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TWeaK ,

I dunno, if a car kicks up a rock from the road and smashes a windscreen, that's considered no one's fault. Even though the car in front kicked it up.

In this case, NASA have assumed that things would burn up in re-entry, based on past experience and modelling. For some reason that didn't happen here. However, that might not be enough to prove liability - if NASA is considered to already make reasonable efforts to prevent this.

TWeaK ,

Lol how do you think construction sites generate electricity to charge the batteries?

TWeaK ,

Yeah I was aware of that as I posted it. I work on construction sites. More than anything I was highlighting how vehicles isn't the only problem.

TWeaK ,
  1. It's not always practical to get power to a site, depending on the utility and whatever upgrades they need.
  2. Solar doesn't generate enough, and doesn't generate at all overnight (when plant would be charged).
  3. Most plant lives on site and transporting it off site to charge is just going to add to costs and likely increase pollution (you need lorries to move them).

It's a good idea, and one that's growing, but it's still niche and it will be a long time before construction sites are fully electric.

TWeaK ,

I'm guessing you don't actually work on the sites. Generators are often in containers and not necessarily obvious, or out of the way. Depends on the site and what the job is, though.

In general, a site would prefer to have a proper connection (cheaper), but more often than not it's not available.

TWeaK ,

If you want lemmy to work well, speak with /u/, he'll sort you out. Dude is a legend and runs the best instance, IMO, but is always willing to help other instances.

TWeaK ,

The Netherlands is also a monarchy, and Denmark.

TWeaK ,

Absolutely well deserved.

TWeaK ,

Not closely per se, but bits and bobs. Horns was awesome, as was Guns Akimbo, and Swiss Army Man was a good laugh. Good Omens as a show I don't really like overall (they basically abandoned the idea pitched in season 1 and changed things every season) but the scene with him in the Western season dancing to She'll Be Coming Round The Mountain while wearing assless chaps, and the general character in the Mad Max season, both live rent free in my head. Also the Weird Al documentary perfectly presented Al's on again, off again relationship with Madonna.

I would love to see him in a musical, but I don't really go to those. Maybe not the one where he had to get his cock out on stage, but I love that he did that. Still need to see Book of Mormon (Radcliffe had nothing to do with that).

I would lose my shit if he and Elijah Wood did something together.

TWeaK ,

Oh I almost forgot about Dirk Gently! Wish that would come back.

His furry feet in LOTR were something else.

Never buy .xyz

I just wanted to post this here because I want to help you all and hurt as much as possible. I had a .xyz domain through which I used to host jellyfin, homeassistant, and other basic things for friends and family. My domain recently became inaccessible without any notice. After a while of troubleshooting, I found...

TWeaK ,

I mean, a jellyfin server is typically full of copyright protected material. I also wouldn't expect them to notify you in advance, however they should still send some notice when they stop providing the service you've paid for.

TWeaK ,

Doesn't Google already let you do this?? My Android phone doesn't even have Google Play Services, I just only use 3rd party stores. If I want an app from Google Play I get it through Aurora.

TWeaK ,

Downloading F-Droid from Google Play kind of defeats the purpose of F-Droid.

TWeaK ,

Ah wait, I should've read the article lol:

The law allows local authorities to name "designated providers" of a certain scale – currently only achieved by Apple and Google – and require those providers to do three things:

  • Allow third-party app stores on their devices;
  • Allow application developers to use third-party billing services;
  • Enable users to change default settings with simple procedures, and offer choice screens for tools like browsers;

And it forbids them doing three more:

  • Engage in any form of preferential treatment of their services over those of competitors in the display of search results without justifiable reason;
  • Use acquired data about competing applications for their own applications;
  • Prevent application developers from using features controlled by the OS with the same level of performance as the one used by Designated Providers.

So Google already allows 3rd party app stores and lots of settings (although these are always hit and miss, even in the custom ROM scene - I can't get pocket detection right now and my phone keeps doing things in my pocket), but the 3rd party billing and choice screens applies to them.

TWeaK ,

You're still putting a measure of trust into Google with that, rather than just trusting F-Droid.

TWeaK , (edited )

Ty, but I think I'm just gonna switch from my dodgy Chinese Xiaomi phone to the refurbished Pixel 7 Pro I have. I mean, I've had it for like e months now, one of these days I will. Although, I really will miss my IR blaster, even though I hardly ever use it it's nice to be able to change the TV in the pub lol

Edit: lmfao I just changed the TV 10m away, had Tour de France on, but now it's basketball.

TWeaK ,

Lol I do run Android without Google Play Services.

