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TheUncannyObserver ,

I guess the only demographic democrats really care for is the one they’re a part of.

TheUncannyObserver ,

I second the mini split idea. It’s affordable, and very energy efficient.

TheUncannyObserver ,

“Can we co-opt your movement to support our ethnic cleansing?”

TheUncannyObserver ,

Hey, remind me again how many bombs the US has sold Russia or China?

TheUncannyObserver ,

It’s just about the only bar they meet.

TheUncannyObserver ,

bUt IsReAl DoEsN’t KiLl ThE gAyS gUys!

How can they be the baddies when they don’t do this one bad thing? Why can’t you guys support the ethnic cleansing and pogroms, guys?

TheUncannyObserver ,

It’s the ADL, they’re a Zionist hate group. They equate anything other than staunch, unyielding support of Israel as antisemitism. And this meme is nothing more than an attempt to portray pro-Palestinian speech as some sort of threat to the nation.

‘Exterminate the beasts’: How Israeli settlers took revenge for a murder in the West Bank ( )

What followed was a wave of shooting and arson attacks across 11 Palestinian villages in which a dozen homes and more than 100 cars were torched, thousands of animals were slaughtered, four people were shot dead and scores of others were seriously wounded.

TheUncannyObserver ,

No genocide to see here, ladies and gents! This is strictly peaceful Israelis forced to defend themselves!

TheUncannyObserver ,

Well, I’m glad then that the democrats aren’t violently suppressing free speech too.

Oh wait.

TheUncannyObserver ,

It’s the legislative branch that just had a bipartisan movement to declare the protests illegal. Many democrats have publicly embraced the viewpoint that any anti-Israel speech is a hate crime. Even if Biden somehow manages to pull a win out of November, attacks by the president and congress are going to continue, and get much worse if people refuse to back down and adopt government sanctioned speech.

TheUncannyObserver ,

The Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported the Israeli Agriculture Minister said “We're Rolling Out Nakba 2023” last November in an interview. Would you care to explain why you think an Israeli cabinet member is a “Western anti-Israel propagandist”?

I don’t get how you idiots can hear Israelis literally say “we’re planning a genocide” and still go to bat saying it’s not a genocide and they’re just defending themselves. They’ve been saying it for years, it’s time you start listening.

TheUncannyObserver ,

Well, she’s the one currently making a big fuss about people tracking her, so why wouldn’t they be focused on her? And what class disparity? They’re all billionaires, including Swift.

TheUncannyObserver ,

Not only that, but it’s not hard to figure out what planes are owned by whom simply by checking which planes follow celebrities around. If the exact same plane has been at the last ten places Taylor Swift has been, at the same time as her, and left when she did, it’s not that hard to connect the dots.

TheUncannyObserver ,

Israel will ignore it, and their paid-for members of the US Congress will ensure that anyone who tries to hold Israel accountable is threatened into submission by the US military, a subsidiary of the IDF. Israel rules America, and America is the strongest nation on earth, whom nobody will seriously cross. Ergo, Israel rules the world.

TheUncannyObserver ,

You have to realize, the United States has many laws in most jurisdictions that criminalize poverty, and politicians on both sides of the aisle are quickly moving to pass more. It is not a good country to live in. People here get arrested for giving food to the homeless.

TheUncannyObserver ,

It’s not based off of him. It is him. The apartment and everything you see in the animated version was real.

TheUncannyObserver ,

You are being pedantic, but you’re not wrong, dumbass.

Biden is dramatically out of touch with voters on Gaza. He may lose because of it | Moira Donegan ( )

Many voters believe, with good reason, that none of this would have happened without Biden’s assent. Biden has continued to speak of Israel’s attack on Palestinian civilians using the absurd language of “self-defense”. He has insulted Jewish Americans and the memory of the Holocaust by invoking them to justify the...

TheUncannyObserver ,

How is electing Biden going to mean less dead kids in Gaza? He’s still supporting Israel, and he literally just said that US support was ironclad and that no genocide is happening. It doesn’t matter who wins in November, those kids are still going to die, and ultimately that’s on Americans because we supply the weapons and protect Israel from consequences, with force if necessary.

Gaza is done for, everyone there will be killed by the direct actions of the United States and Israel, and voting for Biden isn’t going to absolve anyone for the guilt we all share for that. That’s on you, that’s on me, and that’s on every other American, both Democrat or Republican. No amount of moralizing or “lesser of two evils” bullshit on your part is going to change that. You need to come to terms with the fact that you have a hand in that genocide, and you’re just as guilty as Biden is.

TheUncannyObserver ,

Every time you think the Ukrainians have shown you everything, they step it up a notch. One thing is certain, wars are forever going to be changed because of these scrappy Europeans who refuse to give up.

TheUncannyObserver ,

You mean attack them again, right? Israel has already directly attacked the US during the Six-Day War, bombing the USS Liberty which was watching events off the coast of Gaza. They jammed the Liberty’s calls for help, and the US Secretary of Defense even went so far as to call off the jets sent to defend the Liberty, leaving the US sailors to die. The president covered it up, keeping the story out of the papers so the American people wouldn’t be outraged.

The Israeli government will absolutely do whatever it takes to make sure their interests are served, and anyone who gets in their way will die.

TheUncannyObserver ,

Just like Israel, this revelation won’t affect our relations with them, because the US government cares about money, not people, and to them the massive boost that defense contractors got from the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were worth the lives lost.

TheUncannyObserver ,

I doubt anyone would be making jokes about Poles in school today. That particular flavor of racism has almost entirely died out in younger generations.

