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bobburger ,

How did you come to the conclusion that OP doesn't understand how electricity works?

bobburger ,

Finally, now get to work reverse engineering this marvel so we can use their own technology against them!

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • bobburger ,

    Is this some kind of weird market research?

    bobburger ,

    I feel like you shouldn't ask your friends to put their lies in writing.

    bobburger ,

    Biden's sanctions on solar panels from China has resulted in protected monopolies jacking up costs.

    This claim is not supported by the article in any fashion.

    Summary from the article:

    Clean Energy Associates released a summary of the seven solar module trade policies and solar panel import tariffs currently in place, including AD/CVD rulings, Section 201/302, and the Uyghur Protection Act. These tariffs have significantly increased, or will increase, the cost of hardware imports into the United states – predominantly from China, but not exclusively – by 91% to 286%

    The article addresses how the tariffs are expected to increase the prices of solar panels imported from various countries.

    This seems like yet another blatant misrepresentation of facts as part of OPs aggressive voter suppression campaign to make Joe Biden look bad in order to help Donald Trump get elected.

    bobburger ,

    This Git repo has a list of hidden ESPN APIs that might be useful for automatically pulling data.

    bobburger ,

    A GitHub user named pzc163 posted a lengthy thread highlighting the similarities. They specifically noted how Llama3V had copied significant code, formatting and other elements. They also noted that the two models gave many of the same answers, including making the same mistakes.

    bobburger ,

    I think this is a sarcastic post so I'm going to up vote it.

    It does however seem like something a tankie would believe without questioning and then spread like gospel, so I'm conflicted.

    bobburger ,

    They died because they protested in a state capitalist dictatorship?

    bobburger ,

    Disinformation campaigns don't necessarily need to come up with new rhetoric, they just need to normalize it so that it appears more acceptable to some people. Amplifying and normalizing this sort of thing among certain groups helps to solidify their views and further radicalize them.

    It's like any other form of advertising, you try to find something that sticks then beat it to death. Then you find something else, and repeat the process. In this case the antisemitic rhetoric is still unfortunately effective.

    bobburger ,

    I got you

    From [Wikipedia] ('_prison) about debtors prison:

    In 1963, members of the Council of Europe, an intergovernmental human rights organization based in Strasbourg, adopted the Protocol No. 4 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Article 1 of the protocol states that "no one shall be deprived of his liberty merely on the ground of inability to fulfil a contractual obligation." Currently, 42 states have ratified the protocol.[74]

    Article about cash bail reform

    I'm not sure if either of these apply to international flight risks.

    Maybe a better option would be to seize British passports and place offenders on a no fly list.

    bobburger ,

    From the BBC "live" coverage of the proposal

    Netanyahu releases statement

    A statement has just been released from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office.

    It says he has authorised the Israeli negotiating team to "present an outline" for achieving the release of all hostages.

    However, the statements goes on to say the war in Gaza will not end until all goals - including the "elimination" of Hamas's armed wing and organisational capacities - are achieved.

    It continues: "The exact outline proposed by Israel, including the conditional transition from stage to stage, allows Israel to maintain these principles."

    bobburger ,

    I'm not sure what the exact proposal is but it seems like Israel is saying the ceasefire allows them to achieve their objective while ceasing hostilities.

    I'm skeptical Netanyahu won't break the ceasefire as soon as it's politically advantageous, but we'll see.

    bobburger ,

    This is pretty interesting. This topic was discussed ad nauseum when it happened, there's even a cross post that's over a month old with 280 upvotes and 50 comments.

    But on my feed post is showing as less than an hour old, and appears in at least 3 other communities for me.

    Also the headline of the actual article is:

    House passes bill to expand definition of antisemitism amid growing campus protests over Gaza war

    Nowhere in the article does it mention making "Gaza genocide protests illegal". I think misrepresenting the contents of the article and changing the headline could very well explain why the posts was removed from another community.

    Netanyahu and Putin are both waiting for Trump ( )

    Netanyahu reportedly met this month with three foreign policy envoys working with former president and current presidential candidate Donald Trump — who could yet win the election despite being convicted Thursday on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in his New York state hush money case....

    bobburger ,

    I'm not sure how this is gas lighting.

