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Tryptaminev ,

Fascist 101:

Blame minorities

Get to Power

Make things worse for everyone

Blame minorities harder

Manifest more power


Tryptaminev ,

Especially since Biden was brought into that position to do precisely that. Do some pet projects but not challenge the underlying root issues of inequality and peoples economic situation. Because that would be against the interests of the billionaire "donors" of the Dems and Reps.

Tryptaminev ,

Yes. Canada the infamously packed country with no space for people. Canada that is 10% larger than the US and has less than 10% of the population of the US. If there is anyone more person moving to Canada there wont be enough air to breathe anymore!

Tryptaminev ,

Canada is still not overpopulated in the temperate areas. 90% of Canadians life within a few miles of the US border. Canada is a net exporter of food.

Tryptaminev ,

“Stupid and petty” is how international bullies operate.

In other words any country having regional or global power aspirations.

Compared with the invasion of Iraq or Ukraine this is actually fairly moderated by China.

Tryptaminev ,

So you do agree that it is a fairly moderated act, compared two how the other two main powers in the world operate, which is outright illegal and mass murderous invasions.

Tryptaminev ,

Don't worry, we are already at that point. So called social democrats are mostly authoritarians and either protofascists or openly working to make fascism happen again. The so called conservatives usually are in with fascism again.

In Germany the government of Berlin, yes the supposed hip and free Berlin, had the bank account of a jewish political organization frozen by the state bank and demanded a list of all members with addresses claiming the group would be anitsemitic. The major of Berlin is a fascist who suggested police should release the names of juvenile suspects so the public can judge based on name, whether they are "real Germans" as opposed to just holding German citizenship. That was briefly before the election after which the social democrats threw away a left majority to govern with this fascist. Subsequently we have seen massive police violence, attacks on freedom of arts and science, freedom of press and freedom of assembly.

Currently there is a scandal revolving around the "liberal" federal minister of education in Germany who demanded the ministry to cut the funding of scientists who signed an open letter demanding peaceful campus protests not to be beaten up by cops and the government to recognize students rights to assembly and freedom of speech. Note that the open letter explicitly did not endorse the position of the student protests but merely the fundamental constitutional right to protest.

Fascism is not on the rise because of the Fascists. It is on the rise because the so called "centre" of european politics increasingly are becoming fascists themselves. "Liberal", "Green", "Social Democrat", "Conservative"... In many country these have been opening up to fascism extensively while larping as being against fascism because they too hang a rainbow flag out for pride month.

Tryptaminev ,

While that is true i would be suprised if Craig Williams is a Muslim. Not necessarily because there is no ethnically European Muslims, but rather because the rampant racism, classism and attacks against Muslims by the British Government, in conjunction with aiding the genocide in Gaza make it a much worse sin to serve under Sunak than any gambling could be.

Tryptaminev ,

Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.

I take it shops in Loiusiana will be closed on Saturday from now on as well as everyone being forbidden form working?

Tryptaminev ,

Yes you can lol. Do you think ICU wards are some high security facility? At worst you would have to get someone admissioned to the same hospital, be a visitor and on the way out pass by the other room quickly.

Tryptaminev ,

The Nazis only used the label socialists to deceive the working class. They said so plenty of times when meeting with the industrialists whose bidding they were doing. They never were a workers party and they knew that it was only in name to be more palatable. This deception now has been replaced with "owning the libs" and whatever the local version of neoliberal, conservative or fascist ideology you have around the world.

Tryptaminev ,

In other words the US is neither a state of law nor is it a democracy as separation of power can be overturned whenever the president feels like it.

Tryptaminev ,

It is deliberate. They further antisemitism by conflating Judaism and Zionism. Ironically they themselves consider that an act of antisemitism. The goal is fur Jews to be unsafe outside of Israel and justify the existence of Israel through that. As a fascist ideology Zionism needs people to be in perpetual fear and danger to justify its own barbarism.

Wikipedia declares Anti-Defamation League 'unreliable' on Israel, antisemitism: Report ( )

Wikipedia's editors voted to declare the Anti-Defamation League "generally unreliable" on Israel and Palestine as well as the issue of antisemitism, adding the organisation to a list of banned sources, according to a report by the Jewish Telegraph Agency (JTA)....

