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Son_of_dad ,

Now realize how many people in lower elections like school board members who do this shit

Son_of_dad ,

He's a silver spoon baby who tricked the working class that he was one of them by wearing Crocs and hoodies. I was calling him out and getting downvoted as a result since he was sworn in.

Son_of_dad ,

This shit needs to stop. Anyone to the right of you is right wing, we get it. You don't allow dissent or disagreement in the left so everyone who isn't with you on every issue is the enemy right? You know what that sounds like right?

A lot of people who claim to be left on here, are doing everything possible to push people away from the left, and chasing off allies with this "no true leftist" bullshit.

Son_of_dad ,

Europeans showed up, saw these cities and were like "what a bunch of savages" wtf


Son_of_dad ,

It's crazy that the party that opposes charity towards the homeless, is all good about charity for the criminal wealthy

Trump loudly booed at Libertarian convention when he asks attendees to ‘nominate me or at least vote for me’ ( )

“Now I think you should nominate me or at least vote for me, and we should win together,” Trump said. “Because the Libertarians want to vote for me … and it’s very important because we have to get rid of the worst president in history.”...

Son_of_dad ,

Well if they're libertarians, they're gonna openly boo him while secretly voting for him.

Son_of_dad ,

It's all an act. Libertarians are just Republicans who don't want to admit it. They'll boo him publicly, but they will vote for him

Son_of_dad ,

Maybe explain it, instead of being a smart ass for internet points

Son_of_dad ,

All the young uni kids who went full anti Biden on one issue, are likely too young to remember what president Trump was really like. They're gonna love him, since being miserable and outraged seems to be their preferred default.

Son_of_dad ,

Cause she's a jackass

Son_of_dad ,

She's been suffering sexism for a long time. When bill was fucking around and cheating on her in the 90s, people were straight up blaming her for it. They were also being horrible to Monica L, while giving bill a wink and a nod for being a dude.
The problem is that she took that and instead of making herself a softer, sympathetic and likable politician, she just doubled down on being harsh and unlikable.

Son_of_dad ,

Somewhat related but I was both happy and sad to see Edie Falco play Hilary on "impeachment". She is so incredible in the role but we only got like a small handful of scenes of her.

Son_of_dad ,

The economy.

I'm a laborer. When the economy is bad, my cost of living goes up and the price of food goes up.

When the economy is great, my cost of living goes up and the price of food goes up.

The only people affected by a positive economy seem to be the people wealthy enough to have stock portfolios and large shares in corporations. It doesn't affect me as a laborer in any positive way ever.

Son_of_dad ,

You lost me at "save". Save what? Pocket lint? Nobody has the funds for savings anymore. I used to put aside a few hundred bucks a month 10 years ago. Now I can't even afford my entire month's expenses, let alone save any money.

Son_of_dad ,

Lol what a click bait headline to make it sound like Stargate

Son_of_dad ,

Could have fooled me with all the made up shit they claim the Clintons and Obamas do, and their base fully believes

Son_of_dad ,

I was part of my city's biggest indoor crowd "WrestleMania 18" and was part of my city's largest outdoor crowd "Toronto rocks SARS benefit". There's really nothing like being front row while AC/DC belts out Thunderstruck, with over 600,000+ jumping and singing along.
The crowd at Skydome when the Rock and Hulk Hogan wrestled was insane too, the whole building shook

Son_of_dad ,

Remember when there was the morning News, and then the 6pm and 11pm news. That's it. Now it's news channels running 24/7

Son_of_dad ,

I still remember that lame sketch that Metallica did on like the MTV awards to defend their stance

Son_of_dad ,

I was getting ready for morning class when I saw the first plane hitting the news. I didn't go to school that day. Just sat there watching, especially after the second plane that came out of nowhere and was perfectly framed by the news cameras.

Son_of_dad ,

I still remember the Toronto g20. Police assigned a park as a free speech zone, surrounded it, put on masks, took off their name tags and went in to beat the shit out of everyone in sight. Men, women, children, the disabled. Hundreds of people tossed into coed massive cells with a shared bucket for a toilet, sexual assaults happened etc. That day Canadian police proved without a doubt that they're every bit as bad as American cops, and I've hated them ever since.

Son_of_dad ,

I have a buddy in his late 30s who just became a grandpa. He had his kid in high school when he was like 17. His son is now like 19 and just had a kid of his own. That shit is crazy

Son_of_dad ,

The fact that the global governments haven't forced a company that size of Nestle to unionize or disband, is insane to me and shows who our politicians actually serve. I think unionization should be mandatory when a company reaches a certain size and profitability.

