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Telorand ,

I disagree, but only because giving into cynicism helps them win, and that's not something I'm willing to do. I would rather be optimistically deluded and try than apathetically complicit and give up.

And based on the voting numbers in Texas, "apathetic" sums up voter turnout for the most part. Vote, y'all.

Telorand ,

Bet, Dan. You know that bill in Louisiana is going to get thrown out, and that's why the Speaker you hate so much won't bring the Texas version to a vote.

Telorand ,

I understand, but I'm unfortunately financially tied for the next few years. Moved here as a Christian fundie planting a church, now left the religion and stuck here for a while.

So I gotta make due with what I've got. When life gives you lemons, make lemonades.

Telorand ,

Don't underestimate the power of the lie that is the American Dream. Even if you have food and shelter, many still think they can overcome late-stage capitalism with sheer effort.

Telorand ,

And they did it without guns‽ How is that even possible‽


Telorand ,

Plasma is undoubtedly the best desktop, unless you prefer something like Gnome, Openbox, Mate, XFCE, Budgie, Cinnamon, Sway...

Telorand ,

"Chocolate is the best ice cream!"

"Yeah, unless you like other flavors."

"You mean other gross flavors?"

Telorand ,

No offense intended, but you seem to have missed the point.

Calling Plasma the best is an opinion. Liking Gnome or any other DE is an opinion. The things you like about Plasma may not be things that somebody else likes or cares about, and that doesn't make them wrong.

Telorand ,

I enjoy it, too. Because of the granular data (e.g. what's this road made of?), it's got me thinking a lot more about my community, instead of just taking everything for granted.

Telorand ,

That's 125.24°F. The yeast in your bread is now dead, and your steak is rare.

Telorand ,

I used to work for a competitor of theirs, and they've gotta be feeling really stupid right now. That's gonna result in some lost contracts.

Telorand ,

That's good, I suppose; I'm of the mind that historical art belongs to humanity.

However, if climate activists want to vandalize something to make a point, go vandalize the CEOs who are ruining the climate. They don't care about history and preserving anything, as long as they're making gobs of money, so punching somebody else in the face isn't something that causes them any discomfort.

Telorand ,

Exactly my point. Their reason for doing it gets overshadowed by the act, because they are incongruent.

The act and the message should be essentially one and the same, because people's attention is already stretched thin by a myriad of things.

Telorand ,

We talk more about their tactics than the message they're trying to spread, so I don't think we're really discussing the things they'd want us to focus upon.

Telorand ,

And that's where we disagree. I don't think anybody is researching anything. The average person does not have the drive or attention span for a Step 2.

Plus, I agree with their core ideology, yet I still think people who do this stuff are assholes, and I'm immediately annoyed on the outset. To expect people who aren't invested in climate change to look past the "asshole" is a pretty big ask.

Telorand ,

Then they send their message to the informed but poor and powerless.

I disagree, though, that the rich don't care about their toys. They may be able to afford to replace them, but it's not like they go out and buy a yacht every day. And activists vandalizing public works of art or history can and do still face legal action from the governments that oversee or maintain them.

Ultimately, the rich responsible for facilitating and encouraging climate change aren't going to feel any compunction to change if you never even punch in their direction.

Telorand ,

I have a small issue with the analogy of lost things: throughout history, many things have been lost, living and nonliving, through both action and inaction. It is the nature of our impermanent existence.

But vandalizing our works of art servers our ties to the past and what they might tell us. Yes, we are currently accelerating the loss of species, but they will continue to come and go, regardless of our input. These links, however, can never be recovered. They are intrinsically unique, and their value to humanity is not something they have a right to gamble in a game of political chicken (because let's be honest, it all boils down to governments' responses to the current crisis).

And if this is truly an effort to draw parallels with our impending doom, it's inelegant and ineffective, and I wish they'd put more effort towards actually doing something that makes the polluters want to change, instead of just pissing people off only to get lost in the next bombastic news story.

Telorand ,

I guess, but who hasn't heard of climate change at this point?

The conversation has to go beyond that, and their desire to raise awareness accompanied by acts like this only demonstrates their conviction, not the truth of our impending doom. They have to reach the people who still don't think it's real, and what does painting a historical monument have to do with climate change?

The plot they want people to pick up gets lost and the message is out of their control if the act isn't self-evident with regard to their purpose.

Telorand ,

And if you believe that, then they've failed.

Telorand ,

Agreed. The key there is "important to the rich," not "important to humanity." Break all the rich people's toys, make some noise. Go sabotage a SpaceX rocket or something.

But the fact that I'm focused on the act despite being effectively on their side means a ton of other people who aren't on their side are too, and I can almost guarantee they can't see past the act to really grasp the impetus behind it.

Telorand ,

What I would say is that I think what you articulate is climate denial here.

Unfortunately, Lemmy is not a good medium for nuanced discussion. I assure you that I was not articulating climate denialism, just that we need to take a step back and realize that saving our links to history is greater than humanity itself (in my opinion). Humanity may not survive this catastrophe, and I would rather think that some future species on this blue marble finds proof that we lived and were more than a bunch of stupid apes; and perhaps, they could even learn from our mistakes and successes.

I agree, though, that their assessment of the problem is valid; I would just rather see them punching at the actual polluters, rather than flailing at humanity. And in fact, they used money they raised from this stunt to be able to paint Taylor Swift's private jet. That's something I can sort of support, though they still haven't taken any steps towards painting the private jet of an oil tycoon, for example.

