Off My Chest

popcap200 , in I just discovered my wife's secret credit debit

Can she afford to look into ADHD treatment? Does she have health insurance? IMO it's totally worth it.

Anticorp , in I just discovered my wife's secret credit debit

This is a perfect example of why couples should maintain separate finances. Since she's the only person making money in the household that's impossible. But think about what you're really saying. You're heartbroken and infuriated that she spent her money, that she earned, on things that she wanted. Get some perspective and and realize that she's a grown woman who is financially supporting her family. She doesn't need your permission to spend her own money.

Isthisreddit ,

I don't know what bitch ass downvoted you, so here is a upvote. This post is absolutely correct, OP is a bitch ass

Jarix ,

Please stop commenting online, you make this a worse place not a better one by being so toxic as to be calling people bitch asses

Just leave you arent being a good community member, you are cancer

Isthisreddit ,

Perhaps people need to stop coddling OP. I don't know if you have ever been in a position where you were the sole person supporting an entire household, it's pretty hard to keep your sanity. OP isn't helping the situation with his tantrum. I'm calling it as I see it, he's being a bitch ass.

Jarix ,

Point of contention. Shes not "spending het money" shes spending credit. Shes in debt without telling her married partner of 20 years.

Hes responisble for that debt as well, so its not about him controlling her earned money.

This is a trust issue, and since he is unable to earn money thats really fucking shitty of her to hide a thing like this from him. The amount isnt really the issue, he found out about this debt when it was small enough to be managed, but this could be the beginning of a much bigger incident.

Anticorp ,

I suppose that's a fair point.

Jarix ,

While i disagree with you in general about how you commented, i do believe each person in the relationship should have some form of personal discretionary funds available for whatever frivolous or not spending they want to do.

But that spending should not affect or effect the other person in the relationship in the way of putting the relationship, or the health and safety of anyone in it at risk.

Anticorp ,

You're right, I should have taken the time to phrase it better. I feel strongly that couples should maintain financial dependence if at all possible. Money is the single biggest cause of divorce and there usually isn't a lot of reasons to argue over it if the relationship boundaries are structured correctly, and both partners are honest and respectful. In that I can understand OPs frustration, since he felt that she was keeping this a secret.

Jarix ,

And add to that i think the history of debt and bankruptcy cant be dismissed very easily as it adds a lot to the situation.

Things you and I dont know is what factors other than becoming disabled contributed to the previous debt. But thats for OP to weigh

Wahots , in I just discovered my wife's secret credit debit avatar

As others have said, $2,500 isn't worth throwing away your marriage. You love her, and she loves you.

However, I would recommend that you both explore couple's therapy. It's healthy to do a bit of a check-in!

I think the best thing to do is to help figure out how to manage stress and conflict more constructively for both of you. That nips the problem in the bud, and makes it easier for you two to talk face to face about issues that are sensitive or stressing you out going forward.

Counseling has helped a lot of my friends and family through tough situations, whether that is relationships, mental health, coming out, spending, stress, etc. It can be super helpful to get an outside opinion and advice from a party that isn't emotionally invested in a problem (such as a sibling, friend, or relative). I went once to get a fresh perspective on a longstanding problem and came out a new man.

xnx , in I just discovered my wife's secret credit debit avatar

Oh man i was expecting $100,000+ debt. $2500 is nothing man im not even 30 with almost $12,000 in credit card debt and this is nothing compared to people with student loans my age.

Dont sweat it. Talk about it and tell her its okay and she should just mentioned it but its not a $2500 is nothing to fight over

AlecSadler ,

I declared bankruptcy for well over $25k in CC debt in my 20's. I don't like that I did, but I'm tens of years beyond that now and better for it.

A bucks a buck, but I wouldn't ruin my marriage over $2500.

Communication is key, for sure.

Isthisreddit , in I just discovered my wife's secret credit debit

Bro, seriously? $2500 is nothing. I can't believe your post is real, you are being way too dramatic over this. She is the breadwinner, let her spend money on herself and don't make her feel so guilty she had to hide this pocket change from you - clearly you are too controlling with this. Tell her your a bitch ass for even thinking this is a major problem and letting it upset you. Laugh, tell her you will work on yourself and move on.

ThatWeirdGuy1001 , avatar

If you think $2500 is pocket change you need to reexamine your view on "not well off financially"

Isthisreddit ,

When it comes to home finances, $2500 is nothing. It is not cheap to maintain a home. Regardless, that's not what OP was complaining about. His wife is the breadwinner and he is complaining she is spending money on herself essentially. $2500 in credit card debt is not something to get so bent out of shape about - He is a bitch ass and I will die on this hill.

