@pezhore@lemmy.ml avatar



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pezhore ,
@pezhore@lemmy.ml avatar

For those not familiar, this is a fairly good explanation of SMART goals.

pezhore ,
@pezhore@lemmy.ml avatar

I'm luckily enough to work on a small team like the one you described, and yeah - our trello board isn't fully fleshed out. We can put vague descriptions of what needs to be done and the team gets it done.

I think SMART goals are one of those rare times where an HR course writer unintentionally hit on something that some people need to hear. There's a junior engineer on my team whose goal was just, "I want to get better at infosec" - not measurable, time boxed, etc. by trying to at least hit one or two of the guidelines, they were able to flesh out this goal into things like "I want to attend a major security conference this year" and "I will study for, and achieve my Security+ cert".

It worked for them - and helped them clarify their broad nebulous goal into smaller specific and achievable goals - but obviously like all business/he things SMART goals aren't for everyone.

pezhore ,
@pezhore@lemmy.ml avatar

I'm a few months into using CachyOS on my zephyrus gaming laptop and it's been a joy.

I actually ran into my first issue yesterday and had to boot into the windows drive for the first time in what feels like forever - I needed a Windows only display editor program for Nextion screens.

I tried the installer on bottles and playonlinux, But I couldn't get the program to load. I will try again today so that if I have to load it up in the future I don't have to switch back to Windows, but on the off chance anybody knows how to fix it I'm all ears.

pezhore ,
@pezhore@lemmy.ml avatar

Moon reader is my go-to. Unfortunately it doesn't sync reading progress, but since I only read on my tablet it's not too bad.

pezhore ,
@pezhore@lemmy.ml avatar

That's how I handled my "smart" TV - I had a spare minipc from my old homelab, threw Linux on it and plugged it into the HDMI port.

It has never connected to my network, despite the BestBuy employee insisting it would need firmware updates for better picture.

pezhore OP ,
@pezhore@lemmy.ml avatar

Oh snap, are you the developer of Viewtube? If so, first off - great job. I do the infrastructure side of IT for my day job but aside from some basic go, I couldn't code something like this to save my life.

I wish I had the chops to contribute to the project.

pezhore ,
@pezhore@lemmy.ml avatar

I wish someone would actually drop the full leak somewhere. It would be interesting to read this myself.

pezhore ,
@pezhore@lemmy.ml avatar

Despite dropping him from my subscribers list for a while, I still occasionally say doll-hairs and scookum as fuck.

pezhore ,
@pezhore@lemmy.ml avatar

Keep in mind, side effects can be literally anything reported - headaches, stomach cramps, etc.

pezhore ,
@pezhore@lemmy.ml avatar

No, no - if you owed 100 million, you're probably getting some agreement for a lesser amount - those lawyers will figure it out.

If you owed under 100 thousand, you're getting your wages garnished.

pezhore ,
@pezhore@lemmy.ml avatar

I'm not a scientist, but wouldn't the rise be generally slow enough for people to evacuate, causing more of a concern for refugees from Florida spilling into Georgia, Tennessee, etc? It's still bad but I don't think you'd suddenly have a few million people drown one day.

pezhore ,
@pezhore@lemmy.ml avatar

Heck, you could do a pre-stage play where you delegate to localhost an ansible.builtin.get_url to download the compose file before doing the rest.

pezhore ,
@pezhore@lemmy.ml avatar

Don't forget - it's also a privacy issue! Ignoring the very valid healthcare reason for allowing abortion, the decision to have a medical procedure should be between a patient and their care provider - the government doesn't need to (and shouldn't) pole their nose into it.

pezhore ,
@pezhore@lemmy.ml avatar

My dude. They are not only aware, they are hoping for their own version to happen.

pezhore ,
@pezhore@lemmy.ml avatar

I suck at latte art. More often than not it ends up looking like a dick - but at least that makes me laugh, so... ¯⁠\⁠⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠⁠/⁠¯

I probably need to practice more, but I'm too busy enjoying the taste of my coffee to care about wasting it.

Where can I buy ebooks that will actually be mine for life?

I'm looking to change my reading and buying habits away from Amazon and need an alternate source for my ebooks. Where can I buy ebooks that won't expire or have their licence revoked and will allow me to download a copy of that ebook I can store on my own system regardless of the websites status?

pezhore ,
@pezhore@lemmy.ml avatar

This is unfortunately the closest answer to what the OP is asking.

To the best of my knowledge, outside of independent authors like Cory Doctorow selling drm-free from their own sites, I'm not aware of any place to shop for ebooks that are not tied to some online DRM scheme.

