GottaLaff , avatar

1/…🧵 #TrumpTrial #Trump #legal

Let’s start with this, via @darthstar, because NY has laws that govern #GagOrders. I heard the Legals on TV say the same thing as Sean here:

GottaLaff OP , avatar

2/ Via Lisa Rubin:

As we await the defendant for a hearing on alleged gag order violations, the DA's trial team is joined by the DA himself, Alvin Bragg, in the first row of the gallery.

And he is joined by his chief of appeals, Steven Wu, and behind them, even a now-retired veteran of the office, former first executive assistant D.A. Peter Pope.


9:20 a.m Joshua Steinglass, Susan Hoffinger, Matthew Colangelo arrive.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

3/ Via Politico:

Still no Trump in the hallway, so he’s cutting it a little close if he’s going to say anything before court starts

GottaLaff OP , avatar

4/ Orden:

Trump just entered.

nlpbot , avatar

@GottaLaff NFL


darthstar , avatar

@GottaLaff When you're the defendant they just let you do that.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

5/ Per Rupar:

Before he entered, Trump again called for MAGA protests outside the NYC courthouse where he’s being tried.

[Me: Yesterday about 3-4 people showed up]

GottaLaff OP , avatar

6/ McBrien:

For the defense, we have Todd Blanche to Trump's right, Emil Bove to his left, and Susan Necheles to Bove's left, in their usual seats. Pool photographers are snapping pics now.

9:33 a.m., all rise, Merchan is on the bench, and prosecution and defense make their introductions.

Steinglass immediately asks to approach.

Trump, having waived his right to be present at sidebars last week, remains seated at the defense table, alone.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

7/ Orden:

Blanche says that lawyer Kendra Wharton is here today (presumably in place of another Trump lawyer who is absent due to Passover)

GottaLaff OP , avatar

8/ Klasfeld:

Per BenFeuerherd
in the hallway press pool:

"Trump ignored questions about why he did not appeal his DC gag order, if he'll continue to post about the witnesses, what he would do to quell protests at college campuses and if he thinks Michael Cohen is a 'sleaze bag.'"

GottaLaff OP , avatar

9/ I absolutely love color commentary.


The oddest moments are when all of the lawyers are in the judge's chambers and Trump is just sitting at the defense table alone, staring forward, with the entire courtroom watching him from the back. (Which is what's happening right now.)

GottaLaff OP , avatar

10/ Here we go…



"Two matters have been called into the record.

On April 15, prosecutors "asked this court to sign an order to show cause" on allegations that Trump violated the gag order on three occasions.

On April 18, they did so again on seven more alleged violations.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

11/ McB:

Merchan reviews the purpose of the hearing—whether we'll find Trump in contempt "for one or all of these alleged violations," Merchan says. "I believe it's the People's burden. I'll hear you."

Conroy distributes documents to the bench.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

12/ Inner City Press (I call him Press):

Prosecutor: I am handing up 10 documents, the violations. Number Nine is the landing page of a Truth Social post linking to an article, 9A is the article that's linked to. Judge, each of the 10 posts violate the order of April 1, which amended the March 25 order

GottaLaff OP , avatar

13/ Klasfeld:

ADA Christopher Conroy:

The court found the "types of extrajudicial statements" Trump made pose a "very real threat" to the integrity of the proceedings.

Yesterday, "here in this building, right outside those doors [...] the defendant violated the order again on camera."

GottaLaff OP , avatar

14/ McB:

Conroy is now talking about an alleged 11th violation: "For the record, yesterday, here in this building, right outside those doors...the defendant violated the order on camera...He did it right here, in the hallway outside."

He's reading a transcript of Trump's words.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

15/ McB:

Conroy says Trump did this all "willfully and flagrantly," and "the Court should now hold him in contempt for each of the ten posts."

👉🏼Trump keeps closing his eyes periodically as Conroy speaks.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

16/ Klasfeld:

Conroy says prosecutors will be filing another application for an order to show cause "on this violation later today."

The prosecutor says Trump seems to think: "No one is off-limits to this defendant, and he can attack and intimidate any one he wants."

GottaLaff OP , avatar

17/ McB:

Conroy working his way through the list of the alleged violations, starting with a repost from Stormy Daniels' former lawyer Michael Avenatti.

