Off My Chest

todd_bonzalez , in After the past nine years, and having a family, I think I'm sick of California

That's a whole lot of words to say "I'm a huge racist and wish I lived in a white ethnostate".

Edit: Oh wow, you're a mod.

Hey, @orphiebaby, are you aware that this White Supremacist is a mod of your community? Take a look at her comment history, she's been going on and on today about how refugees and asylum seekers are all criminals and that she's afraid that they'll move near her...

BonesOfTheMoon , in I wish I had never dyed my hair blonde between 2013 and 2020

Ugh cops are trash.

ParabolicMotion OP ,

I don’t think all cops are trash, but if someone puts another person’s puppy in a head lock and then denies it, because he knows he did something wrong, then he doesn’t deserve to be a cop. Want to be a cop? Just get fired as a security guard after working at a place that pays you to guard crates of raisins. Crates. Of. Raisins. You want to know why he was fired? Probably because he had so many arguments with his coworker who didn’t speak much English (his coworker supposedly claimed to only speak an Asian language fluently) Every story was about that guy he couldn’t stand. The guy would act like he couldn’t understand my ex and refuse to talk to him. Maybe he just didn’t want to talk to someone that does things he shouldn’t and then denies it.

Anticorp ,

I’m sorry for whatever you think you saw

Is a pretty common attitude for people who become police officers. So, they're probably not all trash, but there are enough of them like that for it to be a common sentiment.

teft , in Does anyone on Lemmy have access to cadaver dogs? avatar

Why not just go to the cops instead of blowing smoke up all our asses? Anyone who truly thought a relative was a murderer wouldn’t be soliciting cadaver dogs on social media.

ParabolicMotion OP ,

I have filed a report with local law enforcement. I also filed a federal tip online when the local law enforcement did not respond. I’m not lying. I’ll pay someone to bring cadaver dogs out here. I’m not blowing smoke up anyone here. I want to know why people like you immediately attack all of my posts regarding this situation, instead of saying that it should be investigated. Why not be in favor of searching for proof of an event occurring, instead of immediately denying it? If you thought the Earth was flat, and thought people who believed it was round were crazy, would you just keep denying their claims, or would you want to be provided with evidence? If you think I’m wrong, why are you so against the idea of proving that to be true? If cadaver dogs were walked around the property, and nothing caused a reaction from them, wouldn’t that be a feather in your cap? Why are you against investigating claims when it involves murders that are decades old?

glimse , (edited )

I will tell you why your posts and comments tend to get downvoted but please read it as an observation on your communication as opposed to an attack on your character:

You write like a crazy person. Like the other commenter said, you sound like you're in the midst of a mental health crisis. It's like writing a post in all caps and acting confused when people tell you to calm down. It doesn't help that you're a prolific poster and all of your posts have the same frantic energy.

If the way you come across does not match your reality, perhaps reflect on your chosen writing style. It's very, very, very similar to the way people often write during a manic episode.

ParabolicMotion OP ,

Really? Because your comments sound like a frantic person shouting at someone to shut up. You don’t sound like you’re very mature and even tempered.

glimse ,

My comments don't sound like that and I am both mature and even-tempered. I am not telling you to not share your thoughts, I'm suggesting that if you adjust your online communication style by explaining how it comes across to a lot of people as evident by the downvotes you get when you write that way.

ParabolicMotion OP , (edited )

No one has ever told me that. No one says those things in response to posts I create about other topics, either. I only receive those comments with regard to this particular family issue. To me it comes across as, “be quiet, or we’ll frame you as crazy”.
I was in honors English courses, AP English courses, and college writing courses. No one ever complained about my style of writing. I took the SAT, GRE, and ASVAB with my current writing style. I passed all of those exams. No one complained about my writing.

I think you’re only complaining because the content makes you uncomfortable. I don’t know why it would, unless you happened to be involved in the family issue, or directly effected by it.

glimse ,

Of course they wouldn't complain, your writing style is appropriate for an English class or memoir. But we're chatting online, not trading papers. That is what I'm trying to get across.

ParabolicMotion OP , (edited )

Phrasing aside, do you happen to know anyone with connections to cadaver dog rentals?

Also, the sidebar of this sub says that I am more than welcome to share without restrictions to writing style. Read the first rule of the sub.

sploosh , in Does anyone on Lemmy have access to cadaver dogs?

You write like a person who is in the midst of a mental health crisis. You should go see a therapist and just talk for an hour or two, just to see if they might be able to help you with some of the problems on your plate.

protist , in Walked into the office today to see people had been discussing me

You're externalizing everything. Your entire frame of reference for your life is other people doing things to you, or "making" you feel a certain way.

