gravitas_deficiency ,

I’m visiting Bangkok currently, so: definitely custard apples and mangosteens. Snake fruits and guava and the specific type of tangerines they use as “oranges” over here, too. And the green skinned “sweet oranges” which are also awesome. And like all the various types of mangos you can get in Thailand.

Also, I’m taking “available” to mean “purchasable, and ripened mostly on the vine”, because the stuff that gets shipped internationally is picked SUPER unripe just so it doesn’t spoil before sale.

Basically, I would fucking LOVE it if there was a Thai grocery in my city that flagrantly violated the Washington Treaty.

For real though, if you ever get the chance to try a ripe custard apple, they’re absolutely fucking delicious. Can’t recommend it enough.

BonesOfTheMoon ,

I'm Canadian but for some reason you never see tangerines anymore. Plenty of other citrus but not tangerines

I also would like to see pink and red fleshed apples in the store. And pawpaws. I sometimes get some from my local farmer friend and they are SO good but hard to come by.

HipsterTenZero , avatar

the Gros Michel banana. I never had the chance to try one before they were wiped out.

edit: and the Hua Moa banana, because it looks silly

shottymcb ,

I'll tack on apple bananas. They're tiny and taste like an apple and a banana had babies.

OhmsLawn ,

Apple bananas are freaking amazing. I'm always so happy when we score some at the Asian grocery. That little pop of acidity makes all the difference.

EmoDuck ,

The Gros Michel isn't fully extinct, you can still buy them as delicacies. But from what I've heard they aren't that great, just different to the Cavendish

Drusas ,

Thin-walled bell peppers like you find in Japan and China. Even the local Asian grocery stores don't sell them, and I can find pretty much anything else.

BonesOfTheMoon ,

Like the Shephard peppers?

Drusas ,

No, very different. These are like miniature bell peppers with thin walls. Shepherd peppers are not so small and have thick walls.

Takii's New Ace is a variety I've grown.

scoobford ,

Apricots. They're available, but they're always shitty.

I'd kill for apricots like you can get in the EU. Cheaper than here and they were delicious, not mealy and bland.

RBWells ,

Agree. Good apricots are elusive. I have had them but 99% of the time they go straight from underripe to mealy.

whotookkarl , avatar

Huckleberry but apparently they are really difficult to farm.

downdaemon , avatar

I’ll be your huckleberry

Lemming6969 ,


spacemanspiffy ,

Depends where you live and if you know where to look. There are plenty near places I have lived. Usually near streams.

daltotron ,

Huckleberries. I never see them as a commonly available thing in stores, eaten alongside things like bananas, which sucks, because bananas are some plant grown like a thousand miles away and I can go outside and go gather my own huckleberries if I wanted. It should be really easy, I live in an area where they grow.

So, that, but also just more broadly I kind of think that after learning enough about different regional botany, we've both crippled basically every ecosystem with a bunch of invasive species, we've crushed the human experience into a very narrow square set of experiences which includes the biodiversity that you can see around wherever you are, and we've made food worse. Because we're not using local plants for our food, you see, we're just using a bunch of generic ingredients that are sort of unnaturally made out to be universal across entire hemispheres, maybe even across the globe. No regional variation outside of specialty goods, only Mcdonald's.

The thread's gonna be against this opinion broadly, I think, but there's not like, it's not just the huckleberry, you understand, there's a lot more out there that you don't know about, both edible and not.

Dasus ,

Huckleberries. I never see them as a commonly available thing in stores,

Visit the Nordics in June-July.

Markets full of them.

Hell, you don't need to buy any, just walk into any forest and start picking.

tal , avatar

First, note that there are a number of plants called the "huckleberry".

My guess is that @daltotron has good odds of talking about Vaccinium membranaceum. I've had that in Idaho, and consider it to be pretty good.

People pick it in the wild, but it hasn't been successfully domesticated. Much of the plant lives underground, and it depends on very specific conditions that are hard to reproduce on farms. You can buy some wild-foraged berries, but they're a pain to get, so available for limited periods of time and relatively-expensive.