Can you make a connection between that post and the stipulations of the gag order? Merchan asks.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

18/ Press:

Prosecutor: The defendant said Cohen put in an invoice, and he [the Defendant] got indicted. So the defendant should be held in contempt of court. On April 10 at 10:07 am, the defendant reproduced a post by Michael Avenatti. Defendant added, 2 sleazebags

GottaLaff OP , avatar

19/ Press:

Justice Merchan: Can you link this to the gag order?
Prosecutor: Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels are known to be witnesses... Next, defendant posted a picture of a document, Official Statement of Stormy Daniels. He added, Will the fake news report it.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

20/ Klasfeld is posting the actual posts by Trump, but I don’t have time to grab each one, sorry.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

21/ Twitter keeps going down, people. Klasfeld noted that too.

So it’s getting really hard to post reporting.

researchbuzz , avatar

@GottaLaff O was wondering if it was just me

Grant_M , avatar

@GottaLaff He should come to Mastodon!

GottaLaff OP , avatar

22/ Again, Twitter is glitching all over the place. My posts may reflect that.


Prosecutor: He put on his campaign website, "ICYMI," which I understand to mean, In Case You Missed It, a link to an article... He published on Truth Social, the same link, about Serial Perjurer. On April 16 at 7:09 pm, defendant posted a picture of Cohen

GottaLaff OP , avatar

23/ McB:

Conroy working his way through list of the alleged violations, starting with repost from Stormy Daniels' former lawyer Michael Avenatti.

Can you make a connection between that post and the stipulations of the gag order? Merchan asks.

By calling them sleaze bags, by going after their credibility, that’s part of the plan for this trial, it’s the defendant conditioning his followers, says Conroy.

Conroy makes the pt several more x about timing of post—5 days before jury selection.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

24/ Katie Phang:

Prosecution: What Fox News Jesse Watters' said on tv about the prospective jurors/jurors versus what Trump posted are different in that Trump's Truth Social post was slightly modified in a way and it violates the gag order.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

25/ McB:

Conroy is still working his way through the list of allegations, adding context, and drawing explicit connections to the wording of the gag order.

He's discussing Jesse Watters.

Conroy says the Watters example is a hybrid of something someone else said—"They're catching undercover liberal activists lying to the judge"—with something that Trump added—"in order to get on the Trump jury."

GottaLaff OP , avatar

26/ McB:

"The burden here is on us," Conroy says, to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that these violations were made willfully.

"The order is clear," he says, and Trump violated it.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

27/ Klasfeld:


"There is no doubt that the defendant made these statements."

He adds that Trump's addition to the Watters statement goes to the former president's "willfulness."

"All of the posts here are made concerning the criminal proceeding." [...]

"It's just very clear that they were linked to this case."

GottaLaff OP , avatar

28/ McB:

All of the posts here are made in relation to this criminal proceeding, says Conroy. "We know that from the's just very clear that they relate to this case."

👉🏼"Throwing MAGA into a post doesn't make it political. It may make it more ominous," he says.

kwheaton , avatar

@GottaLaff will the court rule on this imeediately or under advisement?

GottaLaff OP , avatar
GottaLaff OP , avatar

29/ Klasfeld:

Conroy confronts Trump's defense that he's just responding to attacks by Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels.

The Appellate Division informed him otherwise, the prosecutor notes.

"He knows he's forbidden. That's what the order says."

"There is no provision in this order for responding to attacks."

GottaLaff OP , avatar

30/ Klasfeld:

"By his logic, if someone not covered by the order says something mean," then he can attack them.

That view is "tortured at best" and would "eviscerate the clear meaning of this order" if the court would adopt that, the prosecutor adds.

Trump is violating the "crystal-clear, unequivocal lines" of the court's gag order.

He pivots to the argument that reposts aren't his statements.

"That flies in the case of common sense."

GottaLaff OP , avatar

31/ McB:

There's no indication that Trump's claim that he's responding to attacks is anything more than an after the fact justification, says Conroy.

"[Trump] says whatever he needs to say to get the results that he wants. It's tortured at best," says Conroy, arguing that the defendant has plenty of leeway to talk about a great many other things.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

32/ McB:

Trump was "knowingly and willfully breaching the crystal clear unequivocal lines set by this court in the April 1 order to protect the integrity of this proceeding," says Conroy.

Now he's addressing Trump's argument for an order carve out for reposts, rather than original posts of his own.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

33/ Press:

👉🏼👉🏼 Prosecutor: We are not yet asking for an incarceratory penalty. We are asking for a $1000 fine for each of these ten posts, and that he be ordered to take the ten posts down.

Trump's lawyer Blache: President Trump knows what the gag order allows him to do

GottaLaff OP , avatar

34/ McB:

Conroy says they're "not yet" seeking sanctions of jail time—only fines, ordered removal of the posts, and for the court to issue another warning that this won't be tolerated and that incarceration is an option "should it be necessary."

