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Lemmeenym , (edited )

White maple is my go-to for projects I want to keep. I love how clean it is and the large curvy grain patterns. Titanium bits and saw blades help and getting your saw blade sharpened after a couple of large projects is a good idea but you're going to be burning through it a lot of the time even with high quality brand new cutting tools. I leave an 8th extra on and bring it down with a belt sander to deal with the burn marks. Downsize drill bits by one size and use a file for holes that you will be able to see into.

If you use reclaimed wood don't assume all of the metal has been removed. Sometimes nails and screws break instead of working out and that can be easy to miss especially for someone checking a large amount of wood. If a saw blade hits a nail you potentially have a very dangerous projectile. Run a magnet over the wood while you're marking your cuts to make sure. If you're going to be working with reclaimed wood a lot a wand style metal detector is a good investment.

Lemmeenym ,

So that if one works it's way out it doesn't fall onto your freshly spread glue or bounce into a spinning saw blade.

Lemmeenym , (edited )

Pecan is pretty dense so it will stand up to the elements better than most woods. It will require a good moisture barrier that should be regularly reapplied because water is outdoor wood's biggest weakness and if you use something with a UV protection added that will help.

I wouldn't use Pecan for outdoor furniture. No wood will stand up to the elements in the long term and you'll be doing lots of refinishing which is easier with a less dense wood. I like cedar or a furniture grade pine for outdoor projects. Cedar is exceptional at resisting moisture damage and they are both relatively cheap and easy to sand and refinish. Plus they are lighter and outdoor furniture gets moved around more. I save better woods and especially visually interesting woods like pecan for projects that I will give to someone or that I can pass down.

Edit: somehow moisture became moisturizer in the second sentence, edited to fix that.

Lemmeenym ,

She did something about the system. She defended it. On two occasions she opposed the release of people who had convictions overturned by demonstrating actual innocence to appellate courts on the basis of legal technicalities, in both cases her office argued that they had waited too long to file a petition to be released. Her office argued against the release of inmates eligible for parole after a federal court ruled that the extreme overcrowding in California prisons was cruel and unusual on the basis that releasing the prisoners would reduce prison labor.

She helped with a cover up of an employee at the state crime lab who falsified testing results. The truth came out after the employee was arrested for stealing drugs from the lab and hundreds of convictions were overturned. She defended a police detective that falsified a confession to coerce a defendant into accepting a plea deal. She opposed requiring police to use body worn cameras. She opposed legislation that would have required her office to review police shootings.

She consistently declined to investigate allegations of police and prosecutor misconduct including police shootings of unarmed people. Eventually she had to for the police, it got to the point that the justice department eventually stepped in to investigate an incident where a group of officers surrounded a mentally ill man with a steak knife and shot him 21 times after Harris refused to review the case. While she cooperated with the federal investigation into the police shooting, she backed the prosecutor who had his entire office removed from a case because of proven misconduct including hiding exonerating evidence.

Transition from litter box to doing business outdoors

We've got one cat 6months and the other 3months old, currently both using the litterbox. However we're going to move to a new house soon, and eventually try to transition them to getting used to doing their business outdoors instead of the litterbox. Does anyone have any tips or best practices for this transition?...

Lemmeenym ,

Pet cats that are allowed to roam outdoors are extremely destructive to local wildlife and live shorter lives. Cat should only be kept as indoor pets.


Lemmeenym ,
Lemmeenym ,

You don't think information about the effects of free roaming cats is relevant to a question about transitioning cats to outdoor roaming?

Lemmeenym ,

Chinese is a tough one but those restaurants that are just a counter and a table or two in the back of an ethnic grocery tend to be where the really good food is.

Lemmeenym ,

We used to have laws that decentralized control of media. An entity could only own a certain number of newspapers, tv stations, or radio stations. There were incentives for smaller news companies to insure that there was competition in each market. Congress kept chipping away at those laws letting larger companies buy up more and more of the market, allowing mergers that restricted competition. Now radio is nearly a monopoly, TV and newspapers are oligarchies. The Internet fell into an oligarchy disturbingly quickly.

The only way to get the media serving the people again is to break up the big companies and restore the guardrails that protected and supported small local companies.

