@blogdiva@mastodon.social cover
@blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar



am liza sabater, the og blogdiva & resident afroboricua #antifa #dyslexic #ActuallyAutistic #AuDHD tití.

surviving breast #cancer is my F/T job; but #dogs, #cats, #sports, #sewing, #cooking and #Monsterdon give me the energy to continue chronicling American fascism.

so #fuckCancer & #COVID19, join a #union & fight for #UBI & #Medicare4All

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blogdiva , to random
@blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

OMG! i didn't know this happened to Linda Tirado, aka Killer Martinis @ Twitter.


this is horrible. i started following her eons ago because, though it's her last name by marriage, Tirado is my second last name.

this is horrible and my heart is heavy for her. she was maimed by cops for covering the 2020 protests and now she's dying.

i have no words.

this is fascism. plain and simple. Linda Tirado is yet another victim of USA's very protected police state.

blogdiva , to random
@blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

TIL there is a Godot Foundation.

the Godot Foundation has job openings.

tempted to submit an application just so i can say am Waiting for Godot.

blogdiva , to random
@blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar


given it’s my first surviving cancer and a pandemic, am spending it in the exotic landscape of Bellevue hospital waiting to get a friggin’ booster shot.

so how’s your day going ao far?

blogdiva OP ,
@blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

feeling petty, might delete later

blogdiva , to random
@blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

this is why it’s imperative to fight the zombie corpse of the Clinton/Pelosi DLCC which was always right-wing election profiteering in the Democratic Party. a model, coincidentally, embraced by Keir Starmer in the UK.

«The victory makes Mr. Kim, 41, a favorite to become New Jersey’s next senator. He would be the first Korean American to be elected to the U.S. Senate.»

Andy Kim Wins New Jersey Democratic Primary for U.S. Senate


Nonilex , to random
@Nonilex@masto.ai avatar

On the 1st day of in ’s federal trial, heard his audio of his memoir, where he recounted his use in graphic detail. A federal prosecutor told jurors “no one is above the ,” & defense said the he did not “knowingly” lie when filling out forms to purchase a weapon.

Prosecutors showed the jury the laptop belonging to Hunter that has long been a target of activists & politicians, spurred by & ’s .

blogdiva ,
@blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

in related entrapment by the FBI and other feckless police state actors' news...

"When a drug kingpin named Microsoft tried to seize control of an encrypted phone company for criminals, he was playing right into its real owners’ hands."

> Inside the Biggest FBI Sting Operation in History | WIRED

@steter @Nonilex

GottaLaff , to random
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

Of course. Via Alejandra Caraballo:

Oh my god. The entirety of the Epoch Times was a giant money laundering operation.


blogdiva ,
@blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

another crypto scam but, ironically, they didn't go after the religious cult that supposedly runs the newspaper? what's outrageous is that Newsweek is supposed to have a similar setup after it got bought some years ago. but the DoJ is going after them for the crypto. unbelievable.


GottaLaff , to random
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

“The professional responsibility board in Washington, DC, recommended Friday that [] lose his law license because of his involvement in a bogus 2020 election fraud lawsuit.”


blogdiva ,
@blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

@GottaLaff so much winning 🤓

blogdiva , to random
@blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

health care insurance, which is always for profit by nature of being "insurance" , is and always has been eugenics by mathematics & statistics.

blogdiva , to random
@blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

REMINDER: corporatism IS fascism. USA's political elites are controlled by unelected corporatist oligarchs for whom politics isn't about party or nation but business. checkout how the DNC wants to price out the little people from their fundraisers. this is literal corporate capture but with political parties because oligarchs only care about the state violence they can capture & profit from.