Son_of_dad ,

I hear he got a couple of new assholes poked into him. 22 to be exact. Regrettable but I won't shed a tear

Son_of_dad ,

But according to Trump's lawyers, presidents are immune from everything, so they can just assassinate at will. So according to their arguments, Biden is within his rights as president to take out Trump

Son_of_dad ,

The timing maybe? I've been saying Biden is the worst example of a democrat since the Obama days, and got downvoted about pointing out his bullshit. His contribution to the drug war alone is atrocious. But I kept getting down voted for saying it. Suddenly now it's election time, second go round, and here comes everyone jumping on Biden. Seems sus.

Son_of_dad ,

Huh? That's what I'm saying, Biden is a saint compared to Trump. It's just sus that right now, at election time 2024 is when it's suddenly a big deal. It only benefits Trump

Son_of_dad ,

The problem is that everyone who disagrees even a tiny bit is now considered "right"

Son_of_dad ,

I can't even keep up with the terms and labels anymore, they sure as hell don't mean what they used to mean

Son_of_dad ,

Well, enjoy another 4 years of Trump I guess.

Son_of_dad ,

Who are these harassed women going to vote for? Cause I have a feeling they didn't learn

Son_of_dad ,

I think you just invented an issue to complain about. Literally have never heard of this aside from the regular "I don't get young people clothing" argument

Son_of_dad ,

Lemmy: old white men need to stop running for office!

Also Lemmy: vote Bernie!!

Son_of_dad ,

Yet I keep hearing you guys talking about Bernie.

Son_of_dad ,

According to Trump's lawyers arguments on immunity, Biden would be within his rights to assassinate him

Majority of Americans wrongly believe US is in recession – and most blame Biden ( )

Nearly three in five Americans wrongly believe the US is in an economic recession, and the majority blame the Biden administration, according to a Harris poll conducted exclusively for the Guardian. The survey found persistent pessimism about the economy as election day draws closer....

Son_of_dad ,

Tbf I don't blame people for not knowing the economy is good right now. Because that shit doesn't affect anyone positively except the wealthy.

For most of us, the economy is bad? Cost of living/groceries goes up.
Economy is great? Cost of living/groceries goes up. It makes no difference to us who aren't stock gamblers, whether the country is in recession, we certainly are. When the economy is good we see no benefit to us at the bottom whatsoever

Son_of_dad ,

Like I've said above. Economy is bad? Costs of living and items go up.

Economy is GREAT! costs of living and items go up.

The economy's health only benefits the wealthy who can afford to play stocks, etc. It makes absolutely no difference to the rest of us who are getting fucked no matter how good the economy is

Son_of_dad ,

You can't argue with reality my friend. I'm my lifetime alone, costs have gone up to the point where it felt like they teased us with the dream of being able to live comfortably before it was taken away. You can't tell me the economy improving is benefiting me when it's NOT. it adds nothing to my paycheck, it doesn't affect my industry. The only reason I'm not underwater is because I have a union.

Son_of_dad ,

If you did a national poll it wouldn't be much different

Son_of_dad ,

Yeah but at the end of the day when it's time to vote or punch a number, they're not gonna care how weird she is, just that she's a Republican

Son_of_dad ,

What am I supposed to do about the climate anyways? I conserve as much as possible and a billionaire uses up my lifetime of CO2 in a day. Stop telling me i have the power to fix it cause I don't

Biden says ICC move on arrest warrants for Israeli leaders "outrageous" ( )

WASHINGTON, May 20 (Reuters) - U.S. President Joe Biden on Monday slammed the International Criminal Court prosecutor's application for arrest warrants for senior Israeli officials including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, calling the move "outrageous"....

Son_of_dad ,

Hamas regularly shoots rockets at schools and hospitals, for decades now. But you hit back and suddenly it's "both sides"

Son_of_dad ,

Recently a Toronto resident was acquitted of murdering a cop, the city celebrated and the cops got pissed and expressed that they wished the man deemed innocent had gone to jail.

Long story short, this man was getting his family back into their mini van to go home. Armed, plain clothes cops are looking for an unrelated suspect so of course they draw guns and run towards the innocent man with his family. The man panics, steps on the gas and escapes, running over the cop and killing him. He was then arrested for "intentionally killing an officer", ignoring the fact that all the man saw was two armed men in plain clothes running towards him and his family

Son_of_dad ,

Yeah I'm kinda done caring about Texas. Uvalde county overwhelmingly voted for Abbott and the sheriffs/politicians who caused their kids to be killed while police did nothing. This Texan county had a chance to bring about change and instead they just went back to their party.
If they don't care about their own people and children why should I?

Good people in North Korea too but fuck North Korea right? Fuck China and Russia right?

Son_of_dad ,

Right , but the state got carved up cause people originally voted in the Republicans who did it

Son_of_dad ,

I'm not being impoverished by universal health care, I'm being impoverished by corporation and those "free market" fucks who are anti union, anti workers, and pro fascism.

Son_of_dad ,

Insults are a sure sign that your argument was destroyed and you can't handle it

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