futurebird ,
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

Someone said it's important say this publicly in the US: so I will. (And I think each of us should, online and to friends)

This November I will vote for Biden.

I would regard not voting for Biden, particularly in: PA, OH, MI, WI, IN, IL,VA, GA, FL, AZ, ME, NC, NH, etc. as a huge error. I'd be disappointed to find out anyone I knew didn't vote. It's one of a long list of things we need to do. We can't skip it.

And still? We deserve better choices, and in the future we shall have them.

jbh ,
@jbh@universeodon.com avatar

@futurebird Not voting for Biden IS voting for Trump.

futurebird OP ,
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

Basically I feel a little silly even posting this, because to me it's obvious. It's like there is a big red button that says "Fascism" and I'm like "do I really need to say that I think pushing that button is a terrible idea?"

But just in case? Under no circumstances should we push the big red button.

Elect Biden again and proceed to make him miserable

Better than being too miserable to get anything done.

YakyuNightOwl ,
@YakyuNightOwl@mastodon.world avatar

@futurebird THIS. We've got Squad Goals for 2028. That doesn't happen without democracy.

jztusk ,
@jztusk@mastodon.social avatar


put it well: Your vote gives you an opportunity to pick which enemy you fight against for the next four years. And she said she'd much rather be fighting against Biden.

crashglasshouses ,
@crashglasshouses@kolektiva.social avatar

@futurebird the red button was pushed in 1492.

LunaDragofelis ,
@LunaDragofelis@buff.tomboyfan.club avatar

@crashglasshouses @futurebird I think it's more of a red gearshift lever, already in the "some fascism" position, and Americans should try to stop it from being moved to "full fascism"

18+ crashglasshouses ,
@crashglasshouses@kolektiva.social avatar

@LunaDragofelis @futurebird

it's really more like "already was in full gear, now the mask is slipping". Donald Trump didn't invent fascism. canada and usa have always been instruments of fascism. it wouldn't exist without.

colonialism and fascism require each other.

LunaDragofelis ,
@LunaDragofelis@buff.tomboyfan.club avatar

@crashglasshouses @futurebird I'm pretty sure the crapublicans will do a harder and faster fascism than the Democrats.

How would you imagine the process and end state of the USA (as in, its current territory) moving away from authoritarian capitalism to a better system? Serious question, I want to improve my anarchism knowledge.

18+ crashglasshouses ,
@crashglasshouses@kolektiva.social avatar

@LunaDragofelis @futurebird

again, for some reason, i have to point out how Joe Biden is doing genocide RIGHT NOW and has been for SIX MONTHS. but 39,000 dead isn't enough of a hammer smashing some people in the face to help them realise.

those who are afraid of Donald Trump are only afraid that what happens every single day to Black and Indigenous people, will happen to white people.

i can't tell you what the end of all nation states would look like because i can't do that on my own, and we've never seen it happen yet. anarchy means we work together without hierarchy, we don't come up with solutions in search of problems. we will know what a better world looks like when we build it.

LunaDragofelis ,
@LunaDragofelis@buff.tomboyfan.club avatar

@crashglasshouses @futurebird oh, I'm pretty sure that Trump will smash the hammer on black, indigenous and queer people even harder than Biden is doing it right now. Project 2025 looks horrible.

18+ futurebird OP ,
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

@LunaDragofelis @crashglasshouses

They really want to totally criminalize and possibly deport large numbers of undocumented Americans. They have plans and are not kidding.

Relocating millions of people is violence. We know this we see this. We will have it in our back yards.

18+ crashglasshouses ,
@crashglasshouses@kolektiva.social avatar

@futurebird @LunaDragofelis

this already happens right now. Hillary Clinton had thousands of Honduran refugees turned back to Honduras, then backed a fascist coup in Honduras that rolled back reproductive rights.

ICE still exists. Joe Biden didn't do a fucking thing about it.

you have this in your back yard because you live in a fascist nation state, built on the very machinations that led to modern fascist existing at all.

are you gonna say slavery could have been good if a Democrat did it?