TWeaK ,

Run Magisk in Zygisk mode with the deny list hiding itself from banking apps.

However I would advise not using the banking app if you can help it, they're not clean. Hell, even accessing online banking via a website seems to require connections to and to perform hidden captcha (you don't have to do the picture thing but it still does the server side tracking).

TWeaK ,

I'm in Europe, and I don't use banking apps. For the most part anyway, one of my credit cards pissed me off by switching to app only, then eventually I relented with one bank because I wanted a 2nd account that required the app.

Banks either verify by SMS (lol) or provide a passkey fob.

GrapheneOS should provide some measure of protection. You can also perhaps disable some tracking features using something like Warden (requires root) - although this hasn't been updated in years and probably misses stuff now.

TWeaK ,

Eerily reminiscent of David Cameron calling for a Brexit referendum.

TWeaK ,

They won't do that because it all started with Brexit limiting access to chemicals used to treat water.

TWeaK ,

People were and still are, but unfortunately nations broke their promises and turned a blind eye.

TWeaK ,

If only they hadn't shot themselves so hard in the foot during covid with their book lending, and dug the hole so much deeper with their piss poor handling of the lawsuit.

While I do very much support what they do, I'd be reluctant to give them money, if only because it might go to paying their dumbass lawyer.

TWeaK ,

The lawsuit wasn't coming because they were in a strong grey area with one physical copy per digital. By offering unlimited copies they directly invited a lawsuit.

And then their legal defense had absolutely no competency behind it. They didn't come with any legal principles, they basically just said "we shouldn't be punished because we're nice", and then they tried the same style of argument during appeal, basically throwing money away on legal expenses. All the while they were campaigning for donations - the people that supported them were paying the lawyers, not for the IA's regular activities.

TWeaK ,

Dude this is the internet, the burden of proof is on the person anyone says "Source?" to first.

In seriousness though, we're shooting the shit here. The burden of proof is shared equally. Someone said something, they gave reasoning (a form of evidence) why they think that thing, and you just came and said "No you're wrong." The ball is firmly in your court to explain why.

TWeaK ,

Could well be needed. It's not fully understood, but human space travel - even to the surface of relatively nearby Mars - might not even be viable. Aside from the radiation issue after leaving the Earth's magnetosphere, zero gravity changes the body. When astronauts land they're carefully assisted to get out and placed onto soft bedding. From Chris Hadfield's autobiography, merely standing up after coming home from a few weeks/couple months on the ISS was like standing on a bed of needles. It took about 2 weeks to be able to move around again, which makes me wonder how we'll ever get people on the surface of Mars. The Moon is pretty easy in comparison, much lower gravity and not that far away.

TWeaK ,

Pouyanné, who last month floated the idea of a New York listing for the company, told shareholders there was “no question” of TotalEnergies leaving France.

He said in April that there was “a case” to move from the Paris CAC 40 index to New York in search of higher valuations and larger markets.

The French president, Emmanuel Macron, asked by Bloomberg if he would be “happy” with such a move, responded: “Not at all and I would be very surprised.”

Sounds like market manipulation to me.

TWeaK ,

Just as bad as pineapple on pizza.

Fuck you.

Pineapple contains an enzyme that dissolves flesh. When you eat raw pineapple, it eats you back. This is why your mouth goes kind of numb if you eat a lot of it.

However, with a little bit of heating the enzyme denatures and becomes nonfunctional. Thus, pineapple belongs on pizza.

TWeaK ,

Mulch + uBlock Origin makes it clean enough.

TWeaK ,

Meet Your Macher

China's navy has apparently tested out a hypersonic rail gun — basically a device that uses a series of electromagnets to accelerate a projectile to incredible speeds — but during a demonstration of its power, things didn't go quite as planned.

As the South China Morning Post reports, the rail gun test lobbed a precision-guided projectile — or smart bomb — nine miles into the stratosphere. But because it apparently didn't go up as high as it was supposed to, the test was ultimately declared unsuccessful.

This conclusion came after an analysis led by Naval Engineering University professor Lu Junyong, whose team found with the help of AI that even though the winged smart bomb exceeded Mach 5 speeds, it didn't perform as well as it could have.

This occurred, as Lu's team found, because the projectile was spinning too fast during its ascent, resulting in an "undesirable tilt."
Gun for Everybody

Successful or not, news of the test is a pretty big deal given that it was just a few months ago that reports emerged about China's other proposed super-powered rail gun, which is intended to send astronauts on a Boeing 737-size ship into space (NASA had begun building its own astronaut-shooting railgun in the 1990s, but had to abandon it due to lack of dinero.)