Humble Bundle books are another option, but it's highly dependent upon if you want what they're selling.

pezhore ,
@pezhore@lemmy.ml avatar

We should frame things in terms of injuries per worker per stock price. If our shareholders are happy who cares if Tommy's dad only has one leg now?


pezhore ,
@pezhore@lemmy.ml avatar

Adding to the Nazi comment - substack is basically a long form blog format, very similar (AFAICT) to Medium.

pezhore ,
@pezhore@lemmy.ml avatar

It's anonymous bulk text posting - great for sharing logs, but don't discount the more grey side of the internet. If you browse recent public posts there's often some fun things like scam links, credentials, etc.

It's definitely fallen out of favor for password dumps though.

pezhore ,
@pezhore@lemmy.ml avatar

Mine was Skies of Arcadia - I know it also came out on GameCube, but I first played it on the Dreamcast. It was also (somehow) my first experience with a jrpg.

pezhore ,
@pezhore@lemmy.ml avatar

How are we supposed to opt out? By deleting our accounts?

pezhore ,
@pezhore@lemmy.ml avatar

At this point virtualization is legacy technology.

Man, I'd love to believe that - and please Lemmy, prove me wrong, but virtualization, especially commercial products like VMware have one huge advantage over things like kubernetes - it's effectively plug and play and has full support available.

  1. Boot off this esxi iso
  2. Deploy this VCSA OVA
  3. Have vCenter auto config VSAN
  4. Deploy fully ha/Drs managed VMs

I would kill for a similar experience with kubes - something that I cannot for the life of me get to work in my homelab given the myriad of walkthrough in various states of accuracy.

pezhore ,
@pezhore@lemmy.ml avatar

Where an animal is camera trap shy or camera trap happy, detection probability is compromised and the assumptions of the method cannot be met. Even the study of animal behavior can be compromised if an animal exhibits atypical behavior (Gibeau and McTavish 2009). Attraction of certain species and individuals to our camera traps would confound assumptions of some other population estimators (Table S2) because the device effectively becomes a lure (Foster and Harmsen 2012).


I gotchu fam.

Granted I don't know if it's the same kind of trap happy, but at least it's a phrase in one research paper.

Give charities power to take polluting water companies to court, say Lib Dems ( www.shropshirestar.com )

Charities and private citizens should have the power to take polluting water companies to court because the Environment Agency cannot keep up with the industry’s rule-breaking, the Liberal Democrats have said....

pezhore ,
@pezhore@lemmy.ml avatar

You know what? Sure. Let's play by the conservation playbook and empower citizens to sue over laws that should be enforceable by the government. Start with gun companies and polluters.

If a below average person in Texas can sue someone for assisting in transporting a woman to get an abortion (which is evidently legal because it's not the government enforcing shit), let's turn around and do it on issues that matter to us.

pezhore ,
@pezhore@lemmy.ml avatar

As I get older and the abuse I put my ears through starts showing up, I completely agree. After upgrading my music library to FLAC from VBR mp3s, I stopped having the, "Oh! There's a subtle instrument going on in this part of the song!" moments.

It doesn't stop me from trying to listen to the highest quality music formats that I can get my hands on, but I 100% know if I think there's a difference to my mid-40s ears, it's probably a placebo.

pezhore ,
@pezhore@lemmy.ml avatar

My hope is that they are going to say, of course a president isn't a god-emperor - and in doing so put to bed the argument for all cases outstanding.

Right now, there evidently isn't legal precedence that a president does or does not have blanket immunity for all crimes in perpetuity - we all collectively assumed that (along with a suite of other established practices that are not codified in law).

Trump thumbed his orange nose at things previously assumed like, "don't hire your daughter or son-in-law to positions in the Whitehouse" and "Hey, maybe don't hold foreign aid over a nation state in return for real or imaginary dirt on a political opponent".

As sad as it is, we kind of need SCOTUS to make a determination here, as Congress didn't pass laws after January 6th to specifically prohibit that activity.

pezhore ,
@pezhore@lemmy.ml avatar

The really sneaky and shitty part of this bill is enabling private citizens to sue - the Supreme Court decided that this is a valid run around first amendment rights in Texas SB 8. Now Republicans are using this citizen enforcement in all sorts of stupid areas that otherwise would be subject to federal injunctions or review for first amendment violations.

pezhore ,
@pezhore@lemmy.ml avatar

This is why I have about five of these bad boys: CyberPower CP1500PFCLCD.

One is in my utility room for my cable modem and our chest freezer, three back up my homelab and wifi AP, and one is for my office.

