pantyhosewimp ,

I don’t know what I expected. I can tell you it’s not as bad as what I thought.

Which is it you stupid?! How did civilization get this way? I can’t take it anymore.

Seasoned_Greetings ,

How did civilization get this way?

Well, it started when Nixon posited that conservatives needed a republican news outlet to frame political problems in a way that always casted republicans in a good light, that way a media-landslide like Watergate wouldn't happen again. Fox News was born, and has slowly been pushing our society into what it is now.

So, to answer your question, the snowball started rolling about 50 years ago.

In the scenario in your comment, that very same news network told a bunch of gullable, trained idiots that we are being invaded, in order to make republican policy look good.

smallsubsidy , avatar
GilgameshCatBeard ,

MAGA Convoy Confused.

All that needed be said.

Tangent5280 ,
CharlesDarwin , avatar

I think anyone associated with "maga" spend most of their lives in a state of confusion.

InternetUser2012 ,

Perpetual confusion with anger and fear. I mean, these people are mad at rainbows and afraid they're going to rape a someone with a penis.

lennybird , avatar

Welp, I'm adding that to my video collection in preparation for 2024 election bullshit.

Fades ,

meanwhile, I ran into some moron from another country trying to tell me, an American, about how 26 US state governors have stood against the government and are "amassing troops at the texan border."

Fucking hilarious if it weren't so fucking sad and dangerous.

jaschen ,


blazeknave ,

Get out! Baitin here!

dangblingus ,

Fuckin biiiiiiiiiitches.

TokenBoomer ,

Crossings have increased, but it’s not an invasion.

some_guy ,

Wait… wasn't there a huge invasion of South American immigrants about to hit our border in 2020? What ever happened to them? And what about the roving bands of Antifa attacking small towns?

These fucking idiots believe whatever the fuck is fed to them. They don't remember all the times that info was wrong and realign. That's why they're dangerous: they aren't operating on even the appearance of facts.

FlyingSquid , avatar

They have the memories of goldfish. Remember Jade Helm, where supposedly Democrats were going to put Republicans in Walmarts converted into concentration camps? When that didn't happen, did all those MAGA idiots who believed it say, "huh. Maybe I should rethink things?" No, they just forgot it was even a thing they said was going to happen within a day or two.

some_guy ,

I saw a cop bodycam video with someone who was talking about (jade jelm) that during the time it was supposedly happening / about to happen. Absolutely stunning.

The guy who chased an officer in the Capitol on J6 (Douglas Jensen) reportedly kept asking FBI agents if they knew who Q was or if they were in on the op. I think he was confused why they weren't a part of it or some such drivel. These people mostly have the lowest media literacy and ability to work through logic. They are 100% id-driven. The small amount that think rationally run the grift at the top, such as Bannon and that ilk.

I didn't know anything about JH until sometime last year. Here's from Wikipedia:

Jim Shea of the Hartford Courant wrote that the conspiracy theories included: a "psychological operation aimed at getting people used to seeing military forces on the streets" so that they do not realize when an invasion actually takes place; an international operation aimed to seize people's guns; recently closed Walmarts used by the military to "stockpile supplies for Chinese troops who will be arriving to disarm Americans"; and a military plan to "round up political dissidents" and "remove key political figures" who may be against the imposition of martial law.[17] Other theories have described Jade Helm 15 as a "secret plot" to impose martial law, confiscate firearms, invade Texas, and institute "total population control."[18]

Seriously, who the fuck can believe this stupid shit? We're gonna have a foreign power come take your guns? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?

Conservatives have only enough thought to register emotions. No ability to question a narrative.

Asafum ,

Invade Texas... Lol they wish. What a victim complex these assholes have

mipadaitu ,

I guy I worked with says he stayed up all night holding a loaded AR when "BLM protesters were going to break into houses in small towns across America" and then said it was a good thing he did it... after absolutely nothing happened... anywhere...

