@Dozzi92@lemmy.world cover
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar



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Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

You do, it's called property taxes.

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

What if their arms are just really weak, you do have to turn the wheel slightly more than normal.

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

I've 100% turned on my blinker for a curve in the road, and I feel like a fucking idiot when I do it. So fortunately I've seen other people do it and I know there's at least a couple of us out there. The worst part is it's been the same curve multiple times. There's nowhere else to go either, the road just bends right, but sometimes I just hit the old blinkety-blink.

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

What are people going to say, "Yeah, I knew he was gonna do it, but I had other shit going on so I ignored it." Meaningless quote you hear all too often after people commit suicide unfortunately. And I don't mean to admonish anyone, but who comes out afterwards and says "Yeah, his life was shit and he was a miserable fuck it was only a matter of time."

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

What time of year was this? I'm gonna take the kids eventually, but I'm pulling them out of school and we are going to find the least peak time possible. I refuse to go anywhere on spring break or over the summer.

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

So between February and November, got it.

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

I pronounced epitome epi-tome for the longest time. Now as I read, I pop onto Google when I encounter something I'm unfamiliar with. And I'm 36, my job has me fairly familiar with the English language, but I swear some writers discover a word and they're like "can't wait to use this two or three times in the next couple chapters."

It's that and character/place names, but character names are dangerous lookups, spoiled a plot in WoT looking up how to pronounce Moraine. And the worst part is her name's pretty obvious, but I fucking looked it up anyway. I thought Hermione was obvious as a kid, but that's probably because I transposed the I and O, now that I think about it.

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

I don't speak Spanish, but do Spanish authors pull the same shit English ones do, where they give characters absolutely nonsense names with ambiguous pronunciations? Is it even possible? I will read a name of a character or place and spend the next 20 chapters reading the word twice or three times in different ways.

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Portuguese, to me, sounds like this: msh msh oowow msh msh. I love it.

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

My bag of flour is in a Ziploc bag as we speak. As was the previous bag. The choice between environmentalism and a pantry without flour everywhere is unfortunately an easy one to make for me.

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

I feel like it's the glottal T. I know for me, personally, my tongue doesn't touch my teeth, but there is still a T sound. I am not British, though I am from Jersey (New).

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

My six year old daughter is getting the hanging of the spelling and whatnot, but earlier on in her Kindergarten year, words like "driver," to her, started with a J. I had never thought about it, but it absolutely (at least in our NJ dialect) has a J sound, because, as you say, we all talk fucked up (paraphrasing).

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

I believe it lacked alliteration. Should've called it Weefill. Do the Water Way with Weefill Water Waypoints, where you're in for the wettest of whistles.

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Just a dollar ninety-nine and you're in!

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

I have some good friends who were born in the 70s, and some born in the early 80s. I'm essentially the cusp. My friends who are only three or four years older went through high school never hiding a phone in a hoodie pocket to text their girlfriend. I got my first cell phone my junior year of high school. Facebook came out essentially contemporaneous with my acceptance to college. Social media then and cell phones then are absolutely not the same as the shit we have now. It was a freedom to communicate, and privacy was your choice. Now, privacy is up to whichever service you use, and most likely it doesn't exist. And it's odd because kids today seem to be okay with it.

Myspace and flip phones were fantastic. There were drawbacks, sure, but overall they allowed people to spread their wings and find like-minded individuals. Now, it seems like it's a funnel to nowhere.

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, that ship has sailed, unfortunately. Pandora's box has opened and my phone and my income stream are pretty intertwined at this point. It's also how I Lemmy.

bffr and look up what solidarity is ( lemmy.cafe )

Solidarity denotes the unity and mutual support among individuals with shared objectives, crucial in protests for reinforcing collective resolve. Protests are strategically held in high-visibility, disruptive locations to maximize impact and draw public and institutional attention. This disruption compels acknowledgment of the...

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Time has also passed me by, I thought best friends for real.