Tryptaminev ,

It is deliberate an in itself an act of antisemitism by the ADL definition, which is an irony they turn a blind eye to ofc.

The ADL is a zionist organization. They benefit from all Jews being lumped together with Israel and they strife from antisemitic attacks. This way the ethnonationalist idea of one state for each ethnicity and "no safety for Jews outside Israel" can be furthered. Incidently this is the same what Nazi style antisemites want and there is a history of collaboration between Nazis and Zionists.

Tryptaminev ,

looking forward to next months headline when they kill another global leader of ISIS or Taliban or Al-Quaida or whoever the current fad is. Weird that terrorism only ever became more over time. Almost as if that is the actual strategic goal.

Tryptaminev ,

The US is not a direct party to the conflict but they helped building it to help Israel get "normalization". Also the civil war is a proxy war, where the US does not want to get in the way of it ally Saudi Arabia who again is vital for the US strategy of dividing the Middle East over Israel and ensuring destabilization of the region while gaining access to cheap ressources.

Tryptaminev ,

Fun history fact. The US and UK bombed Greek partisans who helped fight against the Nazis. This was done to ensure a far right dominance in Greece after the Nazis left.

Unsurprisingly the fascist Junta was good buddies with the rest of "civilised" Europe and the US.

Tryptaminev ,

It is also factually wrong. The "legality" can only be determined by a lawful process after the people fled. Seeking refugee is a human right and the EU is happy to annihilate it for non white people.

Tryptaminev ,

I am betting one million internet points that there will be some field with salad, bamboo shoots or similiar produce were they used sewage or manure to fertilize and then didn't keep the minimum time till harvest and the processing plant didn't wash them properly before putting them in the sandwiches.

This is the most common way of getting fecal E.coli bacteria outbreaks. Given the amount of people infected it is rather unlikely that it comes from a single employee not washing hands after shitting.

Either way this screams lack of proper hygiene inspections.

Tryptaminev ,

Russia, Turkey, Belarus, Israel, Ukraine and Azerbaijan. What links all of them? selling weapons to each other while officially opposing each other.

Israeli drones are providing reconnaissance for Russian artillery in Ukraine, while Zelensky sucks Bibis dick. Azerbaijan used Israeli drones to genocide in Armenia while Turkey and Azerbaijan being close allies with Erdogan now having to sever ties to Israel. Russia allows Israel to attack Syria, Lebanon and Iran with impunity from Russia in return for no sanctions by Israel and potentially some black sales of cyber espionage products. Russia sometimes buddies up and sometimes shittalks Turkey and Armenia sometimes gets help and sometimes is left to hang dry.

And now Belarus wants to get in the mix too

Tryptaminev ,

Russian and US propagandists are already on the loose, preparing to get people in the target countries not to follow practices like WFO or wearing masks in croweded places.

Tryptaminev ,

Meat industry + destruction of natural habitats forcing wild animals into contact with domesticated animals or directly with humans + general climate change making the spread of diseases more easy...

The rate and intensity of pandemics is increasing and we are doing barely anything to address the root causes. Because that would mean to reduce some individuals profits and make some small adjustments to our consumption routines, while restoring nature that is sustaining us. And that is out of the question.

Tryptaminev ,

pandemic != endemic.

Polio and smallpox were endemic. They were pretty bad, but as slowly evolving diseases once we got the vaccines down, we got them under control. Pandemics are new diseases w.o. efficient resistance / medical treatments or prevention

Tryptaminev ,

The goal is to expose and to try every avenue available. Which should be the logic thing to do in face of a genocide.

Maybe something comes out of it. Probably not. But in the latter case at least it is evident, that there is no moral high ground with the US and its allies. It is evident that working with these terror states creates complicity in the most heinous crimes and other countries can be held accountable for it.

It can create an understanding for future generations that neoliberalism like it is endorsed by both US parties or so called "social democrats" or "greens" in countries like Germany is nothing but fascism with extra steps.

Tryptaminev ,

There is also a practical matter of buying investments from countries like China, India or the EU in their currency without having the US take a cut.

Tryptaminev ,

The AfD has openly stated that the worse for Germany, the better for them. This is standard fascism. Make things worse while blaming it on a minority as a scapegoat. Then implement something against that minority and the general population conveniently making your crownies richer, then blame this minority or another one for things getting even worse.