FlyingSquid , avatar

I am so confused about these people sometimes. It's like how they simultaneously say that the January 6th insurrectionists were all secretly Antifa but also they're Trump-loving patriots who are being treated unfairly by the courts.

dhork ,

Sounds a bit like my dog. When she sees another dog being walked past the house, she makes an alarm bark to let me know there is an invader coming. Then , due solely to her alarm (and not at all because they're just on a walk), the interloper moved along, and called off their imminent invasion. "See", my dog barks at me. "You're lucky I'm here to protect you from that bitch...."

prole , avatar

It's like they didn't expect any of these losers to actually get off their asses and see for themselves that it's bullshit. Whoops.

Not that it matters for the rest of them. They're too far gone.

st3ph3n ,

Ah yes, the infamous iMmIgRaNt CaRaVaN.

werefreeatlast ,

They are walking here. Imagine for a second that you had to walk to the honest, we're Americans, it would take years. You would probably never make it back home if it was winter, at night or full summer. It's a trek. Now imagine walking from guatemala (prenounced watemalla). They are coming 😁. And when they get here, they're going to dangerously tired. So dangerous in fact that we just gotta send people there.... To help.

HerbalGamer , avatar

Genuinely reminds me of the Orc Army led by Dragons in Gothic 2.

Jakeroxs ,

Well obviously it was stopped before it could be a problem! /s

JeeBaiChow ,

The most connected period in human history also produces the dumbest humans, apparently.

TokenBoomer ,

China’s gonna collapse any day. Look at Gaza. Democrats are not immune.

LarmyOfLone ,

If you're protesting the gaza genocide you're clearly working for Putin to... um distract from Ukraine? Hey wait a minute...

Econgrad ,

Gaza is not a genocide

LarmyOfLone ,

The 15 permanent judges of the ICJ unanimously said as much, and Israel and Netanyahu basically calling it a genocide themselves.

Duke_Nukem_1990 ,

No they didn't. Not saying the ruling is right or wrong but the court did not call it a genocide (yet).

LarmyOfLone ,

The ruling has been massively downplayed by the german media with headlines like "does not order ceasefire" when it ordered Israel to "stop killing members of the group", basically ordered them to stop committing acts of genocide. At this stage they could not be any clearer!

They also ordered under 80. the immediate provision and humanitarian aid. On the same day Israel comes up with this accusation about some 12 out of thousands of aid workers being member of hamas. Then Germany among others cuts of humanitarian aid, directly in violation of the ICJ order. Which now makes Germany complicit in the genocide.

If Israel is allowed to continue a million innocent civilians could easily die horribly from starvation, thirst or disease, as well as just exposure.

For reference:

  1. The Court considers that, with regard to the situation described above, Israel must, in
    accordance with its obligations under the Genocide Convention, in relation to Palestinians in Gaza,
    take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of Article
    II of this Convention, in particular: (a) killing members of the group; (b) causing serious bodily or
    mental harm to members of the group; (c) deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life
    calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; and (d) imposing measures
    intended to prevent births within the group. The Court recalls that these acts fall within the scope of
    Article II of the Convention when they are committed with the intent to destroy in whole or in part a
    group as such (see paragraph 44 above). The Court further considers that Israel must ensure with
    immediate effect that its military forces do not commit any of the above-described acts.
  2. The Court is also of the view that Israel must take all measures within its power to prevent
    and punish the direct and public incitement to commit genocide in relation to members of the
    Palestinian group in the Gaza Strip.
  3. The Court further considers that Israel must take immediate and effective measures to
    enable the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance to address the
    adverse conditions of life faced by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
  4. Israel must also take effective measures to prevent the destruction and ensure the
    preservation of evidence related to allegations of acts within the scope of Article II and Article III of
    the Genocide Convention against members of the Palestinian group in the Gaza Strip.
Duke_Nukem_1990 ,

My point is that the judges did not unanonimously called it genocide. I just don't want fake news being spread. The ruling has much more nuance than that.

Econgrad ,

All this nonsense can be removed with one simple statement. One simple argument.