As with many space technologies, there's the propensity for some messy overlap with military tech. As such, news about the smart bomb rail gun test, which for the record did not make it all the way to space, could well freak out officials stateside.

Chinese officials, meanwhile, are paying lip service to the hypersonic rail gun technology's potential to revolutionize civilian travel by creating even faster railways and consumer space launches, too.

Despite the big promises of politicos, there are still lots of technical kinks that'll need to be ironed out before a giant rail gun is ready to shoot humans — or weapons — into space, not least of which the spinning and tilt issues demonstrated by the Naval Engineering University researchers in this test.

More on Chinese military tech: China Working on Super-Fast Submarines Powered by Lasers

TWeaK ,

Actually the UK's Higher Tax Rate is 40% for income above £50k, but when you add in National Insurance tax the total rate of tax is 42% (with 28% for earnings between £12k and £50k).

For incomes over £125k under the Additional Tax Rate it's 45% (47% with National Insurance. So a significant number of high income workers do get taxed 45% or above, at least for a portion of their salaried/wage income.

The kicker is that the wealthy don't earn most of their money working for an income, they do it through investments, which is covered under capital gains tax. Income tax starts at 20% and goes up with income, meanwhile capital gains tax starts at 20% and goes down through loopholes.

The issue isn't income tax, that's just making the plebs fight against one another. The issue is capital gains tax and all the loopholes the ultra wealthy use to avoid paying their share. These people don't contribute to society, they don't work, they just make money off of their money and other peoples' work.

TWeaK ,

When Reagan was in office I think it was 95% for income over $1,000,000. He claimed that if he was getting taxed 95% for making a movie, he wouldn't make a movie, and everyone else involved would be out of work. Because sure, they're not going to just hire another actor instead... Unfortunately idiots believed him.

TWeaK ,

45% overall would be far higher than 125k. You would have 20% tax up to £50k, 40% tax between £50k and £125k, and then 45% tax above £125k. So in order to be taxed 45% overall you would have to earn well over £125k, as a significant portion of your earnings would still be taxed at the lower rates. You don't start paying the higher rate until you're earning it, and even then you pay the lower rate for any earnings below the threshold.

The UK tax system also has a werid position between about £100k and £125k. There is a tax free allowance between 0 and around £12.5k, when you earn over £100k this starts to reduce until £125k where it is entirely removed. After £125k you start making money again, but with earnings of between £100k and £125k per year you can actually take home less.

There is specific maths that clear this up more consisely (not least because thresholds change every year) but that's the general gist of it.

TWeaK ,

Meanwhile they're hiding the Maps button and forcing you to use maps in situ on the main search page.

TWeaK ,

What's with Coahuila? Almost looks like the cartels intentionally stay out.

TWeaK ,

Damn, this could be huge, it sounds like it affects everything.

Also, I'll be damned if I'm going to use AitM. It's Man in the Middle. If you want it to be de-gendered just think of it as 'man, ie an abbreviation for human.

TWeaK ,

You can provide software updates while still having planned obsolescence.

TWeaK ,

Palestinian supporters make up a tiny, insignificant portion of single issue voters.

TWeaK ,

I think he's always been a bit of an asshole, but he's a charming asshole and sometimes the things he says are on point. Other times he's just being an asshole though, but I still find that entertaining for the most part.

TWeaK ,

How much damage did he do? Did the place burn down?

TWeaK ,

But the person isn't trans and being called cis, or even trans but objecting to being called trans, they're cis and objecting to being called cis.

Can you really not imagine how a transgender person would feel when the term CIS is forced upon them from the outside?

That's like saying the term "male" is forced upon men, or the term "human" is forced upon everyone. Cis is the defined technical term, with solid etymological roots.

TWeaK ,

Registration wall.

This article almost frames it as Ukraine's fault for changing. Ukraine shouldn't have to compromise with Russia at all.

TWeaK ,

The real joke is plastic recycling to begin with. It's an inferior product, one much more likely to produce harmful microplastics.

Almost as bad as biodegradable plastics.

Reduce, reuse, recycle. Recycling is supposed to be the last resort, not the first choice for profits.

TWeaK ,

I'm not sure about the chill ones, but most of them just put starch in the polymer chain at various intervals. Bacteria break down the starch, which visibly breaks down the plastic, however it leaves behind tiny polymer chunks - microplastics.

I imagine a good biodegradable plastic is quite expensive, probably more so than other green alternatives.

TWeaK ,

So ideally these public broadcasters would make communities on the official Swiss instance.

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