NotMyOldRedditName ,

My first thought when I read the title was

Is this the onion?

TheJims ,

MAGA convoy confused by red laser pointer

A_Random_Idiot , avatar

I'm surprised any of them even made it to Texas, considering how hard they descended into paranoia and fear.

NikkiDimes ,

Who, Texans?

A_Random_Idiot , avatar

Got a better source than meidastouch?

profdc9 ,

Laugh at the stupid convoy hicks! Get some clicks!

A_Random_Idiot , avatar

I'm all for laughing at them.

Just give me a reputable source with factual information.

TurtleJoe , avatar

It's mostly an embedded clip from MSNBC; clicking the linked article can be informative!

I'm also not sure what bias you are accusing Meidas Touch of in the headline (since we know you didn't get any further than that)? Is it the part about the maga convoy being confused? We know they are easily led from one moral outrage to another without really understanding the issues.

The part about there not being an invasion at the border? It's obvious there isn't anything of the sort happening, because the people that are claiming it's happening are the same ones who just said that they refuse to do anything about it for a year, until (they hope) Trump is president.

A_Random_Idiot , avatar

I’m also not sure what bias you are accusing Meidas Touch of in the headline (since we know you didn’t get any further than that)?

If only someone had provided a link that would have answered that question, you know, in the post you replied to. I guess you were the one who couldnt get that far.

Glide , (edited )

Sure, but all the MBFC link proves is that Meidas Touch has an unapologetic left-leaning bias, and they tend to only bother running stories that support that bias. Unlike many other "mixed" factual reporting news sites, they're not in that category for lying and/or spreading misinformation. This suggests that the article is true. There's no value in your original insinuation that there's something wrong with the source of this information, as per your own link.

A_Random_Idiot , avatar

MeidasTouch does not have a reputation for giving factual information, and its extreme bias makes it inherently untrustworthy.. and despite what you claim about them not lying/spreading misinformation, mediabiascheck cites 3 different times they've failed a fact check because they were spreading false/made up information.

The real question is why you think its not okay to call out bad sources if they are left leaning. Which is what you surely seem to be implying, with your blatant misrepresentation of whats on the mediabiasfact page about mediastouch and how hard you are trying to defend meidastouch despite a documented history of being fast and lose with facts and truth.

But you wont answer that

No, I wager you'd be more inclined to drill into one factual thing in one article and use that to handwave away meidastouch's problematic patterns, because your bias is more important than reputable sources and factual reporting.. because thats what you're already doing here, and now.

Glide , (edited )

Overall, we rate MeidasTouch Left Biased based on the negative portrayal of Donald Trump and Republicans and the promotion of Democratic candidates. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to a lack of transparency with funding and the publication of one-sided content that can be misleading.


Just working with your sources. I don't care about Meidas Touch. I hadn't even heard of them before I stumbled into this thread.

I think it's okay to accept that everything and everyone has a bias. Removing bias from all reporting is simply impossible, so instead we work to understand our bias' and the bias' of others and instead call out non-factual reporting. So, to answer your question, I think it's okay to call out bad sources for being bad regardless of their lean, but I also don't think having a noteworthy lean makes a sourcebinherently bad.

I don't appreciate the straw man you're attempting to build for me. Trying to angrily have my half of the conversation while spewing a pile of assumptions about what I think is a bad look. Unless the look you're going for is "a random idiot", which, I mean, when someone tells you who they are, believe them.

Fades ,

MeidasTouch does not have a reputation for giving factual information

prove it, where are the lies and misinformation?

The real question is why you think its not okay to call out bad sources if they are left leaning.
No, the real question is why you think left leaning bias = bad source.

MBFC says this:

Overall, we rate MeidasTouch Left Biased based on the negative portrayal of Donald Trump and Republicans and the promotion of Democratic candidates. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to a lack of transparency with funding and the publication of one-sided content that can be misleading.

None of that has anything to do with false 'facts' and the like, bias doesn't equal bad source until said bias leads to the degradation of truth in the reporting.

trying to defend meidastouch despite a documented history of being fast and lose with facts and truth.

again, where is the proof? You can't just speak things into existence. YOU are the one bringing this accusation, so YOU are the one with the onus to provide proof of said accusations.

