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PhlubbaDubba ,

MFW they try to argue that Queer rights is western imperialism

PhlubbaDubba ,

The worst part of all of this is they could just admit that they're clinging to Xinjiang for the more defensible natural border and yo Tibet for the water sovereignty, but because practical geopolitical concerns aren't Marxist enough for their liking they have to have some complex moral justification for it all.

PhlubbaDubba ,

It kinda already was, the KMT dictatorship didn't just practice it on the Austronesian indigenous population, but also on the already existent transplant chinese population that primarily spoke Hokkien dialect.

PhlubbaDubba ,

This is why I like STAR, it doesn't just factor in preference and approval, but it also factors in relative opinion and comparative opinion between each pair off. It's majoritarian, and even promotes near condorcet outcomes.

You don't see a polling faceoff so much as a matrix result of how well rated each candidate was, and how each candidate faired against the others.

PhlubbaDubba ,

If you're still asking a candidate to earn your vote when the other guy is selling copies of the constitution with the 13th and 19th amendments omitted, you're just a fascist who doesn't want the social stigma that comes with being an open fascist.

PhlubbaDubba ,

Tell me you're white and know you're not gonna be the one who actually burns without telling me you're white and know you're not gonna be the one who actually burns.

PhlubbaDubba ,

"We think any amount of genocide is unacceptable, that's why we think it is imperative to threaten the democrats with the possibility of letting more genocide happen here too if they don't stop supporting genocide, and shut up it's not supporting genocide when we do it because we're right!"

PhlubbaDubba ,

Is it weird that this actually makes him look more like an actual politician to me?

soft, but at what cost #BDS 🇵🇸 ( )

Ahava Cosmetics, bought by Chinese conglomerate Fosun in 2016, runs its production site, visitor center, and main store in an illegal Israeli settlement in occupied Palestinian territory. Known for extracting minerals from the Dead Sea for cosmetics, Ahava has been a key target of the pro-Palestinian Boycott, Divestment, and...

PhlubbaDubba ,

If you go through the Paliroots store Nablus soap bars are a good moisturizer for shower time at least!

PhlubbaDubba ,

Giving the game away that white leftwashed-centrists don't actually see black people women and queer folks as working class people deserving of efforts to keep safe.

PhlubbaDubba , (edited )

Because letting Trump win will definitely improve things on that front!

This is why every cause you lot try to parasitically attach yourselves to becomes associated with valueless cynics.

"We think any amount of genocide is bad!" They say to defend their choice to let even more genocide happen!

"We think any amount of drug policing is bad!" They say to defend their choice to let drug policing get even worse!

"We think a known lifelong stutter is enough to accuse a candidate of having Alzheimer's and therefore worth the risk of replacing them at the 11th hour!" They say to defend their choice to let the bastard with Syphilis fueled super Alzheimer's attain the reigns of power!

"We think there isn't enough priority on expanding national healthcare services!" They say to defend letting the guy who illegalized significant parts of even private healthcare in large swathes of the country back into office!

"We think not enough is being done to address student loan forgiveness!" They say to justify empowering the people who are almost certainly planning to institute a "lib tax" for anyone who's ever gotten a college degree to punish them for getting "indoctrinated"!

"We have serious issues with the legacies of racial, class, gender, and identitarian inequality in this country!" They say to justify handing the reigns to the fuckasses who think the issue is that they're only legacies and not the full effect they once were!

Rule 1, if you can, you're voting, and if you can't prove you voted you have no right to show up to all the aestheticized rallies and marches and protests as if you're anything but a play pretend ally who refuses to do even the minimum work to reduce and prevent harm to vulnerable communities.

No "I voted" sticker, no pride flag face paint, no entry to the BLM march, have fun waiting in line at the drive through with all the other fake allies at the women's march for your fake ally latte at Starbucks wit yo big "Bachelorette Party at a Gay Bar" energy.

PhlubbaDubba ,

Again, saying the quiet part out loud that class reductionists think black people, women, and queer folks are outside of the working class.

White men are not the only component of the working class and if your attitude to being asked to recognize that is "girlbosses and black ceos won't help the working class" you're not a class conscious activist, you're a fascist using "the working class" as an innuendo for "The Nation"

PhlubbaDubba ,

It isn't a strawman if you literally cannot stop yourself from going back to keep saying it.

PhlubbaDubba ,

Legalizing and taxing a major recreational substance industry is actually pretty smart economic policy.

Why Didn't Democrats Do More When They Controlled Both Houses of Legislature, The White House, and The Supreme Court During Obama's First Term?

I've been wondering for a bit why during the time the Democrats controlled the legislature, executive, and judicial branches during Obama's first term in 2008 more wasn't accomplished. Shouldn't that have been the opportunity to make Row V Way law and fix the electoral college? I understand the recession was going on but outside...