Fascists need the doublethink of being the superior while at a constant threat of annihilation by an inferior enemy.

Tryptaminev , (edited )

Google Iran-Contra. No legalization needed for that. In fact black money pools are much more useful for bombing innocent people.

US-built pier in Gaza is facing its latest challenge — whether the UN will keep delivering the aid ( )

The U.S.-built pier to bring food to Gaza is facing one of its most serious challenges yet — its humanitarian partner is deciding if it can safely and ethically keep delivering supplies arriving by the U.S. sea route to starving Palestinians....

Tryptaminev ,

And here we have it. It was never about delivering aid and alleviating the situation of the people in Gaza being starved and murdered by Israel. It was about creating a distraction to allow more of that to continue and now to have a logistical access so the US can join in on the genocide

Tryptaminev ,

Note how there is worthy and unworthy victims?

We get a detailed story about her to humanize and empathize with the Israeli victims. There is nothing wrong with that. However we do not get these kind of accounts for the tens of thousands of Palestinians murdered by Israel. We do not get these detailed accounts on how being raped and tortured in Israeli "administrative detention" aka Israeli hostageship destroys children, women and men.

This strategy is used to justify the atrocities against the one group by dehumanizing them, while humanizing the group of the perpetrators. This is fascism in real time. And it will be the moral, political and ultimately human downfall of all of the allies of Israel.

Tryptaminev ,

That is an oxymoron. Israel is a fascist settler colonial empire. Like the Nazis expansion into the East for "Lebensraum" There can be no Israeli Lebensraum without first killing the people living there.

The project cannot be finalized as long as Palestinians exist as a people, even if they are displaced. Especially not as long as the number of Palestinians alive remains significant.

Look at the US genocide of the native Americans.

Tryptaminev ,

I mean if the driving lessons are properly preparing them, i dont see an issue with that. E.g. in my country it is a couple month full time course to acquire the necessary license.

Tryptaminev ,

An educated bully with a badge is still that. Look at how the Police in Amsterdam broke up peaceful protests at universities. You could see them very happy to swing their long hard batons at young women because they need to compensate for something lacking those attributes.

Tryptaminev ,

They didn't calculate a fixed number. They adjust the numbers depending on what allows them to throw enough bombs that day. And if they get to distract or don't face political backlash over it, which we saw in the past months getting especially worse, with how the US, UK and Germany to maybe throw some words, but otherwise go hellbent on full support of their crimes.

For all matters of reason the value of a Palestinian life to the Zionazis is 0. Heck we see them murdering women and children out of boredom. We see them counting how many women and children they murdered and bragging about it on Tiktok.

Tryptaminev ,

That is bullshit. The reason why 90% of the Palestinians have a refugee status is because 90% of them were forcibly displaced by Israel. The few Palestinians that don't have a refugee status do so, because they were already living in Gaza or the few remaing parts of the occupied Westbank and East Jerusalem that weren't forcibly evicted and settled by Israeli terrorists yet.

Tryptaminev ,

Isarel: Forcibly displaces people again, again and again, cramming them into less and less space.

You: Why is Hamas surrounding itself with Civillians, that is so evil!!!

Israel: Lets use aid trucks to bring our fighters in and slaughter random people. It is a clear warcrime to abuse humanitarian infrastructure to transport combatants, but who cares.

You: Oh my gosh. They did so well with their war crimes. It is totally justified because i am closeted racist, so who cares about women and children being murdered if they aren't part of my group

Tryptaminev ,

Replace Palestinians with European Jews in your statement, and think of existing borders as in Nazi Germany 1942 and then think again very slowly, if you want to make these kind of arguments.

Tryptaminev ,

Because it is victim blaming bullshit to justify the genocide against Palestinians. Whatever Hamas is doesn't justify the atrocities committed by Israel especially since Oct. 7 but also the Decades before. Did you know more than 500 Palestinians were murdered in the Westbank since Oct. 7? There is no Hamas there, but now that the Israeli fascists can get away with it, they enjoy their impunity as they murder, rape and pillage.

Tryptaminev ,

Ahh yes, give away all your leverage when your enemy already stated he will murder you all.

You should become a negotiator.

Tryptaminev ,

Fuck of Nazis scum.