I've worked in the mental health field for a long time, and can tell you plenty of people have been through terrible trauma or live in unfortunate circumstances who are able to maintain their own independent identity and sense of self-worth, whether or not they need a bit of support in doing so.

Only you are going to be able to decide to make your life better, and that's going to start with recognizing the work you need to do to change yourself. Complaining about everyone in your life online and then complaining about everyone online online is not working for you

dogsnest , in Walked into the office today to see people had been discussing me avatar

Hey, I'm not following you - I just try to read all your shit. There's a bit to process. Plus, interesting. Plus, I don't think you can actually 'follow'....

This post reminds me of something I once heard:

I don't go to football games, because when they're in the huddle, they're talking about me.

Anyways, keep churning.

streetfestival , in Walked into the office today to see people had been discussing me avatar

That is a lot of crap to go through. I think your math degree, licensure, and love of your career are really impressive and admirable. I've hated my job for years, and am finally in a 1-year transition to leave it. It takes time to get things in order, and I don't even have kids. Are there any local women in academia groups you can access for some fellowship and/or to evaluate whether the working environment is better in other nearby universities? It sounds like a better working environment would be a big boost, and might even help a bit with personal matters, like bearing your parents' under-recognition of your professional accomplishments. I know this doesn't sweeten working in a bad environment that much, but the people passing their time by judging you on superficial aspects of your life are just superficial people, perhaps desperately focused on trying maintain an appearance of having their own things in order

ParabolicMotion OP ,

Thank you for understanding. From about 2017 to 2020 it became quite a living hell, since I felt forced out of my career at that point. Some people have been really understanding and supportive, but that isn’t always the case. I have been trying to return to my career, hoping things will improve, once I have a contracted position again. People like my parents will still not treat me any better because of it, though, I’m sure. I have a job interview for a contracted position with salary. That job offer is for a state in the Deep South. I’m female. I’m separated. I’m in my 30’s. I don’t know how they’ll react to me if I move there. I have hundreds of relatives in the South, but I have never even met some of them, and many of them hate democrats, I’m sure. Wish me luck, right? If you see me running to an airport in Alabama with my luggage flying open, in a hurry to high tail it out of town, you’ll know it didn’t go well!

streetfestival , avatar

I hope the interview goes well! I'll be rooting for you

ParabolicMotion OP ,


SatansMaggotyCumFart , in I’ve become self-centered instead of self-absorbed

The amount of I’s and myself’s in this makes me uncomfortable.

Guadin , in I’ve become self-centered instead of self-absorbed avatar

That's going to be a long path. Start with small steps to train yourself. Set weekly goals/reminders of what change you want to see.
Start by forcing you to actively listen and engage in the conversation. Train yourself to remember what the other person said. If you don't feel like helping, ask yourself why (after the conversation is over) and actively decide that your reason is valid and you indeed don't want to/can't help. If the reason is not valid, offer to help. Also, start conversations with other people as small talk. That way, not all conversations are about what people need from you.
Train yourself to stop seeing conversations as something where you need to solve people's problems. If they are not actively asking your help, maybe they don't need it. Maybe they're just offloading some frustration or see you as a friend with whom they can share personal stuff.

Not all talked about problems require a direct solution from yourside. Sometimes people just want somebody who symphatizes with them and feels with them. And that's enough and the only thing they want from you.
Unfortunately, being a human means all interactions are selfcentered from the startingparty point of view. So view them as part of life.

ParabolicMotion , in I’ve become self-centered instead of self-absorbed

Have you considered local volunteer work? You could go give blood. You could visit a retirement home and bring some board games for the residents to play. Just some ideas. I don’t think you’re self centered. You reflect on how you can be less self centered, and most self centered people don’t do that.

Today , in I'm pretty sure my older "sister" has locals calling me a mean nickname she created for fat women in the 90's

Unless you're in a very, very very small community, it seems unlikely that an adult would meet a child, somehow learn that the child was part of another adult's life, and then tell that child to insult that other adult. It's much more likely that the insult they're using is more common than you realize and something children just throw around. Probably has nothing to do with your sister. Do you want to share what the word is?

ParabolicMotion OP ,

This is the same older sister that has sicced guy on me that are ten years older than me, or more, in an attempt to make me date them. But in actuality, it was her trying to set me up for a cruel joke and bullying. It’s always men that are around her age and know her. One of them put feces on his chapstick, covered his lips in it, and then demanded to kiss me. This is the kind of stuff she does/arranges to bully me.