PhlubbaDubba ,

And that they'll actually follow through with breaking that filibuster,

Fuckin' Manchin and Sinema, the fuckin' bootlicking little tagnuts.

PhlubbaDubba ,




PhlubbaDubba ,

Not 100% effective even when used properly and the correct size is used.

N'or is any BC method short of inserting a valve in every man's testicles that are only opened to allow sperm to happen when they earn their reproducing privileges by showing sufficient "not a blithering moron"-ness

PhlubbaDubba ,

If you are capable of refusing service you have no right to ever call yourself a healthcare professional

PhlubbaDubba ,

If your opinion of pregnancy is that it is a rightful punishment for humans doing sex you should never be allowed within a mile of a child, let alone to be a parent of one.

Children are not a consequence. Sex is not a sin. Purity culture is a blight upon the land that inevitably leads to forced child marriages and child beauty pageants.

You're probably one of those monsters who thinks that all the violence Sex Workers face is fair game because "dAe SeX bAd‽"

Like we get it bro, you think the female orgasm is made up.

PhlubbaDubba ,

If you think an unresponsive cluster of cells is a "body" then I'll await you turning yourself in at the hague for crimes against humanity if you've ever jizzed even once in your life for the millions of people you have killed in cold blood.

PhlubbaDubba ,

Your grandmother from Long Island highly approves!

PhlubbaDubba ,

You know it's Russia when a specific legal clause is inserted in the medical care laws defining being poisoned as a common form of injury.

"Look we have to do something with all this novochok we have left over from soviet days!"

PhlubbaDubba ,

Not sure if it is in effect but there's at least a dozen state legislators who are making pushes for it by now without a doubt.

Especially in the wake of referendums spinning against republicans on this issue, conservatives have a nasty little habit of psychotically doubling down when they realize popular opinion is against them.

PhlubbaDubba ,


PhlubbaDubba ,

Comparing children to firey explosive death is not the compelling argument for your moral worth that you think it is.

PhlubbaDubba ,

What children? You're the one raising hell over a glorified sperm/egg cell cluster here.

PhlubbaDubba ,

Because genocide is exactly the same as scrambling a ball of cells.

I might sound awful, but at least I don't sound like a fucking moron.

PhlubbaDubba ,

Well clearly letting the side trying actively to make it worse win on purpose will definitely make things better this time!

Maybe now we can look forward to a 9-0 agreeing with Trump's new Bibletution that there is no 13th and 19th amendments!

PhlubbaDubba ,


PhlubbaDubba ,

Yeah almost like we fucking know better about where any of this moral criticism is headed for after 2016.

It's really fucking hard to be taken seriously about how inexcusable genocide is when you're touting that line in defense of letting the genocide come here too, which is what many of these fake Palestine supporters are trying to get away with.

I don't have a problem with people who are protesting to support my people, I have a problem with the people who are gonna drop my people like a molten lead weight the second the polls close this year.

PhlubbaDubba ,

Good luck with your vote for the people actively trying to make it worse.

I don't mean it, fuck you sideways with a running chainsaw for your complicity in the rise of fascism in this country.

You could have helped and instead decided that the possibility of dead people later is morally identical to handing trans kids to the police yourself.

You're the neighbor who ratted out Anne Frank and you deserve every terrible thing that will come to you for it.

PhlubbaDubba ,

Tbf there is also a certain extent of legit lefty anti-mask anti-vaxx sentiment,

Over there it's less about pseudo-science (at least until you get the california crunchy moms who believe in crystal healing) and more about how the US medical establishment can't be trusted for one reason or the other.

PhlubbaDubba ,

Hey everyone, remember when white leftists were on about how they're the only ones that actually take the threat of fascism in america seriously?

PhlubbaDubba ,

"I failed my High School Civics class on purpose" energy in this question.

PhlubbaDubba ,

DNC decided they get to decide the president rather than the people

I'm sorry which side of that debate says we should have counted donations instead of the actual votes?

All but outright saying "only the bougie white kids should count at the polls!" and yet somehow the DNC are the ones who are the threats to democracy and subverting the will of the people because they checks notes counted the ballots cast for all the candidates in the race.

Just about figures that the "voting bad!" screechers think that voting in the primary is somehow putting the fix in.

PhlubbaDubba ,

Literally every grievance they have can be answered with "well then why didn't you vote in <X primary/off year election> where a candidate who would have answered that grievance if not built momentum towards one who would was running?"

If they spent a percent of the energy voting that they did whining about why they don't want to, Bernie would have won the 2016 primary handily, along with a slate of progressive challengers at his back.

PhlubbaDubba ,

Cascadia is fundamentally a movement born out of the Northwest Imperative, AKA "white people going so nuts they want to make an actual white ethnostate out of everything from the Pacific coast through Northern Wyoming."

