@dezmd@lemmy.world cover
@dezmd@lemmy.world avatar



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Prosecutors say Alec Baldwin was ‘engaged in horseplay’ with gun before fatal shooting ( www.theguardian.com )

Fewer than three weeks before actor Alec Baldwin is due to go on trial in Santa Fe, New Mexico, prosecutors have said that he “engaged in horseplay with the revolver”, including firing a blank round at a crew member on the set of Rust before the tragic accident occurred....

dezmd Mod ,
@dezmd@lemmy.world avatar


This was always a political bag of bullshit. They even had to fund it as a special prosecution with legislation, going so far as to assign a special prosecutor that happened to also be a state Republican legislator.

The gymnastics people keep using to align blame for manslaughter onto Bladwin have slowly become accepted as if it is factual like propaganda is meant to do.

dezmd ,
@dezmd@lemmy.world avatar

Biden is the boogeyman 'they' have you afraid of. Or maybe you are the 'they' trying ro reframe Biden as the boogeyman.

Trump isn't a boogeyman, he's an objectively selfish criminal grifter lunatic and theres decades of evidence and receipts to back it up.

dezmd Mod ,
@dezmd@lemmy.world avatar

This whole 'You guys won' take is nonsense. We have to work together or WE are all equally fucked.

I’m gonna blow your mind here

That is is not the smart ass revelation that you imagine it should be.

You voted for Biden in 2020 despite his history of supporting wars that kill innocent people. He voted in favor of the Iraq War in 2003. Biden supported the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 and reasserted the need to stay there in 2002. If you actually cared about war time deaths of innocents that Biden affects, you never would've supported him in the first place.

Now, suddenly, a war not supported or instigated by Biden is what causes you to turn against him in an election where the other candidate is openly talking about murdering his opposition out of revenge?

You just hopped on a bandwagon, one that's been flooded with adversarial political and foreign state sponsors.

I did what you demanded

You did it wrong. Make your own choices and support your own agency of thoughtfulness and objective consideration. Right now, your entire decision tree is quite obviously locked into a repeating loop. If you are relying on others to tell you how to vote, you lost your way before you ever learned the game.

Biden didn't fund Hamas in Gaza; Biden didn't direct Hamas to attack Israel; Biden didn't order the IDF to respond with weapons of war; Biden hasn't ordered or actively encouraged the Israelis to continue attacking Gaza and killing innocent people, families, and children.

The Israeli Government and their Military is who you should be railing on 24/7 for taking part in what is tantamount genocide of the Palestinians. I know you're not actually reading most if any of this and I should probably just hit cancel move on, but you're really leaning in and in the off chance something may spark, might as well try. Instead, you play right into propaganda intending to destabilize the US from within by sowing discontent in an election by putting blame of foreign military actions on an incumbent President trying to thread a needle of politics and diplomacy in an election year amid a foreign country's genocidal actions against a foreign people.

Getting Trump re-elected may be the single most world-wide destabilizing event that could happen as a result of a strictly US political process. He already tried to dissolve NATO for Putin once.

You want to play politics like it's 1v1 checkers when it's really 14,356 games of Chess at the same time, on a timer.

dezmd Mod ,
@dezmd@lemmy.world avatar

Your parents received your ss card after you were born once your SSN was assigned.

You register for the draft when you register to vote.

dezmd ,
@dezmd@lemmy.world avatar

I always worry that putting so much on FPTP as the problem is going to backfire. I open to trying to move away from it, but it does make it a little cheaper for dark money to invest in a candidate's image when they only have to maintain a strong showing vs overwhelming the 50% total tally.

It didn't keep the UK from Brexit and the EU is moving to the right. FPTP may not the game changer we imagine, it may simply be a 'grass is always greener' scenario.

dezmd ,
@dezmd@lemmy.world avatar

Obama's first go around felt pretty legit.

dezmd ,
@dezmd@lemmy.world avatar

Why didnt you post any of those articles as Lemmy threads then?

Op's point lacked some defined clarity of context, but your particular subjective posting demonstrates your own inherent bias. It genuinely seems you only feigned objectivity as an attack to divert from exposure of your own bias.

Propaganda posting is propaganda posting, whichever side it comes from.

Lemmy.ml tankie censorship problem

I feel like we need to talk about Lemmy's massive tankie censorship problem. A lot of popular lemmy communities are hosted on lemmy.ml. It's been well known for a while that the admins/mods of that instance have, let's say, rather extremist and onesided political views. In short, they're what's colloquially referred to as...

dezmd ,
@dezmd@lemmy.world avatar

I'll argue that crocodile tears deserve downvotes, as do bullies.