Facebones ,

I love how the supposed "law and order" types are out here screeching "calling crimes crime is extreme leftist bias!"

K1nsey6 , avatar

Meidastouch is gaslighting propaganda, the liberal version of OAN

A_Random_Idiot , avatar

There are definitely more reputable sources for information than either of them, thats for sure.

Techpriest2 , avatar

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • just_ducky_in_NH ,

    Referring to other human beings as “things” is abhorrent.

    Bakkoda , avatar

    A bunch of people drove a long way to, at a minimum, observe human struggle. Some probably went to participate. Fuck these people.

    just_ducky_in_NH ,

    I agree.

    NikkiDimes , (edited )

    And yet they are still humans. Terrible, confused, hateful humans, but humans no less.

    BlueMagma ,

    I think you are totally right, even though these people are idiots, they are still people, they should not be dehumanized.

    DBT ,

    “Stupid-ass shitheads” is probably way more appropriate anyway.

    some_guy ,

    The things were probably "things that get confused" as in invasions, convoys, and groups. Not people.

    Son_of_dad ,

    Let's tell them that there's a border invasion at the site of the Titanic wreckage

    Sterile_Technique , avatar

    confused Trumpanzee noises

    ChewTiger ,

    Trumpanzee....that's brilliant!

    rekabis ,


    Oh, hell yeah. I’m gonna do use this wherever I can now.

    thoughtorgan ,

    I'm not saying a convoy is the answer lol. But there is a border crisis.

    Psythik ,

    The "border crisis" is made up. If we opened our borders, suddenly there wouldn't be a "crisis" anymore and the vast majority of Americans would see no change in their day-to-day lives.

    America needs to stop worrying about non existent issues and focus more on taking care of their citizens.

    thoughtorgan ,

    If you watched the video, I think you wouldn't be replying to me like this.

    Your point was like the core fucking focus of the video.

    There's a crisis because people need to cross illegally to start the asylum process. Instead of it being more accessible.

    Hawk ,

    So, according to your own logic, if the asylum would be more accessible then there would be no border crisis.

    That's exactly what he's telling you

    Psythik ,

    Exactly. I don't need to watch the video. The talking points from the "bOrDeR cRiSiS" people are always the same. Come up with a new argument.

    thoughtorgan ,

    I'm literally agreeing with you, you fucking monkey.

    Psythik ,

    And so am I. What happened to this conversation?

    thoughtorgan ,


    fuckin lemmy is insufferable god dam you all suck

    Happybara ,

    I see what you're doing here, but I'm afraid you were doomed the moment you linked a 23 minute video. People don't have that kind of attention spans for their own family, let alone a stranger trying to make a point on the internet.

    thoughtorgan ,

    There's literally a border crisis. A huge one. Anyone saying otherwise is too blind to see the trees for the forest.

    I didn't make a mistake posting a video. Others made a mistake making huge assumptions and slinging shit immediately. I'm not responsible for others jumping the gun.

    dudinax ,

    That's a great video.

    Laticauda ,

    It's not an army of people storming the gates to take over the country it's individuals or families trying to climb a wall or swim across a dangerous river and risking death to try and escape a bad situation or make a new life for themselves. Or in regards to legal immigrants struggling to be processed it's an issue with a lack of resources allocated to them. Maybe some of them are criminals but contrary to popular belief most criminals that deal in border crossing either have a way of getting through the border "legally" or don't have to cross the border themselves at all. And it's the "criminals storming the gates" style of border crisis that these people in the convoy are imagining.

    AlbinoPython ,

    Mission accomplished!!

    homesweethomeMrL ,

    set parade on -tickertape -flags

    Everythingispenguins ,

    Now have them try to land on an aircraft carrier. Just put a big ski jump at the edge of the dock. I am sure they will make it .

    Dagwood222 ,

    The last time they tried a Civil war they failed, and destroyed their own economies in the process. That time, they had some of the best generals available. This time they have Boebert and Trump to lead them,

    makyo ,

    I assume ending this comment on a comma was intentional but even if it wasn't it's perfect

    Dagwood222 ,

    It was an error. I should have ended with the '...'