Like we all get it—the pollution is bad, but Taylor Swift isn't directly responsible for manufacturing jet fuel. Taylor Swift isn't responsible for lobbying governments to slow walk the transition to other energy sources. I want to see them use their effort to make headlines, because some rich oil magnate's mansion is now orange (or whatever).

People need to be reminded that not only is the oil bad, but these specific people producing it are the villains making sure we get off of it too late. The act needs to encompass that full message, and so far, I feel like they're only getting one piece and expecting the public to fill in the blanks—a big ask for average people who aren't that engaged.

Anyway, thanks for the thoughtful reply. Take care.

Telorand ,

Recall is just a piece that sped up my transition (I have Pro, so Copilot is less of a problem for me). The final nail in the coffin was having to deal with a driver-update-checker that randomly uses 70% processor to do things like check for updates and send telemetry to Intel.

On Linux, I just have to run the usual update command, and it will be updated there, without sending gobs of telemetry to Fuckifiknow.

Telorand ,

Fedora 41 is supposedly including some mobile-specific features, so I'll just wait until there's more options.

Telorand ,

Somebody said recently that they see climate change denial as colonization, but I see it as gentrification. The rich can usually afford to deal with the fallout of climate change, while the rest of us are a sacrifice they're willing to make.

Telorand ,

It's sad that I have to verify if this is satire or not.

Telorand ,

This release is geared mainly towards Linux enthusiasts. We are working hard on stability improvements and automated testing, but if you expect Android or iOS levels of polish, then this is not for you yet.

Well, then I wait with baited breath! Good luck to everyone. Godspeed.

Telorand ,

I don't even have to look. I am almost certain my attorney general is on that list (Ken Paxton), and the only thing that would shock me is if he's not.

Telorand ,

Depending on who and what issue, politicians can be bought for as little as $20k, from some reporting during the Trump admin. Amazing that they offer a truly scarce "commodity" for so little.

Telorand ,

The only thing "bad" about it would be that you'll need to start with a default KDE configuration (which is still very clean and pretty), but since KDE is very customizable, it should not be that much of an issue.

I love KDE (which has technically rebranded to "Plasma"), and it's a great experience. If you're worried, go find a distro like Bazzite or Garuda and install whichever version has Plasma in a Virtual Machine to see what it's like. That way, you can decide what you think about it.

Telorand ,

And people still call it KDE or KDE Plasma to this day. Rebranding is hard.

Telorand ,

True, I forgot about that, since the original context is specifically DE's.

Telorand ,

I can tell you from my lawn that the grass under my Texas trees stays green longer and grows faster than the direct-sun grass. I think your hypothesis is worth exploring.

Telorand ,

St. Augustine, which isn't technically a grass, I suppose.

Why openSUSE?

First, let me be clear up front that I'm not promoting the idea that there should be one "universal" Linux distro. With all the various distros out there for consumers, there's lots of discussion about Arch, Debian, and Fedora (and their various descendant projects), but I rarely see much talk about openSUSE....

Telorand OP ,

I used it a while ago in a VM, and I was impressed how it felt like everything just worked.

Plus, it's just fun that the CLI system update command is zypper up

Telorand OP ,

As an afterthought, I also think the fact that openSUSE and its users seem to be pathologically unable to create any logo or symbol for anything even tangentially related to the distribution that doesn't look like absolute shit might be holding them back.

As shallow as it might seem, good branding is really important, since it has the power to instantly convey vision or commitment to a project.

But to your point about low-maintenance distros, I wonder how the immutable landscape will look in the next five years!

Telorand OP ,

It worked the best for me in a VM, when I was giving it a trial. Not that the others were bad by any stretch (I have Bazzite on an older laptop and love it), but it was almost like it was meant to be there.

From some of the other answers here, I might have to look into it some more as a candidate to replace my current Windows install

Telorand OP ,

Fucky Nvidia updates are the exact sort of thing I'm aiming to mitigate with my next OS choice. I use Bazzite on a spare laptop, and I've had to do rollbacks on that before; it's extremely handy to have that capability out of the box!

Telorand OP ,

Could be! I have no idea, since I used it many years ago.

Telorand ,

We've tried doing nothing, and we're all out of ideas.

Telorand ,

It's not stupid to ask questions! That's how you stop being stupid!

Quote from a movie, whose name I forget.

Telorand ,

Another term for "cooking the books" is "financial fraud."

Seems like a common theme among the ultra capitalists.

Telorand ,

Man, why does Bazzite get a v3.0.1, but Iron and Helium are still on v1.0? Cosmic devs sleeping on the job!

Telorand ,

I don't care what Abbott has to say. This just smacks of dog whistling to garner political points with the, "Illegals are putting fentanyl in Halloween candy!" chuds.

Also, who cares? What's the public supposed to do about it? Scaring people with a list of potential criminals who are still at large isn't going to do anything towards furthering justice, and it's only going to incite fear.

Maybe Greg Abbott should try a little harder to do his fucking job, instead of playing at political theater all the time and just being a generally piss-poor example of a governor.

Telorand ,

Supposedly, you can correct that by modifying the config. There's some kind of issue with the default settings.

I wish I could give you more info, but somebody had the same problem, and another user said it was the default config that needed to be tweaked.

Telorand ,

I remember a time when that was a common thing for laptop drives to come preconfigured as Raid 0. Maybe the OEMs thought it would be easier to add storage that way...?

Telorand ,

It wouldn't be the first time a CEO was kept in the dark about certain projects.

Telorand ,

I could only see this working if it came with 6 free months of GamePass, or if it was some kind of loss leader to sell games on their store.

Unless it's as easy to install games from the other stores, why would you otherwise pay to live in a tiny, walled garden?

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