Lemmeenym ,

A mix of both. I put up with less immaturity and am quickly becoming a "git off my lawn" type for people doing dangerous or disruptive things that they ought to know better than to be doing. At the same time I've gotten more patient in dealing with genuine mistakes and with people who lack knowledge or experience. Young kids, other adults, and most coworkers like me better now and I've been asked to take on a couple of mentoring roles. Teenagers and early 20s people in my neighborhood are starting to avoid me.

Lemmeenym ,

Just followed your link. I got an elephant that said something went wrong on their end.

Lemmeenym ,

Sounds like it would conflict with the ADA.

Lemmeenym ,

It would still be right. The test results are reported on a normalized curve so all measures of central tendency are all equal.

Lemmeenym ,

The US can and does set quality standards for products sold on its markets. This doesn't improve the quality of the cars sold in the US, it just makes them more expensive. It may even have the indirect effect of reducing the quality of vehicles sold in the US because increasing price instead of setting and enforcing quality and testing standards means lowering quality to maintain or increase profits is still an option.

Lemmeenym ,

Hexbear seems a little passive, they could be a little more aggressive in their interactions. Also they don't include enough random spam and shit posting when they find a thread they want to interact with. What's really sad though is that they only tend to engage with one or two representatives instead of sending every user on their server into the thread.

Lemmeenym ,

Why isn't IUI an an opinion for them? From a biological standpoint what's the difference between a sperm sample being used for IUI with a surrogate and IVF with a surrogate?

Lemmeenym ,

I'm confused about what's presented in the article. The article says that to qualify for IVF the couple must be unable to conceive through IUI and that this requirement prevents gay men from accessing IVF. In the article's conclusion it says that gay men can only have biological children through IVF. That doesn't appear to be true.


That organization says that it is an option for gay men to use a surrogate and have a biological child through IUI. It wasn't the only one I found when I searched, "can a gay male couple use IUI with a surrogate".

Gay couples should have insurance coverage for and access to infertility care but is it unreasonable for an insurance company to say that a simpler cheaper alternative that produces an equivalent result (IUI) must be ruled out before it will cover the more complex procedure (IVF)?

Where is the disconnect? Will the insurance not cover IUI unless the procedure is preformed on the insured? Why jump to IVF and dismiss the simpler procedure? Why make IVF specifically the center of the argument instead of infertility treatment in general?

Lemmeenym ,

The city requires people wanting to access IVF services to be infertile, which it defines as an inability to conceive through heterosexual sex or intrauterine insemination—a set of criteria which disqualifies only gay men.

It's the first sentence of the fifth paragraph, the article writes it out instead of abbreviating.

Yeah the procedure would be performed on the surrogate either way. Something's just not making sense to me. Since the couple the article is about have been to Drs and are living it and the complaint has already gone through a 2 year review process I assume that the article is just missing some important piece of info.

Lemmeenym ,

Egypt has the longest unbroken record of it's history. It may or may not have been the first civilization to begin keeping a written record of it's major events. The other 2 contenders are Mesopotamia and Sumer but most records from those are lost. Egypt's records were also lost but large portions have been rediscovered in burial tombs. Egypt began it's chronology (~3500BCE) at least a thousand years before China(~2500BCE).

Lemmeenym ,

Bringing an assault rifle to campus is only a suspension?

Lemmeenym ,

I say the CIA never had any meaningful domestic power. They were a convenient place for J Edgar Hoover to point at when he didn't want scrutiny on his agency and the secret nature of their work in addition to the considerable power of the FBI under Hoover kept them from defending themselves.

Lemmeenym ,

He was also Vice President to a very popular President immediately before being elected. I think that had more to do with his becoming President than his time as director of the CIA.

Lemmeenym ,

What's the difference between a lagoon and a big lake? The Cape is the small area of land jutting out into the water? How do you differentiate that from a small peninsula?

Lemmeenym ,

It's a really good topical antiseptic.

Lemmeenym ,

Distillation doesn't create alcohol, it concentrates alcohol. Fermentation creates alcohol and the hardest part about fermentation is waiting for it to finish.

Lemmeenym ,

Fermentation is unlikely to create something that will cause worse than mild stomach issues. For homemade alcohol to be really dangerous you have to distill it and distillation without a license is already a federal felony.

Lemmeenym ,

If the removal reason is that it wasn't marked NSFW do you restore the post if it is edited to be correctly flagged and the poster asks for it to be restored?