And yes, we live in a very small town. Her son plays baseball in a league with these families, so she sits around and talks to all their moms. The sisters of the sons attend the baseball games and practices, so they probably hear her.

Lowpast ,

What was the word

ParabolicMotion OP ,

It wouldn’t make sense here. It’s a name that my distant cousins invented in the 90’s. Later, my “sister” began using it as an insult.

Basically, some teenage boys created a name of a fictitious person in order to call women fat. They were actually using the name to describe a bloated body of a dead relative that had been discovered after it was too late to embalm it. They basically abused the corpse, and then tried to say it wasn’t one of their relatives they had abused. They gave the body a “nickname”, and then began using that nickname, as an insult towards women who were still alive.

If I told you the name, it wouldn’t make sense to you because you weren’t there in the ‘90’s to have to put up with them, or that situation.

h3mlocke , avatar

Okay so what whas the word?

Lowpast ,

It doesn't need to make sense. What is it?

SatansMaggotyCumFart , in I'm pretty sure my older "sister" has locals calling me a mean nickname she created for fat women in the 90's

You really are the best troll on this website.

I wish Lemmy has notifications for favorited posters.

ogmios , in I feel no remorse about save scumming in video games avatar

I'm just surprised some people care. If you want to play with rules for limited saving that go beyond what the game is programmed to do, good for you champ, but some people enjoy playing all of the systems for their maximum advantage, and even more simply do not care.

uhN0id , avatar

Remember when Elden Ring came out and how mad the hardcore souls enthusiasts were when casual players (like myself) wished there was an easier mode? I couldn't get past the first harder enemies and it just wasn't fun because I'm awful at those kinds of games. Some people really hate when you don't play for difficulty or the challenge. Personally I play games to get lost in a digital world not to prove I'm the best.

I still haven't beat even 1% of the game because I gave up on it and went back to games I'm better at. Like my 500th playthrough of Half Life 1 or Hell Divers 2 on medium haha.

ogmios , avatar

wished there was an easier mode

Okay, that's a completely different issue though. The reason that difficulty selection gets push back is because developers are often very lazy in how they implement it, and it makes the "hard" modes little more than an exercise in tedium rather than an actual challenge. So people who enjoy the Dark Souls style games tend to get protective over one of the very few significant titles which scratches that itch these days. There are a wealth of significantly easier games to explore (and frankly better, too, unless you are there for the challenge).

uhN0id , avatar

That's a great point and I definitely agree from that perspective. I didn't really mean that it necessarily should have been implemented so much as the people that actually got mad that "you wouldn't be playing it the way it was meant to be played". I absolutely understand the technical issues that go into it (built server APIs at an indie game studio for some years if you can believe that after saying how bad I am at Elden Ring). It was just that the very idea that someone could want a more forgiving experience causing some other gamers to seeth over it for some reason as if someone's casual gaming desire affected their ability to enjoy the game.

ogmios , (edited ) avatar

seeth over it for some reason

I told you what that reason was though, and you ignore it in favour of imagining strangers as entirely unreasonable antagonists.

RGB3x3 ,

Seething over someone wanting to enjoy a game they bought is unreasonable. Some people get pissed at the suggestion it should have an easier mode.

Accessibility takes nothing away from the way those players want to play Souls games. Simple, small adjustments to enemy health, damage, invincibility frames, and speed could go a very long way to making the game worth the money people paid for it.

It's especially frustrating that Elden Ring was constantly pitched as the most accessible souls game, but it's still not nearly as accessible as fans and reviewers made it out to be.

uhN0id , avatar

Exactly. It's like some players want to gatekeep the game in a way where it's an exclusive experience with this weird "If you're trash then git gud or you shouldn't play" mentality.

Weird how there's this "there shouldn't be an easy mode" mentality yet the community absolutely ate up the whole "Let me solo her" meme where another player literally came in and fought people's fights for them and that was totally acceptable.

Honytawk ,

They only like those games so they can feel better than others. Gatekeeping is part of their fun.

If the souls games had much more to offer than difficulty like they claim, then the game would still be good with a lower difficulty.

ogmios , avatar

Some people get pissed at the suggestion it should have an easier mode

Do they really though? Or are you just imagining the people you argue with online in the least charitable light?

uhN0id , avatar

Have you been on Reddit? I'm not saying this is the ER community as a whole by any means. My entire whole point is "why does anyone care how I or anyone else wants to play a single player game" even if it's only a few people. I've seen comments verbally berating players for saying they wished there was an easier mode. Yes they're the minority but my point was never "all players are like this".

uhN0id , avatar

I didn't ignore it, I just didn't address your points individually. I just don't think someone being "protective" of a game is a good reason to be mad when people who readily admit they suck but still wish they could play it because there's nothing else really like these games for combat, pace, and worlds etc.

