@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar



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Accused adulterer Trump who paid to keep Stormy Daniels affair secret professes ‘love’ for the Ten Commandments ( www.independent.co.uk )


CharlesDarwin ,
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

He "loves" it for all of YOU people. Rules for him? Fuck that noise.

CharlesDarwin ,
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

I feel sorry for people that fall for companies that do performative things like slap some colors on a product...

CharlesDarwin ,
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

....Palin and Michele Bachmann enter the chat....

Anyway, these people are just a cult at this point. They look at a complete dumbass like Bobo, giving handjobs in public, and think she's "owning the libs", when all she is to normal Americans is a complete fucking joke and total assclown.

CharlesDarwin ,
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

To be fair, they were building up to it for a very long time. Like everything else, donnie just slaps his name on other people's work.

Assholes like Murdoch, Ailes, Limbaugh - and all his imitators on hate radio, the Koch Brothers, Alex Jones, Newt Gingrich, the Blessed Saint Ronnie Raygun himself (PBUH), etc....have been working to dismantle any semblance of sanity, reasonableness, and consensus reality for decade upon decade.

The arrival of someone like donnie is just the latest and most visible symptom of this conservative rot.

CharlesDarwin ,
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

I wasn't aware these dirtbags ever went away.

CharlesDarwin ,
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

Also: what are you if you are anti-anti-fascist?

Also take note of how they call everyone they don't like a Communist? You know who else spent a lot of time obsessing over Communists and murdering them?

CharlesDarwin ,
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

People would do well to remember just how much Ronnie Raygun ruined this country and set us on the path to the loser that is donnie.

Even now, you'll see gaslighting from Enlightened Centrists and people on the supposed left that Iran/Contra was not really that bad, even if it is arguably far, far worse than Watergate. But Ronnie and Bush I were given a pass on it, since America was "exhausted" or some such bullshit the "liberal media" spun at the time.

Of course, the right are utterly unhinged when it comes to ronnie, possibly only surpassed by donnie in their worship.

CharlesDarwin ,
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

Ronnie helped set in motion so many things...including Faux "News".

CharlesDarwin ,
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

Yep. The racist and anti-intellectual undertow goes back a long way. It is not just Ronnie Raygun (or donnie, for that matter), it's a very long tradition of this nasty stuff.

Democracy in Chains details efforts underway long before Ronnie Raygun slithered into office.

CharlesDarwin ,
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

We can thank the "trumpland" FBI for that swing. I know it's a fan-fave to blame Hillary for that swing, but it's not like she told the FBI to open an "investigation" into Buttery Males, and not mention that donnie was under investigation when making that big splashy announcement about Hillary...

CharlesDarwin ,
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

The cons have been butthurt about the 60s for as long as I can remember.

CharlesDarwin ,
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

The xtian activists definitely are aware of this overall trend (even if many of them will outright lie about it and many of the flock probably still think they are some kind of supermajority even if they have been losing adherents at about 1% every year for year after year) and it's exactly why they are agitating to fundamentally change this country to a xtian one.

They want to be able to COMPEL people to join/stay in their little book club. The only difference between xtian radicals and Islamists is where the retconning leaves off is different. Both of them worship the same god of "the" bible - Allah/Yahweh/Jehovah and both of them have the same dim view of unbelievers and women and outsiders, etc...

CharlesDarwin ,
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, it's interesting to see how many different ways something like Kabbalah is spelled...

CharlesDarwin ,
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

I'd be all for trying to up our game in the instruction of critical thinking and spotting logical fallacies. I think if religion were to be removed, it might just be supplanted by something just as stupid (for example: the antivax/"stop the steal"/antimask/qanon/pizzagate memeplex) instead of being supplanted by reason.

CharlesDarwin ,
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, while I get the general idea of "beware of the hubris brought about by technology", but the message from the bible way oversteers into general ignorance and so on. There is a real anti-Promethean streak within this country anyway, and I attribute a lot of that to xtians.

CharlesDarwin ,
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

I'll have to check it out. Every time I see some of the radical xtianist/magabrained set in action, I think about the way that America is portrayed in The Rapture of the Nerds.

