@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar



Synth noodling conceptual artist

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adam_y ,
@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar

It's 1994. The Bosnian-Serbian conflict is still raging. Some cool dude from the UN peace keepers thinks it would be good to have a concert.

He contacts Bruce Dickinson and says, "wanna play a much needed gigin a warzone?"

Bruce says, "yes".

Here's the documentary.


adam_y , (edited )
@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar

You can't defund social welfare programmes without defunding the arts first. To defund healthcare you have to defund the arts. To defund schools, you first have to defund the arts.

You know where this is going.

The arts are the canary and it is lying dead at the bottom of the cage.

adam_y OP ,
@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar

This was the video that caused me to post:


adam_y OP , (edited )
@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar

Yes totally, but counter to that there are still an awful lot of places where internet is borderline dialup and access to information is still primarily text based. Furthermore, translating text under these conditions is considerably easy than translating audio.

Investing in education on a global level, as opposed to a US level is a question of access and infrastructure.

adam_y OP ,
@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar

I blame cooking blogs for introducing this bloat.

"First let me tell you a little about my relationshio with cinnamon... It all started 40 years ago whilst I was..."

adam_y OP ,
@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar

Seconded on round keys.

adam_y ,
@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar

Yup, needs are approx 115% of my budget, but thanks for insinuating it is me that's being shit with maths.

(And in before the "live within your means" crowd... I was doing until my landlord doubled my rent and they started having to put anti-theft devices on packs of butter).

adam_y ,
@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, no.

Newton was such a complex human. He seemed capable of holding many, sometimes opposing beliefs, at the same time.

Newton's conception of the physical world provided a model of the natural world that would reinforce stability and harmony in the civic world. Newton saw a monotheistic God as the masterful creator whose existence could not be denied in the face of the grandeur of all creation.

There's even a Wikipedia page dedicated to his religious beliefs.


If you are into learning about him there's also a rather good read, The Janus Faces of Genius, by Betty Jo Teeter Dobbs, that looks into his occult work.

Furthermore, for the sake of complexity, we can look into how, when he was the warden of the mint, he became responsible for the deaths of 19 people. He turned a largely ceremonial role into a task force, chasing down forgers and sentencing them to death.

adam_y ,
@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar

Petition to edit all textbooks, renaming Newton as THE Motion Guy.

adam_y ,
@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar

Hi, I'm Issac Newton, you might remember me from... The motions.

adam_y ,
@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar

Aye, and it sounds like it.

It's perfect in its corny hyperbolic horror spook schlock.

It's not war and peace.

Can you even imagine a case where someone spends note than an hour writing this stuff?

...Dave, I've slaved for weeks on this short two minute monologue that cribs from most every "horror" show out there?

adam_y ,
@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar

Love how this story grows arms and legs. It was actually a Jimmy Carr joke that folk pretend was real.


adam_y ,
@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar

The comment section of that video demonstrates why many people ate put off by the Linux community.

Sure, the guy made a bad call on manjaro, but the weird smug comments and toxicity as a response seems disproportionate.

The arch userbase pretending they did something more difficult than follow a recipe.

adam_y ,
@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar

Really, which scientists?

adam_y ,
@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar

Dunno, just feels like a vague statement with no real evidence.

Sort of like, "you wouldn't know my girlfriend, she goes to a different school".

adam_y ,
@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar

The European tally line diagonal from top left to bottom right feels wrong.

I usually see it the other way. https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/22324039-7045-4bff-8182-fe1a707281ae.jpeg

adam_y ,
@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar

Looks to me as if all the ghosts have been busted.

adam_y ,
@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar

I mean this in the most positive way... I don't believe you until you can show us how you did it

The image is lovely, but easily faked. I've been taking photographs with weird things for years and I still can't get my head around this.

Show and tell and you have my adoration.

I'll wait


"> For sure.

It’s a canon Lide 30 scanner at its core. You have to remove the light source (a tiny RGB LED) and a pinhole array from the front of the sensor. Then I used a dremel to widen the slit the sensor looks through, to deal with some pretty severe vignetting. The optical assembly is made from foam board, gaffers tape and an acrylic lens liberated from a regular magnifying glass. I use a software called VueScan to perform the actual scan."

Yeah. That's pretty cool. Have the adoration you crafty fox.

adam_y ,
@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar

Get yourself into photography. You don't need anything expensive, if you have a phone camera, that will do.

Document the strange and interesting things in your environment. The people, the architecture.

It gets you out of the house a mission per day. It gives you a goal.

adam_y ,
@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar

Genuinely, if it helps you feel better, you are always welcome to share your photos with me and tell me about them.

adam_y ,
@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar

Yes, do this if you want your work to have the same feel as every other writer who runs their work through an llm.

adam_y ,
@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar

Bucky has one purpose. It's the thoroughbred of not-spirits.

Best served warm and straight from the bottle to the back of the throat.

adam_y ,
@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar

This meme is a fine vintage, obviously shows some wear, but that's to be expected.

I have to ask how you came across this meme? Has it been in your family long?

Now, I know you wouldn't want to part with it but for the sake of insurance we'd value this at... 100 meme points.

adam_y ,
@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar

Ah, it has sentimental value. Can't put a meme point price on that.

adam_y ,
@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar

Feels very Black Mirror to me. Not a bad thing at all.

adam_y ,
@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar

Here's a thing. Yes. What you say is true... But when you have legitimate paying jobs that demand recent experience in retail, then this sort of thing becomes attractive to people that just want a fucking job.