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

I second this. I read that column on the right and it makes me want more information. When I hear exclusionary zoning I think of what is happening right now local to me, towns excluding warehouses from the list of permitted uses in all of the zones in town. And so I'm just curious how it is used here, or what uses are racially driven (and that's probably just me being an idiot).

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Yes, sometimes feels like the untied states, because I'm not exactly sure what unites us, besides geographical borders. I'm from Jersey and I feel like the interior states are their own thing, the south is it's own thing, and the NEC, PACNW, and Cali are on somewhat the same page. You'd think education would be pretty consistent across the board, but states rights and all that, whatever it means.

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

That's really it, soup and stew. I opt for the celery root, toss it in a bag, call it a day.

Our [New Scientist] writers pick their favourite science fiction books of all time ( www.newscientist.com )

This is an interesting list. It's missing some of the true great classics, like Frankenstein, and it has a number of unusual, less well known titles, but there's a lot to like on it. There's certainly a lot for people to disagree about, but it may well have your less often cited favorites, too. What do you think?

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

It's chaos, but Jon Bois is amazing at putting order to even the most chaotic things. If you don't know him, he's purely a sports guy, but he has a number of video series on YouTube that are absolutely great watches, regardless of whether you like sports. I hate (American) football, but he has a number of videos I watched intently, because he does a great job of analyzing random number sets and plotting them out in a way that is visually appealing. Guy is a nut, and it makes for great television (obviously not TV but yeah).

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Is that a Justice album cover?

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

I believe you meant "Why the fuck do you care at all?"

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Cruise ship or bust.

And it's just a drawing but I'm trying to realize it in actual size. Cruise ships are huge, pushing 250 or so feet out of the water. That's considered a high-rise in the construction world.

Now I look at that loopdy-lopp and say hey, that boat could fit. I'm ignoring all the other physics and shit and just Matchbox car'g that boat through that loop. That makes that loop like, what, 1000 feet? And that is ignoring the structure beneath the surface, and also the other dimensions of this, and the sheer velocity and volume of water.

So I'm gonna call this one a hard maybe. Perhaps if the world could set aside it's differences, we could do a sort of space race, but instead a ship flip, or a boat float, or some other rhyme.

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

It is. I watched it with my daughter when s1 came out, and it was well beyond just tolerable, which is the baseline for kids shows. Good story, well acted, great animations, good music.

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

I just got into guava recently. I live in Jersey and my local ShopRite started stocking clamshells with six guavas or so, ranging in size from a goofball to something larger than a goofball but smaller than a baseball. Maybe like billiards ball sized. I'd never eaten them before like a month ago, and so the seeds threw me T first, but I've got the technique down now and shit, when they're ripened, nice and soft, they are fantastic. I worry about the day when I get to ShopRite and the guavas are no longer.

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Funny, I'm in NJ, and within the past month I've seen guava and rhubarb for the first time ever on the shelves. Haven't gotten rhubarb yet, I really don't know anything about it.

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

They're the size of my kids, since they're generally the target if my references to goofballs.

And I guess my phone thought changing golfball to goofball was what I needed. Maybe I should read a little better what I write. Maybe next time.

USA Lemmies: Where do you live?

I comment a lot on stories having to do with state governments and legislation or regions of the country. It got me wondering how many people I'm accidentally disparaging when I don't mean everyone in said state or region is terrible. So… Please be as specific or obtuse as your privacy filter requires. I'll start:...

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Jersey. The best state.

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

I'll say, haven't been in a while, but my brother lived in SF and then Palo Alto for a bit during and after law school, so 2009-14 we'll say, and I had a blast every time I went to visit. I haven't been back since, and obviously people say the city has changed a bit, but back then it was such a different lifestyle from the East Coast.

I always go back to this story, at that time Dunkin Donuts's catchphrase or whatever, at least in the NEC, was America Runs on Dunkin, but when I went out west they would say America's Favorite Coffee, and I always found it a pretty apropos juxtaposition of the coastal mentalities. In NY/NJ, we were all about work. Everyone works, you go out after work in your fuckin suits, you talked about work. It was a culture, and it ran on coffee (sometimes Dunkin). But out west, people seemed to be more interested in taking in life, the sights, the food, and yes, the fucking coffee.