Blanche is up now.

"Just to set the record very straight and clear: Pres Trump does in fact know what the gag order allows him to do and not allow him to do."

GottaLaff OP , avatar

35/ Orden:

Conroy says they are not seeking jail time, but "defendant seems to be angling for that."

"Retweets are not endorsements" as a legal argument

Conroy is disputing that "reposts" are exempt from the gag order. He points to New York defamation law, which says that someone who repeats defamatory material “is subject to liability as though he had originally published it.”

GottaLaff OP , avatar

36/ This seems like a confession. He’s saying, Trump knows what he’s doing.



"Just to set the record very straight and clear: President Trump does know what the gag order" allows him to do and not do.

Blanche claims that there's been no violation.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

37/ McB:

Merchan clarifies the timing of a post from Cohen post, which would proceed Avenatti's post.

"We're gonna take one at a time, otherwise it's going to get really confusing," Merchan says to Blanche. He wants to get the timeline of these posts, reposts, and replies clear.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

38/ Klasfeld:


There's no dispute that Trump's facing a "barrage" of attacks from all corners, particularly from Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels.

Trump's comments "back to them" were not about their testimony.

"Michael Cohen directly responded to this comment by Mr. Avenatti politically."

The judge asks him for a citation.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

39/ Klasfeld:

He responds that it's in the defense papers, referring to one of Cohen's posts about the "orange menace."

"He's allowed to respond to political attacks, your honor."

Justice Merchan corrects the chronology: Trump's post preceded Cohen's, he says.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

40/ Klasfeld:

Merchan presses Blanche: What about Cohen's post makes it a political attack?

Blanche replies that it's the reference to a pardon.

👉🏼Merchan, skeptically:

"You believe that everything that Mr. Avenatti said does not relate to the trial, but that the use of the word 'pardon' makes it political and authorizes your client to respond?"

GottaLaff OP , avatar

41/ Klasfeld:


"When your client is violating the gag order, I expect you" to have more than one word — i.e. pardon — as a justification.

Blanche denies that Trump violated the gag order.

The judge says he hasn't yet made that finding.

[Me: This reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where they’re pitching their show to NBC, asked why they should buy a show about Nothing, George says, “bc it’s on TV” and NBC Guy says, “Not yet!”]

GottaLaff OP , avatar

42/ McB:

Blanche says that the witnesses are making money, documentaries, TV interviews about Trump, all while Trump is gagged and threatened with jail if he responds.

Merchan wants to get into what was actually said rather than interpret and "read between the lines."

Blanche argues that the mention of the pardon in Cohen's post is what makes it political in nature.

Merchan asks if Blanche has spoken to Avenatti (no), then asks, "How can you infer...what he means?"

GottaLaff OP , avatar

43/ McB:

What defense is saying is a) it's political and b) significantly, if he's talking about witnesses it can't have anything to do with these proceedings. Remember why the language in the order exists, says Blanche.

Merchan: "I remember."
Blanche; "I don't want to relive that."

GottaLaff OP , avatar

44/ McB:

“You refer to the repeated attacks, yet this first exhibit didn't happen until the day after the matter was brought to the appellate division," Merchan says. It's "not a recent attack, but a series of attacks, can you understand why I'm curious about that?"

Merchan asks impatiently if we can go onto exhibit 2.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

45/ Klasfeld:


Cohen and Daniels have "ramped up" their political attacks.

The judge calls the timing "confused," noting that Trump waited until an appellate battle before posting attacks from posts from days earlier.

Blanche, with the quote of the day, so far:

👉🏼"Pres Trump 'Truths' repeatedly, all day, virtually seven days a week, your honor."

Blanche on "repeated attacks" from Daniels, including through her documentary:

"He's running for president. He has to respond to that."

GottaLaff OP , avatar

46/ McB:

"This was a response to what specific attack?" Merchan demands. "This is six years old, when [Trump] pulled it out."

The document is six years old, but Trump had posted "Look what was just found"

Merchan clarifies that he didn't get an answer about what specific attack exhibit 2 was in reference to, but Blanche says it's a response to repeated attacks.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

47/ McB:

Merchan: "Repeated is not specific. Give me one, give me the most recent one that he was responding to here."

👉🏼Merchan is audibly and visibly irritated with Blanche now, as the judge says to him: "I'm asking the questions. I'm going to decide whether your client is in contempt or please don't turn this around."👈🏼 [Me: Oof!]

