggiejk ,
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar

    @MikeDunnAuthor the Zoomers are actually giving me hope for the future. I don’t know many of them personally, but the last one I had in-depth conversations with was a young man and I could tell he was raised by a great mom.

    Those kids aren’t letting their employers run their lives, but they aren’t slackers either. They give me hope.

    luckytran , to random
    @luckytran@med-mastodon.com avatar

    One impact of COVID that we don’t talk about enough is how people are avoiding medical care because of lack of precautions like masking in healthcare settings. This doesn’t show up as COVID deaths or hospitalizations but delays in screening, diagnosis, and treatment increases the mortality rate of other diseases like cancer.

    maggiejk ,
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar

    @luckytran yep I don’t think I’ll have a mammogram ever again unless I find a lump that I’m worried about. Preventative screenings? Oh hell no. I would rather get breast cancer than long Covid, at least there are treatments for cancer. And empathy.

    MikeDunnAuthor , to random
    @MikeDunnAuthor@kolektiva.social avatar
    maggiejk ,
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar

    @MikeDunnAuthor yep and this morning they’re patting themselves in the back for being able to charge you $20 for a pack of birth-control pills instead of free through your insurance

    maggiejk , to random
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar

    Zika virus vaccine emerges as an unlikely hero in battling brain cancer

    The scientists discovered that Zika virus vaccine strains eradicate brain tumor cells while sparing healthy ones


    luckytran , to random
    @luckytran@med-mastodon.com avatar

    4 years ago today, the WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic.

    Today, we will rightfully remember the tens of millions of people who have died. We must never forget.

    But we must also remember that COVID-19 is still killing, disabling, and excluding too many people today.

    We are still in a pandemic. We still need to act.

    maggiejk ,
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar

    @luckytran yeah according to the wastewater we have more Covid in the wastewater this year than we did any prior year at this exact same time.

    Our lesser evil president is killing us off for stock market gains. And his cult thinks I’m going to vote for more of this lol

    futurebird , to random
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    "This species is renowned for its large size... up to 15 millimeters in length."

    Lies. These ants are known as "mini rubies" because they are small for carpenter ants.

    "striking coloration, with a combination of black and metallic blue or green hues,"

    WTF utter nonsense!

    "prefer nesting in..rainforests and mangroves"


    I just encountered a "species description"and I think it's AI generated. I think they did this so they'd have one for every species.

    I'm so LIVID. This is GARBAGE.

    maggiejk ,
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar

    @futurebird yeah I’m really worried about Google pulling from AI to give results when people google for information. When Reddit and facebook posts are being fed to AI.

    I’m concerned that someday I’m going to Google something and the result is going to be something that some Incel wrote on Reddit but Google will present it as a fact.

    CatsOfYore , to random
    @CatsOfYore@varmint.town avatar
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  • maggiejk ,
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar

    @CatsOfYore those tiny little ears make the loaf look so much more loafy😻

    futurebird , to random
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar


    Clearly not thinking through all of the implications of "that America"

    bruh. why would YOU be able to vote if women couldn't? THINK.

    maggiejk ,
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar

    @futurebird oh the Democrats will negotiate black men still being able to vote. The patriarchy will prevail.

    Jorsh , to random
    @Jorsh@beige.party avatar

    My mother reminded me this weekend that when she left my dad in 1994, she wasn't able to get her own credit card for several years and had to build her credit from scratch. Because she's a woman. In Canada.

    maggiejk ,
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar

    @otownKim @Jorsh yep, and when you have no credit score you usually can’t get a credit card regardless of gender. I remember paying a deposit on a credit card where the limit was whatever my deposit was. They called them secured cards. After a year they send you your deposit back and you just have the credit line.

    But now we also have those little micro loan companies like Afterpay and Affirm and those can slowly build your credit as well. The problem with using those to build credit is they don’t report to all three credit bureaus, at least Affirm does not, so if they only report to Equifax and you are trying to get a credit line with someone who only pulls Trans Union they will not help you. But large purchase lenders usually pull merged reports which would help you.

    maggiejk ,
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar

    @KatM @Skepticat @Jorsh it’s not because she was a woman, unless Canada allows that kind of discrimination. It was likely because she had no credit score. You can’t get a credit card if you have no credit score.

    breadandcircuses , to random
    @breadandcircuses@climatejustice.social avatar

    Capitalism is not interested.

    Millionaires and billionaires don't care about me and you.

    Ergo, capitalist politicians don't care either.

    maggiejk ,
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar

    @breadandcircuses so this means there’s 146 million people that will qualify immediately for the as soon as builds them? Terrifying.