I don't believe that those grow in Europe, and in fact, looking online, the name "huckleberry" only showed up in the Americas, after European colonists misidentified an American berry as the European-native "hurtleberry". You might be thinking of a different type of berry; googling, I don't see people talking about huckleberries in the Nordics.

We also have a plant called "huckleberry" around the Bay Area in California, Vaccinium ovatum, which is easier to find in the wild, grows larger and more (albeit smaller) but a lot less impressive, in my experience.

Dasus ,

It's a variety of bilberry.

The name huckleberry comes from "hurtleberry" -> "whortleberry"

[1]Cited as "U.S. 1670" in Onions, CT (1933). Shorter Oxford English Dictionary. Vol. 1 (3rd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. p.

No-one misidentified anything, per se. Taxonomy in the 1600's just wasn't anywhere near what it is today, and you'd be well in your rights calling the berry with the same name, just like I'm sure you call apples apples instead of going by the variety of subspecies. (And "apple" used to even mean even wider set of fruits. That's where the word for "orange" here in the Nordics comes from, "Appelsin" = "Chinese Apple")

krowbear ,

Persimmons. I know they're available at least in the bay area because I had them when I lived there briefly, but have never found them in my regular home in the pacific northwest. I also don't remember them as a kid growing up in Tennessee.

Got_Bent ,

I get them in Texas from the Korean market. I don't know that they're available year round though.

I'd be surprised if you couldn't find any via Asian markets in the Pacific Northwest.

krowbear ,

Oooh I haven't checked there, thank you!

Got_Bent ,

I keep thinking back to this. I believe persimmons are in season in the fall, so if you don't find them now, go back in a few months and you should have better luck.

berryjam ,

We have persimmons in Michigan

OhmsLawn ,

Those are very late season fruit. I wasn't aware they weren't available up north. Look for them starting in October, I think.

tal , avatar

Note that there are two different cultivars I've seen sold in the Bay Area.

  • Fuyu. These are typically eaten crunchy (and are so even when ripe), like an apple. They look kind of like a tomato, are short and wide.

  • Hachiya. There are very soft, almost a jell-o consistency, when ripe, and are very fragile. My dad used to grow them in his backyard.

ObsidianZed ,

I always wanted to try the cashew fruit ever since I discovered it was a fruit.

Allegory it's too juicy and fragile to import.

msgomez06 ,

My dad used to pick some up when he took our dog for a walk, and the way I would realize he had done so was by my suddenly feeling queasy due to the smell.

I hope you get the chance to try it sometime, but if you don't know that it might also not be a bad thing :)

xkforce OP ,

Ive tried the juice which tasted weakly citrusy with a strong nutty flavor. Is that anything like the fresh fruit tastes?

msgomez06 ,

Like I said, the smell alone caused my stomach to turn, so I avoided the fruit. Dad seemed to like it though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

h3mlocke , avatar


berryjam ,

Why is this downvoted? There are more kinds of beans than you can buy in the typical American supermarket. Tell me you've never been to an ethnic grocery store without telling me 😒

xkforce OP ,

People probably instantly took their meaning to be mundane beans eg. pinto. Adzuki beans or at least the red paste desserts made from them, I bet most people here haven't tried but would like.

berryjam ,

Adzuki beans are yummy 😋

tal , avatar

What type? Most beans ship and preserve well when dried, so you can usually order them online.

sxan , avatar

I've heard rumors that, while we see two kinds of mango in the US, there are many more varietals in India, and they're all better. I'd like to have access to some of those; mangoes rock.

IMALlama ,

I suspect this is like our tomatoes. The tomatos you buy in stores were cultivated to be pretty, to get harvested by a machine, and to ship without getting damaged. Meanwhile, heirloom tomatoes will split their skin on a humid day, but they pack a ton more flavor in. The same is true for the vast majority of our fruit and veg. Actually ripened on plant produce doesn't have a very long shelf life.

Aux ,

That's not what heirloom tomatoes are. Heirloom means they're not hybrids. There are loads of heirloom and hybrid varieties with all kinds of properties, flavours, shapes and sizes.

IMALlama ,

I was generalizing about heirlooms not being very easy to grow to modern standards. I grow a decent verity of heirlooms and hybrids and the hybrids don't split nearly as often.