> How Biden aides are trying to shield the president from protests

blogdiva OP ,
@blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar


the DNC have always two-timed grassroots activists, no matter how much money they raise for local or state democrats or the DNC itself.

that's why they're pricing out the grassroots nationwide. the bootlicking elite of the DNC depend on billionaire money.

corruption is the gateway to fascism. it's a historical fact.

the corporate capture of today isn't new. it is the 1939 corporatism that never went away.

blogdiva OP ,
@blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar


i keep repeating: DEMAND democrats, especially the leadership, say they're antifascist and take note of who does and doesn't.

because it should have made people cringe when an unhinged Nancy Pelosi went on tv in the bowels of Congress to declare WE ARE CAPITALISTS.

who is we? the working classes are not the ones making money out of insider knowledge with a portfolio that has it's own fucking subreddit.

that's her and her cronies, not us.

blogdiva OP ,
@blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar


but if all Dems are gonna be like Biden? then neither should the corporatist bootlickers of the Democratic Party.

and that's why i insist in making a distinction between them and people like AOC or Rashid. especially, Bloomberg's existential threat, Elizabeth Warren.

and then there's Bernie Sanders who was smart enough to leave the party back in the day because he knew the fuckery that was Clintonism.


blogdiva OP ,
@blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

it's not a mandate when the opposition is fascist and the billionaire donors of your party's elite are part of that fascist opposition.

not having direct democracy is why it's easy for oligarchs to buy themselves a party. even the Greens, btw.

so don't worry about some shmuck in NYC not voting. worry about people not voting in fucking Maricopa county.

you're white in the South? STFU & hit the pavement

blogdiva OP ,
@blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar


it's not Darnell from the Bronx's job to get your neighbors to the polling places.

especially if they're young or Black or both. that's your job.

don't berate BIPOC or LGBTQI people online for telling you the truth about the fascism in this country: it's always been here, it's just been called Manifest Destiny, white supremacy, racism, homophobia, sexism.

so go to work. we all have different #antifascist work to do

blogdiva OP ,
@blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

that means you won't be able to delude yourself that you are done just by voting.

let me say it again, with the chest:


you know this has always been true, but now, you cannot continue pretending it was "those other people's problem". we didn't even have to tell you. Biden has shown his true political face and it's ugly.

so prepare to not rest until you stomp the last fascist

blogdiva OP ,
@blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

THIS IS WHY SELF-CARE IS POLITICAL WARFARE because there was never a democracy after all and the job will not be done come November.

it's just that you chose to pretend racism, sexism, misogyny, homophobia, xenophobia, classism —all the social and political and economic hates and phobias— had nothing to do to with #fascism.

yet here we are.

so prepare yourself to fight Biden & his brand of Democrats even harder for the bare minimum. they'll sell everybody out for a bad #abortion win

blogdiva OP ,
@blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

AND WHY AM CALLING Y'ALL WHITE PEOPLE OUT especially if y'all out in the south? because more White people voted for Trump, a Republican, in 2020 than at any time in USA history. in the middle of a pandemic. after sitting at the last minute another illegitimate SCOTUS justice to the bench, Amy Barret Cohen, a woman who is literally in her thiclose to heretical flavor of Catholicism, a handmaiden.

61% of white men and 55% of white women voted for Trump in 2020.

that wasn't us. that was you.

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  • blogdiva OP ,
    @blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

    @inthehands @deirdresm also, school elections boards. was thinking all day, maybe it's time to put together a list things people could do beside giving money... or complaining, LOL. people showing up at places the mainstream has forgotten does make a difference. there's many ways of showing up. it's also a good way of reminding people that disabled people do vote and have long histories of political engagement.

    blogdiva , to random
    @blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

    seriously, after cobra chickens, Michael de Adder is the best thing to come out of Canada

    h/t @touaregtweet


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  • blogdiva , to random
    @blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

    to those of y'all saying, nothing is gonna happen on July 11th, here's the thing:


    YES, the man wasn't thrown in jail unlike millions of others working class shmucks; especially the Blacker & browner ones.

