Ask Lemmy

mozz Admin , in Can the internet ever be fun again?
mozz avatar

Give it time

The old school internet was fun because we were in charge. No one would put Peanut Butter Jelly Time or Look at My Horse on TV and let it play in its entirety. No one would print on paper and sell it at the corner. For the first time ever in a lot of people's experience, you could publish and say whatever you wanted. Then the reality of hosting costs set in, and the government learned that the internet existed and decided what it needed was outlawed encryption, and long story short there was a long self selection process where only the assholes wound up in charge again.

But now it's coming back. I think everyone's a little bit shell shocked back to the Facebook way (e.g. screaming about the mods and how unfair, instead of starting their own instances / communities, e.g. bickering about what "the rules" need to be and when to put content warnings and whatnot). I think it'll equalize as the realpolitik of people generally running their own servers replaces the realpolitik of it being just a bunch of assholes running the servers and us being helpless and no escape from them.

I don't know exactly what culture it will equalize to, but I definitely feel like it will be a big step back towards the old internet. We just haven't gotten there yet.

livus ,

Well said. I think you're totally spot on with this comment.

Also this gave me a chuckle:

No one would print on paper and sell it at the corner.

angstylittlecatboy , in Americans, what's the plan if Trump wins the election in November? (serious)

Hope it's not as bad as I think ("as bad as I think" means "mass killings;") What else can I do? Everyone else here seems to be privileged enough to have the skills or plain cash to say "I'll go somewhere else," isn't as worried as they should be, or think they're Apocalypse Badass Man (see: accelerationists.) That's not me. I'm unskilled, poor, I have the self-introspection to know I don't have what it takes to be a revolutionary.

Swedneck , avatar

fwiw you don't have to be a revolutionary, just supporting others (who might be revolutionaries) is great.

if nothing else, things become a lot easier to bear when you engage in mutual aid and building a local community.

TheWoozy , in Americans, what's the plan if Trump wins the election in November? (serious)

I'm a govt. contractor. I will retire the day before he's swarn in. I'm not sure what I'll do beyond that. A lot of Americans already retire to Costa Rica or Panama. I'll have to decide whether to run away or stay & resist.

LaoArchAngel , in Americans, what's the plan if Trump wins the election in November? (serious)

I'm a proficient software engineer and have the financial means to leave. I'm staying. 100%. This isn't a fight we can run from. If the US falls to fascism, there's a lot more damage we can expect around the world.

The plan is to increase the rhetoric and efforts already in place, but hopefully with more participation, as people (hopefully) slowly wake up to reality.

I had a buddy once in a previous job who didn't vote in 2016. His stance was that the system was "working as intended", and voting was equivalent to condoning the system. Not voting was his way of exercising his freedom of speech. I disagreed with his logic but I understood, mainly because I couldn't verbalize a valid and logical counterargument. Today I can.

My buddy was right. The system is working as intended. But you can't say that without also stating that, at our best, more than ⅓ of eligible voters don't vote. Couple that with a system meant to disadvantage large populations, and, yeah, the system is working as intended. I believe that our best option is to stay and fight by being politically active and encouraging others to do the same.

I also do believe in our fellow man. Trump has plenty of supporters, but I honestly believe they're outnumbered and endangered. This doesn't make them less dangerous. Probably moreso tbh. And even though they're outnumbered, the only way to truly push forward is to keep up the fight and not underestimate them. We need to be louder, fight harder, and make our voices heard when it counts. ie, vote.

chiliedogg ,

I'm staying. Just like I've stayed in Texas.

But I also don't have kids. My sister left Texas when she decided to start having children and I support that decision 100%. This is no place to raise a child.

HowManyNimons ,

My sister left Texas when she decided to start having children

Those forced childbirth laws aren't working as intended.

KillingTimeItself ,

This isn’t a fight we can run from. If the US falls to fascism, there’s a lot more damage we can expect around the world.

saying that it could be similar to germany during that one thing they did would be an understatement, considering how much bigger the US is, and how much more influence it has.

It would be global, if not near global. The only good thing would be the fact that china and russia exist, and exist in significant capacity to do something about it (though it's debatable that they would) oh and india.

I also do believe in our fellow man. Trump has plenty of supporters, but I honestly believe they’re outnumbered and endangered. This doesn’t make them less dangerous. Probably moreso tbh. And even though they’re outnumbered, the only way to truly push forward is to keep up the fight and not underestimate them. We need to be louder, fight harder, and make our voices heard when it counts. ie, vote.

it's important to remember that the right is incredibly fractured right now, every party in the right hates each other. Unless everyone somehow collectively agrees, they will likely deconstruct themselves in part.

mozz Admin , (edited ) in If you are a Libertarian and hold liberty as your core value, why do you not believe in universal healthcare? Nothing impacts liberty more than sickness and death.
mozz avatar

This is the problem with "ism"s. At whatever point you decide that philosophy X is the answer to everything, you start being wrong about a lot of the world, because whatever it is, there's at least like 30% of situations (and potentially a lot more) that your particular ism actually isn't the answer to.