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    The U.S. government has a professional army. They have nothing. And when the vast majority of the country lives paycheck-to-paycheck, you're not going to get a lot of (male, obviously, 'cause ladies is too fragile) bodies on the front lines when people can barely feed their kids on two incomes. Not without a draft. Good luck with that, Texas.

    Haphazard9479 ,

    I dont think you know about the rednecks in Texas. They all have guns and have played Call of Duty. That makes them enough of a trained militia in their eyes to make a go at it.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    It's not about what they believe they're capable of, it's about what they can actually afford to do. If you have two kids and a house you're just barely able to afford and are in a large amount of debt despite both adults in the household working full time jobs, you're not likely going to let your kids starve in order to fight a war of secession.

    beebarfbadger ,

    Yeah, sure, but you see, it's all THE LIBRULS' FAULT, so you basically MUST go to war to show 'em.

    1. Punish the enemy for all the things I blame them for

    2. ???

    3. Profit!

    Cryophilia ,

    The ??? is "take their money and kill them"

    See: Holocaust

    joel_feila , avatar

    whats sad is they do believe that

    Telorand ,

    Now I wonder. Does Texas even have the ability to draft people into its own "army?" I'm sure they'd have plenty of volunteers itching to fight "the gubment," but the Selective Service my friends were a part of was for the US military.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    I suppose if they secede, they can do whatever they want. They will claim sovereignty. So I suppose they could have a draft. I just don't think it would work out well for them.

    grue ,

    Presumably they'd be expecting a bunch of folks in the US military with roots in Texas to defect and join them.

    postmateDumbass ,

    It will be defecrors from almost every unit, svery state. And i feel it would be a big percentage.

    Blankmann ,


    Ashyr ,

    "Best generals available" might be a bit of a stretch. That's a bit of the Lost Cause mythology still wrattling about the internet.

    7u5k3n ,

    Well it doesn't help it any that "lost cause" is 100% what some of our elected officials are spouting currently,and%20not%20centered%20on%20slavery.

    DangedIfYouDid ,

    When the upper threshold for greatness available to you is a 3/10, a 2.5 looks pretty good.

    Cryophilia ,

    I understood that pro-union misinformation and propaganda and poor understanding of history is orders of magnitude less harmful than pro-confederate, but it still bothers me. Lee was an incredible general. Jackson, Longstreet, even Early were excellent tacticians. The union could not field anyone who was a match for them until Grant and Sherman.

    Kage520 ,

    Wasn't their general first helping to lead the Union army before Virginia turned against the Union and he turned with them?

    Cryophilia ,

    Lee was offered comman of the union army by Lincoln.

    homesweethomeMrL ,

    I love "wrattling". kind of a wrestling-meets-defective-machinery.

    RedAggroBest ,

    I haven't seen that part disputed? To my knowledge there was a very good reason Lee was the superintendent at the US Military Academy and was even offered a Union command before Virginia seceded, and this pattern holds with his underlings too. A lot of Confederate victories were beating odd against bigger Union armies.

    grue ,

    On the contrary, I think your comment is a bit of a stretch in the other direction. Leaving variances in talent among individuals aside, the officers on both sides were broadly comparable because they had all gone through the same West Point training and were colleagues in the same chain of command, with the same strategy and doctrine, until the Southern ones turned traitor.

    Dagwood222 ,

    Lincoln offered Lee command of the Union Army.

    Crack0n7uesday ,

    Lee almost took it too, he didn't want to secede but he felt like he was betraying his fellow statesmen in Virginia. People forget that before the civil war people didn't think of themselves as Americans, they thought of themselves as citizens of whatever state they were from.

    Dagwood222 ,

    From what I've read, before the War people said "...the United States are..." and after they changed it to "...the United States IS..."

    Also, I like the stories that the British had agents who privately encouraged the South to fight the North in order to keep America weak. Putin didn't invent anything new

    KevonLooney ,

    From what you've read in.. the script of National Treasure?

    chiliedogg ,

    That part of the mythos is fairly accurate.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    But, of course, it won't occur to them that this is because their Republican masters are lying to them.

    z3rOR0ne , avatar

    At this point they'd rather forsake god as a socialist than believe the Nazi...ahem...”Republican” party can do wrong.

