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jkrtn ,

So far, that's still kinda weak as a result. I hope the students get the divestment they hope for.

jkrtn ,

He seems like a good choice if they want to be banned from the country or for Israel to "finish the job."

jkrtn ,

Yeah, that's cool, then, let's get this "I'll be a dictator on day one" insurrectionist back in there. You won't have to worry about another vote after that. That'll show those Dems.

jkrtn ,

Little fascists like you who have the privilege to think you won't be affected by a collapsing America and enjoy watching people suffer. Meanwhile millions of my neighbors would be losing their rights and their lives for being the wrong gender, sexuality, or color. Extremely privileged and sick to be excited about that like you are.

jkrtn ,

Mass murder is fine as long as it gets the groups you hate also, huh? Little genocidal fascist psycho. You're as sick in the head as the Trumpers who want to genocide marginalized groups.

jkrtn ,

So the apartheid America also ending the Reich was not fascist at all for opposing fascism. You are too uneducated and not able to think about your own writing. Heated with genocidal rage that you are.

jkrtn ,

They know Donald will destabilize the country and accelerate a collapse. They think that will make room for China to expand.

jkrtn ,

In this hypothetical we wouldn't have the option to vote 40 years from now because dim bulbs allowed an insurrectionist to be elected. Donald will also accelerate climate fuckery so anyway we'll be too busy squabbling over what meager food comes out of the remaining arable regions.

jkrtn ,

Hm, read a dissertation from a Uighur genocide fan who communicates in childish video game cartoons, or focus on people who aren't delusional? Tough choice for me but I'll have to go with the latter.

jkrtn ,

What a goofy little clown. You have no substantial thoughts and have to do this instead.

Thanks for the laughs and nostalgia. Loved that game.

jkrtn ,

Enjoy the extra genocide Donald "Muslim ban" Trump brings to the conflict and starts up locally. You guys really want him to "finish the job," huh?

That's pretty repugnant IMO, but people like you are privileged enough to watch from afar as others lose their rights and their lives.

jkrtn ,

Did Donald file for personal bankruptcy or did a Donald business file for bankruptcy? It might be like stealing: legal and cool if you are a corporation and the victims are poors.

jkrtn ,

She thought they would interpret her willingness to execute puppies as a willingness to execute humans they find undesirable.

jkrtn ,

Maybe if you did some collective action between events instead of waiting two years for the polls to open and then complaining that FPTP is still giving you only two choices.

jkrtn ,

One of two people are going to win. You can have Joe Biden, or you can gamble that Donald "Israel should finish the job" Trump, who kicked off 2017 with an unconstitutional "Muslim ban," will do a complete 180 this time.

Protip: it seems to be the lefties who dislike genocide and Trumpanzees have oppositional defiant disorder, so it certainly will not be getting better under Donald.

It's fucking weird to pretend you dislike genocide while agitating for an openly racist authoritarian insurrectionist to take office. Like were you asleep for the 20th Century portion of history class or have the middle schools not gotten to that part yet?

jkrtn ,

I don't trust Dems to believe in meaningful voting choice. I only reluctantly vote for them because they haven't fully embraced fascism.

People need to organize in large numbers for electoral reform to make it happen. It is not going to happen if we don't agitate for it.

jkrtn ,

But if they cosplay as a leftist IRL then their social groups, redcaps all, might see them and ostracize them.

jkrtn ,

Yes, actually, everyone urging for pragmatism at the polls should be willing to take steps other than just voting.

What do you suggest? I'm for this. What are good steps? I want to get from where we are to a voting system that allows me to choose a different candidate without wasting my ballot.

jkrtn ,

Have you tried deliberately ignoring 2017-2021 and literally everything Donald has ever said, like that guy is?

jkrtn ,

Because they're delusional. There are some love letters to China in their history. I guess genocide is fine if it's against Uighurs, huh?

jkrtn ,

This cosplayer doesn't want no fascism, they want full fascism. They want another "Muslim ban" and they want Israel to "finish the job."

They also want Repubs to pass more laws like banning anything mentioning LGBT from schools. Force teachers who mention anything of the sort to register as sex offenders.

jkrtn ,

No way! Surely the fella who kicked off his term with a "Muslim ban" would have saved all the Palestinians! It's not like he wants Israel to "finish the job" or anything like that. Surely the fella who tweeted nuclear threats against Iran would have been the best choice to have in office when they fired their rockets.

jkrtn ,

Get a clue, buddy. "I'm trans and Biden bad, China good." So you do support genocide.

The weird part is you think having Donald win will turn the US into communism instead of a capitalist authoritarian hellscape. Or, I suppose you think that will topple America so that "Socialism with Chinese characteristics" can expand across the world?

Protip, genius: the "Chinese characteristics" are capitalism. They still have billionaires.

jkrtn ,

The only story there is they got so far in before any of them were shot. She was crawling through the final barrier between the mob of insurrectionists and members of Congress and still given plenty of opportunity to cut that out.