Im pro jewish, Im pro Israeli, but im so anti-injustice that I'm willing to stand up to anyone pushing for or acting as a pro-war Israel supporter, or jewish as an Israeli identity when it comes to being prowarfare, when they still support what has quickly evolved into a politically strategic genocide against palestinians. Hamas deserved what it got in the immediate aftermath of October 7, but after 2 weeks then 3 weeks then a month then 2 months it showed that despite all of Israels' military and civilian efforts of having an experienced security apparatus steeped in information warfare and threat containment, they didnt have the effective strategic competence to actually wipe out Hamas without having to constantly murder civilians.

But they went ahead and kept on fucking killing.

So now, they keep moving goal posts for any chance of peace. Its not a new strategy, but it has far more violent consequences and only further spreads fervor for more violence. Peace begets peace. One side doesn't get to play that against the other like a ping pong match and expect objective obervers to fall for either side's propaganda.

This is all revenge without justice now.

Take your foot off the throttle.

dezmd ,
@dezmd@lemmy.world avatar

Bitcoin is exceptionally traceable, this seems more about preventing banks and financial firms from hiding solvency issues from SEC and the public's analysis by off sheeting crypto holdings.

dezmd ,
@dezmd@lemmy.world avatar

I argue that the real credit goes to Winamp. Napster was effectively just a slightly easier front end than an irc fserve, it was really the mp3 playback with playlists and maybe even milkdrop visualization that led to a critical mass for mp3 adoption and sharing. That later led to Napster and, ultimately, bit torrent.

But also, yeah, fuck Metallica.

dezmd ,
@dezmd@lemmy.world avatar

Yall Queda and the Gravy Seals just aren't that strategically competent with their slice of plain white bread class of domestic terrorism, not without some foreign intelligence command and control running them.

dezmd Mod ,
@dezmd@lemmy.world avatar

Wonder how much of that goes towards his monthly payments for lawsuits he's lost.

dezmd ,
@dezmd@lemmy.world avatar


[the above is just making an important distinction, not really yelling though the screen]

Reality includes nuance, recognition, and rationale.

How many threads and comments are you posting about local, state, and federal politics that are even more important than President?

What Congressional Representatives are you mad at about genocide support?

Who should we be voting for/against in primaries other than just Biden? What state lawmakers are supporting genocide and need to be engaged over it?

Where's the rest of your outrage for the little things that matter more than the optical illusion that is the Presidential race?

Or, alternatively, just recognize that you are now part of a distraction meant to disrupt American politics, and your cognitive dissonance prevents you from acknowledging certain realities, one of which is that your echo chamber is just an echo chamber. We all have to learn that eventually, or we will reap what we sow. The last time we really experienced a 'reap what you sow' in a Presidential election was in 2000 with Bush v. Gore. We got Bush, we got 9/11, then we got Iraq and Afghanistan wars that threw real people and families, in this country AND more so in the countries we invaded, into a murder meat grinder as a way to feed a military complex rather than feeding justice for the 9/11 dead. That is OUR modern legacy that must never be allowed to resurge. I'd argue we got lucky with Trump's first term in terms of a 'reap what you sow' scenario, he was far more of an incompetent greedy clown than a corruption evil genius than expected, but he seems to have come around to leaning in towards a much more focused corrupt evil clown this time around that will coincide with much worse consequences and outcomes for all of us if his circus act succeeds.

Not everyone is on the same page even among progressives, and here, you are seeming like another side of the same Trumpie coin by demanding the litmus test for conservatives Progressives be this sleepy corrupt demonic racist genocide Joe line-in-the-sand narrative that is blaringly, obviously, propagandized as commentary that will be reinforced to divide and dilute voters that recognize the real world danger of Trump and his rhetoric.

If genocide is what you are truly concerned about, wouldn't a better focus of your internet-commenter ire and time be demanding change directly at Netanyahu and Israel's government? They already had plenty of munitions and monetary support from the US for decades of suppression of the Palestinians' self determination. Where were you 5 years ago on a seemingly ongoing genocide of Palestinians? 10 years ago? 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50 years ago when Israel was, based on a long history of not even just 'liberalized/progressive' media reports, accused of committing a genocide against Palestinians?

Biden is a half measure, but he's the only half way acceptable option we have based on the system we live in. We aren't going to have a civil war over this, and we can't change the Constitution before November. Yelling at the sky does not at all fix anything. Offer solutions, and if there is one that is a better option than voting for Biden to prevent far more corruption from Trump, let us know now.

dezmd ,
@dezmd@lemmy.world avatar

So, 'get in line' with your view, or 'fuck you', is your message.

