gloss , to politics in Son of US Representative Boebert arrested on five felony charges

"I love my son Tyler, who has been through some very difficult, public challenges for a young man and the subject of attention that he didn't ask for," the statement said.

She did this by fostering a circus like atmosphere and trying to be Sarah Palin 2.0. I don't even know the names of any other Reps from Colorado, much less anything about their kids. She forced herself and her family into the limelight. Can't blame unwanted attention for being a shitty little criminal. I'd say bad parenting is the more likely culprit.

Cethin ,

I don't know anything about him, but I do feel sorry for him. She seems like a horrible person, and an even worse mom. Imagine having her as a mom, and then everyone around knowing her and most hating her. It's got to be tough mentally.

I have zero pity for her. She asked for it and chose to be a shitty person.

Artyom ,

Sounds like he kinda did ask for it when he commited those 5 felonies.

homesweethomeMrL , to World News in Russia says U.S. is responsible for deadly Ukrainian attack on Crimea

russia says a lot of things. Oh, and fuck them, btw.

Rapidcreek , to politics in Trump wins Iowa caucus, second place up for grabs

Yeah well they’ve also picked Huckabee, Santorum and Carnival Cruz.

Jeredin , avatar

Damn you….don’t you give me hope!

breadsmasher , to News in Canadians worry US democracy cannot survive Trump's return to White House, poll finds avatar

well trump has shown to be a staunch enemy of democracy, the constitution and the rule of law

ChihuahuaOfDoom , to politics in Trump guilty verdict does not change US election race, Biden campaign says

That's a true statement, his cultists could not care less about the verdict. If anything it will embolden them.

anticolonialist ,

Kinda like genocide not being a deterrent for democrats.

I could kill and starve millions of brown people around the world and not lose a single voter.

Paraphrasing Joe Biden

FiremanEdsRevenge ,

Obvious bait is obvious.


Bait never used to be believable, it was clear from the start

WatDabney ,

They like the idea of somebody they think is on their side not giving a shit about the law, and they're too dull-witted and emotionally invested to recognize the simple fact that somebody who doesn't give a shit about the law doesn't give a shit about them either, and will betray them to get what he wants exactly as easily as he broke the law to get what he wants.

That's the thing with tyrants. They pretty much never come to power entirely on their own. It's nearly always the case that they come to power because some significant number of people ignored the clear warning signs and supported them anyway - actually believed that supporting this transparently power-hungry lying sack of shit was a good thing.

And then by the time those people figure out the score, it's too late.

HuddaBudda ,

True, but I imagine it'll be hard to campaign across the nation with house arrest.

simplejack , avatar

Fox News and OAN does most of the campaigning for him anyway.

Theprogressivist , to politics in Biden signs Ukraine aid, TikTok ban bills after Republican battle avatar

Inb4, the tankies come crawling from the woodwork to claim how this will be bad for the rest of the world, and we should let Russia conquer Ukraine in the name of "peace."

CarbonIceDragon , avatar

It sure is strange how they'll support Russia, despite being a crony capitalist state, on account of the Soviet union calling itself communist and Russia being a post-Soviet successor state, but not Ukraine, even though that's also a post-Soviet state.

Jaysyn , avatar

If they were using reason, they wouldn't be fucking tankies to start with.

TimeSquirrel , avatar

Tankies are just fascists who like the color red.

When the people are being beaten with a stick, they are not much happier if it is called "the People's Stick".

-M. Bakunin

aubeynarf ,

China is also a crony capitalist state - they don’t exactly distribute the wealth obtained from leasing public land and operating businesses.

They and Russia share a goal - destabilizing the west, especially the US, to gain geopolitical importance and to stifle calls for democracy and human rights.

Ukraine isn’t on their team there.

StinkyOnions , (edited )
DekesEnormous ,

Your username isn’t the only thing that stinks in this comment thread.

StinkyOnions ,

Found the tankie.