Merchan mentions that it's almost 10:30, and jurors are waiting.

researchbuzz , avatar

@GottaLaff Someone's going to have a barbecued behind before this is all done

GottaLaff OP , avatar

48/ It’s hard keeping up today, folks.


Blanche on "repeated attacks" from Daniels, including through her documentary:

"He's running for president. He has to respond to that."

Blanche angers the judge with this question:

"Your honor says the timing matters. Why?"

👉🏼Merchan snaps: "I'm asking the questions," telling Blanche he shouldn't "turn it around."

GottaLaff OP , avatar

49/ Klasfeld:

Blanche positions Trump's attacks against Cohen as a broader swipe at justice system:

"It's attacking the People, & the system, for not prosecuting Mr. Cohen for lying."

He says Trump's criticizing the "2 systems of justice in this courtroom."

👉🏼That line doesn't seem to sit well with Justice Merchan.

👉🏼"There's two systems of justice in this courtroom? That's what you're saying?" he asks, bristling.

Blanche puts that sentiment in his client's mouth, and the exchange moves on.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

50/ Klasfeld:

Justice Merchan: "That suggests because the people or the court do not take action for every single violation," that the gag order is waived.

Blanche: "That's not what we're saying."

👉🏼The judge says that is what the defense is saying.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

51/ Klasfeld:

Blanche: "It's not making a mockery of the gag order, your honor. It's a close call."

Blanche says that "reposting an article from a news site" or "a news program" doesn't violate the gag order.

Justice Merchan asks him where the case law supports that.

🤦🏻‍♀️😂"I don't have any case law," Blanche says, calling the proposition "common sense."

amyedge , avatar

@GottaLaff ruh roh.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

52/ McB:

😂 #WompWomp 👉🏼If you can't tell from my live tweets so far, this contempt hearing doesn't seem to be going well for the defense.

Blanche mentions two potential violations that the DA didn't bring up.

That suggests that somehow the people or the court does not take action on a violation, that the gag order is waived, that's just silly, 👈🏼Merchan says. That doesn't negate the validity of the gag order.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

53/ McB:

"It's not making a mockery of the gag order, your honor," Blanche says.
Merchan: "Then what is your argument?"
😆👉🏼This isn't quite like watching a full blown car accident, but it's certainly like watching a fender bender.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

54/ McB:

When something is reposted, how does it get there (onto the client's account)? Merchan asks.

It requires some sort of action, Merchan clarifies. It's not passive.

Caselaw talks about passive conduct vs. what we're describing here.

Blanche clarifies that's not their position.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

55/ Press:

Justice Merchan: What was he responding to?
Trump's lawyer Blanche: To the two systems of justice in this courtroom Merchan: You're saying there are two system of justice in this courtroom?
Blanche: Mr. Weisselberg is in jail, and Michael Cohen is not
Merchan: You suggest that because the People or the Court do not respond to every violation of the gag order, it's waived. It's not. It does not negate the validity of the gag order
Blanche: He reposted others and the People didn't act

GottaLaff OP , avatar

56/ Press:

Justice Merchan: How does his account work?
Trump's lawyer Blanche: There's a group of folks that look for articles they think President Trump's audience should know about.

Justice Merchan: It's not passive. Someone had to do something.

Justice Merchan: Is your client saying he thought reposting couldn't violate the gag order? You've presented nothing.
👉🏼👉🏼Trump's lawyer Blanche: Do you want me to put President Trump on the stand? Is that was your asking for?👏🏼

GottaLaff OP , avatar

57/ Klasfeld:

The judge scoffs at the notion that it's "common sense" that Trump is "washing his hands" of the posts through reposts.

Merchan asks Blanche if he's "testifying" for his client, and Blanche responds that he's not testifying; he's making arguments.

AtheistIntelligence , avatar

@GottaLaff NFL

Someone fucked the bull and is about to find out 🤣

GottaLaff OP , avatar

58/ Klasfeld:

Merchan notes Trump's adding words to the end of Jesse Watters' post:

"Your client manipulated" what was said and "put it in quotes," correct?

Blanche says he wouldn't use the word "manipulated," but he ultimately concedes: "No. 10 is not a repost, agreed."

🤦🏻‍♀️Throughout these arguments, Blanche studiously uses "Truth" as a verb for posting on Trump's social media platform.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

59/ McB:

So it's your client's position that when he was reposting these things, he was not violating the gag order?...Are you testifying under oath that's your client's position? Merchan asks Blanche.

😂👏🏼I'm going to revise my earlier tweet calling the contempt hearing a "fender bender."

This is a trainwreck.👈🏼🚂

GottaLaff OP , avatar

60/ McB:

Merchan jumps to exhibit 10, the Jesse Watters one, and points out that this wasn't a repost at all.