WANNABE DICTATOR Trump Demands that All Business Execs Be FIRED If They're Not 100% Behind Trump ( www.dailykos.com )

On Tuesday morning Trump provided another example of his tyrannical tendencies. In a comment posted to his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, Trump issued a decree to the world that he imagines is attentive to his crackpot ravings. He demanded that......

CharlesDarwin ,
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

And the "liberal media" will bothsider donnie and his fascist backers because #BidenSoOld and, well, gEnOcIdE jOe....because donnie is so young and spry and also because he'd be just great for Gaza.

CharlesDarwin ,
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

Also, many of the dimwits that fell for him (and now cannot quit him) think he's a very rich, smart, and successful businessman, and all because of a bullshit game show he was given. He's spent literally decades on self-promotion, slapping his stupid name on buildings he had nothing to do with building, failing at casinos, etc...so even before that stupid game show, he was fairly well known.

There are not too many people that fit the bill if he gets the hamberder from heaven.

CharlesDarwin ,
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

I seem to recall that some papers took it upon themselves to publish names and pictures of "Johns" - I guess prostitution is legal for some, but not for others? Some Johns deserve to be named and shamed, but others, not so much?

CharlesDarwin ,
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

Indeed, for the depraved deplorables, this is not a bug, but a feature. Some of them will even tell you, to your face, that they hope that donnie gives them a permission structure to kill their enemies.

CharlesDarwin ,
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

Gosh, that's so sad.

CharlesDarwin ,
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

There is no shortage of stupid people. Explains why a tool like donnie even had that ridiculous game show given to him, and also how he managed to win the Electoral College and slither into office.

CharlesDarwin ,
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

I hate that this stupid piece of trash is someone we have to pay the least bit of attention to.

CharlesDarwin ,
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

This. Though they will likely come for any progressive denominations, Catholics, LDS, and JW very quickly.

Also, I hope we never get to find out just how cynical they are about the phrase "Judeo-Christian values", lol.

CharlesDarwin ,
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

Unfortunately, I think this bit of trash comes from a district that is way too red, so she's all too safe. No matter how stupid, how venal, how incompetent - all these things are considered features by the redhatters.

They seriously don't think expertise matters in government. They only seem to apply this ridiculous standard very narrowly - at government. I doubt they'd let some "outsider" who was completely inept at their job drill their teeth, all just to "own the libs".

Sadly, some of the bothsiderists, "independents" and Enlightened Centrists promote the same nonsense - you'll hear them talk about "term limits" as a clear signifier of this terrible thinking. No one talks about "term limits" for their dentist, their plumber, their mechanic, their doctor, tax preparer, etc...experience and qualifications clearly matter in these instances, but somehow...don't....within government.

CharlesDarwin ,
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

I wonder if there are any stats on travel patterns pre-Roe?

CharlesDarwin ,
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, I was assuming if there were any kind of data, it could be extrapolated from somewhat in order to predict how many people would be traveling and roughly how far, given:

  1. As you point out, different population sizes pre-Roe vs. now.
  2. Where the free states are now vs. pre-Roe.
CharlesDarwin ,
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

I don't do dating apps, but I've heard that men will tend to put down at least 6' for height since there is such a preference for height.

CharlesDarwin ,
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

Well, not just the FBI, please. But yes, send them in to start making arrests prior to the shit really happening. But preemptively set up the National Guard to let those that plan on fucking around, to REALLY fucking find out this time. Not just one Ashley Babbitt.

CharlesDarwin ,
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

What's sad is that we are quite possibly on the precipice on making some very big leaps forward, as humanity. I'm talking extreme leaps, ones that would hopefully invalidate the backward rubes and their positions - leaps that might even effectively fix their bad thinking.

But these assclowns might have us completely fumble at the goal line.

CharlesDarwin ,
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

I knew they were going off the rails for decades, but when I saw them stroking themselves to shirtless Putin on horseback while saying Obama was "weak" because "mom jeans", I knew they were just beyond righting themselves.

CharlesDarwin ,
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

It's historically disrespectful for (men) to wear a hat indoors in quite a few buildings. That guy there looks like he'd be old enough to know better.

CharlesDarwin ,
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

Looks like there were several men in there wearing hats. The hat "rules" don't apply to women, but I see a few women wearing that hat, too.