DekesEnormous ,

Actually, you found an idiot that didn't read the sentence that precedes the image you shared. I deserve the downvotes, because it is me who stinks

StinkyOnions ,

Lol, it's cool, dude. I should've spaced it out more. Respect for owning up to your mistake.

DekesEnormous ,

If I gave your post a second glance instead of jumping straight to being snarky I could have avoided looking like an asshat.

It beats the alternative of internet strangers thinking that I'm a fascist, besides to err is human

StinkyOnions ,

Hey, it's all good, man.

Buffalox ,

Or you found the sane person, who can see through a posting of Russian propaganda under the guise of being against it.

DekesEnormous ,

Ok, now we found the Tankie

Buffalox ,

Oh boy, you really are "something". I gave you the benefit of the doubt, but clearly you didn't deserve that.

Buffalox ,

So you managed to post the propaganda with high visibility, under the guise of being against it. Well done!

StinkyOnions ,

That makes absolutely no sense.

Buffalox ,

So why did you feel the need to show a post that parrot Russian propaganda?
Are you not aware that parroting it, means you are helping spreading it?

StinkyOnions ,

Are you dense? It merely shows what the poster is talking about. How is it that everyone else understood it?

You are aware that parroting it, means you are helping spreading it.

If you mean by pointing out how stupid of an opinion it is and how it's clearly propaganda, then yea.

Buffalox ,

Problem is you don't do any pointing out of any arguments, you just state it's stupid, which is not an argument.
And then you post the entire propaganda argument. How stupid are you, that you can't see that's stupid. Unless you actually want to spread it?
I'm sorry to call you stupid, but you started it.

StinkyOnions ,

Idk what you want from me. If it bothers you that much downvote and move on, you know, like an adult would. Again, you're the only one who has an issue with something that's clearly a non-issue, lol. Too much time on your hands, perhaps?

Ironically, now you're the one derailing the conversation. Lol

jkrtn ,

"Bro simply give your land to the invaders, bro, that ends it. Surely this invasion is a one-off, just like Crimea and Georgia and so on."

xmunk ,

Appease them harder, daddy. It solves everything!

.- Neville Chamberlain (probably)

Buffalox ,

Inb4, the tankies

But why? Why inb4?
This entire post is now derailed to be about tankies and nothing about the issue, which is great news for Ukraine and Europe, and for USA too.

Seems to me your post is just about the perfect tankie/Russian Propaganda post to derail the debate. Maybe you think it's clever IDK? But IMO it's idiotic noise that doesn't add anything.

Theprogressivist , (edited ) avatar

If you took a look at my post history it would actually say the opposite, but nice try, though. You could've started your own comment thread if it was such an issue for you.

Buffalox , (edited )

You really don't see the problem do you?
You can take a look at my history too. Please scroll down a bit, and you can see I posted the Russian losses regularly on

Theprogressivist , avatar

Not at all because there are other conversations happening on the thread. You're the only one crying about it.

FlyingSquid , to politics in Police in Dearborn, Michigan on alert after WSJ opinion piece | The WSJ published the piece on Friday headlined as "Welcome to Dearborn, America's Jihad Capital" avatar

Next, the WSJ will publish an opinion piece entitled, "Welcome to Provo, Utah, America's Domestic Terrorist Capital."

I mean I assume they will.

Any time now...

PhlubbaDubba ,

I'd have assumed it was in Idaho tbch

Che_Donkey , to politics in Pro-Trump influencers fire up fears of migrant 'invasion' ahead of U.S. election avatar


WhatAmLemmy ,

You mean that "migrant caravan" that's appeared on Fox before every election the last 5-10 years; each time miraculously evaporating the day after the election, never to be heard from again... until just before the next election?

CharlesDarwin , avatar

Kind of like that "war on Christmas"....that happens every year, just before the Christmas that has...checks notes....gone nowhere. In fact, xmas is probably more prevalent than it's ever been, at least since Dickens revived it...

Tolookah ,

Started 2017. Migrant caravan wasn't on the radar before then.

