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jjjalljs ,

I had fun with my warlock familiar, Vincenzo. He had the "Vincenzo Special" where he'd invisibly fly up to someone in combat and rip one straight from the depths of hell to flavor his Hell action. I'm still a little bit a teenage boy I guess.

jjjalljs ,

This is partly because the apps suck (because of capitalism/profit motive) and partly because we all suck.

Many people of all genders won't do better than "hey". And then complain that they're not having good experiences. Sometimes it's garbage in, garbage out, my dudes.

I also get a lot of weird dead ends. Their profile will be like "I love elden ring". You'll be like "elden ring is a masterpiece! Did you play the new expansion yet?" They'll be like "no". End of messages. My dude. That's not how this works. In real life, fine, maybe you can give a short answer and see what they do, read some body language. But in an asynchronous text only communication? That's not pulling your weight. And if you're not actually interested, just unmatch. If you don't have time , don't reply at all. It's async. Come back later.

Maybe some of these people match with each other and are very happy with "what's up?" "nm u?" "Im good" forever.

jjjalljs ,

Language is what is spoken/written.

I don't think any serious linguists are prescriptivists.

There are agreed upon standards for some contexts (eg: academic papers, newspaper articles, legal texts) but for casual conversation that doesn't really apply.

jjjalljs ,

I imagine if you had a lot of competition, prices might stay lower. But the reality is that monopolies or cartels or whatever will form

jjjalljs ,

Adams sucks and it's embarrassing that people here elected him.

jjjalljs ,

the only way to protect kinds (like little me) is to block the porn.

This is false.

Parents have a number of options available to them that do no need to involve the state.

jjjalljs ,

Healthy parenting would go a long way. See some of the other comments in this thread.

You can also have settings on your local network. If you're afraid of your kid casually finding something inappropriate, you can set that up stuff locally without involving the government. A determined kid will still find a way to get stuff, so this is more a safeguard against accidental discovery.

Investing in quality education would also benefit everyone.

jjjalljs ,

This has come up a few times and I agree: I vastly prefer text in most cases.

However! I learned that something like half of US adults cannot read at a 6th grade level.

Everyone here, on a heavy text based forum, is probably able to read English. But for a lot of people who probably aren't going to post here, reading can be stressful, frustrating, and embarrassing.

So that sucks. We should probably be investing in education instead of whatever idiocy venture capital is setting on fire this week.

jjjalljs ,

I don't think this is a safe assumption. The victim may not have free access to hardware. The police/etc may not believe them. They may be afraid of being murdered if they try to record something. Just off the top of my head.

You can read "why does he do that?" by Lundy Bancroft for fascinating and depressing information about abuse. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/224552.Why_Does_He_Do_That_Inside_the_Minds_of_Angry_and_Controlling_Men

jjjalljs ,

I was just talking about this yesterday with a friend. They're a writer with a few small published things, but they can't do it full time because they're barely scraping by with work.

jjjalljs ,

Suburbs are expensive, inefficient, and bad for the environment

This is what I'm always saying! Car-centric spaces are also bad socially. They're dehumanizing. You want people walking around if you want a community, and having a strong community is good in many ways.

jjjalljs ,

My grandfather had one of these! I really enjoyed mowing my grandparents' lawn with it as a child.

jjjalljs ,

Conservatives. They're some combination of stupid, ignorant, and evil.

jjjalljs ,

Yeah I don't think this covers externalized costs

jjjalljs ,

I don't think individual anecdotes are that useful here. For example, a dude I worked with reported his old boss was extremely racist and made all sorts of hiring decisions based on race and stereotypes. Is that common? You'd have to find or do some studies to find out.

That's not even touching implicit bias and friends. Perhaps when the white guy is late it's traffic, but when the black guy is late it's because he's irresponsible. That kind of thinking happens all the time, to all of us.

