aseriesoftubes , to politics in US Supreme Court rules Trump has immunity for official, not private acts

So can Biden ✨_officially_✨ declare Trump an enemy combatant and have him taken out?

Delusional ,

I hope he declares the supreme court corrupt and a threat to our democracy and removes them all from the office to replace them with not shitty people. Because they are currently a large threat to our democracy. They said he could do it.

NineMileTower ,

He won’t do anything. Democrats are the party of hoping and not acting.

xnx , avatar

The judges too

CatsGoMOW , to politics in US Supreme Court rules Trump has immunity for official, not private acts

We are so incredibly fucked.

ChihuahuaOfDoom , to politics in US Supreme Court rules Trump has immunity for official, not private acts

As an official act, Biden should immediately dissolve the Supreme Court.

BrianTheeBiscuiteer ,

Whatever he does he needs to put this into effect now. The only way we'll get this Congress to reign in Presidential power is if they think it will hinder Biden.

assassin_aragorn ,

This isn't a bad 4D chess move. Trick Republicans in Congress to heavily limit the power of the president to neuter this decision.

BrianTheeBiscuiteer , (edited )

Petty politics is basically all they know at this point. Tell them noses are totally woke and they'll start cutting off their own.

ikidd , avatar

That's a funny way to spell "hang".

Delusional ,

Presidential act that states the supreme Court has been infiltrated by corrupt officials, remove them all from office, and replace them with uncorrupt officials with oversight. Don't worry supreme court, you said he could fucking do it if he wants to.

dudinax ,

"And if the new supreme court allows me to be charged for this act, so much the better."

homesweethomeMrL , to politics in US Supreme Court rules Trump has immunity for official, not private acts
naonintendois , (edited ) to politics in US Supreme Court rules Trump has immunity for official, not private acts

Why are the other sources I'm reading saying the opposite of this title?

Edit: title of this post changed after my comment

Theprogressivist , avatar
Brkdncr ,


PunnyName ,

Reuters is a far more neutral and unbiased than many many many many many other publications, and should be trusted over your NBCs, Faux, CNN, etc.

AP, NPR, The Hill and PBS are all examples of publications to follow.

dhork , to News in US Supreme Court rules Trump has immunity for official, not private acts

After mulling this over for these few hours, I realize what this ruling really does is render the President unaccountable to his Oath of Office. Any official act is presumed to be totally legal by the courts, unless he is impeached and removed from office over it. Much of his communications with his staff is now also not subject to review anywhere but Congress, as part of a formal impeachment proceeding.

A President is now officially a king, restrained by no law in what he can use his office to do, as long as he has the support of half of the House, or 1/3 of the Senate.

probableprotogen , to News in US Supreme Court rules Trump has immunity for official, not private acts

Yeah we are sooooo fucked

P1nkman , to News in US Supreme Court rules Trump has immunity for official, not private acts

America just got a MASSIVE step towards a dictator. WTAF is going on? I'm in the wrong timeline...

TransplantedSconie , to politics in US Supreme Court rules Trump has immunity for official, not private acts avatar

I hope the judge overseeing the case immediately calls a start to jury selection.

just_another_person ,

Lol. Have you been reading about this case at all and seen who is at the helm of this case? It's Maga bullshit all the way down.

someguy3 ,

I have not, can you fill us in?

just_another_person ,
someguy3 ,

I didn't even have to open that to see that's the documents case. This post was about immunity for trying to overturn the election. Different cases.

just_another_person ,

No, she (Cannon) literally mentioned she was waiting for a decision on this case as well since some of the evidence showed he had people stealing documents BEFORE he left office.

The DC judge (Chutkan) related to this won't fuck around due to this ruling, and is even somewhat empowered by it since it puts more power in her hands. I don't think they can fast track it though, so that sucks.

someguy3 ,

Really doesn't change that you were going on about this case (overturning election case) being maga all the way down, while Cannon is on a different case (documents case).

So how is this case (overturning the election) maga all the way down? I've not read up on it and if you can fill us in that'd be great.

just_another_person ,

There are multiple judges in multiple cases waiting for this decision. I'm not getting your point.

someguy3 , (edited )

If you come in with grand claims about this case (overturning election case), then you better be prepared to back that up for this case (overturning election case).

just_another_person ,

Just did. Not understanding your point still.

someguy3 ,

You really didn't, you went to other cases. And not just the supreme Court bit, all the way down on this case (overturning election case).

But I see you're not going to admit it.

just_another_person ,

Christ. Being Pedantic on the Internet is a privilege, not a right, buddy. I clarified it. Move on with your day, and I hope you have better things to do. 🙄

TransplantedSconie , avatar

I'm talking about the classified document case. I probably should have clarified that. There are so many of them lol

Dkarma ,

Yes that's Aileen canon the corrupt trump judge.

jwiggler , to News in US Supreme Court rules Trump has immunity for official, not private acts avatar

When are we going to protest. This is insanity.