Gaza is as dense as New York City.

If they wanted to commit genocide deaths would be far higher than 30,000.

Also you're ignoring the absolute fact that has been demonstrated many many times, that palestinian terrorists like Hamas embed themselves within civilian infrastructure and hide among civilian populations.

This is why Israel has to warn people before they bomb a certain area. And of course the terrorist escape due to these warnings as well.

Does that sound like a genocide to you?
Not if you're honest it doesn't.

If Israel wanted to genocide Gaza the numbers would be far far higher we're talking over a quarter million deaths. It would be absurdly easy. It's important that you be honest internally otherwise you make the world worse despite what you might think are noble intentions.

LarmyOfLone ,

You're completely uninformed about the definition and the laws against genocide.

Econgrad ,

I'm actually not and genocide doesn't have multiple definitions which is a thing that unfortunately people who claim to be progressive love to do... I'm progressive myself but I draw distinction between myself and many progressives by calling myself a moderate progressive. I don't try and redefine words to fit my ideology.

Genocide means to try and wipe out totally a people or an ethnicity through means of violence or deliberate actions. Things like the Holocaust and the Armenian genocide are good examples as is the Khmer Rogue terror in Cambodia.

However horrifying examples of violence on a grand scale like the rape of Nanking during World War II do not count because they are not attempts to eradicate an entire ethnicity or people nor do they end up having that impact whether the intention was or not.

If the rape of Nanking does not qualify as a genocide then there's no way in heck the Gaza war does. I need you to be honest and have integrity so that we can make the world better. As progressives we will only have ourselves to blame if we let emotion and passion override logic and truth. Because it WILL make the world worse long-term.

I'm in favor of a ceasefire at this point but it is absolutely not a genocide nor was it ever.

LarmyOfLone ,

Note the words "acts committed with **intent **to destroy, in whole or in part"

Also "Direct and public incitement to commit genocide;" There is evidence of Netanyaho and other ministers doing this. Just now some minister was talking about settling Gaza, again implying the total removal of Palestinians.

On 28 October 2023, as Israeli forces prepared their land
invasion of Gaza, the Prime Minister invoked the Biblical story of the total destruction of
Amalek by the Israelites, stating: “you must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our
Holy Bible. And we do remember”.446 The Prime Minister referred again to Amalek in the letter
sent on 3 November 2023 to Israeli soldiers and officers.447 The relevant biblical passage reads
as follows: “Now go, attack Amalek, and proscribe all that belongs to him. Spare no one, but
kill alike men and women, infants and sucklings
, oxen and sheep, camels and asses”

This is Israel's stated intent! If we let them continue, that is what we have to assume will happen! 1.5 million refugees inside Gaza, locked in, no power, not enough food and water, most hospitals bombed, population density of new york. What do you think is going to happen?

It's called the "Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide", not the "lets sit back and discuss the finer technical details until they are all dead before we judge" convention.

There is a story how all this is obfuscated at CNN but similar is happening in German public broadcasting. Germany admirably protests against the AfD, but the government is making Germany complicit in Genocide again.

Econgrad ,

So under this ridiculously broad definition any war whatsoever is genocide.

We both know that's not a good definition nor is it really an accurate one historically. Nor is it what the vast overwhelming majority of people think genocide means.

And if the vast overall majority of people think one thing of a word that it doesn't matter that a book says this is the actual meaning because people collectively decide what the meaning of words are.

Either way even this broad approach fails anyway because Israel is not trying to destroy Palestinians They're trying to destroy a terrorist group that routinely murders people en masse.

LarmyOfLone ,

They’re trying to destroy a terrorist group that routinely murders people en masse.

Ok. Do you think after this bombing campaign - one of the most intense in modern history - in your judgement if you look at what the 1.5 million Palestinians are going through: Do you think there are now more or less of them wanting to fight for Hamas?