18+ futurebird OP ,
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

@crashglasshouses @LunaDragofelis

Before we go further. Who do you want to win the election? (Among those who could win.)

18+ crashglasshouses ,
@crashglasshouses@kolektiva.social avatar

@futurebird @LunaDragofelis

no one. abolish elections. abolish presidents. abolish hierarchy.

i've said this dozens of times over the last several months, including in your own threads. no matter who you vote for, a fascist wins.

electoralism is not anti-racist, is not anti-fascist, is not anti-capitalist, is not direct action, is not rebellion, is not revolution, but it does preserve a white, fascist status quo.

if you like that, keep voting. if your guy aiding and abetting the mass murder of 39,000 Palestinians in six months doesn't phase you, there's your fucking problem. just say you don't care who commits genocide, you're fine with it if you can deflect accountability for your own actions and ignorance, and those of the ruling class to whom you gave consent to commit mass murder.

18+ futurebird OP ,
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

@crashglasshouses @LunaDragofelis

"no one."

Man oh man how I wish I had the luxury of simply saying "no one" when asked who I'd rather win in elections. That would be... amazing. Because I don't really like any of these people and if I could I would be so happy to just not care.

I cannot afford to answer this way. The reasons are people I can name. So many people.

LunaDragofelis ,
@LunaDragofelis@buff.tomboyfan.club avatar

@crashglasshouses @futurebird I'm not denying that Democrats are evil. I'm just trying to explain to you that the Republicans are even more evil.

18+ crashglasshouses ,
@crashglasshouses@kolektiva.social avatar

@LunaDragofelis @futurebird

no, you're deflecting accountability. there is no "more evil". if you refuse to recognise fascism when you see it, when the mass murder of 39,000 Palestinians is an excuse to once again defer to the "worse" guy, you are part of the problem.

LunaDragofelis ,
@LunaDragofelis@buff.tomboyfan.club avatar

@crashglasshouses @futurebird Okay let's put this into simple terms. The Democrats will not ban trans people from existing. The Republicans have an explicit plan to do so once Trump has been elected. (See "Project 2025").

18+ crashglasshouses ,
@crashglasshouses@kolektiva.social avatar

@LunaDragofelis @futurebird

woop, more condescencion. do you think i'm stupid? if so, fuck you!

18+ futurebird OP ,
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

@crashglasshouses @LunaDragofelis

You've been talking to everyone in this thread as if we are unaware of Biden's foreign policy choices and not totally disgusted with them. Which is why no one is contradicting your criticisms of him.

This isn't a conversation about how wonderful he is.

It's a conversation about the impact of elections on our ability to organize.

A lot of work that was possible before Trump stopped when he was in office. It was a huge set back.

racingdaily ,
@racingdaily@mastodon.social avatar

@futurebird A terrible idea? It depends on whether you dig genocide I guess, if you do then by all means vote for a senile old fart who aids and abets the mass murder of babies

racingdaily ,
@racingdaily@mastodon.social avatar

@futurebird A terrible idea? It depends on whether you dig genocide I guess, if you do then by all means vote for a senile old fart who aids and abets the mass murder of babies.
Biden has actually achieved the impossible, he has made Trump electable again

futurebird OP ,
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar


Who do you want to win the election?

ravenonthill ,
@ravenonthill@mastodon.social avatar



Many people don't believe that pushing that button will make any difference to their future. They believe that they will be safe from Trump's depredations.

Other people don't look ahead. They don't understand, for instance, that, while Roe ended under Biden, it was lost because of Trump.

It's going to be a hard-fought election. Trump will not concede. We must do what we can to stay in the better future.

futurebird OP ,
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar


"Other people don't look ahead. They don't understand, for instance, that, while Roe ended under Biden, it was lost because of Trump."

I would doubt this but we have it right here:


ravenonthill ,
@ravenonthill@mastodon.social avatar

@futurebird yeah. This whole disastrous fascist arc, going back two, perhaps three, decades has been one long lesson in how politically unaware people vote and how propaganda works.

