@sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al avatar



Born and raised in London. Just a normal guy with a moral compass.

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sabreW4K3 ,
@sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al avatar

Those icons are terrible.

sabreW4K3 ,
@sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al avatar

Just not a fan of them, they feel kinda iOS to me. That doesn't take away from the awesomeness of the ROM though.

sabreW4K3 ,
@sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al avatar

I like dark mode, but not black. In fact there's plenty of research available that mentions how poor white text on a black background is. Coupled with the font and yuck! Good luck to them though.

sabreW4K3 OP ,
@sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al avatar

Just the other day, me and @rottingleaf "designed" a new messenger to combat things like this: https://lazysoci.al/comment/9619656

sabreW4K3 OP ,
@sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al avatar

I'm surprised that Slack beat Discord to it.

But yeah, you're right. We need to invest our time, energy and support into self hosted solutions.

sabreW4K3 OP ,
@sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al avatar

I think that's the issue. We're all so used to the idea of free storage and we're not cognizant of the consequences. If we start holding some of our chips in our own hands, all these corporations won't be able to sell us out and abuse us so easily.

Also thank you!

sabreW4K3 ,
@sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al avatar

Further helping the Chinese? Come TF on and get real. When did America ever help China? In fact when did America help anyone? America got greedy and has sucked all of the possible profit they could from American industry, when they decided to outsource it.

It started off as raw materials and then became wholesale manufacturing and China quickly became very good at making all the things you felt you were too good to make and then became very good at the things you needed them to make and now they're just all round very good at doing all the things that you stopped doing so a handful of executives could have a larger bonus.

Help the Chinese? You're drowning in your own shit and demanding China save you like you're doing them a favour. America, the UK, let's just say, the West in general needs China more than China needs us and its because of greedy CEOs and politicians who only see things in the short term. The idea that you're helping China is your propaganda, it's not reality.

sabreW4K3 ,
@sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al avatar

Without Western outsourcing, China would be economically like North Korea.


I have a feeling you're on of those guys that thinks NK is Wakanda, though, so maybe that's not as useful an analogy as I'd hope.

Ad hominem attacks, really?! Have a good day.

sabreW4K3 OP ,
@sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al avatar

I like the idea of doing this at the grid level. Especially if locally you have heat pumps on all houses, so it's really just topping up.

sabreW4K3 OP ,
@sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al avatar

+90% efficiency. It drops when converting to electricity.

sabreW4K3 OP ,
@sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al avatar

The video shows a commercial application with +60% RTE.

sabreW4K3 ,
@sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al avatar

I remember I used to use Winamp then Sonique then Foobar 2000 and that's when I switched to Linux.

sabreW4K3 ,
@sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al avatar

Yep, the press release says opening the source code. It also says they're inviting developers to contribute.

sabreW4K3 ,
@sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al avatar

I'm assuming that they don't have enough revenue to continue paying developers, so they're trying to find free labour and this is the last gasp attempt to keep WinAmp alive.

sabreW4K3 ,
@sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al avatar

Google under Sundar Pichai is a terrible company that only succeeds based on its size and monopoly. Let's be honest, they're saying that search results will become secondary as they push their service. How do you, as a CEO and board, sign off on an idea that kills most of your (ad) revenue pursuing something that you haven't even figured out how to monetize? Make it make sense.

sabreW4K3 ,
@sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al avatar

Rather than raise tariffs, wouldn't it be better to increase standards?

sabreW4K3 ,
@sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al avatar

Rather than make it more expensive to import cheap solar panels, wouldn't it be better to make the required standards more stringent. That way, if China makes tonnes of high quality cheap solar panels, US consumers can still buy them cheap while being assured of their quality.

Concurrently, the US manufacturers can figure out how to reduce costs to compete.

It just seems to me that artificially increasing prices doesn't do very much except line the pockets of authorities and hurt the average person trying to be more green.

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  • sabreW4K3 ,
    @sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al avatar

    Google said, "yo, we heard you liked search, so we gave you AI with a slither of search and we will ram it down your throat until you feel like you can't live without it, because walled gardens are the best and we can't figure out a way to trap you in ours" 🥴

    sabreW4K3 ,
    @sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al avatar

    Google will be sued again by the big publications and will pay out. But little independent publications will die as people get used to not leaving the search engine.

    sabreW4K3 OP ,
    @sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al avatar

    The beauty of QAZWSX, or a modern machine learning backed fuzzy typing layout is that you don't have to learn it. You roughly press where you would ordinarily and the "AI" does the rest and figures out what you were trying to say.

    sabreW4K3 OP ,
    @sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al avatar


    sabreW4K3 OP ,
    @sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al avatar

    Why was this downvoted? I wasn't aware that shower thoughts had to be popular opinions.

    sabreW4K3 OP ,
    @sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al avatar

    I didn't know keyboard layouts were considered software. My bad!

    sabreW4K3 OP ,
    @sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al avatar

    I'll check when I go downstairs.

    sabreW4K3 OP ,
    @sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al avatar

    I totally forgot. But I'm in front of my TV now. Sadly I can't test. It won't let me into the app unless I log in.

    sabreW4K3 OP ,
    @sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al avatar

    How did it go?

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