👉🏼"He had to sit there, use quotation marks, [and] the shift key," Merchan says.

Blanche ties to end on this point: we are trying to comply with this gag order. Trump is being very careful👈🏼

👏🏼👉🏼But Merchan cuts in: "You're losing all credibility, I'll tell you right now."👈🏼BOOM 💥

GottaLaff OP , avatar

61/ McB:

"If anything, the court should make crystal clear what it means with the reposts" says Blanche, but Merchan says it's not ambiguous, and that Blanche isn't giving him any argument to counter that point.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

62/ McB:

Merchan makes an analogy about if Trump grabs a sign from someone outside, one that says horrible things about the witnesses or jury, and walks around with it.

Blanche takes issue with that analogy, bc he says a news article is at issue here.

👉🏼Merchan says: What you shoulda done, is probably said my client is thinking of reposting things, it's not really clear in the gag order, so Judge Merchan is that allowed? But you didn't.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

63/ McB:

👉🏼He'll reserve judgment on this, and we're about to take a quick break.

Cohen and Daniels are not criminal defendants in this case, Trump is, Conroy says, as he hands up one more of Trump's posts from 4/4 and reads it.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

64/ 📌 McB:

"See you at 11," Merchan says. We'll be going straight from 11am to 2pm when we're back.

But we break, Merchan says he came up with an AMI limiting instruction, which is basically a combination of the two submissions.

ME: REMINDER, for me it’s a short day. Things to do. I’ll cover when I can.

krakalak , avatar

@GottaLaff NFL

I think Blanche is learning that when you try to defend a moron for doing moronic things... guess what YOU look like a moron.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

65/ Orden:

Trump is back in courtroom. He walked in holding a handful of papers.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

66/ McB:

Some more color for you.

When Justice Merchan said to Blanche just a bit ago that "You're losing all credibility," there was an audible gasp from the press.

I'm hearing from a reporter that a member of the public who made it into the courtroom today has been detained. Unclear right now why.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

67/ LOL

Via Vaughn Hillyard:

Trump just claimed that the police have shut down the streets around the courthouse for blocks & that his protesters can’t be here.

Just…not true. There is one pro-Trump person here & the main street along the courthouse is open to traffic.

fmhilton , avatar

@GottaLaff It sounds like you're having a great time in this trainwreck! Good reporting!

GottaLaff OP , avatar

68/ Via Klasfeld:

For those unfamiliar:

The judge reserving decision simply means he will issue his order at some later time — potentially even later in the day.

👉🏼As Trump and his lawyers re-enter the courtroom, Blanche appears to look even more miserable than his client.👈🏼 #WompWomp


MsMissy , avatar

@GottaLaff Thank you again!

tdwllms1 , avatar



"Blanche appears to look even more miserable than his client"

#ETTD especially attorneys

vosje62 , avatar

@GottaLaff Tanx!

mothninja , avatar

@GottaLaff thank you so much for all you do! We appreciate it so much! 💕

CharJTF , avatar

@GottaLaff Thanks, Laffy! 💜

bart , avatar

@GottaLaff Thanks for these detailed accounts, very entertaining!

ochaos , avatar

@GottaLaff NFL anybody have suggestions on who else on the fediverse that I can follow for Trump trial info?

mogul , avatar

@GottaLaff Thank you so much for your service.

courtcan , avatar

@GottaLaff Laffy, your threads are always chef's kiss gold. Thanks so much, and I hope the rest of your day goes smoothly! 😊🤘🖖

tanyakaroli , avatar

@GottaLaff Thank you, thank you, thank you! This is as close to being there as I could have hoped for, here far, far away in little old Denmark 🙏

PeterLG , avatar


Laffy, thank you for doing this; we greatly appreciate it. Your sense of humour shines through while helping us slobs out here get an idea of what's happening. 😊

kwheaton , avatar

@GottaLaff thank you 🙌

jonberger , avatar

@GottaLaff It may mean that he's going to issue a written order and he wants to confer with the research attorney who's going to be writing it. People tend to forget that judges have staffs. (Trump and his lawyers definitely forgot that back in the Carroll trial when they went mega-ballistic over the judge talking to his courtroom clerk.) If that's the case, betcha the research attorney had it 90% complete before the hearing even ended.

tawtovo , avatar

@GottaLaff Thank you!