Here is an excerpt from the dissent:

Looking beyond the fate of this particular prosecution, the long-term consequences of today’s decision are stark. The Court effectively creates a law-free zone around the President, upsetting the status quo that has existed since the Founding. This new official-acts immunity now “lies about like a loaded weapon” for any President that wishes to place his own interests, his own political survival, or his own financial gain, above the interests of the Nation. Korematsu v. United States, 323 U. S. 214, 246 (1944) (Jackson, J., dissenting). The President of the United States is the most powerful person in the country, and possibly the world. When he uses his official powers in any way, under the majority’s reasoning, he now will be insulated from criminal prosecution. Orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in ex- change for a pardon Immune. Immune, immune, immune.

Let the President violate the law, let him exploit the trappings of his office for personal gain, let him use his official power for evil ends. Because if he knew that he may one day face liability for breaking the law, he might not be as bold and fearless as we would like him to be. That is the majority’s message today.

Even if these nightmare scenarios never play out, and I
pray they never do, the damage has been done. The relationship between the President and the people he serves has shifted irrevocably. In every use of official power, the President is now a king above the law.

Rapidcreek , to politics in US Supreme Court rules Trump has immunity for official, not private acts

New York Times: “The bottom line practical effect of the court ruling appears to be that the trial judge in Washington, Tanya Chutkan, is going to have to hold an evidentiary hearing on many, if not most, of the allegations in the special counsel’s indictment of Trump. That hearing will delve into the question of whether the allegations were based on official acts Trump took as president or unofficial ones.”

“That process is going to take time. How much time remains unclear at this point.”

kescusay , avatar

And that, right there, was the goal. This decision, rather than clarifying anything, intentionally muddied the waters - and treads awfully close to turning the presidency into a monarchy - in order to allow Trump to drag things out even more. They really, truly do not want him to face any sort of justice for January 6th before the election, and they hope the election will result in him never having to face justice at all.

I don't care if you fucking hate Biden, people... Vote for him like democracy depends on it, because it fucking does. This is not a dress rehearsal. There will be no do-overs. If you let Trump become president again, America is done.

negativenull , (edited ) to politics in US Supreme Court rules Trump has immunity for official, not private acts avatar

From the Sotomayor dissent, which is joined by both Kagan and Jackson: Today's ruling "reshapes the institution of the Presidency" and "makes a mockery of the principle . . . that no man is above the law." The decision "gives former President Trump all the immunity he asked for and more. Because our Constitution does not shield a former president from answering for criminal and treasonous acts, I dissent."

The President of the United States is the most powerful person in the country, and possibly the world. When he uses his official powers in any way, under the majority’s reasoning, he now will be insulated from criminal prosecution. Orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune.

Sotomayor does not use "respectfully" with "dissent" here or at the end of her dissent, which concludes: "With fear for our democracy, I dissent."

TaterTurnipTulip ,

Good. The other justices don't deserve any respect.

lennybird , avatar

The people who need to read this are either the psychopaths who implemented the strategy to get these conservative hacks on the court, or the grossly gullible base too illiterate to find let alone comprehend this dissent.

someguy3 , to politics in US Supreme Court rules Trump has immunity for official, not private acts

The court analyzed four categories of conduct contained in Trump's indictment: his discussions with Justice Department officials following the 2020 election, his alleged pressure on then-Vice President Mike Pence to block certification of Biden's election win, his alleged role in assembling fake pro-Trump electors and his conduct related to the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.

The court found Trump was absolutely immune for conversations with Justice Department officials but returned the case to lower courts to determine whether Trump has immunity for the other three categories.

The ruling marked the first time since the nation's 18th century founding that the Supreme Court has declared that former presidents may be shielded from criminal charges in any instance.

SnotFlickerman , to News in US Supreme Court rules Trump has immunity for official, not private acts avatar

(3) Presidents cannot be indicted based on conduct for which they are immune from prosecution. On remand, the District Court must carefully analyze the indictment’s remaining allegations to determine whether they too involve conduct for which a President must be immune from prosecution. And the parties and the District Court must ensure that sufficient allegations support the indictment’s charges without such conduct. Testimony or private records of the President or his advisers probing such conduct may not be admitted as evidence at trial. Pp. 30–32

This is how fucked we are. Right here.

Testimony or private records of the President or his advisers probing such conduct may not be admitted as evidence at trial.

So nevermind all that evidence you have of them planning it out in the open. Inadmissible in trial!

Get fucked Supreme Cunts.

Blackbeard Mod , avatar

So then nothing a President ever does can be considered premeditated. This timeline is fucking insane.

Sam_Bass , to politics in US Supreme Court rules Trump has immunity for official, not private acts

Stupid just keeps getting stronger.

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