PhlubbaDubba ,

I can't wait to see how they try to explain to us how Bernie helped the DNC rig the primaries against Bernie

PhlubbaDubba ,

If you're still asking this question after 2016, you've had the very simple math explained to you already, you just refuse to accept fault for being addicted to your superiority complex.

PhlubbaDubba ,

Just announcing your privilege from the hilltops to demand us lowlies who'll be the ones actually facing the consequences bend the knee to your interests harder.

PhlubbaDubba ,

And they're fucking morons for trying to push that line.

"I don't like Biden not being tough enough on Genocide, that's why I'm choosing the path that makes even more genocide more likely!"

That is not the position of someone who takes their own causes as seriously as those causes deserve, that is the position of a whiny privileged little shitstain looking for any reason they can find why they're actually morally superior to you for not being able to be assed to stand in a line for a day at most and check some boxes.

PhlubbaDubba ,

Oh yes, what a fruitful exercize, asking people defined by their refusal to answer an opinion poll to answer an opinion poll!

This will definitely be top priority at DNC headquarters as Trump begins arresting them for being socialists!

PhlubbaDubba ,

Ah yes, that act of violent revolution that inexorably sent the US down a path to manifest destiny and the civil war

Definitely a perfect model for a modern movement for significant political change!

PhlubbaDubba ,

Tell me you're white without telling me you're white.

PhlubbaDubba ,

I don't have a problem with people protesting for Palestine, I have a problem with the people who are obviously going to stop the day after the voting closes.

What's needed is to identify the people encouraging Biden's moves to condition aid to Israel and spotlight them, give them a bigger platform among Biden voters, and to deplatform the advocates trying to counter that encouragement .

Continued protests, even disruptive protests occupying college campuses, but definitely not responding to a college trying to unfurl the US flag by projecting "Genocide Joe" onto it, there's a difference between disruptive protest and abjectly unhelpful antagonism.

PhlubbaDubba , (edited )

No, leveraging votes on it didn't do anything but show who was confident that they'd be fine when a second Trump Presidency brought the genocide here too.

I'll give you a hint, it is not the Palestinians who also live here in America because we have our own diaspora that also live other places from the homeland.

My dead kin are not a fetish prop to hand us over to the Trump Brand Morality police because being Arab is now defined as antisemitism.

I keep seeing that scene from What If where Killmonger murders Stark, "The difference between you and me, is that you can't see the difference between you and me."

First time I watched it I thought it was just Killmonger being meaninglessly vague to platitude his way to justifying his actions, but then I came back online and witnessed the absolute amount of white "leftists" proudly showing their entire asses declaring that they truly could see zero differences between Republican and Democratic administrations and legislative terms.

These people don't have a deeply held principal that guides their decision to threaten letting things get exponentially worse. They either have an abject ignorance to what they're threatening to the people for whom the difference is life and death, or they have an abject cynicism that causes them to see that threat as the entire point to rob the disenfranchised of the chance to define an American progressivism that isn't led exclusively by bougie white college kids.

They accuse people who call them out of being "vote karens" but they're the ones threatening PoC, Religious minorities, Women, and Queer folks to make the DNC's manager speak with them.

We would L O V E to see these little snots devise a means of protest that actually puts the consequences on the old white boomercrats who run the party right now. The problem is that they time and time again fucking refuse to do it because putting the work in to become a primary force that can eject party members who step out of line isn't as satisfying as terrorizing queer folks with "it says "class solidarity" or it gets the Republicans again!"

BTW this isn't even the first time this level of cynicism has been employed by the white left, in the 20s and 30s a major strategic goal of the American socialist movement was to attract enough black members that if fighting broke out they'd last long enough as a collective magnet for white conservative rage for the white socialists to achieve some sort of victory scenario. You may have seen similar sentiments in this thread and others like it where especially mask off white "leftists" call for a culling or WWIII or all but outright say that Black folks, women, religious minorities, and queer folks are outside the "Working Class", basically mask offing on being fascists that use "The Working Class" as an innuendo for "The Race" or "The Nation"

They don't see us as partners in solidarity, they see us as meat shields who need to shut up and be grateful they even pretend to care about our interests when they show up for the photo-op rallies and marches, and how dare we use their own language of solidarity to ask them for the herculean labor of standing in line and form filling a ballot, maybe flipping it over to check if there's public referenda on the docket this year.

Vote witholding is a tool of privilege wielded by those who know they can ignore the consequences of either outcome. It is Reagan looking his "friend" in the eye and giving no fucks about the AIDs epidemic he was dying from because he knew he was unlikely to catch it himself and that it was a useful political wrench to do what he already decided he wanted to do anyways.

PhlubbaDubba ,

There are means of political pressure that aren't threatening the cynical welding of one's own privilege as a hostage taking tool.

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