CharlesDarwin ,
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

That might be part of it and seems practical. I think another was that men taking off a helmet/lifting a visor was a thing - similar to (possible?) origins of the handshake - military men signifying they mean no harm.

Norms change over time - used to be, until JFK, there was even more rituals conformed to around men and hats until he came along. JFK was apparently blamed for men mostly abandoning the hat, but apparently that was building before he came along...in today's world, I don't know that it makes a whole lot of sense for something decorative like a hat to have all these rules only apply to one gender...might have been a time when someone got the vapors over a guy not removing his hat when he entered a library, church, etc...but I suppose that sort of thing is fading nearly daily. People don't always wear a suit and tie everywhere, either...

While it doesn't really exude "classy" vibes to have some guy sitting in a church wearing a hat, or, even worse, a hat with a slogan most Americans associate with a hate group, but if violating fading fashion norms was all these people were doing, I doubt too many would care.

CharlesDarwin ,
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

Oh definitely - even in that pic above there are several, but I was talking about the guy in the red shirt near the front in the pic above.

CharlesDarwin ,
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

If you notice the contrast between jurors that convicted dementia donnie vs. those that convicted Hunter....the difference between the two "sides" here is thrown into stark contrast.

No matter how much the "liberal media" tries to bothsides the two parties, they just cannot cover it up.

CharlesDarwin ,
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

@FJT: ....

Found the fascist.

CharlesDarwin ,
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

The jurors for Hunter were out there giving interviews after the fact. The jurors for donnie are more or less in hiding as far as I can tell.

And for good reason. It's not "both sides"; the Republicans have been getting crazier and more violent every year and they adore donnie the wanna-be dictator. They were trying to dox the jurors, and the jurors would be right in trying to keep quiet and lay low and hope to keep their identity secret. Honestly, if he "wins" this fall, and I were them? I'd get the fuck out of this country. A great many of the donnie leg-humpers are crazy and murderous.

Meanwhile, as you point out - who GAF about Hunter, honestly. His plea deal being spiked and this trial is likely entirely political, but if he faces consequences for misfiling some paperwork while addicted to crack, I doubt any Democrat or leftist is going to be making death threats to anyone, least of all the jurors that found him guilty.

CharlesDarwin ,
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

I do so look forward to a day when I never, ever have to give one thought in the world about what this rabid minority wants.

CharlesDarwin ,
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

Treat of Tripoli, yes?

I understand what they were doing there when it comes to diplomacy and pointing out the facts about our country's founding, but I do wonder if they knew about the "People of the Book" thing within Islam.

CharlesDarwin ,
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

Wow, haven't heard any cons making that claim, but I certainly believe they have.

I think it's much the same way they know something is deemed a bad thing and don't want to be called out for that thing, so they hilariously try to flip the script, all the while demonstrating they don't really understand the term and why it's problematic. See: racism and fascism. They claim Democrats are the real racists for....some inane reason (for supposedly "cancelling" some white man, for instance, or because they are seeing too many brown people on their screens, or...). Or that Democrats are the real fascists because...donnie is facing questions in court for his illegal activities, or because a xtian saw a rainbow flag somewhere, or....

I guess they heard normal Americans talking about how Handmaid's Tale is a rabid winger's wet dream, and just did a "no u" on it...

CharlesDarwin ,
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

I fear that you may be right.

CharlesDarwin , (edited )
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

Can you imagine Jan 6-redux with vp Scott…?

Why any POC would want to be associated with donnie, never mind being his VP, especially after Jan 6, is a real mystery. They very second they are viewed as not sufficiently fellating donnie, their very lives will be in danger. Same thing goes for a woman VP.

CharlesDarwin ,
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

Obedient. Workers. Chomsky talks about this, too, but Carlin sums it up nicely. I assume that Carlin was reading Chomsky.


CharlesDarwin ,
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

I don't want anyone that is out of touch at any age.

Again, if someone is of sound mind and body and has the right platform, I don't really care what their age is. I think arbitrarily setting an age limit is rather blinkered. I also happen to think setting age minimums may also look rather silly and arbitrary at some future point (assuming a more reliable metric comes about).

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