Colorado Republican Brutally Grilled By Local News Anchor: ‘Why Is Abortion Good For Your Girlfriend? Bad For Other Women?’ ( www.mediaite.com )

Colorado congressional candidate and sitting State Rep. Richard Holtorf (R) received a tough grilling this week at the hands of local 9News anchor Kyle Clark over his apparent hypocrisy when it comes to abortion rights....

jjjalljs ,

In groups to protect, outgroups to bind. That seems to be all conservatism is.

jjjalljs ,

I'm pretty sure rejecting facts based on partisanship, political ideology, religion, of cultural values can easily qualify you for being stupid.

On the other hand, the us has done idiotic things to tarnish it's reputation in the past.

jjjalljs ,

I mean I assume they had like metal detectors and stuff. You probably can't pay $500 to go to a fancy dinner and just shoot a supreme Court justice. Right? Someone would've already done that.

jjjalljs ,

Normally I'd say something like "nothing will change until conservatives suffer personally", but lots of kids have been shot and that didn't do it. So I don't know man.

Florida Governor DeSantis rejects climate change rationale for record-breaking rain ( wapo.st )

At this point, it's fairly common for significant rainfall events to have attribution studies showing that they're a result of the higher temperatures that fossil fuel burning has given us. Whether or not we end up with one for this particular event, it's something that we know will be more common if we keep on extracting and...

jjjalljs ,

DeSantis is a dangerous idiot that should be removed from power.

jjjalljs ,

The main problem is it can't be trivially based on income. You have to figure out how to tax things like stock and "I got a low interest loan from the bank". Things that aren't a check your employer sends you every two weeks.

Probably taxing unrealized gains would do it? If you own stock that's worth a shit load of money, you pay something.

I think people also use stock as a collateral to get loans. That should probably not be a thing you can do to avoid taxes.

Also there probably shouldn't be a marriage tax break. I'm pretty sure that came from some rich asshole who didn't want to pay taxes, so he said half his income was his stay at home wife's to lower his burden. There's a book "the whiteness of wealth" that talks about this, and how it tends to help white people more than anyone else.

jjjalljs ,

I think you can change stuff around the legal definition of marriage and family separately from the tax break part. I'm not an expert, but if you're interested in this sort of thing I recommend "The Whiteness of Wealth": https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/591671/the-whiteness-of-wealth-by-dorothy-a-brown/

From another article about it: https://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2021/05/17/us-taxes-dorothy-brown

Marriage puts the issue front and center, she says. Most married Americans receive a tax cut, “but there is a significant minority of Americans, when they get married, they pay higher taxes,” she says. “Well, as it turns out, if you look at Census Bureau data, which actually does provide this information by race, you see white married couples are more likely to contribute income … that leads to them getting a tax cut.”

However, Black married couples are more likely to contribute income to the household in a way that leads to higher taxes, Brown says.

For example, “let's say someone makes $50,000. As a single person, their taxes are going to be a certain rate,” she says. “But as a married person with a single wage earner, that $50,000 household is going to wind up paying less taxes than that single wage earner had they remained single.”

Census Bureau data shows single wage-earning families are more likely to be white than Black, she says. For example, many of these types of single wage-earning families consist of a working white man — a person who statistically holds a higher paying job than any other identity, she says — and a woman who stays home with the children.

“On the other hand, the couple where both spouses are working full time and contributing roughly equal amounts to household income, they don't get a tax cut,” she says. “That couple is more likely to be Black than white.

jjjalljs ,

Conservatives have bad ideas about nearly everything. They should under no circumstances be allowed to have any power. I'd even say they're an existential threat to the US and the rest of humanity.

It's far past time to stop treating them as just folks with a different opinion. This is not "oh well they wanted to paint the bedroom walls green and I wanted blue."

Someone announcing themselves a conservative should be taken as a declaration of a threat. Removing them from power is self defense.

jjjalljs ,

What word would you prefer? I considered "Republicans" but that doesn't catch people outside the US. "Contemporary Republicans or people who would vote for them" isn't very catchy

jjjalljs ,

Is it the "only Democrats have agency" thing? Democrats are responsible for their choices but Republicans, they're just like a fire that burns man it doesn't know what it's doing.

jjjalljs ,

Friend of mine never got their driver's license. They live in NYC and don't need one. They also were concerned about safety- they have ADHD and are prone to inattentiveness, and they didn't want to be driving a car when that manifested.