    NO, this is not the time to shit on a win. this is the time to reckon not prosecuting more white-collar crimes since the 1990s, BY RICH OLD WHITE AMERICAN GUYS, is why USA is now ran by a fascist conspiracy of Wall Street, Techbro and Christofascist mafias.

    blogdiva , to random
    @blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar



    i was told i was gonna hit a wall of fatigue sometime after the 2nd or 3rd week after finishing treatment. am glad to be alive and on my way to recovery but this sucks ass.

    we need #UBI as part of health care. nobody should have to be precariously unemployed during a situation like this.

    anybody having to go to a job during or after #cancer treatment is lying if they say they can handle it.

    this is not bullshit. to be forced to work thru a #health crisis is eugenics.

    susurros , to palestine group
    @susurros@kolektiva.social avatar

    More "insubordination" in the face of genocide!

    "The president of Sonoma State University was placed on leave Wednesday, a day after he released a controversial campuswide message on the Israel-Hamas war that said the university would pursue 'divestment strategies' and endorsed an academic boycott of Israeli universities.

    "California State University Chancellor Mildred García announced the decision in a statement posted to the CSU website, saying that Sonoma State President Mike Lee was taken off the job for his 'insubordination' in making the statement without 'appropriate approvals.'"


    @palestine #Palestine #Israel #Gaza #BDS #SonomaState #CSU #academia

    blogdiva ,
    @blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

    @susurros @palestine then why do they need a president?

    ElleGray , to random
    @ElleGray@mstdn.social avatar

    no notes

    blogdiva ,
    @blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar
    KathyReid , to random
    @KathyReid@aus.social avatar

    Like many other technologists, I gave my time and expertise for free to #StackOverflow because the content was licensed CC-BY-SA - meaning that it was a public good. It brought me joy to help people figure out why their #ASR code wasn't working, or assist with a #CUDA bug.

    Now that a deal has been struck with #OpenAI to scrape all the questions and answers in Stack Overflow, to train #GenerativeAI models, like #LLMs, without attribution to authors (as required under the CC-BY-SA license under which Stack Overflow content is licensed), to be sold back to us (the SA clause requires derivative works to be shared under the same license), I have issued a Data Deletion request to Stack Overflow to disassociate my username from my Stack Overflow username, and am closing my account, just like I did with Reddit, Inc.


    The data I helped create is going to be bundled in an #LLM and sold back to me.

    In a single move, Stack Overflow has alienated its community - which is also its main source of competitive advantage, in exchange for token lucre.

    Stack Exchange, Stack Overflow's former instantiation, used to fulfill a psychological contract - help others out when you can, for the expectation that others may in turn assist you in the future. Now it's not an exchange, it's #enshittification.

    Programmers now join artists and copywriters, whose works have been snaffled up to create #GenAI solutions.

    The silver lining I see is that once OpenAI creates LLMs that generate code - like Microsoft has done with Copilot on GitHub - where will they go to get help with the bugs that the generative AI models introduce, particularly, given the recent GitClear report, of the "downward pressure on code quality" caused by these tools?

    While this is just one more example of #enshittification, it's also a salient lesson for #DevRel folks - if your community is your source of advantage, don't upset them.

    blogdiva ,
    @blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

    @KathyReid Sincere question: shouldn't Creative Commons turn this into a class action lawsuit? it's so huge and out of proportion what they're doing, groups of individuals can't really tackle this alone.

    wdlindsy , to random
    @wdlindsy@toad.social avatar

    Peter Beaumont reports on the men who have Netanyahu's ear: national security minister Itamar Ben-Gvir and finance minister Bezalel Smotrich.

    Ben-Gvir is invoking God to justify Israel's attack on the Palestinians, as in God is on our side.

    Smotrich calls himself a "proud homophobe" and wants Torah law established in Israel's judicial system.