I don't intend to act like all the fans are these angry seething fools. I'm just saying that it's ridiculous that some of them would get mad about the idea that someone would actually prefer an easy mode. As if their enjoyment of the game is directly impacted by the level of difficulty another player plays on. Like the OP here, if someone save scums then who cares? If I'd love an easy mode for Elden Ring then who cares? It literally only impacts the person playing it. I like to play games for the worlds they create. Not to challenge myself. My job and life does that enough for me.

If there was an easy mode where enemies had say 50% HP (just an example) how would that impact anyone but me? Why is it justified for hardcore Souls-like fans to be upset about that?

Broken_Monitor ,

A few tips, one of my favorite games but it is daunting.

Early enemies that you can’t beat like the horse rider mini boss are meant to be skipped initially and returned to later. There are a lot of immediately accessible areas which are pretty tough, but there’s also beginner dungeons. You kind of have to poke around and find them.

Co op makes this game way, way easier. Use the furled finger to place a sign down and be summoned as a helper. This is a great consequence free way to learn. If you die you keep all your runes and can upgrade and purchase stuff, and you can figure out where enemies hide, traps are, or what moves enemies use. Sometimes other players will show you useful tactics, and having someone distract enemies while the other person attacks from behind trivializes a lot of fights. Finally, helping someone beat a boss rewards you with a chunk of runes, and a finger remedy.

You can use a finger remedy to summon help to your world. This can have the consequence of allowing invaders, but you can summon two helpers at a time usually, resulting in a 3 on 1 fight for invaders. If you get lucky your helper will destroy bosses for you so keep an eye out for summoning signs at boss doors. Often times those people are well prepared to assist and may know the boss weakness and move sets.

If you don’t want player help but still want an assist you can use “summoning ashes” with a summoning bell. You can get this at the church where one of the first merchants is - go there at night after you’ve acquired your horse. As you play further you’ll find more powerful summons to help you, some with special abilities, some more useful than others. It requires mana to use these and will replace player helpers (only one at a time), but you won’t get invaded, can resummon them if you have mana, and they are useful as a distraction to enemies.

There’s a lot to discover, and bypassing harder parts to backtrack later is highly recommended. Beginner dungeons usually reward you with summoning ashes after defeating their bosses. Knowledge is power in Elden Ring, don’t be afraid to die to gain that knowledge.

It’s still a tough fucking game though, so I don’t blame you if it’s still not your thing. If any of that seems helpful though maybe give it another try!

dual_sport_dork , in I feel no remorse about save scumming in video games avatar

INB4 someone mentions the bit from Rick and Morty.

wesker OP , avatar

Additional off my chest:

I've never intentionally watched an episode of Rick & Morty, and I never will.

Rhynoplaz ,

So, I know the fans can be obnoxious, I get that, but just hear me out.

Like you, I wasn't interested in watching it, then somebody posted this clip on Reddit. I watched it and thought, damn, I gotta check this out.

Im like 4 seasons behind, and I'm in no rush to get caught up, but maybe someday if I'm bored. If you have some personal vendetta or point to prove, then nevermind my comments, but if the popularity just turned you off, it's not all bad.

wesker OP , avatar

I appreciate your assessment and it seems fair. However, there's something about the writing and characters that I really don't like and can't get into.

snooggums , avatar

I watched for a while, but dropped it as I liked everything about the show except Rick and Morty. The way those to talk is just annoying between the burps and the whining.

So yeah, I can relate to not getting into it.

Rhynoplaz ,

I can totally see that. Everybody's a real piece of shit on that show. I just put it in the genre of Seinfeld or It's always Sunny, a bunch of assholes being assholes so we can laugh at them.

Honytawk ,

The burps and whining mere diminished once Justin Roiland got kicked from the team for calling underaged girls in Morty's voice.

It is a lot more tolerable in the last season.

Euphorazine ,

One of the best parts of that episode is Mr. Poopy butthole is in every scene of the intro sequence

dual_sport_dork , avatar

...And hasn't been in any episodes prior. He's obviously the original prime parasite, right?


jjjalljs , in I feel no remorse about save scumming in video games

I save scum sometimes. I did a lot in bg3 because the skill checks have such a big random factor.

I don't save scum in my favorite rogue like (Crawl: stone soup). Most of the time losing feels like my fault, and not just random.

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