    Here's the Wikipedia article so we can make sure we're using the same vocabulary.

    bobburger ,

    You not only seem to be misunderstanding gas lighting still but also the messaging around the economy and the response to the Gaza invasion.

    Fun fact: the economy can be doing great and poor people can still exist. Let that doozy sink in.

    Another neat one: the Biden administration can want peace in Israel but not be willing to destroy the relationship we have with that country, alienate a huge portion of Biden voter, or destroy the political capital he has in order to get peace.

    bobburger ,

    Looks like you didn't read the definition of gas lighting either. Once again you're making broad claims on a gross misunderstanding of the facts.

    bobburger ,

    Bazinga, pwnd another lib!

    bobburger ,

    I don't think this is a fascist power grab. Benny Gantz is a centrist and a one of the main opposition leaders to Netanyahu.

    This part is pretty well documented and agreed upon by political experts:

    He's been loudly advocating for a "day after plan" for the War in Gaza, i.e. what is the actual plan for Israels invasion and what are we going to do when it's done? The day after plan is something Netanyahu has refused to provide. Many speculate that he hasn't provided it because his plan is full occupation of Gaza and making it fully part of the Israeli state.

    This part is conjecture and maybe wishful thinking on my part:

    Netanyahu refuses to end the war so that he can stay in power. I think that Gantz recognizes the great international harm that the invasion of Gaza has done to Israel, which will only get worse until the invasion is over and Israel withdraws from Gaza. Gantz sees this as an opportunity make himself prime minister, end the invasion, and start some sort of peace process. This would allow him to start rebuilding Israels reputation and finding ways to establish a more stable peace.

    bobburger ,

    I'll try to clear it up a little.

    Here's a recent poll showing that support for ending the invasion into Gaza isn't widely supported

    There's a lot of risk to Biden's election chances if he withdraws his support for Israel, probably more risk than if he maintains his current actions. So withdrawing his support for Israel isn't the clear cut winning decision that you seem to think it is.

    Your threat of withholding your vote for Joe Biden unless he changes policy to match what you want will most likely result in Joe Biden losing the election. If he changes course and withdraws support as you want then he'll probably lose more voters than he gains, costing him he election. If he stays the course and you don't vote for Joe Biden he's likely to lose the election.

    bobburger ,

    Edit2: Income inequality was drastically reduced after the communist parties came to power:

    Are you talking about the 10-15 years after the revolutions? That chart shows that today China has income inequality similar to that of pre-1900 China, and higher income inequality than France, Sweden, and the UK. Even more interesting, the US only has 3% more income share going to the 1% than China does.

    Also "share of income going to the top 1%" doesn't really tell the whole story. I think individual purchasing power would be a much more informative statistic.

    bobburger ,

    You wanted a source that when the Secretary of the State said "we" she meant the state department?

    From the article:

    The quote is from a 2006 interview between Clinton and Eli Chmosky of the Jewish Press during her campaign for reelection to the US senate, and was part of a previously un-aired portion.

    She wasn't the secretary of state when she said it, and probably had no idea that she would ever be secretary of state. I'm not sure why you would think the "we" is the state department.

    Additionally there's no context around this quote so it's a pretty significant leap to infer that "Hillary casually said we should have rigged a foreign election". Her next sentence could have very well have been "But we didn't, and we never will because that isn't how we operate". Or it could have been "We actually did try, but we failed because we ran out of funding". Or "That's what I'm hearing from the leaders of Fatah anyway".

    Hillary is a pretty big POS and it's pretty easy to find shit she did that is horrible but this quote doesn't match up with what you're trying to show.

    bobburger ,

    I recently replaced some insulation in my home and i found out it's a lot more complicated than just put slap it in the wall. That is to say my understanding is pretty rudimentary so my explanation may not be the best.

