lysol , to World News in Putin says Ukraine's statehood at risk if pattern of war continues

What he is trying to say is that "My presidency is at risk if pattern of war continues"

FMT99 ,

"My life is at risk if I can't spin this as a considerable win for Russia"

girlfreddy OP , avatar

Gawd, I wish that were true.

iamericandre , to United States | News & Politics in US Supreme Court rules Trump has immunity for official, not private acts

What a big fucking joke this is

RinseDrizzle ,

Fuuuuuuuck this scrotum of a scotus

Gsus4 , (edited ) avatar

SCROTUS: Stacked Court Republicans of the US

SnotFlickerman , to News in US Supreme Court rules Trump has immunity for official, not private acts avatar

(3) Presidents cannot be indicted based on conduct for which they are immune from prosecution. On remand, the District Court must carefully analyze the indictment’s remaining allegations to determine whether they too involve conduct for which a President must be immune from prosecution. And the parties and the District Court must ensure that sufficient allegations support the indictment’s charges without such conduct. Testimony or private records of the President or his advisers probing such conduct may not be admitted as evidence at trial. Pp. 30–32

This is how fucked we are. Right here.

Testimony or private records of the President or his advisers probing such conduct may not be admitted as evidence at trial.

So nevermind all that evidence you have of them planning it out in the open. Inadmissible in trial!

Get fucked Supreme Cunts.

Blackbeard Mod , avatar

So then nothing a President ever does can be considered premeditated. This timeline is fucking insane.

MapleEngineer , to News in US Supreme Court divisions expected to be exposed as final rulings loom avatar

If the Supreme Court rules that the president has absolute immunity Biden should immediately order the arrest of Trump, the christofascist SCOTUS justices, and the MAGA crowd in Congress and the Senate. He should fix the US electoral system to do away with gerrymandering and give every citizen the right to vote and equal access to the ballot box.

newthrowaway20 ,

They won't make a ruling. They'll leave this case on the docket until after the election, then if Biden wins, they'll affirm the prior courts decision. If Trump wins, he'll get the case dismissed and the courts will happily never answer this very important question.

Valmond , to Ukraine in Russia to ban gasoline exports for 6 months

So those strikes on refineries and depots starts to work :-) ?

Badeendje , avatar

Also planting season means a looooot of gasoline usage by farm equipment.

Hopfgeist , avatar

Did the author just lazily substitute "gasoline" for "fuel", or is it really specifically a ban on gasoline? I cannot find out exactly what it is. Because farm equipment generally runs on diesel, not gasoline, would have less of an impact, if it's really specifically only about gasoline.

photoncollector , avatar

@Hopfgeist @Badeendje
Oil refining is barely limping along in Russia. It was always a weakness, but they don't have the ability to repair and maintain the refineries anymore. No parts, no skilled people.

photoncollector , avatar

@Hopfgeist @Badeendje
Almost all the people who had the skills to do the repairs have either fled the country or died in Ukraine.

Badeendje , (edited ) avatar

Well around planting and harvest there is a lot of equipment that needs to run, trucks, etc.

Last year at harvest they also had a fuel shortage. Primarily caused by the Russians rabidly selling as much as they could because the low prices needed to be compensated. Running an illegal invasion of another country, while increasing your military size and running your arms industry 24/7 and keeping the lifestyle of your oligarchs up to par apparently is a cash heavy ordeal.

Here's from September 2023.

photoncollector , avatar

@Badeendje @Hopfgeist
China and India both refused to pay in for oil in Rubles, meaning that the Ruble is a barely exchangeable currency.

photoncollector , avatar

@Valmond @BombOmOm
Oh yes.

TropicalDingdong , to Technology in Reddit seeks to launch IPO in March

Easiest short of my life.

WhatAmLemmy , to World News in Apple supplier Foxconn rejects married women from India iPhone jobs

The majority don't learn that the only reason we have a weekend, 38 hour work week, maternity leave, sick leave, annual leave, severance, OHS, etc etc is because workers fought, and died, for all of them.

The state and corporations worked together to crush labor movements, using both the police and military, right up until they were passed into law. Apple won't do shit about this unless it impacts image/profitability.

Sanctus , avatar

This is why it is important we aren't divided and that our anger is directed at least in the general direction instead of at each other. If Blair Mountain happened today half the miners would fight the other half.

vaquedoso ,

Well that's the neat part, it's by design. It's not a coincidence that now when we are more connected to each other than ever, now that instant communication would make it possible to coordinate globally, the powers that be instead focus on divisiveness above all else, on misinformation and contrarianism above all else. A nation divided is too busy fighting each other to realize they can make it over the mountain.

Sanctus , avatar

The hands of the many must join as one. Or you'll never make it over the river.

AssaultPepper , avatar
Rapidcreek OP , to politics in Donald Trump foreign policy advisers met Israeli PM Netanyahu, source says

He’s doing Nixon 68 and Reagan 80 all over again.