    FlyingSquid , avatar
    thisbenzingring ,

    I remember when debate was getting started about the ACA (Obamacare). I was debating it with my friends older brother. He is the kind of Catholic that will shame you for not going to church.

    So he's ranting about the merits of universal healthcare and I asked him what Jesus would do. Let's just say he didn't like that. He later blocked me on social media and it was the last discussion we ever had.

    PeterLossGeorgeWall ,

    What a happy ending. Some people are really cynical about the Internet these days but it's things like your comment that give me hope.

    postmateDumbass ,

    He should have gone on about Jesus making the leppers work at Starbucks so they had health coverage before healing them.

    Cryophilia ,

    It's "lepers". "Leprosy" only has one p

    postmateDumbass ,

    It used to have 2, then one fell off.

    prole , avatar

    In before the Christians come to tell everyone that those aren't real Christians.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    I'm surprised that hasn't happened yet, to be honest.

    UtMan1988 ,

    Convoys are sooo 2020.

    Tristaniopsis ,

    Somehow I think they are confused about a lot of stuff.

    Jake_Farm , avatar

    The Crisis in New York does not exist, ignore the over flowing shelters and streets.

    frunch ,

    It appears you commented in the wrong thread 🌠

    moitoi ,

    I comment just to say I like this emoji choice.

    Viking_Hippie ,

    You mean the New York that has a fascist cop (but I repeat myself) as a mayor? The New York whose local Dem leadership is probably the second most conservative and corrupt from lack of competition after that of Chicago? That New York?

    aniki ,

    No one is fixing houselessness so why are you bringing it up in a thread about a border crossing?

    Kbobabob ,

    Because they are trying to distract with a shitty whataboutism argument.

    paddirn ,

    Also, if anything, Texas is potentially contributing to New York’s homeless problem by spending millions of dollars busing migrants and dropping them off at the city without any support. If these are “invaders”, then Texas is aiding the “enemy” and conducting economic warfare against the city.

    SkyezOpen ,

    I wholeheartedly accept Abbott's framing that this is an invasion. Moving invaders farther into the country they are invading is certainly providing aid and comfort. Therefore, Greg Abbott is a traitor.

    brbposting ,

    Maybe they’re suggesting the MAGAians should’ve convoyed to New York instead and volunteered at some shelters, helping the least amongst us like their Bible says.

    Context from behind the NYT paywall:

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    What is a convoy of retired hillbillies driving down to Texas going to do to fix that? Do you think if they go down there and start a-shootin' Messicans that somehow all the undocumented immigrants in New York will dissolve into puddles on the sidewalk?

    ThePantser , avatar

    Just like vampires, if you kill the Master the underlings turn into US citizens.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    the underlings turn into US citizens.

    Uh-oh. That's the last thing these bigots want.

    Transporter_Room_3 , avatar

    Unless they're straight, white, and claim to be Christian.

    eran_morad ,

    Republicans are mentally defective.

    littlebluespark , avatar

    Republicans are mentally deflective.


    Deceptichum , avatar

    ¿Porque no los dos?

    grte ,

    Now if they could just take this lesson and apply it to the rest of the 'information' that is supplied by the media environment they have immersed themselves in.

    CosmicTurtle ,

    These people are going to go home and be proud of how they defended the border and tell everyone about it.

    "Immigrants stopped coming because we were there! See?! It works!"

    Death_Equity ,

    "Lisa, I want to buy your rock."

    CosmicTurtle ,

    Wasn't there some scammer that was selling pieces of the border wall? Like you could sponsor a piece of it and have your name on it?

    jpreston2005 ,

    personalized vanity stones with family names and little messages being used to stop families at the border is actually hilarious

    "From the Johnsons. Peter, Debbie, and little David. - we're hate-filled!"

    or one with their pets pawprint "my Pepper is just as racist as I am!"

    Daft_ish ,

    "Thoughts and prayers -- for your death."

    prole , avatar

    Lol, "lesson." As if this would teach them anything .That's cute.

    Donjuanme ,

    As if they had the capability to learn. That was beaten out of them with a bibble before primary school.

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