SarahSanger ,
@SarahSanger@fosstodon.org avatar

@futurebird @ravenonthill To be honest it's like they are trying to lose. https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2024/04/03/hillary-clinton-fallon-interview-biden-trump-stephen-a-smith-nn-vpx.cnn
Because they are paid by the same people that pay the republicans, it's hard to hear this and not reach the conclusion that they are actively trying to throw the election.

futurebird OP ,
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

@SarahSanger @ravenonthill

Ugh... she isn't helping is she?

SarahSanger ,
@SarahSanger@fosstodon.org avatar
incoherentmumblings ,

Except here's two buttons, and both effect a different flavor of fascism.
Sometimes it has to get worse before it can get better. Your vote is not among the options you have to make it better.

tob ,
@tob@hachyderm.io avatar

@incoherentmumblings @futurebird It never gets worse and then gets better. That's not how anything works.

incoherentmumblings ,

@tob @futurebird
That is how it works most of the time.
When the Germans were ruled by the Nazis? When the Italians were ruled by the Fascists? When the French were ruled by Luis XIV? When the Cubans were ruled by Batista? Every time the fascists take power, it has to get worse before enough pushback builds up, internally or externally, to finally get rid of them.
Now it's the US's term to get rid of their oligarchs, and boy you are in for a lot of getting worse before it can get better.

tob ,
@tob@hachyderm.io avatar

@incoherentmumblings @futurebird That is a crazy take on world history.

incoherentmumblings ,

@tob @futurebird
It's a realistic take on world history. And logical one.
Only orthodox reformists believe otherwise, and they cannot explain why it ever gets worse.

futurebird OP ,
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

@incoherentmumblings @tob

But we already had "the worst" in the USA. We already did that.

incoherentmumblings ,

@futurebird @tob
It can always get even worse. And tbf, you had it pretty good since about WW2 for quite while, at the expense of many others of course.

futurebird OP ,
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

@incoherentmumblings @tob

Worse than slavery and jim crow? IDK

incoherentmumblings ,

@futurebird @tob
And it did get worse in the south before it got better, didn't it?
Not only did they have slavery, but they were also being killed and the economy collapsed when they starting losing the war.
So, again, classic situation of it had to get worse before it could get better.

futurebird OP ,
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

@incoherentmumblings @tob

I thought your theory was that a low point enabled a better future, but this just sounds like "things get better and worse" which isn't meaningful.

Considering where the US has been we should be the most magical and perfect place on earth. That's not how it went at all, nor is how it going.

Progress was slow, hard fought, we are still digging our way out of that pit even now.

incoherentmumblings ,

No, the thesis is that in certain situations there's no way to a better future that does not come with a temporary worsening of the overall situation.
You are ruled by oligarchs that have subverted the democratic process, it's futile to look towards that exact process to try and make it better. To get rid of them, you can't use the legal framework that they have set up precisely to prevent you from doing that.
Revolution doesn't come as cheap and comfortable as voting, sorry.

18+ Jackiemauro ,
@Jackiemauro@fosstodon.org avatar

@incoherentmumblings @futurebird @tob

Just because history went one way doesn't mean that’s the only way it could have gone. There are many countries with the standard of living of modern Germany that didn’t first doing the holocaust. Many through, yes, voting.

It’s such an arrogant position honestly to say basically you’ve gotta break some eggs to make a leftist omelette.

(Edited to add cw)

tob ,
@tob@hachyderm.io avatar

@Jackiemauro @incoherentmumblings @futurebird In some cases it's not arrogance, it's just straight dishonesty. Hard to tell here.

There are lots of accelerationists who want the "gets worse" part, and they're not all that interested in the "gets better" part.

incoherentmumblings ,

I guess here we have two prime examples of people who are still too comfortable to face the facts.
You are being owned by the oligarchs.
They own your government, they own your banks, they own your judicial system and they own your military. No amount of voting is going to change it, but of course you can pretend otherwise and arrange yourself with the new fascism for a while, as long as you are white and well educated, i guess. That's what most germans did, too.
@Jackiemauro @futurebird

futurebird OP ,
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

@incoherentmumblings @tob @Jackiemauro

No one is saying voting alone will change those things. It won't. But what is true? Not voting can create circumstances that make changing those things through other means impossible.