Don't blame people for doing this, blame the system for making them feel like they have to.

Near-flawless quantum teleportation demonstrated in groundbreaking experiment ( studyfinds.org )

TURKU, Finland — Beam me up, Scotty! In a study that seems straight out of a “Star Trek” episode, an international team of researchers has achieved a remarkable feat in the realm of quantum teleportation. They have successfully conducted near-perfect quantum teleportation despite the presence of noise that typically...

adam_y ,
@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar

Going to need a little more than "near-flawless" before I step near one of those pads. Also, don't come at me with "it's safer than driving"... If I have a crash I just have to reassemble my limbs, not my entire atomic structure.

adam_y ,
@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar

Be cooler if the designer had figured a way to include the word ARPANET in their circle icon only design scheme.


adam_y ,
@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar

I mean they sent someone called "Eden Golan".

That would be like the English fielding a contestant called, "Paradise Belfast".

UN votes to back Palestinian membership, prompting Israeli envoy to shred charter ( www.theguardian.com )

The UN general assembly has voted overwhelmingly to back the Palestinian bid for full UN membership, in a move that signalled Israel’s growing isolation on the world stage amid global alarm over the war in Gaza and the extent of the humanitarian crisis in the strip. The move drew an immediate rebuke from Israel. Its envoy to...

adam_y ,
@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar

Wow, he must have really learned his lesson from the last 9 telling offs.

Which RSS aggregator do you use? I cannot seem to find one that works for me.

I cannot stand google news any more, too much spam, clickbait and advertisement. So I decided to try to selfhost an RSS aggregator to make myself a news feed that I would be comfortable with. Being RSS such an "ancient" thing I thought there will be many mature systems, but I'm not sure that's the case.....

adam_y ,
@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar

Seconded. I keep trying others. I tried feedly for a while. I also tried readyou (which I still keep on my phone)... But nothing comes as close to inoreader for doing what I want.

Also, I've learnt how to aggregate other feeds into a single feed to pass them into it to get around the 150 limit. Not ideal, but I'm cheap.

adam_y ,
@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar

Folk can't sit still in the dark while being entertained without having to eat a main course meal.

adam_y ,
@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar

I had good times with windows 7. It felt good.

But my heart was with the tonka-toy hot mess of XP and themed winamp skins.

One of the main reasons I bailed to Linux is that I got so bored of staring at 10s functional but personality-less interface (which struggled even within it's own constraints to provide a useable darkmode and a non-eye-searing bright mode).

And now I have simple, but human. It's like wearing a tailored suit rather than one off the rack, and in this drawn out analogy, I think XP was like having fun in the dress up box at the back of a charity store.

adam_y ,
@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar

And if you don't have a subscription/like leaping over paywalls.

archive.is link

adam_y ,
@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar

If you've got wood, you've got something to drink.

adam_y ,
@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar

I hear your Nan's just as high.

(When she climbs it)

adam_y ,
@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar

Yes neurotypical people all find the same things beautiful, they have a famous saying about beauty being in the eye of the beholder, which means just that.

adam_y ,
@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar

I'm betting they weren't around in the early 90s.
I mean... If we are talking any real sort of publicly available machinima, we must be talking about the start of YouTube.

Unless watching your mate, Gary, do that thing where he voiced over Zangief as if we was a WWF wrester counts.

adam_y ,
@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar

Right you are. They started in 2003 a full two years before YouTube and a solid four years after the 90s.

adam_y ,
@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar

You should read up on how Dick and his drug usage led to his own paranoia. This is practically a diary.

I also think you are confusing films made from his work with the actual work itself. To comment on the worlds Dick was creating you need to look at the text rather than adaptation that came decades after cyberpunk was already a thing (in some cases). An aesthetic veneer of cyberpunk works well with his narratives but not neccessarily with the writing style.

adam_y ,
@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar

I'm specifically talking about the difference in time between when he wrote the story and when that film was made.

That is, one is pre- the conception of cyberpunk as a formal genre and the other is very much post- it.

I wasn't attacking anything you said, and I'm sorry you interpreted it that way.

Also, I'm not saying anything about the quality of the films made of his work. I sort of agree with you. They make fine books, but film is a different form and requites different ways of exploring narrative. If anything his work acts as a good launching point to explore ideas in film, rather than acting as templates for a movie.

adam_y ,
@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar

It is a great step forward, but the barrier to entry is relatively high. You can sign up to substack for free and they take a cut of your profits (that most writers don't draw enough attention to earn.

Meanwhile ghost charges $9 a month, billed annually.

That's a significant barrier to anyone that can't afford to see if their writing will be popular and as long as that remains it will struggle to gain traction in the same way.

And yeah, I know you could host your own too, but again a price point and a technical barrier.

I like ghost, the interface and the ecology, but the truth is that it isn't going to attract the sort of vibrant, young community it needs if you have to stump up $108 just to see.

I think one of the great things about 2000s/early 2010s internet was the proliferation of free to use platforms like livejournal, blogger and WordPress. Sure there was a lot or jank, but I found some of my favourite writers back when they were scratching their name into the internet.

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