@snooggums@midwest.social avatar



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Samuel Alito’s Mysterious Absence From Supreme Court Raises Questions ( newrepublic.com )

Samuel Alito was again absent from the Supreme Court on Friday after skipping out on Thursday. No information has yet been provided by the court for Alito’s mysterious absence, which comes as the court is issuing decisions before the end of its term and leaves nothing but questions on his whereabouts....

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

Sounds like he is working on a way to delay the decision of whether Trump is a king.

I wish Alito dead. The rest of the conservatives too.

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

His guard is up for the first act because he is traveling with new people.the change is due to warming up to the characters.

Shadowheart does this in the first act too, and combined they are really annoying as a combo but I found both to be fine individually.

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

Obvious design flaw is obvious. Do cars not need to meet basic safety standards to be roadworthy?

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

"This shit is oily! Hey Bob, can I borrow a match for my pipe?"

Fumbles lit match.

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

Their complaint is that he isn't sharing his murder tour money.

Accused adulterer Trump who paid to keep Stormy Daniels affair secret professes ‘love’ for the Ten Commandments ( www.independent.co.uk )


snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

Trump also worships a false idol (money), bore false witness (and keeps getting judgements), steals (doesn't pay for work), doesn't keep the sabbath, covets pretty much everything, and is too chicken shit to commit murder but has called for the death penalty on exonerated people and was recently in the news because while president he wanted his opponents executed.

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

The current right wing government also doesn't represent every citizen of Israel either, but it is ok to use 'Israel' as a shorthand for the actions of the current right wing government when the actions are a continuation of decades of similar colonialism and the government is in power due to how the majority of the population voted.

So hatred against everyone in Israel is also wrong, but saying Israel is committing genocide doesn't require saying it is the current government.

This meme should say "The actions of Israel does not represent the will of all Jews,,,"

Edit: I expect everyone who down voted also refrains from using Russia, China, or the United States and other names of countries when making criticisms for consistency. "Russia didn't invade Ukraine, the current Putin led government did."

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

That was the plan after they got enough extreme justices on the bench.

Standing only matters when they want it to.

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

Kempelen was inspired to build the Turk following his attendance at the court of Maria Theresa of Austria at Schönbrunn Palace, where François Pelletier was performing an illusion act. An exchange afterward resulted in Kempelen promising to return to the Palace with an invention that would top the illusions.

I find it absolutely hilarious that his invention to top the illusions was another illusion.

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

'Man flu" is a derogatory term used to mock men for being "weak" by getting sick in the first place and it doesn't actually matter if the symptoms are more severe or last longer. Men are being mocked because they are admitting that being sick actually impacts them.

Medically, yeah, knowing if there is a significant difference will most likely be helpful for treatment but that isn't really relevant for a sexist insult.

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

They will end up finding out that the US will absolutely have their back despite the genocide of Palestinians so that the US can keep their middle east ally. You know, like that one asshole who always starts fights because their big friends help out when they start getting their ass kicked.

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

Yeah, that is why laws were created to try and counter that.

Then Republicans overturned them in pursuit of evil.

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

The joke is even easier when you have a goatee!

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

To save a click: It is a federal disability program that doesn't literally keep them from getting married, but the loss on benefits that would come from being married is keeping people from getting married.

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

If someone rants about something being a danger to the US, then doesn't avoid buying that thing, they are a hypocrit and should be called out.

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

"It would have taken like five minutes, and we just didn't have the time!"

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

You have a few recent comments and a few older posts with downvotes, but most things are overwhelmingly upvoted.

The downvotes were earned, and maybe you should give more consideration to why people were disagfeeing with you on those few topics as there were replies that made the reason clear.

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

Why spend time on self reflection and improving one's understanding when you can just quit instead?


snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

Nah, I was nice at first but they don't want to acknowledge the reality that most of their stuff is upvoted so this is the perfect context to mock them.

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

I think you have taken fuckcars as being universal across all lemmy communities.

Columbia University professors refute ICC and UN Gaza famine claims ( www.i24news.tv )

Columbia University professors Awi Federgruen and Ran Kivetz have presented research findings asserting that sufficient food supplies are entering Gaza, disputing claims of famine perpetuated by the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the United Nations (UN, The Jerusalem Post reported on Tuesday....

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

Ah yes, the same kind of logic that proves that nobody in the United States is starving because we have far more food available per person than needed.

It checks out since food is perfectly evenly distributed all the time, especially during violent conflicts!

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

Yeah, but there is a significant portion of the voting public that are willfully ignorant.

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

No more swerving to avoid children.

Problem solved.!

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

That is why I turned lane assist off after a dozen false positives that felt like the car was going to steer me into danger with no benefits.