incoherentmumblings ,

But changing those things through "other means" is already impossible.
Look at how the supposedly less fascist option reacts to having its genocidal foreign policy challenged by some students with banners: The full might of armored and armed pigs combined with a propaganda onslaught that would have made Göbbels jealous.
So, again, how does voting or not voting make a difference in circumstances that allow changing those things through other means?
@tob @Jackiemauro

futurebird OP ,
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

@incoherentmumblings @tob @Jackiemauro

>>But changing those things through "other means" is already impossible. >>>

So nothing better is possible? Give up? Is that the message?

incoherentmumblings ,

That depends on what you mean by "other means". The question here was: How does voting or not voting influence chances to achieve change for a better?
At this point there seems no legal way for me to change the things that would need to be changed before it can get better, and there is not enough of a critical and aware mass that a revolution would actually make productive sense.
@tob @Jackiemauro

imstilljeremy ,
@imstilljeremy@babka.social avatar

@futurebird @incoherentmumblings @tob

I mean, they are citing Nazi Germany as a success story for her theory of historical progress. Which would mean the upside to Trump would be extermination camps, and all of us who are killed are just the price that needs to be paid for her "progress".

A wonderful demonstration of the counter-argument to your point, though horrifyingly honest.

alter_kaker ,
@alter_kaker@hachyderm.io avatar

@imstilljeremy yeah it didn't really get better after the Nazis from where I stand, there wasn't anything left to get better
@futurebird @incoherentmumblings @tob

futurebird OP ,
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

@alter_kaker @imstilljeremy @incoherentmumblings @tob

When people treat other humans that way, they don't just bounce back from it. The ideologies that support such actions don't just die and vanish. I don't think there is any advantage to "things getting worse" it only delays progress. If we could erase those events we would know a better world than we do today.

What is true is that we have to try to come back anyway. But there is no silver lining to it.

incoherentmumblings ,

The advantage to things getting worse is that they can get better afterwards.
Again: in certain situations, and it does not necessarily get better. But sometimes it has to get worse before it can get better, idk why that isn't just plain obvious: voting will not change a system that has rigged not only the voting process, but also controls the options that can be voted.
@alter_kaker @imstilljeremy @tob

glitzersachen ,

@futurebird @incoherentmumblings @tob

+1 for somebody mentioning that the US has not totally been the land where milk and honey flows.

Let me add to that, that no other "developed" country has such a hardly existent health care system.

glitzersachen ,

@futurebird @incoherentmumblings @tob

Arguably you (I mean: the US) never sank this deep. Which doesn't mean it was well.

The worst => Frankly, that is/was still Nazi Germany. Though "they are not Nazis" would be pretty weak defense.

glitzersachen ,

@incoherentmumblings @tob @futurebird

Friend, there were no push-backs in Germany....
And as far as Louis XIV goes, you might have heard about the restoration. Or you might be the one who considers the revolution the low point ...

"Now it's the US's term to get rid of their oligarchs" => Haha. I'll be back from my cryo chamber in 10 years. We'll see how that went.

incoherentmumblings ,

There were actually a lot of pushbacks in germany, before the fascists managed to kill most of the resistance. But i made sure to talk of internal or external pushbacks, the nazis followed a political ideology that made sure that they eventually succumbed to external 'pushback' in the form of allied troops, most notably in the form of Georgy Zhukov and the Soviet red army.1/2

@tob @futurebird

glitzersachen ,

@incoherentmumblings @tob @futurebird

But not after the nazis were established, which sort of was you point: First comes the low point, the the push-backs develop.

WRT the actual push-backs before 33: You refer to the Spartacus Bund?

incoherentmumblings ,


Them among others, sure. But before 33 there was a lot more in german society that fought fascists, even social democrats ;)
But after the nazis had seized power, there was still a lot of underground left opposition.

@tob @futurebird

glitzersachen ,

@incoherentmumblings @tob @futurebird

Generally I think, what we had in D was not actually what one would call wide spread resistance,

"there was still a lot of underground left opposition."