Econgrad ,

Hyperbole. Why don't you stick to the actual facts? It's okay to be wrong. In fact being wrong is an opportunity! It's an opportunity for growth and improvement! You literally cannot do either of those things unless you acknowledge that you're wrong at times.

LarmyOfLone ,

No I'm genuinely curious. If those are the state goals of the campaign that justify all this slaughter, you must think this is eventually going to stop before it becomes a genocide? You must think eventually "oh we got the last hamas fighter, now we can leave!".

If you don't think that, honestly to yourself, then you must agree that at best the motivation is blind raging hatred (racism) or vengeance or political opportunism, or at worse the motivation is a "final solution" for the palestinian question.

Econgrad ,

I think the solution is a permanent occupation and annexation of Gaza using this as a pretext. This is something that I support because a two-state solution is not practical considering the geography of Israel and turns Israel into Swiss cheese when you look at the borders on a map.

Israel holds the high ground morally ever since they were attacked during the wars of the 20th century. There's not a shred of religious influence in my support. It's purely the fact that they've been the underdog throughout the 20th century and attacked endlessly by their neighbors yet they have been gracious to them in victory and yet all it has inspired is further enmity and war. That is why I side with Israel. When Egypt attacked them in the 1960s they took the entire Sinai peninsula and they gave it back out of Goodwill. How have they been repaid for their generosity in victory? They were attacked in a defensive war and then took enemy territory and then gave it back out of generosity. And what was the reward? Terrorist attacks and more war of aggression. Israel has made some mistakes in the way they've handled the Palestinian situation. There have been times when they have unnecessarily harm civilians and they certainly don't have blood free hands. But they are light years cleaner than all their neighbors. They are absolutely 100% the lesser of all evils in that area.

So I support the occupation of Gaza and I support the permanent annexation of Gaza. Its very clear to me that that's what this is about. But annexation and occupation do not equate to genocide. You can annex a territory and give it citizens civil rights. Over time they become more like the original state. They become israelized. Romanized. Americanized. Etc.

When Israel controls all of the territories within its borders including the West Bank then there will be peace. And they should give civil rights to those conquered peoples and treat them with respect.

LarmyOfLone ,

A one state solution to create a Israel/Palestine and an end to Apartheid is the only sensible long term solution. I fully agree.

But we are further away from that than we ever were. Not even the most progressive voices in politics suggest that. I think you're very unaware how bad things have gotten in Israel, how far into fascism they have gone.

There are only few independent dissident voices that are not part of competing geopolitical camps (e.g. rt, aljazeera) but they exist: Democracy Now and The Majority Report w/ Sam Seeder. They interview actual experts or professors about these topics instead of pundits. I strongly suggest you search for "Israel" for articles from those channels to get a different perspective.

Look at the corruption of Netanyaho and how they removed the PLO and propped up Hamas for political gain. Look at their laws that criminalizes expressing support for Palestine (suggesting a one state solution would most likely get you arrested in Israel). Look at the fervent fascism blooming there. Look at all the war crimes, and look at how they occupied Gaza for more than 50 years and what that does to a people. Look at the talk about the biblical story of amalek.

And I don't think it makes sense to argue from history, e.g. why Israeli's deserve a homeland and why the arab states had a problem with that. But before 1950 there was apparently very little anti-semitism in arab states so the opposition is political. If you want to talk about the wars around the time, you'd also have to talk about how Israel came to live where Palestinians used to live before (Nakba). The Arabs had no hand in the holocaust. From there perspective Israel was a colonial enterprise by white European people that displaced the people who lived there for a millennium. Unfortunately that gets us nowhere.

Saying Israel holds the moral high ground and is somehow pure is absolute madness!

You can also argue that Israels geopolitical role in the region is to be a proxy for US empire interests - to destabilize and control Arab countries in the region and prevent democracy in Arab countries. Because that would make them much harder to control and exploit for resources. You can find much in declassified or even public documentation. This is at least partially true and has a major effect on the situation.