Established Republican foreign policy playbook

Netanyahu playing along as he always has. Only confirms he is on the Putin, Xi, Trump side of the line.

gAlienLifeform , avatar

Until openly committing treason like this gets one of these Republicans executed they'll keep doing it

Bipta ,

It's 2016 all over again too. And if anyone thinks Israel won't covertly attack their "closest ally" to undermine its democracy, all I have to say is LOL.

TheUncannyObserver ,

You mean attack them again, right? Israel has already directly attacked the US during the Six-Day War, bombing the USS Liberty which was watching events off the coast of Gaza. They jammed the Liberty’s calls for help, and the US Secretary of Defense even went so far as to call off the jets sent to defend the Liberty, leaving the US sailors to die. The president covered it up, keeping the story out of the papers so the American people wouldn’t be outraged.

The Israeli government will absolutely do whatever it takes to make sure their interests are served, and anyone who gets in their way will die.

disguy_ovahea ,

Same tax plan and stance on regulations too.

givesomefucks , to politics in Despite polls, Biden aides insist Gaza campus protests will not hurt reelection bid

This is what "blue no matter who" gets us.

Politicians who don't care what we want because they're entitled to our votes as long as they're not as bad as Republicans.

Right now Schumer and Biden are trying to pass a "border bill" that would make some of the things we gave Trump shit for legal. Like, Biden really wanted to codify that any sitting president can "shit down the border" and prevent any asylum seekers from entering.

A child could see that if that passes, republicans will always say it needs done in office. Millions of people will be hurt by it, but it gives moderate Dems another knife to Dem voters throats:

Vote for me, or republicans will do that thing I just passed a law to let them do!

And there's no guarantee the Dem won't do it anyways.

It's really like watching a real life Brewster's millions, Biden keeps doing shit that's going to cost him the election, but apparently even listening to someone 40 years younger or even slightly to the left isn't something Biden can handle.

He only compromised with Republicans, and then gives them everything they want.

If protests don't work to change Biden's mind, what will?

What other options do voters have?

gravitas_deficiency ,

No… this is what a rigged primary system gets us.

Voting for Republicans at this point - or voting third party - is voting for fascism. There is precisely zero chance that Trump will handle the Gaza Genocide better than Biden will. If Trump wins, I would expect him to order a few B-52 squadrons to carpet bomb Gaza “to help Israel”, and then he’d also probably do the same to the West Bank just because he thinks it’d make him look like a big boy.

WraithGear , avatar

Not voting at all is the real worry. It takes effort to vote. And when you can’t even rally your base against trump then you ducked up bad. He literally saying that he does not have to appeal to his base because he has them with the threat of trump. Fine then they just don’t give a fuck any more. Disengagement is the name of the game and we all lose

AfricanExpansionist ,

This is why I don't vote

Psychodelic ,

And this is why I punch myself in the balls! I'm some kind of a stable genius myself

psvrh , avatar

Yeah, this.

The back half of "Blue no matter who" was supposed to be primarying out regressive Democrats. Much like Labour in the UK, the party is doing its best to disenfranchise and disengage with actual progressives, so this is slow going.

It's not impossible, though: Republicans, to their current horror, let the inmates run the asylum and it shifted their political alignment from "capitalist" to "fascist".

Mastengwe ,

And what exactly do to think not voting at all gets us? Because third part voting is essentially the same thing as not voting. The only difference in a third party vote is that you at least can’t be accused of pouting and staring home.

But you know this already. Don’t you?

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

I think the point is that voting has now become ceremonial

Jaysyn , avatar

If that were remotely true the fascist GOP wouldn't spend all their time, money & effort in making sure fewer people voted.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

Clinton won California by a 2:1 margin and Trump was still president.

The fascists know how to play the game better than the non-fascists.

disguy_ovahea , to politics in US House speaker Mike Johnson will try to pass Israel aid this week

Why don’t they pass the Supplemental Foreign Aid Package, that’s already passed the Senate, that already includes Ukraine and Israel funding, instead of independent aid for Israel?

Russian puppets.

Etterra ,

Because Trump is too busy sniffing Putin's dark dimension.

GrymEdm , (edited ) to politics in Trump loses bid to block Michael Cohen, Stormy Daniels testimony at hush money trial avatar

This case is literally about having sex with a porn star and then paying her (illegally) to lie about it. I love how MAGA idiots will spout nonsense (and demand legislation) about traditional, Biblical family values and then vote for the fraudulent, adulterous, lying, sex offending rich man. Matthew 19:24 - "Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God." Straight from the mouth of Jesus himself, Trump isn't getting into Heaven. I guess to MAGA it doesn't matter because Trump is the new Messiah.

APassenger ,

They worship the OT God tho. The one who has anger issues, bright lines, kills for land, and makes those he favors rich. Like Abram Abraham, Solomon, David.

GrymEdm , (edited ) avatar

Psalm 137:8-9: "Daughter Babylon, doomed to destruction, happy is the one who repays you according to what you have done to us. Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks."

1 Samuel 15:3 - "Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.” (Netanyahu actually referenced this one in a speech last year).