Aux ,

Also large tomatoes which split are usually classed as beefsteak tomatoes. There are heirlooms like Brandywine and hybrids like Brandy Boy. And if you don't grow tomatoes yourself you'll never know the difference.

IMALlama ,

And if you don't grow tomatoes yourself you'll never know the difference.

What do you mean? Once you have home grown, or even farm stand, produce you realize that the vast majority of grocery store stuff is picked before it's really ripe.

Aux ,

You're confused.

berryjam ,

That's the truth, not a rumor.

Alborlin ,

Oh there are like many varieties of mangoes z but hands down best is called hapoos or alphonso, it's so so good. I recently found it EU due a colleague and tasted other varieties too such as kesar ( in think it means orange) , in could eat the peel also .
The only place that you might get is Indian grocery stores in the areas specially now to end of julyi guess

HootinNHollerin , (edited )

Green curry should have Thai eggplant yet I can only get it with that from one Thai restaurant I know

dylanmorgan ,

I’ve found Thai eggplant at 99 Ranch stores.

pmw ,

Fresh bamboo shoots.

berryjam ,


HootinNHollerin ,

I’ve got a tree in my yard that pumps out hundreds a few times a year. I have to give them away. SoCal

berryjam ,

Give me 🥺

RBWells ,

We have guava in the stores here in Florida but I've seen rhubarb twice in half a century.

berryjam , (edited )

I've seen rhubarb in the Midwest fwiw

RBWells ,

I think it grows in colder places and isn't popular enough to get imported here, I can get so many fruits that are exotic elsewhere, but apples and potatoes are expensive here, and rhubarb I just never see.

berryjam ,

I'm biased towards tropical fruits so I think you have the better end of the deal. I actually thought rhubarb was a herb of some kind, learned that it was a fruit after your comment

IMALlama ,

It's a fruit?! I thought you used the stalk, which looks somewhat like celery in shape. /a Midwesterner who has eaten rhubarb pies made/grown by a great aunt

xkforce OP ,

Botanically it isn't a fruit but it is a culinary fruit because of how it is used.

Dozzi92 , avatar

Funny, I'm in NJ, and within the past month I've seen guava and rhubarb for the first time ever on the shelves. Haven't gotten rhubarb yet, I really don't know anything about it.

kurcatovium , avatar

Don't. It's evil. Even though you might like it, it's not worth the risk.

PumaStoleMyBluff ,

I have a 6 foot by 6 foot patch of rhubarb in Wisconsin that's completely gone to seed because I don't have enough freezer space to keep any more of it. It makes a great simple syrup for cocktails and of course classics like crumble and pie.

xkforce OP , (edited )

When I was a kid, we had a patch of it in the back yard and mom would make desserts out of it. Or wed just eat it raw.

BackOnMyBS , avatar

I was born, raised, and currently live in Florida. The guavas in Florida supermarkets are closer-tasting to plastic than the guavas I've had in the Caribbean.

RBWells ,

Yeah I have only used them sort of unripe, for compote with so much sugar. But they do grow here.

kurcatovium , avatar

Holy cow, I hate rhubarb. We always had it in the garden and my grandma used to bake cakes with it. Thos sweet cakes would be sooo good, but that pos plant always ruined them to non-edible garbage. At least for me, some people like that taste, though. (Europe)

Dozzi92 , avatar

I just got into guava recently. I live in Jersey and my local ShopRite started stocking clamshells with six guavas or so, ranging in size from a goofball to something larger than a goofball but smaller than a baseball. Maybe like billiards ball sized. I'd never eaten them before like a month ago, and so the seeds threw me T first, but I've got the technique down now and shit, when they're ripened, nice and soft, they are fantastic. I worry about the day when I get to ShopRite and the guavas are no longer.

berryjam ,

Literally about to go to whole foods to buy guavas because you reminded me of the taste 😭🤤 You should cut them and season them with salt and chili powder, they taste fantastic that way.

altima_neo , avatar

How bigs a goofball? The ones at work are always huge.

Dozzi92 , avatar

They're the size of my kids, since they're generally the target if my references to goofballs.

And I guess my phone thought changing golfball to goofball was what I needed. Maybe I should read a little better what I write. Maybe next time.

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