I'd oppose the idea of "a lot". Also was there did not lead to D liberating itself, so it's not a support for your theory of push-backs.

incoherentmumblings ,

The Theory is that it had to get worse before it got better after the Nazis took power. There was no possible way of incremental small steps towards something better. And worse it got, Germany had to be steamrolled from both sides and bombed for years before it could get better.

Wether it was a LOT or just a little bit of internal pushback is beside the point and open to definition anyway. The point stands: It had to get worse before it could get better.
@tob @futurebird

glitzersachen ,

@incoherentmumblings @tob @futurebird

So, when it was worst, it could get better, right? But before it could get better, even then, it had to get worse (according to your theory). Since, regardless were you stand, it has to get worse before it can get better. So when it was worst (at time t1), we know it got better later (at time t2). But since it had to get worse before that, at time t1 it was not worst, because it had to get even worse than at t1.

Your theory has contradictions.

incoherentmumblings ,

You are misrepresenting my "theory".
I am not saying it ALWAYS has to get worse to get better, that would indeed be paradoxical.
So please, spare me the cheap straw men and engage with my actual argument: In certain situations it has to get worse before it can get better.
In fact that is so obvious i am astounded that it is even debated.
@tob @futurebird

glitzersachen ,

@incoherentmumblings @tob @futurebird

(b) A theory that cannot identify the actual certain situation (provide a recipe to distinguish those situation from those where it doesn't apply) is worthless, because it cannot be falsified (see Karl Popper, The Logic of Scientific Discovery).

You sentence "sometimes it has to get worse ..." is just a meaningless phrase of small-talk. It does not help to understand anything.

(b) I am taking offense at the "has" which implies a mechanism of necessity.

incoherentmumblings ,

You do not need to teach the basics of theory of science to me, thanks. I have given lectures on it myself.
It wasn't me who tried to claim it was anything more than a phrase to highlight the fact that there is not always a way of incremental change towards the better without first accepting serious adverse effects.
And yes: there is a necessity. When you got cancer, you have to do chemo and it will make you worse at first. Or i guess you can just give up.

@tob @futurebird

glitzersachen ,

@incoherentmumblings @tob @futurebird

" When you got cancer, you have to do chemo and it will make you worse at first. "

Depends on your definition of worse. You life expectation gets better from day one. The amount of days you're going to barf gets less from day one.
So day zero: No life expectation. Day 1: Good life expectation, (N-1) barfing days, Day 2: Good life expectation, (N-2) barfing days.

Arguably it only gets better.

incoherentmumblings ,

That's not how chemo works.
So, let me get that straight - you are saying that there are no situations that can not be bettered by small incremental steps towards something better, without the overall situation ever having to get worse first?
@tob @futurebird

incoherentmumblings ,

Response here because they blocked me to prevent me from calling out their bullshit:
Except i never called it a theory, and i even put the "thesis" in (slightly ironic) quotation marks.
But yea, i also have better things to do and in fact i do feel certain 'vibrations' in your responses too.
If you believe there are no situations that require things to get worse before they can get better, go ahead and believe so, i don't care.
@tob @futurebird

incoherentmumblings ,

Of course we both know it was never about that, you don't actually doubt that there are situations that require it to get worse before it can get better, you just don't want to admit that the US is run by a one party-two right wings oligarchy and voting won't change things for the better, and you're consciously or unconsciously using all the tricks of the eristic playbook of pseudologics and populism to evade that conclusion.
@tob @futurebird

futurebird OP ,
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

@incoherentmumblings @glitzersachen @tob

I absolutely doubt that there is any truth to that idea.

Think of all the people who have been lost. All the people we never got to know. All the stunted lives. All the trauma. It makes no sense.

incoherentmumblings ,

I am not saying its great that it sometimes has to get worse before it gets better. I am just saying that it's a fact. If i could change it, i would. But since i am not omnipotent i have to accept certain things in life, and one of them is that there are situations where the first step towards something better is in a direction that is worse at first. If no one ever took that step, we'd still be stuck in feudalism.

@glitzersachen @tob

hallvors ,
@hallvors@oslo.town avatar

@incoherentmumblings From outside the U.S., its politics is a scary and sad spectacle. I’m glad I’m not voting in your elections.