Harrybear , avatar

Thanks for the yeoman job you're doing, as a volunteer journalist, keeping us all up to date 👍👏

RMiddleton , avatar

@GottaLaff For those missing Laffy's play by play of Trump in court I recommend the AP:

Danetteb , avatar

@GottaLaff thanks! Have a good day!!

statsguy , avatar

@GottaLaff Thank you! Your running commentary is amazingly useful, as ever

mjf_pro , avatar

@GottaLaff “Blanche appears to look even more miserable than his client”

…as happens to lawyers who just got their 🫏 handed to them.

tstrike78 , avatar


I am loving this entire process so much. I have been out of patience with this guy's endless shenanigans and manipulations for a very long time, and it's nice to see a judge quickly reaching that same level of fed up.

clwhitt , avatar

@GottaLaff Let me add to the thanks you're getting. I very much appreciate the work you're putting in here for all of us.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@clwhitt Aw, YVW

panamared27401 , avatar

@GottaLaff Thank you so much for your work this morning, Laffy!

GottaLaff OP , avatar
eyeroll , avatar

NFL @GottaLaff theatre of the absurd

alexproe , avatar

@GottaLaff From photos, there are maybe 4 or 5 Trump supporters outside the court. Might be a few more, or a few less, by now. Eric is nowhere to be seen 😁

davidpmaurer , avatar


😂 o, that cheeky monkey. he might actually believe it, too.

shekinahcancook , avatar


It wouldn't matter if there were cameras live streaming the street there. A chunk of his followers believe anything he says regardless of how outlandish or untrue it is, and he knows that.

darthstar , avatar


Today's props for after court.

mister_shade02X2 , avatar

@GottaLaff Oh no, he’s trying to read again 😆

Abs1nthe , avatar

tfg sucking his thumb, wouldn't be out of place.

Fenix , avatar

@GottaLaff what’s an AMI?

janamg , avatar

@GottaLaff NFL!
just pondering if blanche should ask habba for advice here. she’s argued for this client before this judge, ya know? besides the judge, whatever could be the common problem??? /end snark

DaPickle , avatar

NFL. It is hard to believe Blanche and his team are actually worth more than a public defender if this is their argument, I mean half baked whine. Seriously he is paying millions for this level of competence and preparation?!? 🤣

courtcan , avatar

@GottaLaff That analogy is actually spot-on. Doesn't matter if it's a news article or someone else's personal opinion -- he grabbed it and paraded around with it as a proxy for his own statements.

heatherlynn8571 , avatar


TY Merchan. All credibility is being lost.

alexproe , avatar

@GottaLaff Has old smelly Trump exploded yet?! Literally and figuratively?!

Wileymiller , avatar


He lost all credibility (as a lawyer) when he agreed to represent Trump

video_manager , avatar


Ah!! The George Costanza defense!! "Was that wrong? How could I know that was wrong?"

tanyakaroli , avatar

@GottaLaff NFL
Woohohohoow! 👀 Train wreck it is!

Fenix , avatar

@GottaLaff I ❤️ This soooo much “But Merchan cuts in: "You're losing all credibility, I'll tell you right now."”

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Fenix So damn good

MylesRyden , avatar


It is only "Boom" if there are actual consequences. Trump and his lawyer don't care about lectures, in fact they will make good commercials. They only care about fines and jail time. And significant fines at that (7 or 8 figures at least, 9 would be better, but I assume that is not even possible.)

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@MylesRyden You need to look at it more than one way though.

No, it's not that kind of boom.

It's the kind when the judge just said something you really don't want to hear, and that will affect you for the rest of the trial.

Not everything is about the end result. We take our wins as they come.

tomiahonen , avatar

@GottaLaff NFL - Laffy, if you read this later after today is done.... THANKS !!!! Today's curated content is the MOST HILARIOUS courtroom reporting in history. we are dying of laughter. THANK YOU FOR THIS (and what a dialogue over in the courtroom)

msbellows , avatar
jetton , avatar


Breaking news: photograph outside the courtroom.

unabogie , avatar



It always strikes me as bizarre that the reality distortion field around Trump includes all these things to make him feel better. Call him "President" when he's not. Make him feel like his failing website is an actual part of pop culture. The man is made of tissue paper.

darthstar , avatar

That Watters post of Trump's was egregious at best.

chris , avatar

@GottaLaff NFL: Newspeak

stevencworlds , avatar

@GottaLaff is it popcorn time?

Please say this is popcorn time

JMMaok , avatar


It would be great if this puts the nuts and bolts of social media management on display and on the record.

courtcan , avatar

@GottaLaff YES PLEASE. Let the buffoon speak for himself!

tdwllms1 , avatar



Blanche's argument...

jmax , avatar

@GottaLaff "Why didn't you stop me, then?"
Same old.

darwinwoodka , avatar

@GottaLaff NFL ffs, they KNOW very well Cohen served time in prison. And so does Merchan. This lawyer is an idiot and so is Trump.