Sidyctism2 ,

Ahh cool.

Can u just paypal me 2000$? I mean its literally less than nothing.

TBi ,

Me too. I’ll upvote the OP if he also paypals me $2000!

Isthisreddit ,

It's nothing in the scope of home finances, I don't walk around with that much money, but my home always finds a way to make me spend thousands of dollars on fixing dumb shit every year.

Either way, the point is OP doesn't like his wife spending money on herself, which I think is lame as fuck

callouscomic , in I just discovered my wife's secret credit debit

Lotta people in here ignoring OP's note about how sensitive and aggressively defensive the SO is. That will cause a relationship where one partner might get tired of trying and learn not to trigger them. They probably have serious inability to have hard discussions.

Simply saying to talk to their SO and don't worry about it, let it go, isn't real helpful. Having been in relationships with aggressively defensive people, it is a minefield to ever bring up any problem with them. There's almost no good sensitive way to do it with some people, and that gets tiring.

Jarix , in I just discovered my wife's secret credit debit

OP if you are still struggling with this situation, it might be beneficial to you to examine what exactly is it that bothers you?

That she hid this from you?

That she is creating a debt you will be responsible for(if she is not willing/capable of managing this debt) without your consent? (You claimed that she has made you responsible for household finances)

That she is doing something without you?

Is it trauma from the situation that caused you to previously declare bankruptcy?

Is being in debt at all a trigger for you?

Theres lots of things about this situation that You probably dont stress over, but clearly something has you spooked by this. If you understand what doesnt bother you it might help navigate her defenses and focus on what is a problem, instead of wasting energy fighting over aspects of this situtuation you both can focus on what actually is bothering you and not the details that might lead the relationship to a worse place. Its just exhausting to be arguing over the wrong things. Its incredibly harmful to working things out

Ive been on the other end of this. She was the bread winner when we moved in together and then she kept changing jobs and not liking them eventually she was too depressed to hold a job at all. My 15$ an hour job was our only income for about 2 years at one point and i found out she had racked up 5000 on her credit card.

Before i found out she would always get upset about me questioning her use of that card. We were already in debt for a car we bought together and we were really struggling.

She eventually decided she was unhappy and broke up with me. Have dated 2 people since that didnt go anywhere and its been almost 15 years now

Dkarma ,

Op doesn't need to examine shit. It's obvious why op is entitled to be mad.
She's spending money they don't have on things she doesn't need under the guise of therapy.

Nuff said.

Jarix ,

It entirely depends on what outcome OP is okay wiyh and how they approach getting there. You and I dont get to decide this, i was only offering OP a strategy to help under a specific context.

You can disagree with my advice all you want, its OPs opinion that matters

You are dictating what to do, i was only offering my viewpoint. I dont care if op finds my advice useless, they are simply welcome to it as thats they are the ones asking for opinions to help them make up their mind.

Take it or leave it, feel free to ask questions if you see a problem.

Im advocating for more discussion, you are shutting down discussion

WhatsHerBucket , in I miss text-based tutorials avatar

And I have to stop listening to my music :(

dactylotheca , in I miss text-based tutorials avatar

And the text tutorials that we do get are either padded out with bullshit or written by a fucking LLM

henfredemars ,

I hate that BS so much. Despite the advancements in technology I feel like I can’t find anything anymore unless I know exactly what I’m looking for in advance and from whom.

adam_y OP , avatar

I blame cooking blogs for introducing this bloat.

"First let me tell you a little about my relationshio with cinnamon... It all started 40 years ago whilst I was..."

LinkOpensChest_wav , in I miss text-based tutorials avatar

It's not perfect, but usually I can ctl+F and find the part I'm looking for

I fully agree. Text based tutorials are so much more convenient and becoming scarcer all the time.

ipha , in I miss text-based tutorials avatar

Ahh yes, the 15 min video that should have been 3 bullet points.

pivot_root ,

Hey guys, welcome to another of Johnny's Tech Tutorials. I'm your guy Jim, and today we're going to be covering how to prevent Slack from showing other users when you're away from your computer.

But first, today's sponsor is Cubezone. Cubezone is the leader in website design and hosting. If you're a small business owner looking to create a professional website or an independent contractor wanting to host an online portfolio, Cubezone has you covered. Choose from over 420 different premade JavaScript-required designs to make your website stand out among the competition. And I'll tell you what guys—if you sign up within the next seven days with the code JTTCZ5, you can get 5% off your first 30 days. You gotta act fast though, as it's limited to the first 10 new subscribers.