This statement does not make much sense though. The word “worse” itself implies the alternative is non-worse.

And: Naive technological development has given some future US govt an insane surveillance and propaganda apparatus. A fascist government fully taking advantage of that will make effective opposition impossible. No “worse to get better” anymore.


incoherentmumblings ,

@hallvors @futurebird
Except i did not say "it has to get worse" to say "Trump has to win".
I said it will get worse, no matter who wins the election, before it gets better.
It might even be different people who it gets worse for.
I am aware of the technical possibilities, but you fool yourself if you think that your vote will prevent them from being used.

hallvors ,
@hallvors@oslo.town avatar

@incoherentmumblings voting alone is insufficient. Voting, informing, organising, fighting to shape the values that contribute to shaping politics and Overton windows has worked and will work. Vote for the persons who can win and be more easily influenced by such organising. Why is this even hard?


incoherentmumblings ,

@hallvors @futurebird
Leave the voting out of that list and you will be just as effective, if not more so because you don't have to deal with the cognitive dissonance of having lent your support to one of the fascists that send their pigs against you to violate you and throw you in jail as soon as you start to do things that actually have potential to annoy them.

futurebird OP ,
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

@incoherentmumblings @hallvors I don’t buy that and why do you care? fear for the salvation of my mortal soul?

incoherentmumblings ,

@futurebird @hallvors Who says i do care? If you're out in the street at this point, learning every day that the cops can get away with any violation of your supposed rights already, then you are one of those that will arrange themselves when the current protofascism drops it's mask. In fact, it IS already dropping its mask, and you pretend not to see it.

bgannin ,
@bgannin@mastodon.social avatar

@futurebird @jeff Biden has wallowed in some of the worst approval ratings without a care in the world. He, like Trump, screens out those who challenge them at events. His administration gleefully sent aid to Israel, blocked UN votes, and defended months of genocide without blinking. He’s a career politician - as people dead from Covid or at the southern border can attest due to Biden’s actions or lack thereof.

There’s no miserable for him, only all of us.

ljwrites ,
@ljwrites@writeout.ink avatar

@futurebird Making him regret everything while he serves as a meat shield against overt fascism seems like a richly deserved fate.

SanDiegoDana ,
@SanDiegoDana@mendeddrum.org avatar

@futurebird Cool!

Is there anyone down-ballot who you are going to vote for that you would like to promote? (I think we can all gain from encouraging those future better choices!)

MaggyWells ,
@MaggyWells@mastodon.social avatar

@futurebird I was with you till your last statement. Not helpful.

lolonurse ,
@lolonurse@ohai.social avatar

This November, I will vote for Joseph R Biden & Kamala Harris, of course!
I will vote for Kirsten Gillibrand for Senator, and I will vote for Pat Ryan for Congressman. 💙✊🏼🌊☮️

Blinxeto ,
@Blinxeto@mastodon.social avatar



ghast ,
@ghast@liberdon.com avatar

@futurebird Neat, commie traitor.

kwerle ,
@kwerle@ruby.social avatar

@futurebird Meh. It's not even October, yet. Too early to make decisions like this.

I remain optimistic that one or both the current likely candidates will die or be imprisoned before then and we'll have better choices.

Hope springs eternal!

faassen ,
@faassen@fosstodon.org avatar


First past the post really sucks.

That said, proportional representation doesn't always produce great outcomes. Last Dutch elections were disastrous. Our extreme right is so far mired in coalition negotiation politics, which is better than straight up power, though Weimar shows us, it is not any guarantee.

Markovian ,
@Markovian@mastodon.online avatar

>in the future we shall have them.

How? By what mechanism?

By voting for Biden you not only endorse genocide, you tell the Democrats yet again that all they need to get your vote is a boogeyman.

So you won't get better choices - you'll get more monsters like Biden and more boogeymen like Trump to keep you voting for them.