Kencf618033 , avatar

Non sequitur. ~Nomad

blogdiva , avatar

@GottaLaff i do not want ro believe he is this incompetent but, holly shit!

CarlG , avatar

@GottaLaff This is a train wreck, and Blanche knows he is compromising his integrity by defending the indefensible.

Like so many of Trump's prior attorneys, I hope his retainer was large enough to make up for him never doing reputable legal work again. Regardless of what type of lawyer he used to be, his future is as a talking head on right-wing media, and advocating for far right causes.

bransonturner , avatar

@GottaLaff That kind of slow pulling off of someone else's fender because the car doesn't realize it needs to stop and back up. Onlookers just cringing.

video_manager , avatar

The prosecutor should stand up right now "We're happy to add those offenses, your honor!"

tdwllms1 , avatar



Blanche is getting demolished here by the court's questioning.
There should be a mercy rule to end this.

brainpilgrim , avatar

@GottaLaff If the judge uses the word "silly" it's not good.

flowerpot , avatar

@GottaLaff Oh, dear. I'm not a lawyer but saying, it's "common sense" to a judge seems like a not-good thing.

chris , avatar

@GottaLaff NFL. Truly impressed Trump's lawyers didn't come prepared with some handy AI generated fake case law! It's the latest thing!

Liliki , avatar


The trump team really is made of a bunch of clowns 😂

msbellows , avatar

@GottaLaff NFL: Huge error by Blanche here. If it's a "close call" factually, then the judge's exercise of discretion can't be "clear error" (the legal standard for overturning a judges call on appeal). The DA's chief of appeals, sitting in the gallery, is a happy man this morning.

poe1178 , avatar
Kencf618033 , avatar

Does ChatGPT not exist

Blinxeto , avatar


Where does find his lawyers?

Kencf618033 , avatar

It's as if prosecutorial discretion didn't exist.

legallaurak , avatar

@GottaLaff I must say, this doesn’t seem like a very wise statement to make for a lawyer ….

AtheistIntelligence , avatar

@GottaLaff NFL

The judge has some patience. I'd hate to see him explode holding it all in.

chris , avatar

@GottaLaff NFL: "bristling". oh myyyy

_ , avatar

@GottaLaff NFL, can't possibly imagine why that criticism doesn't sit well with the judge... Blanche is almost as dead stupid as his client, except that he has just a smidge more ability to close his mouth. Sometimes.

jlsigman , avatar


Blanche is really about to get himself sanctioned. He's trying to sea lion the judge and it's gonna seriously blow up in his face.

Wileymiller , avatar



What is abundantly clear here is that Blanche considers people continually telling the truth are constant attacks on Trump.

tdwllms1 , avatar


NFL... and can't grift off any of it like they are,... lol... 😂

Blinxeto , avatar


Where did these lawyers go to school?

tdwllms1 , avatar



there may be a Seinfeld response\quote to just about everything.. 🤣

asked why they should buy a show about Nothing, George says, “bc it’s on TV” and NBC Guy says, “Not yet!”]

poe1178 , avatar

@GottaLaff Fantastic 🤣

MicrobeRust , avatar

@GottaLaff NFL - Get ready for the "Our client is the Kwisatz Haderach, unbound from the flow of time" defense.

kithrup , avatar

@GottaLaff NFL er unless explicitly stated a gag order doesn't have exemptions for political attacks.

ottaross , avatar

@GottaLaff NFL
Seems a bit like a "doth protest too much" situation.

Being a criminal trial, it would fascinating to see the judge order a psychological evaluation to see whether the defendant is "all there."

davidh , avatar

@GottaLaff NFL - so the prosecution is asking for the slightest possible slap in the wrist given Trump’s available cash. Sigh.

chris , avatar

@GottaLaff possibly for Laffy: I would like to know the intonation of that "yet".

venitamathias , avatar

@GottaLaff NFL. Trump is being purposeful in his gag order violations. He wants to receive jail time so he can refer to himself as a political prisoner "like Nelson Mandela". He will do and say anything that he thinks will rally his supporters. He wants them to show up to the courthouse in large numbers.

heatherlynn8571 , avatar

@GottaLaff ⬆️ Jesse's a slimy MF as well

darthstar , avatar

@GottaLaff Let's not forget that the defendant's defense strategy is to say that Cohen is obsessed with the defendant.

poe1178 , avatar

@GottaLaff Musk making it hard for the prosecution.

otownKim , avatar

@poe1178 @GottaLaff My first thought!!

