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chiliedogg ,

Doesn't matter if the plastics never make it to the recycling center. Only around 5% of plastics in the US get recycled. Sometimes that's because it's cheaper to not recycle or because the particular plastic is non-recyclable, but most of the time it's because it just gets thrown out with the rest of the garbage.

Sorting and separating materials en masse is by far the most difficult part of the process.

chiliedogg ,

Most states do have mandatory classes, shooting tests, and exams to get a license to carry.

And license-holders commit almost no crime, statistically-speaking. People who go out of their way and spend extra money to comply with the law tend to be law-abiding.

chiliedogg ,

I'm from Texas, where they removed most licensing requirements and it's idiotic. You still need one to carry on a college campus and certain other state-owned facilities, but it's mostly a free-for-all.

I still keep my License to Carry up to date because I think I should have to maintain a license. It also let's me skip the security line in some state facilities (including the Capitol) where license holders can carry.

I used to also shoot weekly during lunch break at nearby range too to keep my skills up. Now I only go a few times a year because a buying a case of 9mm just about requires taking out a second mortgage. I also rarely carry, since in business casual it's hard to conceal anything but a pocket 380, and I'm so bad with my LCP I'd have trouble shooting my car while sitting inside it.

chiliedogg ,

Agreed. We learn CPR when though we don't plan on heart attacks. People should be taught basic firearm safety.

chiliedogg ,

I'm very Christian and am fully supportive of suing over this bullshit.

chiliedogg ,

I do - just not when we're in the pews.

I will never discuss politics at church in the same way that I will never discuss religion at a City Council meeting. Separation of Church and State is good for both institution.

Prosecutors say Alec Baldwin was ‘engaged in horseplay’ with gun before fatal shooting ( )

Fewer than three weeks before actor Alec Baldwin is due to go on trial in Santa Fe, New Mexico, prosecutors have said that he “engaged in horseplay with the revolver”, including firing a blank round at a crew member on the set of Rust before the tragic accident occurred....

chiliedogg ,

It's laziness. Automatics are modified in a way that prevents them from being fully operational as a gun, but not for safety reasons.

They won't cycle with blank rounds because there's no backpressure from firing a live round, so they obstruct the barrel to redirect some of the gasses back into the action.

For revolvers, bolt guns, etc that isn't an issue because they aren't cycled by recoil or gasses. You can just load a blank and use it.

chiliedogg ,

For me it's cost and having a place to charge since I rent.

chiliedogg ,

No. Instead they're gonna have state legislature throw out the results of the election. Which they can probably do, Constitutionally-speaking.

The State legislature pick the electors. Just because they all use a popular vote to do it doesn't mean they can't change the law in between the voting in November and the actual election in December.

chiliedogg ,

Forged documents are illegal. Changing laws regarding how electors are selected isn't.

Heck - way back in 2000 the Supreme Court hinted at the tactic in the majority opinion in Bush v Gore, saying that the Florida legislature probably could have just selected electors directly after the vote.

chiliedogg ,

Keep your government hands off my Medicare!

chiliedogg ,

So I missed y'all's argument, but I really appreciate how you both realized that you'd made thoughtless posts, apologized, and removed them.

It's a rare thing to see online.

chiliedogg ,

That's the goal. The insurance company wants your premiums while keeping the out of pocket so high you find another way to pay, so they don't have to cough up a dime.

chiliedogg ,

Yes. I meant to do the person above you.

chiliedogg ,

Not voting for Biden supports Trump, who will be even worse regarding Gaza. So either you're a troll, an idiot, or actively want to make genocide worse?

Which is it?

chiliedogg ,

For Echo devices there's a separate system that listens specifically for pre-programmed wake words only.

It's why you can't choose a custom wake word, but have to pick between "Alexa, Amazon, Computer, or Echo."

chiliedogg ,

The jigglers keep you online status from changing to "away."

Some jobs require you to be at your desk, and using mouse jigglers to fake being at work is the kind of thing that keeps more companies from allowing WFH.

chiliedogg ,

Massive skews and tails are why you use median.

chiliedogg ,

Chiquita has been bad for a long, long time. Even among the banana companies, they're famously evil.

chiliedogg ,

This vehicle is ludicrous and Prosper shouldn't have it.

But a "multipurpose" device is almost never the best thing for any given purpose.