It's not as cyclical as I thought it would be though. it varies a bit.

makeshiftreaper ,

I hate to be the one to point this out to you, but 2017 was 7 years ago. Which is squarely in the middle of 5-10 years ago

billiam0202 ,

On the one hand, I want you to say it must still be 2017 because there's no way time is moving that fast.

On the other hand, 2017 was the first year of Presidential Dipshit McCheatsatgolf's misadministration and there's no way I want that to still be a thing.

Tolookah ,

I wasn't trying to prove them wrong, I was hoping to find the election cycle trend on search.

Also, 2017 feels like both last year and several decades ago.

goferking0 ,

They also hauled it out for major holidays

Che_Donkey , avatar

Oooooogabooogaboooga MIGRANTS!!!!

WhatYouNeed ,

I'm white and an immigrant. Love it when people start blowing a fuse over immigrants and I remind them that I'm an immigrant from a 1st world country.

"Oh I mean those other immigrants!"

Other....clarify yourself ...

"You know...."

"No. No I don't know what you mean. Clarify. "


"But you speak english'

Me picking up a 2x4...

Addfwyn , to US News in 🤡Blinken🤡 discovers a genocide, just not the one his regime is aiding and abetting, turns out the actual genocide is not in Gaza it's in Xinjiang.

On one hand, we have a well documented campaign of murdreing civilians and trying to drive them out of their territory permanently, with constant video and photographic evidence to back it up.

On the other hand, we have some questionable anecdotes and blurry satellite photos of some schools and governmental facilities in a country with over a billion people walking around with video cameras in their pockets.

Guess which one the US considers a clear genocide.

HWK_290 , to politics in Christian TV evangelicals fire up Trump support with messianic message

Makes sense. My favorite part in the bible is when Jesus, upon amassing tremendous wealth, chiding the poor, and violating the sanctity of marriage multiple times, is persecuted by the Romans. Second coming anyone?

dhork ,

Blessed are the pussy-grabbers. For when you are a star, they let you do it.

FunderPants ,


7U5K3N ,

Thanks for this line..

PugJesus , to News in US Supreme Court rules Trump has immunity for official, not private acts avatar

After stalling just long enough to make it a problem that won't be resolved before the election. Wonderful.

SnotFlickerman , avatar

And also making it so that you can't actually use a ton of the gathered evidence:

Testimony or private records of the President or his advisers probing such conduct may not be admitted as evidence at trial.

I think this is the part that's going to fuck up the rest of Trump's trials. Everything is going to suddenly be a private record.

dhork ,

Everything is going to suddenly be a private record.

Except the audio transcript of Biden's Special Counsel interview, of course.

SnotFlickerman , avatar

Somehow not considered testimony...

Zaktor ,

And note that they don't give him his immunity now. They 100% will when it makes it back up to them, but they can do half the ruling now to blow off a little steam and then when they declare insurrection and espionage official acts people will already be resigned to it. Same reason they leaked the Roe ruling. They're worried about riots and being lynched if they give people enough of a focal point to organize.

Boddhisatva , to politics in Trump Media asks Nasdaq to cooperate with investigations into trading of its shares

The CEO [Devin Nunes] asked the Nasdaq to "fulsomely cooperate with any and all congressional or other investigations into these firms

Fulsomely? Really? He wants them to cooperate in a way that expresses a lot of admiration or praise for someone, often too much, in a way that does not sound sincere?

Some people simply cannot open their mouths without actually proving how stupid they really are. It's remarkable how often such people are drawn to Trump's orbit too.

Semi_Hemi_Demigod , avatar

I never expected Devin Nunes to teach me a new word, but here we are.

MelodiousFunk , to politics in Donald Trump joins TikTok and rapidly wins 3 million followers avatar

Oh. Oh my. This has the potential to backfire spectacularly.

gets popcorn

bolexforsoup ,

Shhh don’t tell him

naonintendois ,

How so? I don't have Tik Tok so I'm not sure what I might be missing.