RoLarenRED57 , avatar


For Laffy: the CNN Watch Now live coverage is running a sidebar transcription from the courtroom or overflow, if Twitter goes failwhale, with pundits that can be muted if desired. Acosta anchoring, occasionally calling out details from sidebar.

iuculano , avatar



IMO, that's Elon trying to frustrate reporters/reporting

Beachbum , avatar

@GottaLaff I’m not normally a conspiracy theorist, but either the servers aren’t handling the traffic or it’s intentional, possibly to interfere in the future election.

SpookieRobieTheCat , avatar

@GottaLaff Funny how Xitter is malfunctioning now.

kithrup , avatar

@GottaLaff NFL putting "Trump" and "grab" in the same situation is in poor taste, I think. 🤣

BlueWaver22 , avatar

@GottaLaff NFL - Avenatti has been giving Fox interviews from jail saying Trump is a victim...look what he did...he mucked up everything he ever tried to put his fingers in, including helping get Kavanaugh on the court. (I can explain for anyone who didn't see my post reply on him yesterday) He always was a GOP plant. Another snake.

darthstar , avatar

@GottaLaff NFL
When he closes his eyes he's doing mental exercises and imagining nice things to keep himself calm...not puppies, he hates dogs...things like hamberders, a fully charged golf cart, Lindsey Graham giving him a neck massage...

TrixieCarolina ,

@GottaLaff NFL -

Anyone who’s ever been to NY court knows to bring something to read. But that would require the Orange Turd Blob to activate a brain

IveyJanette , avatar

@GottaLaff NBC will undoubtedly cover this as if it were Entertainment Tonight. Or Football Night in America. That's how their coverage was yesterday.

CuriousMagpie , avatar

@GottaLaff NFL
This must be so surreal for him.
His whole adult life he’s been surrounded by sycophants and any words against him are at a distance - like a play or a movie.
Suddenly, it’s very real, very present, and very close. There are so many people who do not like him and do not approve of him and will not bow to him.

darthstar , avatar

I'd love to be a pool reporter - I'd say, "Look up Donny! Smile at the bunny!" and hold a squeaky bunny above my head.
Actually, a photographer holding a stuffed animal above their head while taking a pic of glowering Trump would be an epic image.

darthstar , avatar

@GottaLaff NFL - all that standing and sitting would make him break into a sweat.

crcordray , avatar

@GottaLaff i wonder why Trump waived his right to be at sidebars?

ottaross , avatar

@GottaLaff It would be fun to organize a "maga" protest outside the courts, where everyone looks dejected and can barely raise the energy to lift their signs and does interviews in the most disinterested and unconvinced way possible.

crcordray , avatar

@GottaLaff actually I like that amount almost better than none- because it's tepid enough to really bring home the reality of how much support (or lack thereof) he has in his "home" state. Hopefully it accentuates his utter despair.

havvyhh2 , avatar

@GottaLaff 😴....maga response....

kristen_d , avatar

@GottaLaff NFL but it’s too far for to drive 🤣

terag1e ,

@GottaLaff NFL

He ought to be able to get at least 200 or so -- all the MAGAt GOP Congress peeps.

Stunning, actually that even #MoscowMarge isn't even bothering.

flowerpot , avatar

@GottaLaff 😆

SkipHuffman , avatar

@GottaLaff NFL He must be running out of funds to hire Audience Extras.

luv_wins , avatar

@GottaLaff Guess most of his cultists can't afford the air fare to NYC from some GQP backwater state that probably fought to keep slavery!!!

maddad , avatar


He's trying to recreate another Jan 6
Another reason he should be held in contempt with no phone.
Can you imagine the chaos if the #magats take up his cause and over run the courthouse.

Blinxeto , avatar



TheNovemberMan ,

@GottaLaff is probably suffering a stress induced attack 🙄

Cleanup on aisle 5 🤢

Farting Peter Griffin GIF

realtegan , avatar

Amazing summary as usual. Thank you for wading through the slime for us.

No response expected.

RubyTuesdayDONO , avatar

@GottaLaff amazing job gathering all this reporting! i almost feel like i'm a fly on the wall in the courtroom. thank you for this public service! 🙏🏻

pattykimura , avatar

@GottaLaff Hard to pick a favorite stoopid Trump defense but I loved the 'he had to respond to recent attacks" and Judge Merchan notes the "recent" attack was SIX years old.
Thanks for keeping us caught up!

poe1178 , avatar
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