Parking assist got turned off when parking in a garage set off a cacophony.

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

Do you have trouble staying in your lane on the highway?

That's the easiest place to stay in a lane.

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

The wheel jerking makes me think that I'm losing control and is extremely distracting.

It isn't about losing tug of war, it is about losing focus.

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

Its job is apparently making up for lazy people who can't pay attention to the multi ton vehicle they are driving.

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

Different cars have different levels of pushing back. My in laws' Subaru twisted hard like bumping a curb while my Honda was a slight bit of resistance.

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

And yet we give Dow all the platforms to misinform people now because they have more money.

How the Recycling Symbol Duped People into Buying More Plastic ( www.scientificamerican.com )

Plastic wrap tangles around sorting equipment at recycling facilities, shutting down operations as employees try to cut it out of the equipment. Huge bales of paper shipped overseas can contain as much as 30 percent plastic waste. “Contamination is one of the biggest challenges facing the recycling industry,” the EPA said in...

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

The three Rs represented by the logo are supposed to go:

Reduce -> Reuse -> Recycle

Plastic companies tricked people i to skipping the first step. They also love slapping it on plastic waste for reuse, but people just assume the whole thing means recycle now.

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

Them: "I just wake up at 4 a.m. naturally and can't seem to sleep in!"

Also them: "Have you tried to bed and waking up earlier? All it takes is practice!"

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

Just like how italian, German, and Chinese foods came about! America is just more recent and we tend to keep the labels of the influences ao it is more obvious.

Denver gave people experiencing homelessness $1,000 a month. A year later, nearly half of participants had housing. ( www.businessinsider.com )

Denver's basic income pilot — which first started payments in fall 2022 — focused on over 800 Coloradans experiencing homelessness, including people living in cars, temporary shelters, the outdoors, or other non-fixed living situations. Participants like Laws were given direct cash payments, no strings attached, and could...

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

I just can't believe that when you give money to people who don't have enough they will spend it on basic necessities! Maybe we should try replicating this nationally to see if this was just an outlier.

For a control, maybe do an income for everyone. To keep is simple, we would need to stick to the basics and just give everyone the same amount and see if it provides universal stability. There is probably some kind of name that would cover this universally basic income.

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

Evolutionary psychology is as scientific as phrenology.

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

Phrenology wwas an active field until it wasn't.

Evolutionary psychology does start with a reasonable starting point, that some behaviors are passed genetically, but then uses that to give excuses to things that are primarily learned or discourged through social and environmental pressures. It takes something that is reasonable to speculate about as part of being biological but then twists it into justifications for racism and sexism by painting with broad brushes.

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

That’s the same as saying darwinism is garbage because it led to eugenics.

Quantum mechanics isn’t a garbage field because Deepak Shopra thinks it can cure baldness.

Evolutionary psychology at its core twists the concept of genetic inheritence into justifications for racism and sexism, like phrenology before it. These two examples are people taking existing science and misapplying them to things they don't have anything to do with.

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

Your reading comprehension is lacking.

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

Name one time evo psych was used correctly and wasn't just reinforcing stereotypes.

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

Holy shit, I thought it was double digits. How did they get 376 to show up without any of them roid raging their way into doing something other than dicking around?

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

We don't need a fancy word that makes it sound like AI is actually intelligent when talking about how AI is frequently wrong and unreliable. AI being wrong is like someone who misunderstood something or took a joke as literal repeating it as factual.

When people are wrong we don't call it hallucinating unless their senses are altered. AI doesn't have senses.

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

Those are examples of actual hallucinations where something did not happen.

Quoting a joke reddit thread as factual is not hallucinating. There was such a thread, but it wasn't factual and an LLM is wrong to present it as factual.

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

It would be awesome if legal terms like 'grandfathered in' were ditched along with those laws. A term that was used to let white people automatically vote because their grandfather wasn't a slave shouldn't be be kept around as a reminder of Jim Crow.

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

Are there any examples of user facing AI that isn't a complete train wreck?

I'm sure some usafe as a tool to assist someone that can filter outliers exists for acientific pattern matching, I'm mostly wondering about stuff customers interact with that is just working without any news stories.

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

A cool Guide for Saving Money when you make double the median income.

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

fascists hate all art

Bullshit. They absolutely love propaganda and co-opting existing symbology to unite their supporters and exclude the out groups they use to fan the flames of hatred.

They do hate all art that doesn't support their mission though.

snooggums , (edited )
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

It seemed to be about things, other than art (and broke up the sentence) in a way that the part after the parenthesis, seemed to be talking about something, other than art.

This is a reply with a similar confusing sentence structure.

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

“I’m super glad I didn’t get married again so I can just walk away if this shit lasts more than a few days.”

I'm glad you didn't get remarried too.

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