Tryptaminev ,

There was a ceasefire on October 6? Then how come more than 200 Palestinians have been murdered by the Israeli occupation in 2023 before October 6?

Tryptaminev ,

If with October 7 you include the weekend until including October 9 and account people that died of injuries inflicted in that itme, then the number is zero. So Israeli civillians that were killed after the events commonly referred to as October 7.

Also for the number of October 7 it is conveniently ignored by pro Israel media, that about 400-500 of the Israelis killed were active duty soldiers. So the number of genuine Israeli victims of Hamas terror is around 700. Of these iirc. about 30-35 were children. So basically the rate of Palestinian childrens butchered by IDF to pass any random afternoon in the past 8 months.

Tryptaminev ,

Meanwhile the German "center" and "center left" are actively doing everything to push more far right extremism. Following their racist tropes, spreading lies about immigrants. Increasing police violence and general authoritarianism. Employing austerity measures throwing entire city-districts into poverty while wanting to cut the income tax for the highest tax brackets and refusing to implement a wealth tax.

DW as the government run foreign media of Germany is incredibly rich to deflect from their normalizing fascism in Germany by pointing at other countries. This is not to defend Hungary or Italy. It is to clear up about the motives and actors here, which is a political class in Germany once again enabling fascism instead of fighting it, using minorities for virtue signaling, while actively bringing on their demise.

Tryptaminev ,

It is because it broke down after the first delivery and the first delivery got blocked by the IDF and wasnt distributed. So the Pier didnt really deliver anything yet.

It is also still far too little and the US could force Israel to open all borders to let in as much aid as is actually needed by stopping to send them weapons and provide diplomatic cover. Plus if the US would apply sanctions, Israel could be forced to retreat from Gaza and finally start upholding international law within a few days.

Tryptaminev ,

You are either completely unknowledgable about the situation there or arguing in bad faith. But giving you the benefit of the doubt. There is more than enough aid waiting since months just outside the borders. Israel took over the Rafah crossing to Egypt, murdering two Egyptian soldiers in the process. There also enough aid is waiting.

By stopping to arm Israel the US might not provide food literally tomorrow, but within short time. That pier took over two months to build. More than enough time for the US to pressure Israel into behaving.

Again Israel could let in aid today if they wanted to. They could stop bombing hospitals, ambulances, aid workers, refugee shelters right now if they wanted to. The US could make them want that. And if simply cutting weapons wouldnt be enough the US could declare a no fly zone and break Israels chokeholds on the border crossings by force if necessary. The US could threaten and employ a sanctions regime that would threaten to vaporize the Israeli economy, making any government resign within days.

But the US doesnt do that. The US doesnt want that. The US wants to cover for this genocide and just pretend doing something about it, which is why they build an expensive pier for months that doesnt deliver aid and then breaks apart, while watching the single attempted aid delivery to be denied by the Israeli genocidal forces.

Tryptaminev ,

The Pier took 2 months to build. It took two weeks to repair. So claiming this to be an "insanely short time span" is already wrong. And it is not enough. The US would need to build another 5 of the same piers to bring in enough aid on that route, ignoring the need to distribute it, which Israel again is blocking. So would you rather build piers for ten months instead of stopping to send arms to the people who block the available land routes?

Tryptaminev ,

If you only have first dates you never need to move past identifying your problems. No work needed to push through them. Check Mate psychos!

Tryptaminev ,

I dunno. There is statistics that show younger people to have less and less sex. And it certainly is not because of more prudeness nowadays. While not the final indicator i do think it to be representative of the general lack of stable relationships.

Tryptaminev ,

I dont think this is accurately describing people and how they develop. You have many people that are fine partners but got stuck in toxic relationships. You have people that were great "matches" in their twenties but turned to become terribly self absorbed arseholes in their thirties and vice versa you have people who developed to become very decent. You have people that were fine but wanted to sleep aroung in their 20s and then became monogamous and people who did the opposite.

Also you entirely ignore that as more people are permanently in relationships with increasing age that also means the "competition" reduces.

Finally this assume the observer to be somewhat static in their relation to other people being duds, mediocre or winner. But given your numbers they would become more likely to be duds or mediocre as they get single at higher age. Two "mediocre" can make a fine couple. And quite frankly, if the only people someone ever get to know are "duds" chance is he or she needs to work through some issues.

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