    #Israel #Netanyahu


    blogdiva ,
    @blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

    @wdlindsy Ben-Gvir used to be on a USA terrorist watch list 🙄

    blogdiva ,
    @blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

    @wdlindsy btw: it's not even clear if DHS took him off that list. no Israeli newspaper has been able to confirm it. so for all intents and purposes, he is still on that terrorist list.

    blogdiva , to random
    @blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

    🔥 🔥 🔥

    Drake and Kendrick’s Beef Is the Most Miserable Spectacle in Rap History | Pitchfork


    #music #BlackMastodon

    TatianaIlyina , to random
    @TatianaIlyina@mas.to avatar

    Just learned that a very promising early career scientist in my discipline has left academia, not seeing a desired career future for herself here. That company is lucky to get her. Yet, it saddens me enormously that it is often the most dynamic, brilliant, curious once, who are challenging status quo, committed to diversity and making our world a better place, who are leaving #academia.

    What are we doing wrong to make academic careers so unattractive for the best young minds?

    blogdiva ,
    @blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

    @TatianaIlyina apart from the sexist attacks, the racist abuse, the shameless class warfare and calcified gerontocratic hierarchy? this happened to me <30 years ago. for DECADES i though i was a loser for leaving.

    recently found, after me, most of my peers left too. why? we were mostly BIPOC. with the handful who were not, we're working class. they, as i, got fed up when, after years of denied opportunities, the chair gave away TENS OF THOUSANDS to trust funded nepobabies. not much's changed.

    blogdiva , to random
    @blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

    WOW! just perused the image gallery for the #MetGala over at Harper's Bazaar and it's not only super-uninspiring, but for maybe a couple of people who understood the assignment. it's the beauty aesthetics of most of the people attending that is very late-stage capitalism with a bad take on trans-humanism. the 1% and their millionaire lackeys are really into that waxy Real Doll skin aesthetics. baffling.

    "Every Celebrity Red Carpet Look at the 2024 Met Gala"


    blogdiva OP ,
    @blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

    LANA DEL REY totally killed, though.

    all the following images are from Vogue

    #MetGala #Alt4Me

    blogdiva OP ,
    @blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

    the theme is about Time for Spring or something like that. this has nothing to do with it but because it's Cardi B. and she's always an exagerá, she gets to ride the mammoth

    #fashion #MetGala #Alt4Me

    blogdiva OP ,
    @blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

    the theme is THE GARDEN OF TIME and it's exhibit is of "Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion".

    but Lil Nas is totally #woke. so did he nail the theme? yay or nay?

    #fashion #MetGala #Alt4Me

    blogdiva OP ,
    @blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

    Usher needs to stop.

    #fashion #MetGala #Alt4Me

    blogdiva , to random
    @blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

    IN OTHER NEWS... am done with 🥳 🎉 🎈 now it's physical and immunotherapy until next Spring, so let's say it with the chest...

    🗣️ FUCK CANCER!!!

    blogdiva , to random
    @blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

    covering protests is fascism

    protesting #genocide is fascism

    to push public health policies that are nothing but eugenics is fascism

    under one president because it's not terror under another president is fascism

    while actively sabotaging antifascist voices in your political party is fascism

    SO: if not now, when will Democrats be against fascism?


    Nonilex , to random
    @Nonilex@masto.ai avatar

    Presidential #MedalOfFreedom awarded today to 19 recipients by #POTUS #Biden

    (In no particular order)

    1. #ClarenceBJones, 93, was honored for his activism during the Civil Rights Movement. He’s a lawyer who provided legal counsel to Martin Luther King Jr. & helped write the opening paragraphs of the “I Have a Dream” speech that King delivered at the Lincoln Memorial at the 1963 March on Washington.


    blogdiva ,
    @blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

    @Nonilex Phil Donahue is a major Democratic Party donor and (donations) bundler.

    blogdiva ,
    @blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

    @Nonilex ugh that fascist Bloomberg not only has paid for Biden to be president by successfully squelching any opposition from within the party (he’s the one that said Elizabeth Warren is an existential threat) but he is absolutely one of the major reasons behind Biden’s Israel policies. Bloomberg is a major Likkud and Netanyahu donor. he is the reason NYPD has a bureau in Tel Aviv.

    blogdiva , to random
    @blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar
    1. KKK marching down a public road carrying banners saying DEATH TO JEWS is anything but peaceful.

