FlyingSquid , to News in Scientists wary of bird flu pandemic 'unfolding in slow motion' avatar

That's okay, it will clearly be fake just like COVID and it will also be over in a few months like Elon predicted about COVID and you can fix it with horse paste and a UV light up your ass, so you don't need a mask or anything like the COVID vaccine that killed everyone who got it within a year, as predicted.

BubbleMonkey , avatar

It depends when it launches and goes… viral (sorry..). If there’s a dem in office, it’s a real pandemic and we aren’t doing nearly enough and 10,000 people are dying every second, you lib monsters!! If it’s a repub in office it’s fake news poopvirus and why are you trampling on my poopeating freedums??

Letstakealook , to World News in Zelenskiy says without US aid, Ukraine forces will have to retreat

Sorry, bud, but we've gotta help some white colonists genocide native brown people. I'm sure you understand.

PugJesus , to politics in Trump faces gag order in New York hush money criminal case avatar

Or what, they'll not-fine him?

AreaKode ,

They might fine him. But then lower the bill, and give him another couple of weeks. We like to treat all American's fairly...

octopus_ink ,

A stern wag of the finger, I say!

Nudding ,

Calm down Hitler, he's a rich white guy, jeeze.

dynamojoe , to News in Many Republicans seek a largely unconstrained president: Reuters/Ipsos poll

Republicans want a largely unconstrained republican president. To them any democrat in office should be a powerless figurehead. They're hypocrites.

Lmaydev ,

Exactly that. In their mind this means a republican only. If you asked that question but specified it includes the Dems 0% would agree lol

NotMyOldRedditName , to News in US Supreme Court rules Trump has immunity for official, not private acts

So, has there been a more monumentally catastrophic series of rulings like we've had this week?

Presidents are kings and immune to the law

Kickbacks are now legal

Executive agencies completely destroyed

I know other individual rulings may be worse, but in this case the series of rulings.

EatATaco ,

And they are all thanks to the fact that trump, not Clinton, got to appoint 3 to justices.

And there are still people who think voting for a third party is a good idea.

jorp ,

Take some responsibility for how shitty the Democrats are. They're not entitled to people's votes they have to earn them. If my options are shit salad and shit sandwich I'm not worried about carbs.

xenoclast ,

You're entire comment is a shit sandwich and you're a fucking that.

jorp ,

oh no you got me! enjoy the collapse of your nation

wanderingmagus ,

You do realize that if the USA goes to shit, the rest of the world will also go? Not because the USA went to shit, but because the shit-in-chief will be bound and determined to bring said shit to the rest of the world and cram it down y'all's throats while shaking hands with Putin and Kim? He already talked about withdrawing from NATO and telling Putin he has carte blanche to just roll over Europe, and don't be surprised if a few lobbyists in the military-industrial complex convince him that taking a second look at colonization of the Global South for their minerals might just be a good idea while he's at it.

jorp ,

sounds like the American far-right is united behind their preferred candidate, I wonder why Democrats aren't trying similarly to court the left with a good candidate?

aren't you tired of bouncing between right and far right?

wanderingmagus ,

Of course I am. But given the choice between creeping fascism and immediate fascism, which realistically is the only choice this election, I'll choose the one that still has options, however few, for at least a few more years, if only so other people have a chance to get out while they can or make preparations.

EatATaco ,

I said nothing about entitlement, only pointed out the facts. You can both sides it all you want, but the last 10 days has exposed how absolutely ridiculous that position is. Although it's long since been obvious.

jorp ,

there are more than two sides, Democrats would do well to realize that instead of making every election about how not Republican they are.

one of these parties will be gone in the next decade

Zink ,

There are a multitude of sides within the population. Unfortunately, our voting reinforces the two-party status quo.

NotMyOldRedditName ,


Fuck Trump obviously. And everyone who voted for him. (Edit and fuck everyone in the voting doesn't matter camp)

Also fuck Mitch McConnell

But god damnit, fuck Obama for not fighting Mitch, and fuck Ruth for not retiring when she should have.

jorp ,

isn't it fun how American politics is all about the action or inaction of 80+ year old fossils? people society at large ignores when they're family or neighbors but they're running the whole fucking thing

EatATaco ,

I don't know what Obama could have done, but i absolutely agree that rbg should have stepped down in the middle of her term.

NotMyOldRedditName , (edited )

I'm sure he could have done more than he did. Ultimately, they didn't think Trump would win and didn't fight back hard enough because they were worried about the backlash that might cause on the upcoming election.

Now, Republicans have shown that they won't allow votes in the last year, but only if the dems have the presidency. It also set the precedent that they can even do that in the first place.

I guarantee you someone who needs replacing further out than a year will now be denied in the future for some other bullshit reason.

Edit: here's my worst outcome guess. For all future terms where the dems hold the presidency, but not the senate, all future SC nomination votes will be denied since congress and the presidency is conflicted and we can't have a vote while it's in conflict.

CaptPretentious ,

And there are still people who think voting for a third party is a good idea.

Well it is. Because far to many people are simply voting for the lesser of evils, because our options have been terrible for decades. And the longer we keep perpetuation this broken system, the worse it's going to get.

Lets say Biden wins... this exact same shit show is coming about in 4 years again. And when that orange clown was in office, people were already trying to set up a Trump dynasty... that for some fucking reason that family should just be in power. This pattern cannot continue. We need to get out of "lets go with what will hopefully do the least damage" and start voting in people that are actually going to represent the people. Sure maybe POTUS might not be the best place to start with that, but it needs to start somewhere.

And if not the Trump family, it's going to be some other bozo like Elon (somehow) or Bezos because our political system has become that much of a joke.