As for picking someone up, yeah, that would be a big problem. Regardless of the efficacy of it, it’s still technically battery, just as it was back then. And to be fair, corporal punishment doesn’t really teach any valuable lessons, it just makes people scared of those who are bigger than them. They still do the bad thing they were punished for, they just get creative to avoid getting found out by the people who can punish them. Then they grow up to be Karens who push people around for stupid shit like not giving them enough sauce with their hamburger.

If corporal punishment did work, boomers would be the most polite generation out there.

Despite polls, Biden aides insist Gaza campus protests will not hurt reelection bid ( )

WASHINGTON, May 18 (Reuters) - Several top White House aides say they are confident protests across U.S. college campuses against Israel's offensive in Gaza will not translate into significantly fewer votes for Joe Biden in November's election, despite polls showing many Democrats are deeply unhappy about the president's policy...

TheUncannyObserver ,

No we’re not, because despite you saying you’re done with the conversation because you know it won’t go anywhere, you seem incapable of walking away without having the last word.

TheUncannyObserver ,

I’m just here to watch the hilarious meltdown if Hexbears catch wind of this post.

TheUncannyObserver ,

Omg how could you post this, it’s antisemitic! If you read it, you’re a nazi!

TheUncannyObserver ,

Are you having a stroke?

TheUncannyObserver ,

Anyone who criticizes Democrats wants Trump to win, and Trump hates Jews, so anyone who doesn’t vote for Democrats is a traitorous Nazi.


TheUncannyObserver ,

But Biden has continued the democrats tradition of minor incremental changes that don’t keep up with our civil rights being taken away! How can you ignore that? You’re obviously a nazi communist who wants America to die.

TheUncannyObserver ,

Best we can do is expanding funding for military hardware for police and criminalizing homelessness.

TheUncannyObserver ,

What’s the worst that will happen? The nation burns in the fires of civil war and millions of Americans die? I don’t see the downside, with all the shit we put the world through, we deserve a good culling.

TheUncannyObserver ,

I’m Mexican, not white. As for who gets culled first, probably the people without guns, so that would be Democrats and liberals in general. Leftists are well-armed enough to put up a good fight. Which after being shoved to the side and told to shut up my whole life by you guys, it would very much not be my problem when you come running to us.

TheUncannyObserver ,

What’s passive about it?

TheUncannyObserver ,

That’s a bold assumption, but you’re entitled to it.

TheUncannyObserver ,

Terrorist is the language of the oppressor. It’s a meaningless term used by the state and corporate media to generate outrage among the masses. It greatly honors me that you would give me the title that every activist in history has received at some point.

TheUncannyObserver ,

A white person gatekeeping minorities. How original. 😂

TheUncannyObserver ,

This woman clearly hates Jews and wants Israel to be destroyed! Where are the cops, she needs to be beaten!

TheUncannyObserver ,

The lesser of two evils, ladies and gents.

TheUncannyObserver ,

Oh well that’s a Democrat genocide. It’s a more humane genocide, free range and organic. Better for the environment.

TheUncannyObserver ,

Anytime somebody starts quibbling over whether something is technically genocide, they’re an immoral person and nothing they say is of any worth to the human species. I didn’t get past the first sentence you wrote before I clicked away.

TheUncannyObserver ,

No matter who wins this November, Palestinians are still going to suffer from this genocide, because neither side is going to stop Israel. It’s not going to be better or worse with Trump, because those people are still going to be dead, and the only difference is how long they have to suffer before they die. Arguing over which death is more humane is shockingly immoral of us.

As Americans, we don’t get to absolve ourselves from that guilt by voting for Biden. We’re directly responsible for allowing our nation to come to the point where this is our only choices. Israel may be dropping the bombs, but it’s America that’s killing them. We’re voting for the lesser evil, but evil is still evil, it’s all the same, and you and I, and every other American, are guilty as hell for it. We’re all mass murderers, and we’re all sleeping soundly at night.

Because we voted for the lesser evil.

TheUncannyObserver ,

Whether it’s the guy who wants them to kill every Palestinian, or the guy who is gonna sit there and let them kill every Palestinian while wringing his hands and reaffirming the unconditional support for Israel, the Palestinians are still dead and murdered. The fact that you’re arguing that one side is better is absolutely fucking absurd.

TheUncannyObserver ,

Trump would have sent $1.1 billion. Is that what you want?


TheUncannyObserver ,

Biden is actively sending more weapons to Israel right this moment. The difference between Trump and Biden is that Trump hasn’t gotten a chance to actively participate and support genocide yet, and Biden has not only done that, but continues to express unwavering support for that genocide. So you’re right, Biden and Trump aren’t the same. They might be, if Trump wins this November, but right now Biden is objectively worse.

TheUncannyObserver ,

That’s a lot of effort to solve a problem that could be severely dented by pursuing policies that take cars off the road and hold corporations responsible for the environment.

TheUncannyObserver ,

They might not pass inspection, I don’t know. But that’s only in states with inspections. Not all states have those.

TheUncannyObserver ,

California is the largest economy in the United States, and one of the largest in the world. It’s also the one with the largest market for EVs in the US. As an added bonus, it’s very conveniently positioned on the west coast, with easy access to shipping lanes from China. And finally, it’s probably the state that’s least likely to care if a US auto maker on the other side of the nation is struggling. Only fifteen states in the US require inspections, and California isn’t one of them. In fact, the only state that isn’t on the east coast that requires an inspection is Texas. All other states have nothing but emissions tests, if that, and any EV would be excluded from those, for obvious reasons.

TheUncannyObserver ,

Oh! What about homophobic antisemitic commies? You know, because Israel does the absolute minimum of not lining gays up against a wall. For now.

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