And the catchphrase for the middle of America was "drink it or don't, nobody cares about you".

JK, flyover states!

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

including places whose current inhabitants I would not want to publicly associate myself with.

Long way to say Staten Island.

And a giant dick from JC sounds like someone who moved in sometime after 2000. I feel like the old timers, the real legit JC people, are anything but dicks. That city went through some hard, hard times, and it's in its golden age right now, it's nice to see.

I think NJ tends to be a love it or hate it kinda place. I lived outside of NJ a couple of times, but it pulled me back in, as they say.

As for South Central PA, closest I've gotten was probably King of Prussia, perhaps. Don't really know much about it, but I'm always interested. Got a family now, and being able to pop them in a car to go to some kind of experience, versus the cost and hassle of flying (i.e. doors fall off), is appealing to me. And I'm at a point in my life where I can bring my kids to places I find interesting but they find incredibly boring, but when they get to my age they will continue the cycle (barring the apocalypse, of course).

And as for OC, MD, I feel like if you have a beach place you go to, that's where you go. I've been going to essentially the same place for 37 years, at this point. On our way there, we pass Ontario license plates for all them who head down to Wildwood or maybe to MD too. I'll probably take the family to Rehoboth or Ocean City, MD, at some point, just for the sake of checking the box (barring them being underwater, of course).

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

It's funny but even catching a well hit fly ball, if you haven't done it before it's going over your head.

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Is achieving significant political change really viewed as ezpz?

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Watched dudes install a countertop. Apply caulk, one wipe, beautiful. After countertop installed I put in trim (it's a window to a patio) and need to caulk literally a straight fucking line six inches long. Caulk, wipe, looks like ass. Great work!

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

I actually invited him inside as I had some chipped dinnerware. After he was finished I said "Your caulk looks great on my bowls."

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

I did an indoc for scout snipers. The shit is no joke. Sitting on a hill is easy. Crawling to that hill and remaining in that position over the course of days with limited food and water, nowhere to piss, no shelter from any effects of weather or bugs or anything, that's the hard part.

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar


Puns away, I take my kids hiking from time to time and the conversation of bears comes up naturally (I bring it up), and I try to tell them about what to do, what to look for, this and that. It's almost like literally everything else, education is a key to understanding.

And bears, for all intents and purposes, are robots, they tend to do what bears do. Now people, on the other hand, they're a mystery.

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Are you a robot?

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, just a little substance every night and we're good to go.

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

You're a mosquito.

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Maybe whipped cream? That or butter. Not a fan of either personally. Although maybe some kind of cream cheese, would probably go well with the jelly. Not a fan of that either, but it's a thing.

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

I am rewatching with my wife and just watched this episode last night, so imagine my surprise to see life imitating art this very morning.

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

And it's braindead and I'm not sure you need to be in the military to realize dudes are dying in the military, but not for the military. My thought process eventually became don't want to kill, don't want to die, but would do either for my guys, my squad, platoon, company. Maybe even Fox company but fuck those guys.

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Muhammad out here gatekeeping prophets, it nice Muhammad. I think anyone can be whatever they want to, so long as they try hard.

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Yes, of all the books of that ilk, Reacher just never resonated with me, and I feel like you may have helped me come to realize why. Jack Ryan (amongst others in Clancy books), Mitch Rapp, they all kind of gave a background on how the character got there, and even took time to show them training in some fashion. Jack Reacher just did.

They're all smut for men though. And that's okay.

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

I generally agree with you, but half a mil is peanuts and those aren't the people I think we should be eating. I think something in the 5-10m range is where we should be taking 90% of it or something. But yeah, you need to pay leaders enough for the job to be worth doing, because the goodness of one's heart doesn't provide unfortunately.

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