Rapidcreek OP , to politics in One in 10 Republicans less likely to vote for Trump after guilty verdict, Reuters/Ipsos poll finds

If...a big IF...Trump loses 10% of his 2020 vote, I'll be drunk by midnight November 5th.

kriz ,

Problem is there is still months and months of spinning the story. With all he has done it probably won't be hard to win them back.

Badeendje , avatar

I read this as 10% of republican voters will give the answer they think is socially acceptable. Because if you where still on the fence about Trump what is a little financial fraud between ... Ehm... A god king and his devout followers.

pezhore , to Privacy in Exclusive: Reddit in AI content licensing deal with Google avatar

I really need to get around to wiping my old content from Reddit. Much like Facebook, I just ignored it when I was done with the platform.

khannie , avatar

I did it. It's a cleansing experience.

pezhore , avatar

What did you use? I don't really want to just delete everything - heck I wouldn't mind having AI generated a sentence or two to replace all my comments. 🤣

khannie , (edited ) avatar

I used a command line tool that I can't remember the name of and a quick search isn't bringing up but I'll edit this comment when I'm at my laptop.

Edit as promised: I used shreddit. I did come across that while searching earlier but the name didn't ring a bell.

Be warned, if you search for shreddit there is a paid tool of the same name. That is not what I used.

The tool I used allowed me to give it a GDPR download to nuke everything.

I've heard good things about Power Delete Suite too.

psmgx ,

If you search for delete all comments you can usually find some js, or greasemonkey pattern, or script, etc.

I've had success using random howtos there. This new TOS change is news to me and I may delete everything again, will share what I used if/when

muffedtrims ,

I used Power Delete Suite the other day. It takes a while to run because it's scripted vs using API. Instructions were simple and easy to use. Just let it run in a tab in the background and eventually it will work through all your posts or comments. I set it to just edit all my comments. If you leave the text box empty for what you want it edited to it will put random comments in, such as I like coffee. I like hiking. I like reading. I like beer. Etc.

Power Delete Suite

Janoose , avatar

I used Power Delete Suite and you can set it to edit comments to whatever you want before deleting them. I recommend using something innocuous though as some subs have their AutoMod set to reject spammy looking stuff.

I’ve found that it didn’t work very well for an account that had thousands of years old comments though. I haven’t tried to run it again yet since this was just a couple of days ago but it did a good job editing and deleting newer stuff and getting everything on my less verbose accounts.

It was free and didn’t require giving your login credentials to some third party like shreddit and redact, so just depends on what you’re looking for.

queermunist , avatar

I'm skeptical that actually deletes it. Seems trivial for them to have backups if the plan is to sell our old content.

IonAddis , avatar

I'm skeptical too.

Lots of software is designed so the delete button just flags an entry so it doesn't show to low privilege users on the front end, while the data persists in the database where database admins and the like can still access it.

Online it's wise to assume every website acts like this if you don't actually run the site yourself with full admin access to the underlying web server and database . Once what you write gets on a site it is permanently out of your control in most cases.

WhatAmLemmy ,

Yeah... I'm like 99% positive Reddit wisened up to scrubbing and have been preserving backups for years, essentially rendering all forms of update/deletion useless.

All they'd have to do is have a separate "hidden" db that mirrors production, with separate business rules to ignore all non-mod updates/deletions beyond 12 or 24 hours.

The best you can do now is stop giving them content.

rwhitisissle ,

I also wouldn't be surprised if even the automated processes that edit your comment to be gibberish even accomplishes that. Text is, in the software world, remarkably cheap to store, even at volume. It also compresses easily, is remarkably easy to tie to version control mechanisms, and with reddit's comment system can easily be structured as a part of an existing dialogue tree. They know people are pissed at them and are looking to nuke their comment history, so I wouldn't be surprised if they already have multiple cold storage backups of reddit's entire site comment history over the course of months or years. Right now, that data is the most valuable thing they have, their reputation as the "front page of the internet" be damned.

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