Lemmeenym ,

I guess I'm your person this week. I thought you had to create a new account to switch instances. The only time I've moved so far was from kbin.social to lemm.ee so I definitely had to but it's nice to know that if I want to move again I can keep the same account.

Lemmeenym ,

As a small silver lining, about a third of the Israeli aid package was humanitarian aid for Gaza.

Lemmeenym ,


That's his record of votes and proposed legislation for the current Congress.


That's a bill he supported in committee.

He has also worked with Sanders and Warren to convince Biden to expand debt relief granted through the executive branch. As far as congressmen go, he's a good one.

Lemmeenym ,

He's pro choice and proposed federal legislation to guarantee the right to both medication and surgical abortion and to require insurance to cover it. He has sponsored bills to protect IVF and other reproductive treatment, to give everyone paid sick leave specifically including parents taking leave to care for sick children, to expand Medicare to cover all citizens.

I'm not sure how much more he can support the right to bodily autonomy.

Lemmeenym , (edited )

Socrates answered this. If morality is objective or has an objective basis then it is necessarily independent from any God or god's.


Edit to add: If you're interested in the concept of an evil God in the context of Christian beliefs I recommend reading "Answer to Job" by Carl Jung. He doesn't exactly make the Christian God evil but ascribes moral failings to God and frames Jesus as the redemption of God instead of the redemption of man.

Lemmeenym ,

Honestly, I don't get it. I saw the total eclipse in '17 and I've seen a couple of partial eclipses and they weren't particularly exciting. I live about 10 min outside of the total eclipse path and I'm not even sure I'm going to walk outside for it. What am I missing? Why are people spending thousands of dollars to see it?

Lemmeenym ,

I'm in a similar position, middle aged, clear driving history for about 15 years, car's an '18. I pay ~$450 every 6 months with Progressive. Paying the whole amount up front gives me a good discount. If you can't do that size payment at once you can pay with PayPal credit and it should be no interest for 6 months so you can get the discount and still pay monthly.

Lemmeenym ,

I'm not convinced that Biden hasn't slowed down. Dude's old but his speaking style, history of gaffes, and his stutter makes it hard to really gage a change in his public speaking. I definitely don't think he's struggling nearly as much as Trump but ultimately I'm not sure how much difference it makes for how I will vote. Even if Biden was as bad as Trump he would be the better choice because he builds teams and listens to experts whereas Trump collects sycophants and listens to whoever best flatters his ego.

The job of the President is complex and involves dealing with incredible amounts of information. No one person can meaningfully process the amount of information Presidents get presented with everyday nor have the background to understand and properly contextualize the variety of types and sources of that information. The person that recognizes that they aren't experts on every subject and who builds teams of subject matter experts to help them process the information and make the most informed decisions possible will always be the better choice.

Lemmeenym ,

This required a huge amount of redesign and engineering, why didn't they design it to have an interchangeable battery? I know very little about the technical aspects of batteries and electric cars so maybe I'm underestimating the difficulty of designing interchangeable batteries for electric cars but it seems like electric race cars are a good place to develop the tech and would give them a better chance of competing with gas powered racing. In addition to that it seems like interchangeable batteries in consumer cars would solve a lot of the issues people have with electric cars.

Are housecats aware of how much bigger people are? ( feddit.de )

I’m wondering if cats think of us kind of like how a person thinks of a friendly bull: aware that they could easily kill us, but not necessarily afraid of them; or more like a large Dalmatian: they could fuck us up, but most of us don’t really think about that unless they’re being aggressive....

Lemmeenym ,

Making fight decisions based on "could I kill it" is a convenience of human technology. The ability to seclude ourselves during healing and medicine allowing us to avoid infection, heal faster, and heal from more serious wounds has skewed how we think about fighting. Most animals make fight decisions less on "can I kill it" and more on "how badly can it injure me".

Sure a human can kill a house cat, absent technology can the human do it without having the skin on an arm or leg shredded? Will the injuries be significant enough to make you unable to protect yourself from other predators? Will the injuries set up infection and kill you?

Cats are basically the perfect land predators. Even with their small size domestic cats are the most deadly and destructive hunters on earth.