Israel effectively occupied and controlled Palestine for 50 years and had that long to turn things around. Using education, propaganda and stability to create a lasting peace. But they simply didn't and still don't want that, they want a country all to their own based on their identity as Jews and not be "outbred" by Arabs.

So how can you get to a one state solution when there are so many geopolitical and cultural forces pushing to the exact opposite direction? We do not even have mainstream press reporting accurately on any of this, so you can't even have a discussion based on reality.

For a working democracy you need modest prosperity, education and safety. The prerequisites are worse than ever for both parties.

BTW the US alleges that what China is doing to alter the culture of uyghur is a "cultural" genocide. Which btw was a reaction after the US funded radical Islamic separatists in China.

To stand by Israel and say "they wouldn't go that far" is not learning from history.

Econgrad , (edited )

I will admit that I know nothing about Israel's current politics other than that Netanyahu is corrupt and if not for this war he'd likely have been impeached and ousted. I appreciate this post and all this information.

The British first started settling Jews in Israel when it was British Palestine.

It was British territory. You have to respect conquest and annexation. If you don't then I could make a case through roundabout historical arguments that Israel belongs to the Jews anyway because they were there thousands of years ago in 700 BC and Arabs were not! That would make us occupiers of native American land. Where does the madness end? An endless attempt to make things right in history by going back to the first peoples of the land? In that case all of England would need to be repopulated back in Northern Germany. Half of Northern Italy would need to be repatriated in Belarus.

We would somehow need to move all of South America into Spain.

Australia would become deserted and returned only to the aboriginals.

It's unreasonable to not respect conquest and annexation. Is it moral, no? We don't have the PHYSICAL capacity for perfect justice when it comes to a question of this large magnitude. I subscribe to realpolitik.

So if we're trying to maximize justice for those still alive and not judging up ancestral grievances of who conquered who... We need to focus on practical considerations only for the people currently alive not who was living there 100 years ago.

Furthermore I would say that displacing some Palestinians to give refuge to a people that were recently genocided on mass in World War II is a moral goal. Is it a perfect solution? No. Is it a reasonable and mostly good one? Yes.

How should it have been handled?
They should have bought the land from Palestinians. In many cases they did. But that didn't stop false claims of colonialism.

I'm all in favor of giving Palestinians reparations but after that it needs to be in exchange for releasing all claims to the land. And they need to be resettled with equity and dignity in friendly Arab nations with a compatible culture.

You want to talk justice, it doesn't become easy, it gets very messy very fast and I'm fine with the taking on that approach. But I have the stomach for it and I'm not sure the vast majority of people do.

There's yet another solution that could be equitable for all. That of a UN protectorate. As far as I'm aware that's the only perfect solution. But it's the least practical and the most unlikely because it makes literally no one happy despite being what's truly just.

A UN protectorate would make sense anyway because technically the whole world has cultural claim to Jerusalem and the surroundings.

And it could lay the foundation for a sensible and accountable democratic world government.

But conspiracy nuts won't ever allow that. And there's other less fantastical reasons for opposition as well that are more grounded in self-interest and selfishness and monetary reasons.

LarmyOfLone ,

It’s unreasonable to not respect conquest and annexation.

Yeah that was my point, it's unproductive to dredge up the history, you have to find reasonable solutions to allow people a dignified life now. And the majority of Palestinians are actually on board with that.

But the current regime in Israel and the geopolitical strategies in the middle east are just... abominable. Long before Okt.7 Israel used genocidal tactics by creating a fascist legal system and try to push out and disenfranchise Palestinians more and more (e.g. Israel Escalates Genocidal Violence Against Palestinians In The West Bank - YouTube Jul.8th 2023)

If you want to know the lies and propaganda that is being used to fool the world around all this, read this: Israel’s Ruthless Propaganda Campaign to Dehumanize Palestinians - theintercept Feb.7th 2024. Or at least the beginning, it's long but in depth.

I’m all in favor of giving Palestinians reparations but after that it needs to be in exchange for releasing all claims to the land. And they need to be resettled with equity and dignity in friendly Arab nations with a compatible culture.