Progressives, including myself, are upset at Biden, but we're not monolithic, and many of us are even reasonable grownups that don't let our rage dictate how we respond to situations with vitriol and insults, or with demands that everyone else conform to our individuals views or be dismissed. I get it on some level, you're obviously younger, I had the fervor of inexperienced passion with politics in my younger years as well. I actively try not to project my own shortcomings onto others to convince myself I'm right when I feel attacked. You're losing the plot and only seeing red.

  • Who should we be voting for/against in primaries other than just Biden?

  • How many threads and comments are you posting about local, state, and federal politics that are even more important than President?

  • What Congressional Representatives are you mad at about genocide support?

  • What state lawmakers are supporting genocide and need to be engaged over it?

  • Where’s the rest of your outrage for the little things that matter more than the optical illusion that is the Presidential race?

Biden is the middle ground Republican-light compromise coward and always has been, none of your screaming is going to make him stop talking from both sides of his mouth. If anything, he's had a few releases that were surprisingly harsher on Israel than some of us ever expected him to.

You are laser focused on the wrong-goddamn shit - looking for instant gratification by trying to make the story of the plight of Palestinians about Biden and a singular American election, when it's about so much more and could have stronger impacts if it was focused on actionable solutions rather than reactions to public statements.

dezmd ,
@dezmd@lemmy.world avatar

My inner voice is my voice as I hear it, and is more obviously there when I'm contemplative or reflective on ideas and concepts, but it doesn't seem to actively dictate or narrate most of my actions as I go through the day, except perhaps in anxiety or adrenaline peaking situations. It does seem more likely to flip to the forefront when there's an 'emergency' sort of moment to help stay calm and rational where others may panic. I do have some 'imagery' thoughts but only when I'm on more of an autopilot with an activity.

Interestingly, I can have very vivid and detailed dreams filled with unique imagery and events that can seem very real and my inner voice kicks on sometimes during dreams, and I recognize it as a dream. I have at times been able to influence the direction of a dream that my subconscious usually seems to be running. These dreams can be expansive, I'm talking deep backstory, knowing things and languages I do not know, knowing details about history or science or math that I do not know, and having a strange hyper awareness of existence around me that I do not have when awake. The only really 'scary' dreams I've had since I was a kid are ones where I can't find my kids, or where my dad is still alive and shows back up at home like he was just living somewhere else for a while (and it's not so much scary as just hyper-confusing and stressful). The dad dreams are also some of the best dreams to have that inner voice of awareness happen.

dezmd ,
@dezmd@lemmy.world avatar

Perhaps we could all just use he/her for everyone because its less typing (e and r right next to each other vs im on him or he on she) and less space taken up on screens and paper? It would end run the haterade bigots looking to stir shit up and the self serving jackasses that inject themselves as the main character in every else's life choices and experiences.

In my own case, I only really take issue with the singular vs plural pronouns because they/them implies multiple people. Declaring they/them as your pronoun feels like an awkward adjustment to force on everyone else, not at all from a gender fluid or gendered language position, just from a logical expedience of exactness of language position.

We make all this shit up anyway, so let's just collectively define a shortest pronoun to represent individuals universally. Equality of respect among peers.

dezmd ,
@dezmd@lemmy.world avatar

I mean, my only real argument is about efficiency and language exactness for the sake of clarity of meaning. Here's a version based on my suggestion:

"This person understands pronouns, if everyone was like her then no one would use they are them to refer to one person."

I'm not attacking pronoun users, I'm advocating for more efficient pronoun usage rather than arbitrarily requiring others to redefine their pronoun usage for every single individual that wants to use a different unique pronoun. Why, you ask? A pronoun is a shortened identifier than can be used in many different instances to represent a noun, in general, individual pronouns are a substitute for individual names.

Your name is the actually unique identifier more-so than any pronoun is or needs to be.

dezmd ,
@dezmd@lemmy.world avatar

Yes and languages evolve. I also worry that your same sort of historial logic can be used in favor of preserving gendered language and traditional gender definitions that is contrary to the goals here.

I'm arguing for a standard usage, he/her for everyone covers always having a singular standardized pronoun so that they/them can be used as plural pronouns without the potential confusion that you may be talking about more than one person in the same literal contextual frame of a discussion. Preciseness of language improves the quality of communication.

Even in that example, and perhaps the modern English translation is just incorrect in its wording, "Each man hurried... til they drew near" is still a plural representative form of usage, as 'each man' is an implied amount of more than a singular man.