    Insulation in a house creates a temperature difference between the inside and the outside of your house. If the insulation doesn't have a proper moisture barrier this can lead to water getting trapped on the inside of the insulation due to condensation. The water then comes leaking out if your walls, making everything extremely damp. The darkness inside the wall along with the dampness makes an ideal environment for the mold, which quickly spreads outside of the wall and into the rest of your damp house.

    bobburger ,

    The past few days have taught me it's a lot harder to get floating projects right than I thought it would be.

    bobburger ,

    I'll at least enjoy some nice tax cuts if they get Trump elected, so there's a silver lining for me.

    bobburger ,

    A little context:

    According the Arab American Institute less than 1% of American citizens are Arab American.

    Arab Americans do make up significant voting blocks in Michigan and Pennsylvania. Even though they are an extremely small minority, they may have to power to cost Joe Biden these key swing states and hand the election to Donald Trump.

    Most older Americans support Biden's response to Israel according to this poll. On the other hand younger Americans largely disapprove of his response. There's a lot more nuance than given in my brief summary, this is just to illustrate the diversity of opinion among voters.

    Joe Biden needs to balance rejecting young Americans who are unreliable voters and Arab Americans who are a very small minority with rejecting older Americans who are a large reliable voting block. Again there's a lot more nuance here that I'm not going to go into, I'm merely pointing out that no matter what choice Joe Biden makes it's going to alienate some voters and could potentially hand the election to Trump.

    bobburger ,

    It's a little worse than mismanagement:

    Mao decreed that efforts to multiply grain yields and bring industry to the countryside should be increased. Local officials were fearful of Anti-Rightist Campaigns and they competed to fulfill or over-fulfill quotas which were based on Mao's exaggerated claims, collecting non-existent "surpluses" and leaving farmers to starve to death. Higher officials did not dare to report the economic disaster which was being caused by these policies, and national officials, blaming bad weather for the decline in food output, took little or no action.

    The government took what food there was from the farmers because they were trying to swing their dicks around and impress the boss. It's like the Irish potato famine, but with rice.

    bobburger ,

    Your EV experience was significantly different from mine.

    I recently did a 5 day trip from London to Scotland in a non-Tesla ev and we frequently had trouble with charging. Finding charging stations that worked was a challenge, they were often offline or just wouldn't charge our car for some reason, or were the slowest chargers that took hours.

    We were pretty caution with our range so it usually wasn't a problem to find another one within 20 minutes or so, but it was definitely a little stress inducing and was pretty painful overall.

    A bonus is that we stayed a little longer in places we wouldn't have while the car charged and saw some neat things.

    bobburger ,

    Do they say what the Illuminati want to terra form NZ in to? Or is just the threat of any kind of terra forming enough?

    bobburger ,

    Llamafile is a great way to get use an LLM locally. Inference is incredibly fast on my ARM macbook and rtx 4060ti, its okay on my Intel laptop running Ubuntu.

    bobburger ,

    He's a voter suppressionist actively trying to get Trump elected under a thin veneer of guilt and shame. He's appealing to people that haven't been paying attention and think the Israeli mistreatment of Palestinians started right after October 7th, rather than in 1948. By doing this tries to claim that American support of genocide is brand new thereby absolving himself and others of the guilt associated with it, unless of course they also support The Genocide™ by voting for Joe Biden.

    More importantly he can claim that Joe Biden is the only presidential candidate that supports The Genocide™, so vote for someone else and you won't be supporter of The Genocide™. The quiet part is that Trump never supported The Genocide™ because it never happened until Biden was president.

    bobburger ,

    Unfortunately for you Israel has been committing genocide against the Palestinians since the 1948 Israeli/Arab war, and the United states has supported them since then. I guess if you want to pretend this is something new and Biden is the cause of The Genocide™ so you can feel better about yourself without actually making a difference then good for you. I applaud your mental gymnastics.

    bobburger ,


    if you vote for biden, you are voting for genocide


    If you're a human being that exists in America you have supported genocide in some capacity, and voting for Biden doesn't mean you support it anymore than if you do not vote, voting 3rd party, or voting for Trump. America needs to fix its relationship with Israel and Palestine, but Joe Biden is no more culpable for what's happening in Gaza than any president before him, and he's light years ahead of the other main party candidate in his support for Palestinians. Your ability to place that blame solely on Joe Biden and people who support him involves an impressive level of mental gymnastics.