They are ambush predators. They are really good at evaluating prey, identifying strengths and weaknesses, figuring out how, when, and if they should attack. Cats know whether or not they can win a fight. Cats will sometimes charge into fights they can't win, like attacking the bear, because they know that they can inflict damage and that the other animal is making a similar fight decision. The hyper aggression of a 10lb claw tornado flying toward a 200lb bear is usually enough to convince the bear that the fight isn't worth it.

Lemmeenym ,

They also got it in one day instead of the month and a half it really takes. And picked it up at the post office instead of receiving it in mail. And it was processed by the local post office instead of the State Department. I think you have good reason not to believe it.

Lemmeenym ,

Leaded paint has been used for at least a couple thousand years. Even if it doesn't have lead wood has to be sealed against moisture so any old furniture will have something on it and probably not more food safe options like a vegetable based oil or beeswax because those wear off more quickly and have to be reapplied fairly regularly. I would expect a form of lacquer before the mid 1900s and poly after that.

Lemmeenym ,

Reeds would be good for something like this, you can usually find dried bamboo pretty cheap at craft stores or in the garden section in spring.

Lemmeenym ,

Sunday's name doesn't have anything to do with Jesus. Rome took the seven day week from Egypt and renamed the days after the Roman model of the solar system. Sunday is named for the Sun.

Lemmeenym , (edited )

You are comparing apples to apples but I think there is an issue of scale. It's like the apples that are produced by the tree out back (Cuba) vs the apples that are produced by the little stand the vineyard keeps for their fall cider (US). I don't have a lot of fruit trees out back so the couple basket fulls that apple tree produces is a huge portion of my fruit production but the vineyard's couple ton of apples is only a small portion of their fruit production.

For rice, the largest rice crop Cuba has ever produced in a single season is estimated to be 465k tons in 03/04. The US produced 11m tons and exported 3m tons of rice last year.

Edit: overstated US rice production do to not noticing a unit difference.

Lemmeenym ,

They're afraid of another lawsuit. If they get sued for pushing lies related to the same topic the Dominion suit was about it's likely to cost them more than that one did.

Lemmeenym ,

I assume fantasy is also out based on the no sci-fi and no Stephen King request. That eliminates the majority of what I read.

How do you feel about true crime? In Cold Blood is a classic and a very engaging read. I'll Be Gone in the Dark is quite good and the killer had not been identified when the book was written. The Poisoner's Handbook gets into the origins of forensic science. The Blood of Emmett Till successfully presents Emmett Till is a human being while still framing his murder as the significant cultural event that it became. This last one is a bit controversial but If I Did It is very well written and very strange to read. The ghost writer's commentary adds to the book in very meaningful ways.

Lemmeenym ,

If fantasy is back in then Jim Butcher's Dresden Files series is very good. For a while Laurel Hamilton was my favorite modern author. I can recommend the first 9 books of the Anita Blake series. Unfortunately the further you get into the series the more mystery gets replaced with erotica. I didn't read the last couple of books she released in that series.

Lemmeenym ,

The chances of a call like that being legitimate are near zero regardless of the company. If you are not sure hang up anyway. Log into your account or call the company using a number from their website or something you know comes from the company like a billing statement.

If you haven't used the account in a decade you should probably close it so that you don't have to worry about scammers getting access to it.

Lemmeenym ,

Disclaimers: 1: I'm not from Indiana, I live one state down. 2: I don't have stats on hand, this is pretty much entirely anecdotal.

Banning carryout sales from restaurants is silly and ineffective. If someone wants single serve alcohol there are plenty of opportunities for it with or without restaurant carryout. I worked in a drive thru package sales store for a couple of years and sold plenty of single serve bottles of beer, premixed drinks, and liquor. We kept a nice selection of all of those in the big cooler so that we could sell it cold. Gas stations do the same thing with a smaller selection. All banning restaurant carryout drinks does is make it mildly more inconvenient and cost restaurants some revenue.

Restaurant drinks are expensive. Happy hour makes them a bit cheaper but still significantly more expensive than packaged sales. Happy hour may contribute to the problem for social alcoholics but it's far from the cheapest or most dangerous form of social drinking. Restaurant drinking has a safety net because restaurants that serve alcohol have a legal responsibility to limit the amount that their patrons consume and police regularly sit outside looking for drunk drivers. Focusing on happy hour at the legislative level is picking the low hanging fruit and isn't going to achieve much more than hurting restaurants.

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