They've been bulletproof through storms, and when we've lost power, but not Internet I can't keep on working.

The big thing to look for is number of battery+surge outlets vs just surge outlets. Typically they top out at 1500VA - the more overhead for what you're powering, the longer you can go without mains power.

A screen/display is helpful for at-a-glance information like expected runtime, current output, etc.

pezhore ,
@pezhore@lemmy.ml avatar

I agree that 99.999% uptime is a pipedream for most home labs, but I personally think a UPS is worth it, if only to give yourself the option to gracefully shut down systems in the event of a power outage.

Eventually, I'll get a working script that checks the battery backup for mains power loss and handle the graceful shutdown for me, but right now that extra 10-15 minutes of battery backup is enough for a manual effort.

pezhore ,
@pezhore@lemmy.ml avatar

While I appreciate the sentiment, most traditional VMs do not like to have their power killed (especially non-journaling file systems).

Even crash consistent applications can be impacted if the underlying host fs is affected by power loss.

I do think that backup are a valid suggestion here, provided that the backup is an interrupted by a power surge or loss.

pezhore ,
@pezhore@lemmy.ml avatar

I didn't intend to use it on the chest freezer - it was mostly for the modem, but since I had spare battery capacity and outlets I thought what the heck.

The power load is practically nothing until it cycles, and even then it's fairly efficient - my current runtime is estimated to be about 18 hours, more than enough to come up with an alternative if we lose power in a storm.

pezhore ,
@pezhore@lemmy.ml avatar

It doesn't matter. He can hold off on liquidation until November and if he wins, (which would mean there's a strong chance the Senate flips), have his cronies pass a, " lol god emperors don't pay for summary judgements" bill.

Embryo loss is integral to IVF. Alabama’s ruling equating embryos with children jeopardizes its practice ( www.statnews.com )

An embryo is one of the earliest stages of development of a multicellular organism. But according to the Supreme Court of Alabama, it is a person, too — an unborn child, entitled to the same legal protections as any minor....

pezhore ,
@pezhore@lemmy.ml avatar

What I don't get about the fundies that think IVF is against god's will - what about any other scientific breakthrough? What about antibiotics? Cars?

Hell, every time you fly you're effectively spitting in the face of the "Almighty".

pezhore ,
@pezhore@lemmy.ml avatar

I really need to get around to wiping my old content from Reddit. Much like Facebook, I just ignored it when I was done with the platform.

pezhore ,
@pezhore@lemmy.ml avatar

What did you use? I don't really want to just delete everything - heck I wouldn't mind having AI generated a sentence or two to replace all my comments. 🤣

pezhore ,
@pezhore@lemmy.ml avatar

Sure, go for it and watch the American agriculture industry suffer. The immigrants (illegal or otherwise) are willing to do the incredibly difficult jobs of working the fields, harvesting difficult food, and so on. Here's a Newsweek article from 2021 that suggests 49% of the agricultural workforce is illegal immigrants [source.].

Those companies make bank by paying their workers under the table and under minimum wage. Maybe we should crack down on the companies hiring illegal immigrants instead of the actual workers?

But, oh right, this is just another case of the GOP looking to hate on the Other and rile up their base

pezhore ,
@pezhore@lemmy.ml avatar

I think the best course of action is to just not vote! That way, I can be blamed when the United States becomes a facist religious country!


pezhore ,
@pezhore@lemmy.ml avatar

"The new study adds significantly to the rising concern about an AMOC collapse in the not-too-distant future," said one scientist. "We will ignore this at our peril."

Narrator: And everyone who could actually affect change, or meaningfully prepare the population for the collapse ignored it.

pezhore ,
@pezhore@lemmy.ml avatar

The closest i have is Local H, Bound for the Floor. The staccato distortion throughout makes (to my ears) a sound very similar to a 1992 Ford Tempo's "Your seatbelt isn't latched" chime.

I would be driving like a madman to highschool after oversleeping and it would make me keep double checking my belt.

pezhore , (edited )
@pezhore@lemmy.ml avatar

Why can't they be both? (Gif of taco bell family goes here)

Edit: woof, sorry all, lesson learned with referring to the Taco Bell gif as "Latinx". Fixed hopefully?

pezhore ,
@pezhore@lemmy.ml avatar

Possibly, but this could also easily be, "See? Everyone gets impeached. Not just our guy twice!"

Sure it'll go literally nowhere (the Senate will not convict even if the house actually does impeach him), but now the talking heads will have a response when people call Trump the twice impeached loser from Washington.

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