    If the Supreme Court rules next month that being homeless is a crime they will start building them. Bet. They’ll make one for kids too, for all the unwanted babies they forced women to grow and birth, once they get to be about 10 they can go work and meet packing plants.

    maggiejk ,
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar

    @breadandcircuses it was really shocking to me to find out that Florida doesn’t get the same federal benefits that people in other states get. Like when we had the extra pandemic snap benefits, people in Florida didn’t get that. People in FL don’t get real medicaid. As a disabled person living in Florida before I qualified for Medicare, they gave me medically vulnerable Medicaid, which means it only kicked in after I paid $1000 out of pocket per month. Yep, I had a $1000 a month with . At the time my payment was only a couple hundred dollars more than that, so I didn’t have $1000 after I paid rent. So basically I didn’t have insurance unless I ended up in the hospital with a huge bill. So it makes sense there would be more people living in poverty in places like that.

    luckytran , to random
    @luckytran@med-mastodon.com avatar

    Just as the CDC is discussing weakening its COVID isolation guidelines, New York's Governor is proposing to end its COVID sick leave law.

    This is an example of how the CDC changing its COVID isolation guidelines will increase worker exploitation. Governments and businesses will use the CDC's weakened guidelines as an excuse to downgrade their paid sick leave policies.


    maggiejk ,
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar

    @luckytran The Death Panel Pod was talking about this on the episode I listened to today.


    TonyStark , to random
    @TonyStark@progressivecafe.social avatar

    “The fantasy that Democrats will simply swap out Biden is based on the notion that voters don’t control the party, that there’s some secret cabal that pulls the strings. But as Biden noted earlier this month, upon winning the 2024 South Carolina primary with more than 95% of the vote: “In 2020, it was the voters of South Carolina who proved the pundits wrong, breathed new life into our campaign, and set us on the path to winning the presidency.” Yes, voters picked Biden.”

    maggiejk ,
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar

    @TonyStark @philip_cardella @nomdeb she is covered so little I actually forget she exists. I really only think of her when I see someone post about her because that’s the only time I ever see or hear her name.

    luckytran , to random
    @luckytran@med-mastodon.com avatar

    I just published a letter in @washingtonpost on the CDC's potential change in COVID isolation guidelines.

    "COVID isn’t over, and we shouldn’t act like it is"

    Link: https://washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/02/16/covid-isnt-over-we-shouldnt-act-like-it-is/

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  • maggiejk ,
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar

    @luckytran @washingtonpost thank you ❤️

    maggiejk ,
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar

    @luckytran I’m going to go ahead and read your screenshot, but this came up as paywallwd for me. So weird, because I’m sure it didn’t for you when you posted it. And other people can read it just fine.

    parismarx , to random
    @parismarx@mastodon.online avatar

    Uber says it finally made an annual profit after 15 years, but who paid the price to get it there?

    The company fired 6,700 workers, hiked fares for customers, and squeezed drivers even harder. Now the stock is up and investors will get a $7 billion share buyback. It turns your stomach.


    maggiejk ,
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar


    Women. That profit was made on the backs of women.


    futurebird , to random
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    Maybe God isn’t cruel, or guided by some unknowable philosophy beyond the mind of mortals that makes suffering make sense. Maybe god is trying his best, like a hapless antkeeper trying to keep the world thriving— but sometimes god is clumsy or leaves the heat on too long, or forgets he put a spider in there and things go very wrong and god feels awful about it, sick really— because we are all just so small and fragile and we move so quickly doing unexpected things—-

    maggiejk ,
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar

    @futurebird I’m not religious but it seems like God succumbs to peer pressure pretty easily, if he’s got some grand plan and he sets it in motion and then a whole bunch of people pray for something different, if he changes his mind I don’t really see how he can claim to be all knowing. And I’ve seen how the masses behave, a God who succumbs to the peer pressure of the masses is pretty terrifying to me actually.
    No thank you

    luckytran , to random
    @luckytran@med-mastodon.com avatar

    The bare minimum we should have learned from a devastating pandemic that has killed and disabled millions is that we should stay home when we are sick. Yet, governments beholden to corporate interests are determined to make sure we don't even do that.

    maggiejk ,
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar

    @luckytran I mean people can be responsible and still stay home when they are sick they just have to say they have a fever. But people want an excuse to be scumbags I guess, and those people weren’t staying home anyway

    wdlindsy , to random
    @wdlindsy@toad.social avatar

    “If you think old and sometimes forgetful is worse than or equal to old, sometimes forgetful, corrupt, bigoted, anti-democracy, criminal, serially lying, and encouraging political violence, or that these things deserve approximately equal attention, that’s nuts.”

    ~ Nicholas Grossman


    maggiejk ,
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar

    @wdlindsy The other guy is a rapist and a con man, But that doesn’t mean we should have to settle for an elderly man in the decline.

    luckytran , to random
    @luckytran@med-mastodon.com avatar

    This is terrifying. Police in the UK will be given the power to arrest people if they are wearing face coverings at specific demonstrations, the Home Office has said. Protesters who wear masks could face arrest, up to a month in jail, and a £1,000 fine.


    maggiejk ,
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar

    @luckytran Floriduh has laws prohibiting face coverings and hoodies. It’s old (2011) but it’s there.