    Hope that clears it up for you. If you mean something else I'd love to hear it.

    bobburger ,

    Bazinga, got 'em

    bobburger ,

    Lol okay.

    Every time people bring up Jill Stein and Cornell west as serious candidates it makes me ask how they expect either to get 270 electoral college votes. So I'll ask you, the serious progressive advocating for Jill Stein and Cornell West, how does either one of them get 270 electoral college votes? Hopefully you can do better than the last guy who's response was "just tell people their ideas and then get votes".

    I also think its telling you couldn't even pick one candidate. You're convinced 3rd party candidates are our saviors but instead of picking ONE candidate to support, you take the shotgun approach and throw out a bunch of names and hope one of them sticks. There isn't even a single 3rd party candidate you support, but you're desperately telling me to pick one, any one, as long as it isn't Genociden Biden, because they oppose The Genocide™. Vote for anyone else and I'll be showing I don't support The Gencoide™ either.

    Even if I were convinced that either of them could get elected, I am not convinced that either have the political capital to govern in an effective manner, much less change the course of America's support for Israel. So what you're really advocating for is for me to help Donald Trump get elected on the infinitesimal chance that a miracle candidate could get elected and then have no practical impact on Israels actions.

    All that aside, little has changed since October 7th other than Putin's boy Benjamin Netanyahu seizing the opportunity to start a war that will keep him in power as long as it's going on.

    What's even more important to Palestinians than the 40,000 or so dead Gazans is the day after the war. Will it result in full occupation and control of Palestinian territory by Isreal, which would be the final stages of the slow burn genocide. A plan which Trump endorses.

    Or will it be a general withdrawal and return of Gaza to Palestinian control, which has the possibility of a two state solution. A plan that Biden says he supports.

    Either way, Israel is a sovereign country with it's own hopes and ambitions. Any American president has only limited ability to impact their decisions. This election is a choice between using our little influence to push towards a two state solution or push towards full Israeli control of Palestinian territory.

    bobburger ,

    i know you wanted to do the ol' switcheroo but it doesn't really work when you responded to everything in my comment

    Mea culpa.

    Biden is not supporting The Genocide™ that people started paying attention to once it became a trendy thing to talk about on Tiktok, The Genocide™ that you seem to be concerned with. The Genocide™ that benefits Netanyahu and Putin.

    By virtue of being an American citizen Biden is culpable for the slow burn genocide that Palestinians have been subject to since 1948ish. The same genocide that you are also culpable of and are equally in support of.

    Most of Biden's actions are political theater to not alienate Jewish voters and the powerful AIPAC. A group that he desperately needs to win reelection because progressives don't reliably vote.

    The ICC has never stopped a genocide in its entire existence, so to say that sanctioning the ICC is aggressively supporting The Genocide™ is just not true. The ICC could send out charges and arrest warrants for every politician in Israel without America ever lifting a finger and it would have absolutely no impact on The Genocide™, positive or negative.

    UN action is equally useless, so whatever action you think would have stopped The Genocide™ that Biden blocked it wouldn't have done shit.

    Israel and Netanyahu have made it clear that they will continue the invasion into Gaza with or without US military support, so any arms we may have given Israel have no impact on their willingness to wage war.

    What other specious evidence of aggressive support do you have?

    As a last point, voting for a candidate doesn't mean you support all of that candidates actions or views. That's why Republicans do so well; Republican voters have one or two issues they agree with passionately (immigration, gun control, abortion restrictions, etc.) and vote enthusiastically for the candidate that supports their thing regardless of the candidates other positions.

    On the other hand progressives/leftists/whatever pick a hill to die on, and if a candidate disagrees with them a little bit on that issue they will refuse to vote for the candidate regardless of how many other positions they agree on.

    The genocide debate is a perfect example; people like you have convinced yourself that Biden supports genocide so you refuse to vote for him because you disagree about that one point. No matter what other points you may agree on, or how much more Trump supports genocide and other positions you disagree with, people like you refuse to vote for Biden and in the end Trump gets elected. Real take my ball and go home energy.

    bobburger ,

    They are two different kinds of single issue voters.

    Republican single issue voters get their get their candidate elected by strongly supporting them because of a single issue.