Ok, I don't know about you guys, but back when I worked for a company, we used Slack for communication. Slack is great for most things, but they just don't let you set your status to be permanently online. If you step away for a coffee or a washroom break and don't come back fast enough, there's a good chance your boss will see it. Unfortunately, not everyone has an understanding boss. And, if you're one of those people with a minute-counting pencil pusher for a boss, you'll know how bad it can be. Luckily for you, there is a way that you can bypass that pesky Slack snitching.

If this helps you, make sure to smash that like button and subscribe for more tech tutorials. So, here's what you're going to do: head on over to Amazon and search for a "USB mouse jiggler". Any of them are going to work, but I highly recommend the "JigglePhysiks Pro 300" for its natural mouse movements. I'll put a link to that in the video comments if any of you are interested and want to help out the channel. Once you get your mouse jiggler, you're going to need to find a USB port to plug it into. If your computer doesn't have any free ones, though, don't worry about it. You can grab a USB hub from Amazon to get a few more ports. Or, if you have a Mac, make sure to grab a USB C to USB adapter. Once you have all those set up and plugged in, press the button on the device and walk away for your morning coffee. That's it! No more away status.

Thanks for sticking with me guys. If you haven't subscribed already, I post new vids every Tuesday and Saturday. And I would also like to thank my wonderful Patreon members for helping keep the channel going. I couldn't do it without your generous donations.

dactylotheca , avatar

This is so horrifyingly accurate it gave me a headache

GregorGizeh ,

I really want to vote this down because it is textbook cancer youtube but I have to respect the precise craftsmanship.

eran_morad ,


maegul , (edited ) avatar

Like all the other replies ...

  • On one hand ... fuck you, you awful person, why would you put me through that
  • On the other hand ... you are a treasure and a master craftsperson and ought to be celebrated for the mirror you hold up to society

... sometimes ... fucking "modern hustle" youtube ... just come on!

EDIT: just to be clear, this was wonderful and thank you, I’m being mostly facetious here.

reddit_sux ,

Read it faster than seeing it on video at 2.5x

Sotuanduso , avatar

Pro tip: When you start a YouTube video and it's seeming like this, push 3. It will skip you to 30% into the video, which is usually right around when the relevant part starts.

Here, going by character count, it puts you halfway through the last sentence of the sponsorship, which isn't bad, though this example is particularly eregious and doesn't start the real instructions until you're about 59% through.

nieceandtows ,

What if all text tutorials became this? Recipe websites are already this way.

Emerald ,

Yeah recipe sites are the worst. I get it if they truly want to share their personal story about the recipe, but I'm sure many just do it for SEO

grrgyle , avatar

I even hate the sound of the voice my head made up to read this in

apfelwoiSchoppen , in I miss text-based tutorials avatar

Gamefaqs, but for life, please!

0110010001100010 , in I miss text-based tutorials avatar

I feel this in my soul. I'm SOOOO fucking sick of a 20+ minutes video that could be like 2 paragraphs of text. I can't tell you how many times I have to pause, rewind, watch again, pause some more, etc videos. I get it if there is something that has to be shown visually but if you are just running commands or something why do I have to watch it?!

henfredemars , in I miss text-based tutorials

I think there’s something to be said for the difficulty in writing a good tutorial. I remember back in the day, before video game walk-throughs, even the text versions were often difficult to decipher.

I also believe we have way more tutorials than we used to have, but the tools for locating good sources are focused more on making money than serving visitors.

Empricorn ,

"Difficult to decipher"? I honestly don't think I ever encountered this. At worst, text walkthroughs were too verbose, but that was just because they were passionate single-person projects. Can you elaborate, or do you have examples? Keep in mind I'm mostly thinking of GameFAQs-style text walkthroughs.

nickwitha_k , in I miss text-based tutorials

And Discord is not a substitute for documentation.

Reucnalts ,

I am always saying reddit and discord are killing the use of forums and therefore are killing a lot of content that would be accesible and readable for people in the future. Discord is my main problem with that. Back in the days games had their own forums and people would post guides and they could be sticked to the top. But in discord servers so often you just have long ass on going conversations that hardly give you any information. It is nice to have the option to chat and look for groups and the abillity to immediatly join a group voice chat with said people.

A friend send me a link from a reddit post with same topic but it was french and i dont use reddit anymore. But i miss the small communities for games like Dungeon Crawl by Stone Soup, some good old roguelike :)

grrgyle , avatar

It's like anti-documentation

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