I have a license but I also live in NYC. I don't need to drive. It's pretty great. It's expensive in time money space and externalized costs, and it's often less effective than just taking public transit.

Unfortunately most of the US is resistant to investing in mass transit and density, so it's going to be shitty car-first spaces for a while.

jjjalljs ,

Yeah I'm always annoyed when I find it. I usually just want the official docs or SO, but seo garbage rises to the top.

jjjalljs ,

A lot of people are operating on a mostly emotional level. The words are after-the-fact justifications for what they feel. And most of what they feel is ingroups to protect, outgroups to bind.

jjjalljs ,

I do it to the subway doors sometimes. At least once it made someone laugh pretty hard, which was nice.

jjjalljs ,

NK jemisin is great but that's not the topic 🤔

jjjalljs ,

I really liked The Dispossessed.

The ones who walk away from omelas is a classic and very short.

The wizard of Earth Sea books are pretty okay.

jjjalljs ,

A verbal secret passphrase to identify yourself to your family would be pretty smart.

jjjalljs ,

Trump appears to be fundraising off of his hush-money pre-sentencing interview on Monday

Republicans are stupid. Unfortunately, they're not quite too stupid to live. They might drag us all down with them, though.

jjjalljs ,

The intersection of "people pleaser" + "inability to accurately imagine the future" + "low social energy" seems to be a vicious and common hell for some folks. They say yes to invites because they want to please the other person, and imagine they'll totally be up for it, but when the moment arrives they don't have the juice for it.

There's probably other ways to have this problem, but that's how a few friends have described it.

jjjalljs ,

The rational definition of conservatism is the maintaining of the status quo. No radical change. Don’t rock the boat.

As a political philosophy, it’s boring. It’s safe. Just keep things the way they are.

If the way things are is cruel and unjust, then what is it to fight to maintain that state of things?

Outside of a utopia, "keep things as they are" is unlikely to be the highest of moral grounds.

jjjalljs ,


A man said to the universe:
“Sir, I exist!”
“However,” replied the universe,
“The fact has not created in me
A sense of obligation.”

Written in like the 1890s. So straight forward. Feels modern.

jjjalljs ,

I know pre 1.x.x is kind of a wild west for versioning but uh is there any logic to the version numbers here? I'd think a new feature would be a minor version bump, not patch

jjjalljs ,

Wow those people are scum bags. They call it "so called climate change"

jjjalljs ,

You have discovered sturgeon's law. 90% of everything is crap. Judging a medium or genre by the crap isn't useful.

jjjalljs ,

I'm not trying to be obtuse but I'm not following.

In the example I gave, is the guy going to repair the window out of the goodness of his heart?

jjjalljs ,

So if someone asks me to do a thing for them, I can only do it when working in an official professional capacity, or through unofficial favor exchanges?

jjjalljs ,

That "whatever you want" is immediately going to turn into tokens, which are currency. That's almost certainly how it happened originally.

"I'll do this for you if you give me some shiny rocks, then I can go to the city and trade them for a cool hat" or whatever.

jjjalljs ,

Because I don't want anything you have, but trying to build a whole barter chain where we trade everything in sequence until everyone gets something they want is wildly impractical. As described in my first example.

And yes, today I pay a dude money and he does the thing. I don't have to clean his gutters so he'll agree to knit me a sweater.

Why do you think money came to be originally?

jjjalljs ,

If you go all the way to the start of this thread, it began with "Money shouldn’t exist. Hope that helps!". So that's what I'm arguing against. Money will be reinvented because it serves a very real purpose.

Also if something happens 1% of the time you still have to account for it.

And "I can do the thing. I don't really enjoy it. For some incentive, I'll do it" is more than 1% of what's happening in life.

jjjalljs ,

Money predates capitalism. The reasons why it was originally invented remain. Once your favors have any complexity at all, someone's going to have the obvious idea of "why don't we abstract this?"

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