    Progressives also help get the Republican candidate elected by refusing to vote for Biden because they strongly oppose one issue.

    The neat part is the progressive is helping the Republican get elected who is usually even farther off the issue than the Democratic candidate.

    But hey, the ONLY THING THAT MATTERS IS THE GENOCIDE™. If you don't vote for Biden The Genocide™ will stop instantly and you'll be guilt free because you didn't vote for it. But at the same time you won't have to feel guilt for any of the bad shit that comes with a Trump presidency for reasons.

    If somebody hates racism, but gets tricked into voting for Trump by Black Voices for Trump, would you say they're voting in support of racism or not?

    I can't say what they are voting in support of regardless of how they vote. That was painfully clear. I'll say it explicitly: voting for a candidate doesn't mean you support any of the candidates positions. It just means more of their positions align with yours than the other candidate.

    Do you think neo-nazis that want the death penalty for race mixing support Trump's brand of racism? Or do you think they're voting for Trump because they know he's closer to what they want than Biden and they know their 3rd party candidate has no shot of ever getting elected?

    The UN will save them!

    Tell that to the Rohingya.

    bobburger ,

    The mental gymnastics you're doing to dodge these very simple and straightforward points would make Neo in the matrix proud.

    this all started from mental gymnastics, and you're currently trying to straight up claim that single issue voters are in general effective for the republicans but ineffective for the democrats because...reasons...?

    It's a pretty simple concept. I'll use a pizza analogy since kids love pizza.

    Republican voters love pineapple on pizza, but we don't have any pineapple pizza. The Republican voter says "that's okay, I'll have the supreme pizza because it's pretty close". So the single issue Republican voter gets pizza and the Republican candidate gets elected.

    Progressives voters love anchovies on pizza, but we don't have anchovy pizza, we only have pepperoni pizza. The progressive voter says "fuck off, I don't want your shitty pizza without anchovies" and then shits all over the pizza. So the progressive single issue voter gets no pizza, no one else gets pizza, and the Democratic candidate doesn't get elected.

    In this case eating pizza is voting for the candidate, not eating the pizza is not voting for the candidate. The Republican single issue voter votes and helps the Republican get elected. The progressive single issue voter doesn't vote, doesn't help the Democratic candidate get elected, and since we have first past the post elections in America he helps the Republican get elected.

    If you want to pretend like you still don't get I understand. You've intentionally missed the basic concept so many times that you it would be pretty silly to admit you understand now.

    bobburger ,

    I think we're very close, I now have hope we can get on the same page with this at least.

    There are two types of single issue voters. We'll call them type 1 and type 2. We call them single issue voters because it is a single issue driving their voting choice.

    Type 1 single issue voters care a lot about an issue. So they vote for which ever candidate is closest to their view on that issue. They compromise on that issue and their other views to vote for whoever is closest. These single issue voters help their candidate win.

    Type 2 single issue voters also care a lot about one issue. Except if a candidate disagrees with their view even a little bit, they refuse to vote for the candidate. Even if the voter and the candidate agree on nearly everything else, this single issue prevents the voter from casting a vote for the candidate. These single issue voters help the candidates opponent to win.

    A lot of Republican voters are type 1 single issue voter.s

    A lot of progressives are type 2 single issue voters.

    An example (or a strawman if you prefer):

    I'm a type 1 single issue voter. I disagree with Joe Biden on many issues, but I vote for him because he's closest to my views on climate change. So I vote for Joe Biden in support of my goals for climate change. I am helping Joe Biden win. (I'm not really a single issue voter, but this is a strawman)

    You are a type 2 single issue voter. You oppose The Genocide™, so you are abstaining from voting (or maybe voting 3rd party because the 3rd party candidates have never had to decide whether or not to support The Genocide™). Because we have a first past the post voting system, and you were a potential vote for Biden, you are helping Trump win.

    I don't know if you would vote for Biden if Israel hadn't invaded Gaza, but I think you get the point . It is after all a simplified example intended to quickly convey a point.

    bobburger ,

    so hypothetically, you think single-issue gun control republicans are willing to compromise on gun control?