Oh, and if you want to know how to treat captives of war Deuteronomy 21:10-14 has you covered: "When you go to war against your enemies and the Lord your God delivers them into your hands and you take captives, if you notice among the captives a beautiful woman and are attracted to her, you may take her as your wife. Bring her into your home and have her shave her head, trim her nails and put aside the clothes she was wearing when captured. After she has lived in your house and mourned her father and mother for a full month, then you may go to her and be her husband and she shall be your wife. If you are not pleased with her, let her go wherever she wishes. You must not sell her or treat her as a slave, since you have dishonored her." (You can claim a woman whose family you just killed, and force her to have sex with you, but afterwards if you decide you don't want her you have to simply toss her out, not actually sell her into slavery because you've "dishonored her" with sex.)

Rapidcreek OP ,

It really isn't about that. It's about falsifying business records.

GrymEdm , avatar

I'll edit to "paying her (illegally) to lie about it."

ApexHunter , to World News in Putin says past U.S. elections were rigged him?

rio ,

People always point to Russias use of Facebook target ads to prove this, which seems to be letting Facebook remarkably off the hook.

optissima ,

Classic "immigrants are taking jobs" trope

TWeaK , to politics in Trump wins Iowa caucus, second place up for grabs

Trump wins Iowa Republican caucus.

He hasn't won the state.

520 ,

I don't think anybody who read the headline was confused and thought he won the Iowa Democrat caucus.

TWeaK ,

This headline wasn't so bad, but I literally saw "Trump wins Iowa" earlier.

Jimmycrackcrack ,

Well that would also seem OK too. It's major news and while I don't known where you saw it, it's likely for an intended audience that's been following events thus far so it's not exactly misleading since it can be reliably predicted that people reading it, like yourself will understand what was won.

TWeaK ,

I understood this one, the "Trump wins Iowa" had me wondering.

Not that Sky News is anything of a respectable source.

I'd also question whether this is "major news" given that everyone saw this outcome coming months ago. Trump is the leading Republican, by far, the real question is whether he can legally be President again, or whether he can win the vote without a massive increase in the kind of fraud his party undertook in the last election.

The real problem is outside the votes, unfortunately. Even if Trump loses, there's a bunch of people who think their decision is more valid than any majority. Civil war is looming.

GardenVarietyAnxiety ,

I agree with what you're saying, but remember that a lot of new-to-politics people are starting to pay attention, and they might now understand how the Iowa stuff works.

Shit, I barely do and I've been following politics since early 2020.

Stern , (edited ) to News in US Supreme Court divisions expected to be exposed as final rulings loom avatar

Countdown to massive disappointment followed by judges going on vacation for months.

NegativeLookBehind , avatar

Vacations paid for by dark money which the justices won’t report

Tryptaminev , to World News in Israeli hostage Noa Argamani freed in time to see her terminally ill mother

Note how there is worthy and unworthy victims?

We get a detailed story about her to humanize and empathize with the Israeli victims. There is nothing wrong with that. However we do not get these kind of accounts for the tens of thousands of Palestinians murdered by Israel. We do not get these detailed accounts on how being raped and tortured in Israeli "administrative detention" aka Israeli hostageship destroys children, women and men.

This strategy is used to justify the atrocities against the one group by dehumanizing them, while humanizing the group of the perpetrators. This is fascism in real time. And it will be the moral, political and ultimately human downfall of all of the allies of Israel.

JayTreeman ,

Thank you. It's the easiest propaganda to consume. It's important to recognize it for what it is.

DolphinMath OP ,

Same outlet on June 4th

Closure of Gaza's only route out leaves boy, 10, with no treatment for cancer

GAZA, June 4 (Reuters) - Siraj Yassin, 10, is rolled into the overcrowded Gaza hospital ward in his wheelchair, his light green T-shirt dwarfing his skinny frame since the leukaemia in his blood wrecked his immune system, sapped his strength and left him unable to walk.

Chemotherapy would help him, his doctors say. But he can't get it here in Gaza, and he can't get out of the enclave for treatment now that Israeli forces have shut the only exit through the Rafah crossing into Egypt.

DolphinMath OP ,
DolphinMath OP ,
DolphinMath OP ,
dezmd , avatar

Why didnt you post any of those articles as Lemmy threads then?

Op's point lacked some defined clarity of context, but your particular subjective posting demonstrates your own inherent bias. It genuinely seems you only feigned objectivity as an attack to divert from exposure of your own bias.

Propaganda posting is propaganda posting, whichever side it comes from.

DolphinMath OP , (edited )

The person I replied to wrote:

However we do not get these kind of accounts for the tens of thousands of Palestinians murdered by Israel.

I have listened to, read, and seen dozens if not hundreds of Palestinian stories going into great detail about their lives and suffering. The narrative that the media, and in particular Reuters, doesn’t cover Palestinian stories because they are unworthy victims is patently false. These articles are quick examples of this and I posted them to challenge the perception of some users on Lemmy (Lemmings?).

Reuters is not propaganda, that is abundantly clear.

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