    2. christofascists SCREAMING DIE AND GO TO HELL to people at abortion clinics is anything but peaceful

    3. a horde of white dudes carrying tiki torches & chanting JEWS WILL NOT REPLACE US is anything but peaceful

    1 & 3 refer to #Skokie & #Charlottesville, while 2 is still on-going across the country; yet none elicited the kind of police violence Biden approves against #StudentSpring

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  • pluralistic , to random
    @pluralistic@mamot.fr avatar
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  • blogdiva ,
    @blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

    @pluralistic her name was Viola Davis. now that name is double legendary.

    blogdiva , to random
    @blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

    after #abolition many Black people who had nowhere to go, were charged rents by their former plantation owners if they didn't leave. if they didn't pay, they were either re-enslaved thru prison OR indentured into financial servitude.

    when the numbers of indentured Black servants weren't enough, that's when poor migrant workers became key to this new form of renter slavery.

    this is what GOP fascists want to bring back with #prisons & #farms


    blogdiva , to random
    @blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

    i have only a handful of radiation sessions left for my nuclear boob. can't wait to be done. after this, it's immunotherapy once a month until next spring.

    am kicking cancer in the ass and taking names. 💪🏾 🥳 👍🏾


    blogdiva , to random
    @blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

    « #Columbia University Apartheid Divest—a coalition of over 100 student groups revitalized after the University suspended its chapters of Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voice for Peace—brought the referendum to the council. ...that Columbia divest from “all stocks, funds, and endowment and refrain from further investment in companies profiting from or engaging in Israeli apartheid”»

    CCSC approves referendum on divestment from #Israel, adopts boycott policy

    blogdiva , to random
    @blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

    it's almost as if NYC has been overtaken by fascists. forget about the presidents of Columbia, Bard, NYU. get rid of #ACAB Eric Adams. if not one democrat will reduce the size of the NYPD, then put them all together into a revival of the Titanic or Lusitania and send off to sea.


    blogdiva , to random
    @blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

    anybody shilling for Putinistas like Jill Stein, will be unceremoniously blocked.

    am not here to give airspace to any of these fucking every-four-year grifters who raise money for fake campaigns and then do nothing but to live on that money until the next federal election.

    where are Jill Stein's local, state and federal candidates? who is she raising money for across red states taken over by fascists?

    oh... she doesn't have any slates in any of the 50 states?

    yeah. fuck off.

    blogdiva , to random
    @blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

    have you had any lunch yet? have you had a glass of water yet?

    have you had a good stretch yet? have you had a good little walk around the block yet?

    have you had a good laugh yet? have you had a good cry yet? have you had a good hug yet?

    if you need any of these, go do them. especially the cry. if you need to, get yourself a good cry. then acknowledge it. thank it, and go do some good ol' life-affirming living.

    you deserve everything you need. you got this.

    #checkin #selfcare

    blogdiva OP ,
    @blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

    @GottaLaff d'awwwww. just remember you are allowed to be tired and to stop whatever you are doing so you can re-charge and get on your way. you will be fine because what's important is important and what is not, is not. you got this.

    blogdiva , to random
    @blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

    as i have said before, if you are in you mostly likely were in work environment that looked down on other workers & rejected as unnecessary because, well you don't need them because you make the most money as a worker.

    but guess what: you're still a worker. you're still from the working class.

    we need y'all high-earners organizing and demanding your benefits.

    THIS IS POLITICAL PRAXIS. students in campuses are in tents, you're at the unemployment office 🧵

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