I'm not sure if you can seriously believe your justification for pushing out the Palestinians. Especially since you're constructing a narrative based on Jews "deserving" this because of holocaust - which justifies it based on ancient history again and makes it explicitly a European colonial project. Which it was. Anyway - displacing them is not an option, the "friendly arab neighbors" are a different ethnicity and don't want them. That again is racial bias to think "they are all the same".

So yeah the only viable solution would be a one state, and that AFTER Israel has been "denazified". Because that's what they are more or less now. Fascists who believe that there can never be peace between those "sub humans". They kept millions of people in occupied areas, and actively suppressed any peaceful movements in the illusion that this is somehow sustainable. FYI a modern definition of fascism is a belief in “Inequality through mythological and essentialized identity”. Israel now is basically the US after 20 years of Trump rule. We (US and EU) need to stop supporting them.

I've grown up with this propaganda in my head too that the arabs are just violence terrorist and bomb etc. And that the Jews need to be protected. But to say "never again" most of all means to prevent genocide. Israel's regime now calls everyone who criticizes them antisemitic and actively seeks to create anti-semitism for their own political gain.

And I would have loved to stand back and not get involved in this, but my government made my country complicit by aiding Israel perpetrate this genocide. I just hope it's not too late.

Some links:

An interview with the Author of the above intercept article:
Jeremy Scahill on Israel's "Deliberate Propaganda Campaign" - YouTube

Report Finds “No Evidence” in Key Dossier to Support Israel’s UNRWA Allegations | Truthout

Israel’s free speech crackdown: ‘War inside of a war’ - The Washington Post Nov 12th, 2023

Israeli Kids Torment Principal Who Voices Empathy For Gazans - YouTube Jan 7, 2024

Econgrad ,

You've lost me entirely.

grte ,

I need you to do better and read the actual definition before spouting off about it.

Econgrad ,

This is a waste of my time because you're not listening to what I'm saying.

TokenBoomer ,

I rest my case.

KneeTitts , avatar

dude.. they literally bombed all the hospitals in gaza, there are none left there.


Connected? We've never been more divided

KairuByte , avatar

Connected as in technologically.

Fades ,

the morons have connected through no fault of their own; stupidity has been enabled.

knobbysideup , avatar

Not just enabled. Weaponized.

JeeBaiChow ,

They probably also believe that the earth is flat. Or that an exiled Nigerian prince wants to bequeath them billions in exchange for helping him smuggle his inheritance out of the country.

badbytes ,

Imagine doing research

LarmyOfLone ,

I wonder how bad the filter bubble is for some people. Like "relevant search results" or articles in their preferred news media. And trained cognitive biases. There is a lot of deliberate effort from the fascists and careless ignorance from tech companies to make it this way.

Corkyskog ,

In a way they did... just a very unnecessary, expensive, personal data collection method.

DarkNightoftheSoul , avatar

This amounts to an anecdote. This is the live national television equivalent of a tweet, and then someone wrote an article about the "tweet" this bumpkin made. There is no actual reporting done, no fact-checking (in before someone objects, "But wait! there were no facts to check!"), no following up with other sources. I doubt very much the "source" would agree with her characterization here. This is a nothingburger, and I have to agree with that guy getting spamdownvoted that this source is dogshit, while merrily disagreeing that MBFC is worth even half a turd.

Fades ,

This amounts to an anecdote.

it's an interview with one of the people that traveled there based on the "news" they consumed. It's not just 'an anecdote', it's a first person source from someone at the location who is part of this group that went there.

This isn't just a 'my uncle once saw xyz', you are mischaracterizing the context.

Also, in regards to MBFC,

Overall, we rate MeidasTouch Left Biased based on the negative portrayal of Donald Trump and Republicans and the promotion of Democratic candidates. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to a lack of transparency with funding


this isn't a great "article" in general to post, but you're being extreme

DarkNightoftheSoul , (edited ) avatar
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