You've been in an iterative prisoner's dilemma for decades and you've taught the democrats they never have to hit 'cooperate' because you always will.

joncruz ,
@joncruz@mstdn.social avatar

@futurebird saw a good Tok Tok summarizing this in 3 parts with actions to address them

  1. "voting doesn't work" [we don't know, we've haven't actually tried]
  2. State Congress and Governor
  3. US Congress and President.

Very good Adam Conover style content and information


Subumbral ,
@Subumbral@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

@futurebird My vote won't tip Oregon, but I want to be part of the popular vote anyway.

dougfir ,
@dougfir@mastodon.social avatar

I feel like people complaining about stuff President Biden has done or not done don't understand the limits on presidential authority.
Don't like the fact that Biden has not forgiven all student loans? Maybe you should have helped elect Gore because we lost the Supreme Court with Bush. Bush also pushed through changes to the bankruptcy laws, so you can't discharge student loans now, no matter how bad your financial situation is.

noodle ,
@noodle@aus.social avatar

@futurebird What are your thoughts on campaigning for preferenial voting? As an outsider looking in, a lot of the issues people have with voting dem could be solved by it, and it seems vaguely plausible to implement under a dem government (but unlikely under republicans). Yet it is rarely mentioned when people yell about why they're not voting democrat.

cam ,
@cam@hachyderm.io avatar

@futurebird why Florida, a state the democrats have largely abandoned in ground game and funding, with worsening results to match?

vvandinsky ,
@vvandinsky@universeodon.com avatar

@futurebird By the same token, any Democrat who votes for Biden in the primary has no soul.

Rayston ,

@futurebird The Democratic party is basically holding us hostage.at.this point. Complete with stockholm syndrome.

Still gonna vote for the man though.

Jennifer ,
@Jennifer@bookstodon.com avatar

@futurebird I live in Tennessee and because of the electoral college it doesn't matter who i vote for. I am not voting for Biden unless he makes some very serious changes soon. To me genocide is the most evil and horrendous crime that can be committed in this world and I will not support someone who is using my tax dollars to fund it. If I lived in a swing state I don't know what I'd do. We deserve so much better.

jumile ,
@jumile@mas.to avatar

@futurebird Agreed. Sadly, the only option in a broken electoral system is to vote for the least worst option. (Same here in the UK, with our first-past-the-post and "you only get to vote for your local representative. The latter also allows for tactical voting here.)

They'll see it as a reward or, worse, a declare a "mandate" to do whatever they like, but it's this or gifting the win to the far worse option.

Protest votes, spoiled ballots or not voting is bonkers in such a broken system.

lin11c ,
@lin11c@toad.social avatar

Absolutely! There is zero excuse to not vote for Biden. If you don't, it means you are a selfish privileged asshole or very very ignorant as to what the stakes are. It's not , it's the evil billionaire like Koch and Thiel pulling his strings.

incoherentmumblings ,

How do you think your action works towards better choices?

Amoshias ,

@futurebird here's the problem - and it's not a reason to not vote for biden, it's just not something I know any way out of.

We are now in a position where at any point, if the Republican wins, democracy in the United States will end.

I'm not sure how you get better candidates you when the choice is "vote for whoever we put up with or accept fascism."

futurebird OP ,
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar


It might not end totally, we might make it out, but it will be ugly and consume the energy and resources of people who are already overextended and who have the least to get back out.

It's not certain doom it's but why would anyone want to make this any harder than it already is ... that is beyond me. It's like someone spitting in your face.

idlestate ,
@idlestate@mastodon.sdf.org avatar


even in safer states, it can be crucial to vote because of the Congressional races

the '22 mid-term elections typically would have been a shoo in for the Republicans, but as it happens they just barely pulled out their thin majority in the House, & only then by winning races in places like NY 19th that includes at least 4 college towns I can think of off the top of my head: Ithaca (Cornell) & SUNY campuses in Binghamton, Cortland, Oneonta

makeitmythic ,
@makeitmythic@mastodon.social avatar

@futurebird when is the future

Methylcobalamin ,
@Methylcobalamin@mastodon.social avatar


I skipped the "uncommitted" option on my primary ballot and gladly voted for President Biden.

This November I will gladly vote for President Biden and vote Blue down ballot.

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