My Leatherman is an amazing tool, but I have much better standalone knives, screwdrivers, pliers, and scissors.

chiliedogg ,

When I was I Niagara they did the opposite. They'd divert water into pipes bypassing the falls and "turn down" the falls at night.

chiliedogg ,

By changing workplaces twice I tripled my income in under 2 years. The biggest thing that happened is that I was promoted to a much more senior position 6 months into the middle workplace, but they screwed me on the salary thinking that because it was a big bump from my lower position it would keep me around.

So I did that job for a year and got hired for the same job elsewhere for a 50% pay increase.

chiliedogg ,

I think a lot of people don't understand the implications of saying it's genocide out loud.

Since 1988 (when the US officially joined the Convention on Genocide), if the US officially says genocide is occurring, it's supposed to directly intervene. Several states are immune from the convention, including the US, but not Israel.

It puts the US in a delicate position. Cutting off all support to such a major ally basically requires saying they're committing genocide, which commits us to war.

There's a lot of people that are opposed to what's happening in Gaza, but don't want to get in a shooting war with Israel over it.

chiliedogg ,

We actually bombed the moon on the day of the Nobel Prize announcement!

Seriously though, it was a middle finger to Bush more than anything.

chiliedogg ,

But the elevation to a felony is the important part. It's a felony because it's part of a conspiracy to illegally defraud the voters and affect the election.

It's a crime in furtherance of a more serious crime, which elevates its severity.

chiliedogg ,

Exit inerviews can be valuable and beneficial if the exit is on good terms all around.

I left my last job for a better-paying position elsewhere, but I still loved my old job and coworkers. It's still the best job I ever had.

I couldn't pass up a 50% raise and they couldn't match it. No hard feelings or bruised egos. It's just how things work out.

Having an honest conversation with HR about what worked and didn't from an employee perspective with zero stakes for either of us was productive and informative.

chiliedogg ,

Florida's voting rights rule for felons convicted out of state is to follow the laws of the state in which they were convicted.

chiliedogg ,

Is that the guy a jury found liable for sexual assault?

Can I refuse MS Authenticator?

So my company decided to migrate office suite and email etc to Microsoft365. Whatever. But for 2FA login they decided to disable the option to choose "any authenticator" and force Microsoft Authenticator on the (private) phones of both employees and volunteers. Is there any valid reason why they would do this, like it's...

chiliedogg ,

I work for a municipal government where we all receive a phone stipend because of 2FA.

If we use our personal phones for city business, they become searchable in Open Records Requests.

chiliedogg ,

"Bullshitting" is an essential skill, not a distraction. The greatest idea in the world is meaningless if nobody knows about it.

Marketing, scmoozing, etc gets a bad rep. But no matter how good your output, product, research, etc is, it has very little value or impact if people don't get on board.

If you can't play the game, team up with someone who can. And don't forget that while that schmoozer may not have your technical skills, they have a skillset you do not.

It wasn't Woz or Jobs. It was both.

chiliedogg ,

Jobs was an asshole.

Also, he got shit done. He wasn't a technical genius, but he and the team he built could pitch the shit out of products. Apple's value has rarely been in its technical superiority, but in branding.

chiliedogg ,

It shows how important having a charismatic person is to make any venture a success. We're all humans with limited time on the earth. We can't possibly experience everything. All we see and do is filtered out of necessity. A charismatic advocate of a product/movement/idea can get people to pay attention.

The best musician in history is probably unknown because they didn't have a good manager/agent.

The greatest painting ever made was probably thrown away because nobody ever knew about it.

Hype men are necessary.

chiliedogg ,

But they're essentially illegal. CAFE standards are based on vehicle footprint since the late 2000s (you know - when they suddenly quit making small trucks). As the standards get stricter they just make trucks bigger to keep from failing to meet CAFE.

chiliedogg ,

Though the benefit of the law is that the standard engine on the Ford Maverick is the hybrid, since having the ICE as the standard wouldn't meet CAFE.

If the Maverick had been possible to obtain when my Colorado died last summer it's definitely what I would have bought.

Instead I got an NV200 mini cargo van, and I'm pretty happy with it. Though the smash cargo vans just all got discontinued by all the manufacturers too because of CAFE.

chiliedogg ,

I'm staying. Just like I've stayed in Texas.

But I also don't have kids. My sister left Texas when she decided to start having children and I support that decision 100%. This is no place to raise a child.

chiliedogg ,

Had a coworker that was going through some stuff when I started. On my fist day, she breaks down about her situation.