    Exactly, I think you got it. A single issue gun control voter wants less gun control. Say they want to be able to own fully automatic rifles. Trump doesn't want people owning fully automatic rifles, he doesn't even want bump stocks to be legal. Trump however is more lenient on other aspects of gun control, certainly more lenient than Biden. They may agree more with Biden on immigration, or abortion, or taxes, but they agree most with Trump on the other issues so they vote for Trump.

    So we have one type of single issue voter that is good for Republicans, and one type of single issue voter that is bad for Democrats.

    you mysteriously dropped that half of your argument idk why

    We'll figure out the other parts of the argument once we have this simple thing settled.

    bobburger ,

    Trump doesn't want people owning fully automatic rifles, he doesn't even want bump stocks to be legal.



    Trump however is more lenient on other aspects of gun control, certainly more lenient than Biden.


    Trump didn't enact gun control laws. Therefore you don't know anything about Republicans. Bazinga.

    Really nailed the dismount there buddy. I'm beginning to understand why you've drawn the other conclusions that you have.

    Take it easy.

    bobburger ,

    Didn't you hear Genociden Biden is doin a Genocide™ in Palestine?

    Also Joe "Hamas" Biden is arming Hamas militants to do another October 7th!!!!

    So if you're anti-genocide vote for Trump.

    Or if you're anti-terrorist vote for Trump.

    On a more serious note, voters don't do well with complicated and nuanced issues like middle east conflict or inflation. Unfortunately it's easy to reframe just about any issue so it reflects poorly on the president. Thanks to the internet (tiktok, Facebook, Twitter, etc) it's pretty easy to create targeted messaging telling people what they want to hear without ever exposing them to the counter narrative.

    bobburger ,

    Okay, that's not really how politics works at all any where in the world. I guess having such a simplistic and idealistic view of how politics works is what led you to the conclusion that any of the 3rd party candidates had a shot at getting elected.

    Bibi Is Choosing Stefanik and Trump. President Biden, Don’t Be Fooled. ( )

    If you are keeping score at home, you have surely noticed that the two most important defense officials in Benjamin Netanyahu’s war cabinet — Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and the former military chief of staff Benny Gantz — warned last week that Netanyahu is leading Israel into a disastrous abyss by refusing to present...

    bobburger ,

    I agree with the sentiment but it's more like:

    Dems: There's no way we'll get single payer universal healthcare passed because other humans exist and they have the right to vote, but we can do the ACA and try again in a few years

    Leftists: Stop fucking compromising with facists you capitalist piece of shit. Just make them do what we want. I'm never voting for a Democrat in my entire life ever again

    bobburger ,

    You have to be a reliable constituent and help them get elected. Young people, progressives, leftists, whatever aren't reliable enough and don't vote in numbers significant enough to shift the Overton window significantly in a short time frame. Since they aren't reliable voters the candidate has to go farther to the right to get the votes they need to get elected.

    Slow progress is the best you can hope for when you're hoping for extreme change to a system, and you can't stop because if you do a single Republican win can undo years of progress (e.g. Trump with the supreme court nominee and Roe).

    Another issue is progressives are really spread thin on issues from civil rights, to economics, to foreign relations, to gun rights, you get the picture. This big tent brings in a lot of people, but some people get pushed out when you bring them in. For example many Latino voters are Catholic and are anti-LGBTQ and anti abortion. They have to decide if they care more about the inclusion the Democratic party brings, or the abortion restrictions the Republicans bring.

    All of that to say progressives a often single issue abstainers; they will abstain from voting over a single trigger issue. The more issues a candidate has to support the less likely it is the candidate will support that voters trigger issue to the degree the voter wants. Now that voter is staying home and not voting, which leads to the point I made earlier.

    Also we have made a lot of progress. Gay marriage is legal now, people are much more aware of racism and other discrimination and we're taking active steps to combat it, the ACA has helped with medical coverage a ton, the general population are aware Palestinians exist and Israel isn't the good guy, we've installed an amazing amount of green electricity power plants, bike and public transportation are things people want now, and many other incremental improvements.

    Things aren't perfect, and some things are still fucked, but we're getting better. We can't stop because it isn't going exactly the way we want it to.

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