Insurrectionists were basically allowed to run free smearing feces on the walls until there was no other option to prevent them from murdering representatives. If all cops would show that much restraint that would be rad as fuck. I guess not every protest has their off-duty buddies in the crowd, though.

jkrtn ,

Yeah! Too bad there is a huge difference between people who want truth and the government to be accountable (you) and people who want the government to be unaccountable but targeting groups they hate (them).

jkrtn ,

Damn, same, nuked Traefik when v2 broke the setup I spent hours trying to figure out. I don't think the concepts are overwhelming, but something is profoundly wrong with their documentation habits. Now someone in the comments here is saying v3 changes the way paths are read with regex? Lol, fuck Traefik, never again.

jkrtn ,

Photography advice threads: "zoom with your feet!"

Scientists: "...ok."

jkrtn ,

You have zero conception of how ranked choice voting works.

jkrtn ,

The hypothesis behind ranked choice is that enough people would vote for a third sane option that we don't have only choices between red and blue shitheads.

If you have a lot of people ranking like:
Blue -> Red -> Con Man

And "moderates" ranking like:
Red -> Con Man -> Blue

Presumably the number of people who prefer basic red over a con man would mean the con man cannot take office. Not even if a large group of Trumpanzees vote:
Con Man -> Red -> Blue

Then, given that possibility, the assumption is that we would have viable third party candidates. If people could take third party candidates seriously, they are more likely to be incentivized to vote when they hate the favored top two.

IDK about the presidency because of EC bullshit, but I am pretty certain it would work like that for state and local elections.

jkrtn ,

I would love to see it.

He won't, though. Repubs have counted on Dems to abide by the spirit of the rules even while they obstruct and dismantle everything with zero regard for a functioning democracy. The Dems would all be desperately reaching across the aisle for a compromise up until they are executed in the afternoon on January 20th.

jkrtn ,

Having a president executing all their political opponents is kinda the end of the country, though, right? I don't know how it can come back from that.

We are pretty fucked either way if SCOTUS claims a president is immune. I'd just like Biden to take them down with the rest of the country if they do so.

jkrtn ,

Yeah I think we totally agree there.

jkrtn ,

That's what it has been like for years now.

jkrtn ,

Perhaps it was the English teachers who were wrong.

Correct or not, people have been using it like that for a while.


jkrtn ,

I like how you realized you had to hedge at the end to not look like a ridiculous hypocrite. "What I'm doing here is totally different because my audience is smaller." You can just delete the comment if you find yourself backed into a corner like that. It's sunk cost fallacy to go ahead with posting it.

jkrtn ,

I'm now weirdly self-aware of how often I say that. It is probably better if I don't meet your friend.

jkrtn ,

I'm kinda tired of seeing this fucking website being passed around. Several of those rocketing charts begin their launch sequence in the 80s. Must be the gold! Regulations are bad!

jkrtn ,

Libertarians cannot handle the cognitive load of multiple contributing factors, otherwise they wouldn't be libertarians.

jkrtn ,

I wouldn't mind seeing a Reagan arrow on these graphs.

jkrtn ,

If they're already saying "much" to hedge that, I give until the end of the year before it is literally all of the information going to their servers.

jkrtn ,

We are about to get a lot of very usable hardware at second-hand prices.

jkrtn ,

We're in a thread about Windows malfeasance and that's what the Windows users say about their ad-ridden trash heap of an OS. Why would we tolerate the same behavior just because it is on top of a Linux kernel?

jkrtn ,

They might be referring to the hardware, or the Windows 10 license sold alongside that.

jkrtn ,

I've seen not so much fanboys but more like enraged children who were unable to make Linux work with their hardware. Just hanging out wanting to start arguments in the comments sections of linuxmemes. They don't seem to enjoy Windows, they just want to play games on Nvidia cards.

Correct me if I'm wrong, because I'd like to read if Windows has anything comparable to people nerding out about their Linux selfhosted stuff.

jkrtn ,

LOL. I spent money to get good hardware, why would I then choose the worst-performing ad-ridden bloatware?

Kristi Noem says the story demonstrates her willingness to "do what needs to be done." ( lemmy.world )

She decided to kill the 14-month-old dog she was training to hunt birds when it attacked chickens, an understandable mistake for a young dog IMO, and bit her once when she grabbed it's collar (no word on how seriously). She killed a goat by shooting it twice because she didn't like it, calling it mean and smelly. Apparently...

jkrtn ,

Would be kinda funny so see "does the Vice President also have full and total immunity" make its way to the corrupt SCOTUS.

jkrtn ,

This is dogwhistling that she is ready to start executing people. Socialists, LGBT, and so on. She wants people who see SCOTUS deliberating on the presidential immunity to put two and two together. "Elect me and I will execute the dangerous animals."

jkrtn ,

Maybe I'm just having a hard time imagining someone deranged enough to both kill a pet puppy and also tell the world about it.

But I 100% assume she is dogwhistling to the other Repubs that she will execute their political opponents. She is willing to murder socialists, LGBT people, and so on down their list of "undesirables."

Either that or she is actually deranged enough to kill a puppy for her failure to train it and still believe she is in the right. If that's the case she'd be executing people anyway.

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