The rich keep getting away with shit, nothing happens. Corrupting in our government, nothing happens. Corruption in our police, nothing happens. Rights are being taken away from people, nothing happens. In some areas of the country, public schools are now displaying the 10 commandments for some reason. Oh and public taxes are going to help fund private schools. And school shootings.... and nothing happens. Our national debt is out of control. And the state on how veterans are taken care of is pathetic. I'm sick and tired of incompetent and inept leadership. So yeah, maybe a 3rd party might be a good idea. Or we can keep this shit show up until it's too late, which is the most likely outcome.

EatATaco ,

Well it is.

Even in the outside chance that the third party wins, we still immediately revert to a two party system. It solves nothing as the nature of our voting system is to turn into a two-party system. It's a vanity vote, that's it.

This pattern cannot continue.

And voting third party in the presidential election does not stop it from continuing. At best it just switches what "two parties" we are voting for. If you want to stop this from continuing, you work locally to get how we get local candidates elected (like STAR or ranked) and then you work up from there. But you don't want to. You want to just do the simple thing of casting a vote and believing you've "done your part" which is why it's a vanity vote.

The presidential vote is a strategic one that you use understanding the rules of the game you are actually playing, not the one you (and I) wish you were playing.

cley_faye , to Technology in Reddit seeks to launch IPO in March

I'm curious how they will tank their worth by then, as is tradition.

teamevil , to News in Canadians worry US democracy cannot survive Trump's return to White House, poll finds

So do actual Americans.

GladiusB , avatar

So does the world

GiddyGap ,

Some. But not two-thirds, unfortunately.

AlbertSpangler , to politics in One in 10 Republicans less likely to vote for Trump after guilty verdict, Reuters/Ipsos poll finds

All of these people who had already decided they wanted to vote for him after he mocked someone's disability, insulted the parents of a fallen marine, and declared on tape that he sexually assaulted women.

Fuck these verminous excuses for humanity

rsuri , to Ukraine in Pope says Ukraine should have 'courage of the white flag' of negotiations

They've already tried the white flag when they let Russia take Crimea and the DPR. It didn't work.

aseriesoftubes , to politics in US Supreme Court rules Trump has immunity for official, not private acts

So can Biden ✨_officially_✨ declare Trump an enemy combatant and have him taken out?

Delusional ,

I hope he declares the supreme court corrupt and a threat to our democracy and removes them all from the office to replace them with not shitty people. Because they are currently a large threat to our democracy. They said he could do it.

NineMileTower ,

He won’t do anything. Democrats are the party of hoping and not acting.

xnx , avatar

The judges too

Rapidcreek , to politics in US Supreme Court rules Trump has immunity for official, not private acts

New York Times: “The bottom line practical effect of the court ruling appears to be that the trial judge in Washington, Tanya Chutkan, is going to have to hold an evidentiary hearing on many, if not most, of the allegations in the special counsel’s indictment of Trump. That hearing will delve into the question of whether the allegations were based on official acts Trump took as president or unofficial ones.”

“That process is going to take time. How much time remains unclear at this point.”

kescusay , avatar

And that, right there, was the goal. This decision, rather than clarifying anything, intentionally muddied the waters - and treads awfully close to turning the presidency into a monarchy - in order to allow Trump to drag things out even more. They really, truly do not want him to face any sort of justice for January 6th before the election, and they hope the election will result in him never having to face justice at all.

I don't care if you fucking hate Biden, people... Vote for him like democracy depends on it, because it fucking does. This is not a dress rehearsal. There will be no do-overs. If you let Trump become president again, America is done.

JoMiran , (edited ) to World News in Israel court approves temporary ban on Al Jazeera, citing national security avatar

Once seen, it cannot be unseen. The Israeli government is a genocidal authoritarian régime.

Mzuark , to US News in 🤡Blinken🤡 discovers a genocide, just not the one his regime is aiding and abetting, turns out the actual genocide is not in Gaza it's in Xinjiang. avatar

It has never been more clear that Xinjiang shit is pure, unadulterated projection. There is 100% a genocide against muslims going on, but it's nowhere near China.

protist , to politics in Police in Dearborn, Michigan on alert after WSJ opinion piece | The WSJ published the piece on Friday headlined as "Welcome to Dearborn, America's Jihad Capital"

Stalinsky is executive director of the Middle East Media Research Institute.

Critics describe MEMRI as a strongly pro-Israel advocacy group that, in spite of describing itself as being "independent" and "non-partisan" in nature, aims to portray the Arab world and the Muslim world in a negative light by producing and disseminating incomplete or inaccurate translations of the original versions of the media reports that it re-publishes. It has also been accused of selectively focusing on the views of Islamic extremists while de-emphasizing or ignoring mainstream opinions.


PumpkinEscobar , to World News in Reddit seeks to launch IPO in March

Shorting the hell out of this one.

My bet is that their valuation is going to be ridiculous and the price will drop like a rock for at least 6 months to a year

Aurix ,

Especially the worse the AI botting problem will become. Let us hope Lemmy will have good tools and a community to mitigate that.

sylver_dragon ,

The company, which generates its revenue primarily through advertising and also offers premium access for $5.99 per month, has yet to turn a profit

Ya, this seems like a bad investment. And the need to turn a profit will likely lead to a worse and worse user experience as Reddit tries to monetize them.

givesomefucks ,


Al the "disrupt the system" tech is just something that people use because it operates at a lose. The vast majority of the time the changes to turn a profit kill the platform.

Twitter has been around forever, and never turned a profit.

That didn't stop an egotistical idiot from spending billions in it tho. Because he thought he was smart enough to easily do it.

gregorum , avatar

spez is using Musk’s Twitter business model. it’s sure to work— just not the way he hopes…

Pyr_Pressure ,

If they can't make a profit now I'm not sure how they expect to get more and more profits every year / quarter for the investors to pocket.

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