    MikeDunnAuthor , to random
    @MikeDunnAuthor@kolektiva.social avatar
    maggiejk ,
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar

    @MikeDunnAuthor if there was a way to make someone gay I would sign up immediately. I would sell most of my stuff to pay for that service. If I could pray to be gay I would join a religion. If someone could literally beat the heterosexuality out of me I would go to conversion therapy.

    It’s weird the people who think conversion therapy works don’t think it would work for me though.

    futurebird , to random
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    Friendly reminder that, as someone who lives in NYC, in the South Bronx (represent!) and who works in Manhattan and Brooklyn ... nothing has changed in this city because of immigration. You'd need to send like half a million people here before we'd even notice, and we'd mostly like it?

    More stores are open. I'm amused that outdoor dining continues and I hope it never ends (LOL suck it cars.) That's the news from da big city, ya'll.

    maggiejk ,
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar

    @futurebird I don’t know, where are they all sleeping? And if they weren’t sleeping there wouldn’t homeless New Yorkers be able to sleep there? Or no?

    Terminal E at Boston Logan airport has never been available to the homeless population. Now it is, but only if they are migrants I guess? So homeless Boston residents can just suffer? Why are we like this?

    tzimmer_history , to random
    @tzimmer_history@mastodon.social avatar

    Weekend reading: I wrote about the broader implications of Texas defying federal authority on the border.

    Republican governors are aggressively endorsing precisely the argument slave states used to justify secession. That’s, uhm, really bad.



    maggiejk ,
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar

    @tzimmer_history I live near the northern border, and the Republicans that run New Hampshire use it as an excuse to pull people over without probable cause anywhere on interstate 93 within 100 (?) miles of the Canadian border.

    It’s like a stop and frisk, and they never find anything interesting, sometimes they get a little weed or somebody trying to drive to work without a valid drivers license. It’s ridiculous and intrusive

    breadandcircuses , to random
    @breadandcircuses@climatejustice.social avatar

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  • maggiejk ,
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar

    Happy Birthday!!

    luckytran , (edited ) to random
    @luckytran@med-mastodon.com avatar

    Hmmm. It’s like GenZ has spent their formative years living through a historic pandemic that is causing mass death and disability.

    maggiejk ,
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar

    @luckytran what?! I pee 10x before noon, and I wash my hands after.

    maggiejk , to random
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar

    THIS IS SO BADASS. This man runs a very queer friendly café, in 2018 he woke up to find his café’s page deleted, so he decided to file an action to get back some lost revenue from people thinking he was closed because it was suddenly gone. lied and lied, and he won.

    How owner of Teatotaller cafe defeated social media giant Meta in court


    GottaLaff , to random
    @GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

    You may disagree fervently with Pres. Biden's Israel policies, and that's fine. But if you come into my feed calling him "Genocide Joe" or any variation on that theme, you're blocked.

    I've already had to block a few accounts for this.

    Pres. Biden is not "for genocide." I will not argue with you on this topic, nor do I discuss the Israel/Hamas war here.

    But I will not tolerate accusations of "genocide" by Pres. Biden. He's not "pro genocide."

    If that's a prob, it's on you.

    maggiejk ,
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar

    @GottaLaff because and I will always push back at anyone who tries to say that it’s fine that we fall by the wayside because king Biden needs the economy to look good for rich people or whatever the excuses.

    breadandcircuses , to random
    @breadandcircuses@climatejustice.social avatar

    Too many people, even here on Mastodon, seem to be in denial about how bad things are likely to get on our current path. I suppose I can understand how they might wish the situation was different, and perhaps some of them aren't psychologically or emotionally ready to handle an honest look at the dire future we face, so they simply avoid it.

    But I worry that almost everyone will be unprepared for the collapse of our fragile modern society when it comes.

    See -- https://www.salon.com/2023/07/09/ecosystem-collapse-could-occur-surprisingly-quickly-study-finds/

    And also -- https://www.vice.com/en/article/z3m3k3/scientists-raise-alarm-over-risk-of-synchronized-global-crop-failures

    maggiejk ,
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar

    @breadandcircuses it’s OK humans are going to go extinct from Covid before we completely destroy the planet.

    lowqualityfacts , to random
    @lowqualityfacts@mstdn.social avatar

    Every study ever: Overworked employees are less productive. Employees who work from home are just as productive as employees who work in the office. The evidence is indisputable.

    Managers: I see. But I have a hunch that the complete opposite is true.

    maggiejk ,
    @maggiejk@zeroes.ca avatar

    @lowqualityfacts “I must monitor how often the go to the bathroom or what am I even here for??”

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