She and her husband had been extremely happy and decided to adopt. The kid turned out to be violently agtessive towards her. He'd tried stabbing her, burning her house down when she slept, etc. She told her husband she couldn't live with the kid. He said he completely understood that she couldn't live in that situation, and there was no way they could raise the kid in those circumstances.

So he filed for divorce. He said he'd agreed to take on the responsibility of raising the child and he couldn't walk away.

", I'm Chilie. I was told you had the key to the supply closet."

chiliedogg ,

McDonald's is fast. That's all they have going for them and the only reason I ever go. When I only have 3 minutes to pull over and have hot food put in the car.

chiliedogg ,

With the trillions they steal from the rest of us we should be able to fund the project fairly easily.

chiliedogg ,

The billionaires don't have to be intact on their flight.

chiliedogg ,

I've had trucks and now I have a mini cargo van.

90% of the time the van is better, but that last 10% can be a big deal.

chiliedogg ,

I mean... I still had to buy the van. And vans aren't cheap.

Overall I prefer owning the van because I'm mostly hauling tools and dive gear, but for people who haul plywood or tall objects more often than me a truck makes more sense.

Vans hold lots of little things very well. They're not great for real big things.

Oh - and I really miss having a tailgate as a working surface.

chiliedogg ,

I think small trucks make a lot od sense, but they're virtually impossible to find now.

Ever notice how the old Ranger, S10, and Dakota left the market at the same time. Then a few years later the "small" models came back larger than the 2000s full-size trucks, which had gotten ludicrously large?

There was a change in the CAFE standards that accidentally led to this mess. Lots of manufacturers were classifying vehicles incorrectly to cheat on their emissions numbers. The freaking PT Cruiser was classified as a truck by Chrysler.

So the CAFE standards were changed starting in 2012 to be based on vehicle footprint. It closed one loophole, but created a massive new one. Trucks are inherently less fuel-efficient than more aerodynamic vehicles with different engines and transmissions. Making a small truck that met CAFE standards was really, really difficult. And on top of that, CAFE gets stricter over time, so it gets even harder.

You know what's easier than solving the efficiency problem? Increasing the vehicle's footprint to improve the score. By making trucks bigger and bigger, they don't have to make them more fuel efficient.

It's actually why the Ford Maverick has the hybrid engine as the standard and the traditional engine as the "upgrade." With the hybrid as the standard they meet CAFE.

The hybrid Maverick is probably the vehicle I'd own right now if they weren't impossible to buy when I was last vehicle hunting. They're affordable, get 40 miles per gallon, have 4 doors, and a small bed. It checks every box for me.

But I'm pretty happy with my NV200. Though all the manufacturers have also stopped making small cargo vans now (Transit Connect, RAM ProMaster City, and NV200 are all discontinued), because their footprint is no longer large enough to meet fuel economy standards.

chiliedogg ,

I'm horrified by what's going on in Gaza. It's an atrocity that deserves maximum attention and intervention above pretty much any issue.

Biden is absolutely shitting the bed on this. But Trump isn't gonna clean the sheets.

It's not that genocide is a tertiary issue. It's that both candidates will be complicit in the genocide, so it literally isn't a factor when looking at the candidates.

chiliedogg ,

No, you're giving half a vote to whichever of the 2 major-party candidates you hate more.

chiliedogg ,

Yep. All bad things.

But the choices we have in a general election are:

  1. Vote for the candidate you hate least
  2. Not vote at all and accept whatever the worst candidates are doing to you
  3. Vote for a fairytale candidate (this and option 2 have identical results)
  4. Violent uprising

The Trump cult is hard at work on options 1 and 4 while deploying millions of bots and thousands of bad actors to encourage everyone else to go with options 2 and 3.

chiliedogg ,

I'm expecting them to not effectively outlaw being anything other than a wealthy CIS white Christian male.

The ship is sinking, and instead of helping us bail water you're trying to pick out more attractive curtains for your room.

chiliedogg ,

I'm a really big dude and that shit terrifies me. Some people like to target fat folks thinking they're out of shape. And I am very, very out of shape.

But the fact that I can get out of bed and walk up stairs effortlessly means I'm incredibly, incredibly strong. What most people lift when maxing out is what I lift every time I move.

If I throw a punch in anger, I could easily kill.

chiliedogg ,

Absolutely. But a broken hand can still have force behind it.

And not that it matters, but I do know how to throw a punch. And there's a big gap between "how hard someone expects a punch to be" and "world champion boxer heavyweight boxer. "

Mike Tyson could definitely kill with a punch.

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