Libertarianism or anti-imperialism or ACAB or socialism or pro-the-Democrats or anarchist or whatever it is, it's never always the answer. Trying to hold a debate about, well is it philosophy X or philosophy Y that's always right about everything, or any other discussion that feeds into the basic wrong premise, is just compounding the imaginary non-situation-dependent way of looking at it.

Although yes some of them are wrong a lot more of the time than some others.

Kalcifer , avatar

Before applying any of these so-called "isms" to the collective, the most important step, imo, is to ensure that there is synchronization on the collective's ideals and principles. In general, understanding all extremes, their benefits and drawbacks, is the best approach forward. One must be rooted in their ideals and draw from diverse pools of experience to round out one's beliefs.

Aggravationstation , in I'm a millenial with a decent job who will probably be able to retire someday and maybe buy a house, AMA

I'm a millennial who also has a decent job. I've owned a house for 14 years and should be able to retire.

FunderPants ,

There are dozens of us.

RebekahWSD , in What specific variety of some fruit do you prefer? (A particular apple, a certain mango, etc.) avatar

Honeycrisp for apples. I use to have a type of clementine, but in my memory problems, I've forgotten so probably any of those now!

Man clementines are just fun to have for a snack.

Drusas , in What specific variety of some fruit do you prefer? (A particular apple, a certain mango, etc.)

Pink Lady apples or bust

Rustmilian , (edited ) in Lemons(?) of Lemmy, what is something that feels so obvious to you that you just get lowkey pissed at the world for not knowing? avatar

The term is Lemmings, btw.
Because :

I was playing that old-school game Lemmings, and Lemmy (from Motorhead) had passed away that week, and we held a few polls for names, and I went with that."

Technological_Elite OP ,


Mandy , in which one is the best anime in your opinion?

There is no such thing as "the best anime", all you will hear are peoples personal biased opinions.
With that being said, ill give you multiple options for different genres, cause ya know, the above.

Animation: that one goes to akira for me, quite breathtaking gorgeous visual, form the backgrounds to the silky smooth characters, special shoutout to the dude who had to draw tetsuos mutated nutsack.

Fun factor: Ben-to, from the makers of tje jojo animes, smooth action, impactful sound effects and just straight fun seeing people beat the shit out of each other for price reduced food

Action: Claymore, that one might ruffle some feathers, but love it or hate it, the fights are high octane, brutal and had me at the edge of my seat despite knowing the manga (especially teresa vs the other 4)

Mystery: Gosick, basically little female sherlock homes, the cases she solves are an intriguing watch if you like that sort of setting

Feeling like a child again: Little witch academia, have you ever had the feeling when you watch something it made you feel young again? be it for the setting, the feeling or just straight of nostalgia? for me LWA gave me a glint of a childlike wonder i havent felt in many years

cute girls doing cute thing: None can come even close to Girls und Panzer, adorable character design, next to zero fan service, accurate panzer action (for the most part) and the battles are just generally SUPER good

and lastly: Bawling your eyes out: Ano Hi Mita (the flower we saw that day), an estranged group of friends lost oen of their people, years later they find common ground again by trying to fullfill their lost friends last wish, i still bawl like a little baby girl who just saw spongebob dry out on the fishermans table at the ending

for anyone who finds something new to watch with this, my job here is done

LifeOfChance , in If your mind got transported back 10 years right now with no time to prepare, how could you exploit your knowledge for personal gain?

Win the lotto for me and a buddy then toss some into investments and properties to sell/rent at a discounted rate following 2019 in comparison to those who inflated theirs. Instead of 2k/m I'll go $1,500 as long as it's still above the profit line I don't need hoards of wealth from it I kinda enjoy working.

Also I'd probably just dump a bunch of money into my kids name to let it start building interest for them.

BonesOfTheMoon , in Anybody know the species of this fledgling?

Starling! Our neighbors raised an abandoned fledgling and he decided the world was his best friend, and made him take us on car rides every day, as well as going for walks with the dog and sitting on my head. They're very personable and have unique personalities.

BonesOfTheMoon , in New reading spots

I have two spots, my church has a co-working day where you can just sit in there, use the wifi, drink the coffee, and work on or read whatever you want. You don't have to be religious and you'll meet nice people, and it's free. We have great conversations.

The other one for me is the local park which has a greenhouse with tables to just relax at, it has a waterfall which is nice to listen to. Just take advantage of the nice weather, take a lawn chair and go sit in the city park.

BonesOfTheMoon , in Lemons(?) of Lemmy, what is something that feels so obvious to you that you just get lowkey pissed at the world for not knowing?

Cannabis is fun and has some medical benefits, like if you're a cancer patient trying to stimulate your appetite, but it also genuinely does lower your IQ.

Rustmilian , avatar

If you start at 25 or later when you're brain is fully formed, your IQ won't take a permanent hint unless you're a heavy smoker. It will still effect your memory to some degree tho, but that also goes for alcohol and other drugs.
Using in moderation is key.

t_berium , in Lemons(?) of Lemmy, what is something that feels so obvious to you that you just get lowkey pissed at the world for not knowing? avatar

Humans are not descended from apes.
They have the same ancestors.

Why is that so hard to understand?

Klear ,

Humans ARE apes. Also fish. Fuck paraphyleyic groups.

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