To say "Each man hurried... til he drew near... where William and his darling were lying together" creates a confusion of singular subject and does not work since 'each man' and 'they' represents more than a single self identifying entity.

dezmd ,
@dezmd@lemmy.world avatar

No, not cool. Languages do in fact change over time, regardless of what you or I may think, do or want.

I never demanded others conform to what I want, I argued in favor of an idea that has evolved over time from my own personal growth and life experiences, and it's a suggestion that is certainly open for discussion.

This was shared as a thought out consideration meant to improve on existing language in several ways, including:

  1. as a compromise and simplified solution on pronoun gendering,
  2. more exactness when discussing single individuals or multiple individuals,
  3. and as a pronoun that is inclusive of everyone without having to talk down to people you disagree with.

I don't know if you just constantly see red when you go to reply on certain thread topics, but not everything is or needs to be a reactionary agitative internet fight. Have a nice day.

dezmd ,
@dezmd@lemmy.world avatar

That's exactly how things work.

Ideas affect change.

Not every idea brings change, but exploring new and different ideas is always worth pursuing.

Our entire civilization is built from, on, and around ideas put into actions.

dezmd ,
@dezmd@lemmy.world avatar

It's much more of a question that requires perspective and thought to address beyond just drive by hand waving one liners.

dezmd ,
@dezmd@lemmy.world avatar

That's not a Florida story, that's an America story.

dezmd ,
@dezmd@lemmy.world avatar

The only point you seem to make is plugging your ears and talking over and around the actually contextual replies that repeatedly negate your word salad.

Knock it off.


dezmd ,
@dezmd@lemmy.world avatar

I'm perfectly fine with 99% tax over 999 million.

dezmd ,
@dezmd@lemmy.world avatar

The primary context of your link is very old history textbooks.

dezmd Mod ,
@dezmd@lemmy.world avatar

It's Republicans, not Florida. Just take a look around the country.

dezmd ,
@dezmd@lemmy.world avatar


Does that mean midnight soup? I feel like I might be able to guess may way into some German discussions.

dezmd ,
@dezmd@lemmy.world avatar

This is an excellent example of how religious belief can cloud the human brain, impairing reason and thoughtfulness.

Well done.

dezmd ,
@dezmd@lemmy.world avatar

Well, thanks to Dwanye for becoming an arrogant coward at the exact time people need voices like his to help build up Democracy ideals.

His take is avoidance because he arrogantly thinks his previous endorsement of Biden caused division in America. That's wild.

The Audacity of This Bitch.

dezmd ,
@dezmd@lemmy.world avatar

Still waiting on those miracle molten salt batteries that are going to revolutionize long term energy storage.

dezmd ,
@dezmd@lemmy.world avatar

You are incorrect, FL is swinging further left exactly because of DeSantis and abortion and book bans and education and even Disney. Jacksonville demonstrated the Dems can win in what everyone mistakes for a red region.

Google will start showing AI-powered search results to users who didn't opt in ( www.engadget.com )

If you're in the US, you might see a new shaded section at the top of your Google Search results with a summary answering your inquiry, along with links for more information. That section, generated by Google's generative AI technology, used to appear only if you've opted into the Search Generative Experience(SGE) in the Search...

dezmd ,
@dezmd@lemmy.world avatar

Ive used UBO so long I forget regulwr people see a diffeent internet. Google results are still suffering.

dezmd ,
@dezmd@lemmy.world avatar

Every country in Europe after Russia spreads their war beyond Ukraine "Help"

dezmd ,
@dezmd@lemmy.world avatar

Ah yes, in the days of the Wiki Wiki Wild Wild Web.

dezmd ,
@dezmd@lemmy.world avatar

Pea salad sounds like some midwest bullshit.

dezmd ,
@dezmd@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah this is just time wasting on bullshit political punting. Saying something while doing nothing. I'm so exhausted with political theater.

dezmd ,
@dezmd@lemmy.world avatar

I still cant' get past his forced cry at his trail, with the little side eye peek to see if they were watching.


US sues Apple for illegal monopoly over smartphones ( www.theverge.com )

The US Department of Justice and 16 state and district attorneys general accused Apple of operating an illegal monopoly in the smartphone market in a new antitrust lawsuit. The DOJ and states are accusing Apple of driving up prices for consumers and developers at the expense of making users more reliant on its iPhones.

dezmd ,
@dezmd@lemmy.world avatar

Not necessarily the best example, if you split the work up too much, you can end up with a bunch of unfinished projects, when everyone works together on specific items together you are more likely to get specific things done quickly and have them be more fully 'completed.'

Source: Actually have a family, actually do spring cleaning.

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